OOC Thread [Dude, where's my daiklave?]

I couldn't remember the Exalted money system, so I just went with what I did know; US currency. But, feel free to haggle all you want. Hell, that's what the die rolls are for! :D
No, no, our Awesome Storyteller totally remembered. That was just the standard haggling start of 'way too high' to catch the suckers.
Bonus points for the 'Awesome Storyteller' comment. 8)
Mordant is all done at the Asylum; if Jenai wants to hang around or sneak about, that's cool. Mordant can be assumed to be heading to city hall to file all his paperwork, as well as turn over the evidence of Hax's wrongdoing to the appropriate authorities, unless something comes up to prevent that.
Arion, you want to have Jenai jump in with the "Go get our boat a crew, yarrr" pirate stuff next, or do you have a different evil scheme up your sleeve?
So, since revealing ourselves as Celestial Exalts (even if only to the Three) should probably a unanimous decision by the group, anyone have any strong feelings pro or con?

Alternative plans or specific feeling pro / con on helping the city?
I definitively want to help the city, but have no strong feelings one way or the other for revealing our natures. On the one hand, Jenai is brash enough to not really care about the danger and having the city gods on our side can't hurt (assuming our aid would get theirs in turn). On the other hand, Jenai's a pirate who knows the value of keeping something hidden until you absolutely have to reveal it (to your enemy's detriment). Add the that the lack of any guarantee the Three would be willing to shield from the Wyld Hunt in any way even if we do help, I'm on the fence about revealing what we are.
Any opinions from the Lunars?

I guess we can surmise that Knaff (remains) in favor of revealing ourselves to the Three, though I'm curious what SRC / Knaff thinks of helping out in a battle. No clue what Slip / Feantari thinks.

So, just throwing out ideas, feel free to shoot them down, just curious on everyone else's thoughts.

What about 'revealing' only to the three, and helping out on condition that our identity as Solar's not be publicly made known? We do have an Eclipse after all.

And more specifically to Arion / Jenai: You said you definitely wanted to help the city. Any ideas on how we can do that without revealing ourselves? We do have a first age boat, we could pretend to be terrestrials and just fly it around and shoot things on the battlefield, and hope to not get shot down ourselves. Thoughts or other plans?
No strong feeling about revealing to the three (though his preference is still more of the stay hidden mindset, he knows it isn't likely to last and just hopes people will be ready for it when they take the step), but as for the army, Slip would want more information. Possibly even to try to avert the conflict altogether depending on what is actually out there.
Knaff would be in favor of revealing to the Three, even if it's just his own status. He trusts, maybe too much, in his ability to run away from most danger.

As for the battle, that depends on many variables to give an answer. He'd certainly be in favor of scouting out this army, and learning more about it, if only to give the Three more info. He's not too eager to fight, that one time with the DBs was mainly because he was really pissed with them, and because it was just the group vs. the DBs, but this involves an army. It's no about any compunction against killing, just to get that straight, he's Compassion 1.
If we can use the boat without all you popping animas, Dove can make hers very, very obvious - there's just something about a beautiful woman wreathed in flames that draws the eye.

That at least gives us plausible deniability.
Okay, so, team 'wants more information', any plan to get said information? To make it easier on Sherwood setting the next set of scenes, are you guys going to be going out and scouting independently, or some other game-plan?

Just a quick summary of status. If I get this wrong, let me know:

Talking to the three:






Abstain / Undecided:


Mordant (undecided, Mordant could go either way. Leaning towards 'Reveal, but only to the Three')




Mordant (Though he could be easily convinced to the No-Fight side if it came down to it)


Knaff (Wants to help via scouting)

Slip (Wants to negotiate)

I don't know:

I just need to know what you want to do, because your actions will determine how you will be recieved.
Slip isn't really in the no-reveal camp so much as the, it's probably innevitable camp (the undecided category is fine if you want to keep things binned...). Also, as stated more info is needed before he'd decide one way or the other on negotiation.

re: sherwood, assuming the others pass info along Slip would be going off to have a look see, else pondering an otterman. :-P
Revealing only to the three sounds about right, if it comes to that. As to the actual battle, if we use the ship, Jenai and I would favour more strategic strikes than just general chaos. Flying around praying could do a not insignificant amount of damage, but the chances of leadership corps being prepared for a First-Age ship of this magnitude are slim, I would think. Even Lookshy would have at most a handful of these and none close to the upcoming battle.

