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Realistic or Modern OOC Grad Night

Nick Cage fc means Ive succumbed to tits out chaotic energy
also joseph lacks the swag but this scene is too funny and coincidental not to share
Bro did you actually find a movie where your face claim and mine are in the same movie, if so.


And yeah that’s pretty funny tho. XD
YEAH HONESTLY I had no idea. I’ve used Katheryn before but i was looking at gifs after I finished the CS and it was the elevator scene in this movie and I was like OH NAUR WHY IS JOSEPH IN THE ELEVATOR.

and the fact they use Jennifer as a name in the clip. Wtf scary coincidence moment
Honestly saame!! Might make a '95 cheerleader type x
YEAH HONESTLY I had no idea. I’ve used Katheryn before but i was looking at gifs after I finished the CS and it was the elevator scene in this movie and I was like OH NAUR WHY IS JOSEPH IN THE ELEVATOR.

and the fact they use Jennifer as a name in the clip. Wtf scary coincidence moment

I was totally debating on which type of jake I wanted to use for Joseph, definitely not mysterio but I was either thinking zodiac, night crawler or that movie XD

I was totally debating on which type of jake I wanted to use for Joseph, definitely not mysterio but I was either thinking zodiac, night crawler or that movie XD
mysterio would be Joseph but with swag

I was totally debating on which type of jake I wanted to use for Joseph, definitely not mysterio but I was either thinking zodiac, night crawler or that movie XD
Nightcrawler very feral so good on that 😂 Mr Music Jake would be unhinged too but in a completely bullshit meme way

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