OOC Chatroom

Hello! Thanks for letting me in. I'll immediately start with ruining the couch and curtains.

I mean, I'll get to working on a CS, it's a bit late here, so I'll either get it up in a few hours, or tomorrow.

The starship hopefully doesn't have any problems with something insectoid-ish.... Or Robotic.. (Man, Insect aliens are not easy to find, at least the non-feral-horrible-man-eating-ones.)


I just remembered that Delastarh, one of my character, suffers from a slight Entomophobia, aka fear of insects. It's going to be interesting.
Also, Metaralis isn't very friendly with doctors and scientist for backstory reasons. Just saying.
I just remembered that Delastarh, one of my character, suffers from a slight Entomophobia, aka fear of insects. It's going to be interesting.
Also, Metaralis isn't very friendly with doctors and scientist for backstory reasons. Just saying.

How 'bout a doctor with murderous tendencies? *wink* *wink*
How 'bout a doctor with murderous tendencies? *wink* *wink*

Well since the last doctors/scientists he had to deal with wanted to use him as a "guinea pig" due to his symbiosis and he didn't escape them unscattered, he probably won't take it very well.
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I've already made a character, although depending if we need anything specific,

Like a Helmsman, Navigator, Chef or anything that usually seems important, and we're lacking people who can take any such position.

I do have an some Insect/Arachnid fellow that is more or less on standby.
And hello to you.

@Captain Gensokyo

As @Sludgemouth

Wrote in their character sheet at the bottom.

If it isn't too much to ask for (And I'm sure if you want, we can all contribute!) A quick rundown of the major rooms/components that are on-board the Albion.

I don't think we'd need a map for it, but knowing what is there and the more important parts of how the ship runs. (Engines, shields, critical points.) ?
Believe it or not, but this is my first time making a hosted project. I'm glad this has gathered so much interest lately! 

I'm honestly hesitant to start until I have some idea of what I'm doing, lol.
Take Star Trek notes; give us a mission, interrupt that mission with something irrelevant, forget about the mission.
Hey it's fine, nobody is rushing you Cap'n. (Heck if we're sharing how clueless we are, I've been a long-time roleplayer on this site, with some minor and major pauses, and all the new things here, including the chat reply box, is awfully new to me.)

But! Like I said, I'm sure, that since everyone has interest in this, we all have at least some knowledge about Sci-fi, so if anything we can always help and work together.
Take Star Trek notes; give us a mission, interrupt that mission with something irrelevant, forget about the mission.

as long as we don't have to go constantly rescue the commanding officer, because he decided it was a cool idea to just bounce out to go try and "handle this personally". looking at you Captain Janeway 
OK guys, we've got a lot of eager people waiting to start up here.

Let's get to the first order of business: Motives for interaction. We need some reason for why some of us would interact with each other on such a huge ship (EX: The captain chatting up a specific soldier or technician during free time). 

We also have two mercenary characters played by @MystikGalaxy, meaning they aren't pre-established members of the crew.

My idea for having the mercenaries join up might have something to with them catching a runaway bounty somewhere on Skyria. Thoughts, Mystik?

As for the rest of us, some incident, perhaps a huge accident of some sort where everyone is at least a witness, might have to happen to cause all of the characters to know each other from that point. That, or we could just say "because it works" and just start talking to the other characters.

Let's discuss how we can get this worked out!

@Mossino @Trust (no longer online) @Wixard @Fenris @Cynthiera @Thane Korino @Sludgemouth @Sigismund @revior@Legend:D @Huey @Vanguard10
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