OOC Chatroom

I kinda want to jump in and add Nagahoshi Tech to the organizations, and the Stardust's model to the ships. Probably not the voidlers to Species, though, because they aren't going to be relevant at all. But them I'm "calm down. Don't just shove everything you created for YOUR setting into this project". Haha.
I'm sure you can write it, In the end it's Captain Gen that decide to utilize it apart from what we are using already for our characters, 

So I'm almost guessing that 

Yeah! Go wild! (Pun unintended at first)

Will work with practically anything we write in there.. Call it Free-thinking? *Shrug*
You know, this question just occurred to me and I thought it better to ask since I haven't seen it explicitly stated anywhere.

Are we allowed to swear? 

I don't know about the swearing think, but I did want to say good job on your character; I recommend putting the species info in the species thread later.

Thanks! I'll probably put a little something-something on the Species thread for the V'zikt. 
Might also add Seyek's Hive to the organization lists. Just that one though. I want to leave room to expand the others later on (and also because writing up six similar yet dissimilar organizations all right now would be a little excessive).
so, I'm just gonna go ahead and ask the stupid question. What is the significance of an RP being "hosted"?

Basically, everything can be in one place, and better moderation options are available.
@Captain Gensokyo

Alrighty then! Gives us plenty of time to gather our stuff. I was just curious is all.

Also, has anyone else noticed that [CENSORED BY THE CLINTON ADMINISTRATION]
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Same, I'm still working on a planet or two to add to the Thinking Corner, whether they'll ever be seen or mentioned, doesn't matter, it could always draw inspiration for something.
I'm in the process of cutting out some stuff from my character sheet and putting it on the Species page. Looks cleaner that way. I'll be adding things to both posts now that I have room. Cause now I have two posts. That's... that's like twice as many as one post!
Would you call it...I̼ͣ᷁m̘᷁͟p̮᷇᷁o̱᷁ͯs̶᷁͘s͉᷁͐i͉̐᷁b̂᷁ͨl̞̍᷁e̷̖͋᷁̈᷁͞
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Would you call it... Impossibru? . . . . .

I'll show myself out now.

Looks like someone managed to read my whistle-blowing before it was covered up, haha. Careful now, they might make you disappear. And by they, we all know who I'm talking about... 

That's right... The Mimes...

Don't let them know that you know.

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