The ship could approach from a direction opposite wherever it seems the leaders (if any) or other important targets are, wait for the enemy to align their defenses there, and then teleport over to the real target and blast away before retreating. If the Three are even remotely prepared for this attack, just one or two hits like that would tilt things in their favour while minimizing the time we'd need to spend on the battlefield (although the essence cost would be high). For that to work, though, we'd probably need a bit more intel.

Regardless, it would be hard (though not impossible) to convince a Valour 3, Compassion 3 pirate to abandon a city full of innocents to a battle that he could make a difference in.
I'm leaving town for a long weekend with the family, so my internet access may be off. At the latest I'll be back on Monday.
Sherwood, when you come back, can you please look this over and tell me if it's approved?

Laughing Coyote’s Wager

Prerequisites: Life of the Hummingbird, Wits 4, Essence 2

This Knack permanently enhances the Lunar's capabilities, providing a new way to gain Heart’s Blood.

The Lunar may issue to her prey a formal challenge of her own devising, but may also agree to the prey's counter-proposal if necessary.

This challenge could take almost any form—a foot race, combat to first blood or to submission, to be the first to seduce the regional satrap… almost anything will do. The target is free to refuse the challenge, but if he accepts and prevails, the Lunar owes him a boon to be named by the target.

This is an Obvious effect that lets the prey know that the Lunar cannot refuse or fail to discharge the debt without suffering a curse. The prey doesn't learn anything beyond that save what he might guess from other clues.

The curse would cause the Lunar to be punished as though she had broken an oath sanctified by an Eclipse with an Essence rating equal to the target’s permanent Essence rating. Requested boons may not be impossible or inherently lethal, but they may be very dangerous. Thus, attempting to get around life-or-death combat with powerful prey still carries its own comensurate risks.

By contrast, should the Lunar win, she magically gains that prey’s Heart’s Blood without having to kill him, touch him, or do anything that alerts him to the fact that it happened. This Charm does not obligate the Lunar to reveal what she's really after. In fact, the prey's Heart's Blood needs not be the ONLY thing (or even the principal thing) the Lunar gains by winning, and indeed, wise Lunars often ask for more conventional rewards for winning the challenge, as decoys for their true intentions.

Laughing Coyote's Wager only provides its benefits if the Lunar's target desires to win the contest, however unlikely their victory might be in truth; the Lunar cannot order a bound demon or hired flunky to deliberately fail in order to gain its form. Of course, nothing prevents her from simply rigging the contest so that her failure is impossible, but should her target realise this beforehand, the Charm fails, as their desire is pre-empted.
My gut response is to say that this need to be tweaked a bit. Taking a new heartsblood form without taking the life of the target is a big step, something that would require either a higher Essence requirement or make the new form temporary, wearing off after time.
Note that it only happens if the target agrees to the challenge, so if they do not agree, it's void. also, if i fail at the challenge, there are drawbacks to it.

And it doesn't obviate the one point of willpower needed for the hunt, so there's enough limiting factors.

But i'll abide by whatever decision you make.
If nothing else, it should probably have the charm that lets you get temporary heart's blood without killing the target as a pre-req, since it builds from that conceptual area.
That wasn't nice Zoronos, most of what Knaff said was the truth...

Edit: Also, added Wits 4 and Life of the Humming Bird as prereqs for the above knack.
With those changes, I'll ok the Knack. I just hope that I won't regret it. :wink:

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