OOC Chatroom

@Captain Gensokyo

At the least, you've said it, better than fooling yourself and going on with an rp and it would end up crashing.

As for help! I'm sure you can ask all of us! Just remember.. You're the Game Master, it is always, no matter what, your final decision for anything.

As for help, Well I know quite a bit with the sci-fi genre.. (Which been a reason why I mostly played fantasy, years ago here..)

Anyway, my point of view. I'm currently seeing a bit lack of details.. Now I don't know much about how Hosted Projects works, they being a new thing since I got back, but as far as I've read, you can make topics/threads.

Now I of course don't know you Cap'n.. But you've gotten the interest of people by writing about Albion, how about writing the interior of it too? What is the purpose of the ship and it's crew, how many crew in total can there be? A max before it becomes too crowded/resources would not work for a certain long trip distance.. And how many crew members are required for it to function optimally, at half power, skeleton power (When it's just able to move around but not really anything else.) 

One problem I see some do is make things Too big.. The bigger the ship, the more you'd have to roleplay as.. Or you could always take the easier (But a lot more confusing.) Path, that everyone can control the npcs.. Which... I've only seen in a few rps? So I can't really say if that is good or bad..

But to sum it up.

How big is Albion, in reality.. The crew size.

Let's Build a Spaceship, Or what rooms are there in the ship? https://forum.gateworld.net/threads/66980-Let-s-Build-A-Spaceship! This link gives a few names, most which is easy to figure out how are. (Bonus point to those that can draw a ship.)

Plan the events, It's a hard killer of roleplay when we suddenly have nothing to do apart from sipping tea and painting the robots. (Please don't paint on Cyrus. It was a joke.) Currently we have one major event, the test run to the moon.. Apart from that, There is plenty of ideas to go with.. Heck you could probably steal ideas from some books or movies.. Or, I'm half-sure there is even some generator for plot. So we are part of Skyria.. Which faction does that belong too? Cause I'm sure after the test run, we'd be given some other field tests, and later on.. Missions! And heck knows.. Maybe we break apart from that Faction for some reason and Albion becomes it's own ship and crew, lead by Pirate Captain Greene! Or we become heroes of the faction.. (IOUS or GAP? I think) For ending the war in their favor..Such story-lines are of course far-ahead.

And finally, possibly the biggest killer of roleplaying games.. The Flow, Mystik already came with an idea.. And there are plenty of ideas.. The one I'm more familiar with is the.. If two people are going to talk to each other for longer than 4 posts in total? They should take it to private message, and then end it there, with the last being from whoever post the private message. (Person A and B talks, They go to private message, talk some more, then Person B posts the private message log, ending it with their character going away or taking their focus away from Person A, Person A can then proceed to post and leave for something else.)  *Roughly like that*

And like dear Trust above me, I'm all up to help, I'd love to see this flourish, and it is always better to ask.. Be patient and help each other, that is how we all get the most enjoyable experience out of this..

Oh and one more thing, you don't have to work and think of everything, I'll link some websites that can help the thinking box like the one above.


http://www.projectrho.com/public_html/rocket/ (This one is a bit more complicated but VERY well written website, just scroll down to the bottom and you'll get through a lot of their stuff, I've used this for tabletop rpgs.) 

http://chaoticshiny.com/planetgen.php This is one of the better generators I've seen, it got a loads of generators, names, places, planets, people.. All up to help shaping Your (@Captain Gensokyo) Universe.

http://www.orionsarm.com/page/310 Is a lot more complex world building site, but it's good.. I haven't used it so much myself.. It's probably the most complex thing, and this one is one you'll have to put a lot of work into with, but I'm sure it can be worth it, once anyone gets a hang of it.

http://www.infernodevelopment.com/45-incredible-futuristic-scifi-3d-city-illustrations Naturally, if you can find art/pictures, that doesn't mind being shared, it's always good to supplement anything with artwork.



http://swn.emichron.com/ And this one is also pretty neat, generating an entire sector, plus worlds, npcs, corps, politics and such.

And if there is anything, I'm always up to try and help, either here or through message!

Holy cow, you're a lifesaver, @Sigismund!

It will be a lot of effort, but I'd love to see something like this succeed after hard work. 

I can't thank some of you enough for being patient, willing to help a noob, and willing to see this succeed as well.

@Trust (no longer online) @Wixard @Mossino @MystikGalaxy@Legend:D
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Oh and.. for any of the android/robotic characters.. 


I do not doubt, that humanity/any rational intelligent species, would input something like these.. Ultimate this one is up to the Cap'n again, depending on.. (And I'm just assuming the other players who got an AI character, are all made in Skyria, Cyrus is.)

I mean sure there is some differences, like combat robots/droids would of course work differently.. So like I said, "Something like these." Just a random thought that passed by.
Looks like you've got plenty of good sources to dig into! I used to play the occasional evening of 'Rogue Trader' which is kind of a sci-fi/space exploration game; I'll go through some books and notes after this work set (working weekends sucks). It's rather combat centric but there might be a couple of cool idea's to spice up a plot or expand the ship. Hell, if you like I can forward you the pdf, but honestly it won't be anywhere near as helpful as the already posted links and those already offer a lot to take in.
I used to play smugglers on Windows 95.

It was a space exploration game in which you got rich to improve your vessel, by smuggling stuff. You could've also called it AP Probably and Statistics: Fun version.
Looks like you've got plenty of good sources to dig into! I used to play the occasional evening of 'Rogue Trader' which is kind of a sci-fi/space exploration game; I'll go through some books and notes after this work set (working weekends sucks). It's rather combat centric but there might be a couple of cool idea's to spice up a plot or expand the ship. Hell, if you like I can forward you the pdf, but honestly it won't be anywhere near as helpful as the already posted links and those already offer a lot to take in.

oh man, i love me some WH40k RPG. you ever played deathwatch, or dark heresy?
Oh and.. for any of the android/robotic characters.. 


I do not doubt, that humanity/any rational intelligent species, would input something like these.. Ultimate this one is up to the Cap'n again, depending on.. (And I'm just assuming the other players who got an AI character, are all made in Skyria, Cyrus is.)

I mean sure there is some differences, like combat robots/droids would of course work differently.. So like I said, "Something like these." Just a random thought that passed by.

Yeah, I love Asimov's ideas, but they aren't meant for combat. Or situations where the robot might outrank people and definitely wouldn't obey civilians

It's harder to come up with laws that work in this case. I tried and then deleted it because I want to spend my night doing something else.
I'd guess we could go with Satya Nadella? It's pretty new.

That seems like a more plausible thing, I doubt anyone would build something without at least some sort of off-switch in the, completetly impossible event of it going rogue.

Right?  :D


  1. "A.I. must be designed to assist humanity" meaning human autonomy needs to be respected.
  2. "A.I. must be transparent" meaning that humans should know and be able to understand how they work.
  3. "A.I. must maximize efficiencies without destroying the dignity of people".
  4. "A.I. must be designed for intelligent privacy" meaning that it earns trust through guarding their information.
  5. "A.I. must have algorithmic accountability so that humans can undo unintended harm".
  6. "A.I. must guard against bias" so that they must not discriminate people.

Heck for that matter, these are less about being rules, like Asimov's for robots, and are more about the whole design (Aka the ones who creates the A.I are the ones following these rules.)
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Nines has a kill-code, which would be known to the Captain, but would require two officers to authorize it's use. Some basic rules I thought she would follow would be conducting herself like an officer, which includes things like obedience and protecting humans. Also creating AI is not allowed. Nor is altering her core code.
Also, I'm running on the assumption that, while AI are excellent multitaskers with a much faster thought process than humans, they are limited and it's possible to outsmart them with atypical thinking, or to overburden them with too many assignments. Also, Nines has a 'blackbox' and can create a final words file if her core computing unit is destroyed or she's deleted.
oh man, i love me some WH40k RPG. you ever played deathwatch, or dark heresy?

Yeah and those were fun as well, especially getting to play a space wolf ;)  though rogue trader seemed to have the greatest freedom, by virtue of owning your own ship.
Heh, I wouldn't worry about that too much. Then again I'm biased as I can't commit any time until tomorrow. 

But a daily (or so) update on where we stand and what's going on helps keep people involved. Just toss out an idea to discuss, or a picture for a room in the ship you like. Do we have an armory? Maybe Caliban can be an armorer?

How about a canteen? Is it all sterile metal tables and benches? 

what's the orders toward our merc  passengers? Keep an eye on them and out of restricted areas? Let them do as they please?

None of this needs an answer but it might just be interesting and inspire some discussion.
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I don't think you need to say sorry Trust. Everyone else signed up here because it was interesting/exciting, so It's understandable that people want to play it out soon..

I do agree with @Fenris

@Captain Gensokyo

While it doesn't have to be daily updates, giving a bit of read for people.. Or something, like make a section for mechs/figher ships (Ships that could be in Albion!) For people to write their ideas in those.. Heck! Again, A lot of us or all of us would love to help, so an idea is you could put concept ideas as a topic/thread (or what they're called) In the Hosted Project here and have people write their ideas on things, weapons, shields, minor robots.. Or even crew members? Anything that could help you with your Story by giving it some flavour from us, sorta like creating our characters, but to a lesser extent. (Or more detailed.. I guess.) It's just a suggestion, it would help those that are not as patient, because they'd be able to write and give ideas to the project!

Again, it's just a suggestion, otherwise keep up the good work, I'm always ready to help if needed!
I made a new section. What should the categories be? I was thinking stuff like: 

  • Planets
  • Species
  • Ships
  • Plot Pitches

What else should be included?
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I made a new section. What should the categories be? I was thinking stuff like: 

  • Planets
  • Species
  • Ships
  • Plot Pitches

What else should be included?

Seems good..

Technology.. That one would cover a lot though... But it's possibility.

Maybe Organizations? Firms that makes the things we use, makes the robots, the ships.. After all, trading is always a huge thing and mining corporations, private militia and so on are always on large in huge space sci-fi.


Awesome, Cap'n. I'll cetainly write on some species and organizations, I'm not going to have much time today, but I'll get to it tomorrow, I have some plans, especially with those who made the Cyrus robots! =D
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