OOC Chatroom

I am the ship's AI. People with sufficiently levels of authority can call me up to assist in things. I watch other people and occassionally interact with them if it suits me or is necessary to maintain order and effciency. I can multitask excellently
@Captain Gensokyo Unknown assailants assaulted the ship internally causing a terrorist attacking and hysteria. Things have calmed down, but our characters were all able to see small chunks of it, either from being there, or seeing someone suspicious?

Could also lead to a bigger plot.
It would make Nines very angry. They'd have to disable her first.
Well! I am currently on my phone and will actually be off to sleep (it is midnight over here) But I'll just throw in my two cents and post more thoughts tomorrow  or edit this post.

We are on a very... Very big spaceship Captain.

the high ranked members (As it still seems we are part of Skyrias official fleet of something like that) would probably already been briefed about each other, Chief engineer, General on board. Captain Greene the primary and secondary pilot general on board and other officers etc. 

Apart from that. Many of the crew and auxiliary crew... Are probably not just riff-raff that were found on the street

They most likely went on some programme or education before being signed to Albion

As for the So they could either be pre-installed (as with Nine) have been set in after the ship was made and placed on standby (as with Cyrus)

or been moved to it for specific reasons (as with Lambda)

(Just guessing on you other two here)

Again higher ups most likely briefed those that needed this kind of info.

It isn't uncommon for officers not to know all the crew (especially on a maiden trip of what you call it there days) that is why ranks were made. So people could be called by those.

But if we are sticking to the point of the player characters knowing each other from the start. (Still this is no high school.. at best there may be the words celebratory thing with speeches before the ship sets off for the test run the whole amazing wine bottle thing party. That can be used as a meeting point too)

Otherwise a fighter or mech in the hangar goes kaboom.

that is always something that attracts attention.

Anyway this got too long but eh.

I am tired! Sorry if it is a bit unreadable or grammar errors are all over it.

writing on a phone is not my strong suit.
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@Captain Gensokyo i like the idea of an unknown assailant attack, i feel it should occur planetside on the day of the Albion's maiden launch. The mercs could've been called to aid the ship and were brought onboard,right at liftoff. That scenario would create a solid presence of cohesion among a relatively new crew, OR could result in a prevailing sense of suspicion (circa: mossino's idea), requiring the young captain and his command team to basically be a leader and make everyone stuff it and get along so we all don't die.

as far as my own player specifically, adding in the position of liaison was me building in a job function that requires him to regularly interact with members of the crew outside of eng dept. (even if it's as simple as dropping off an engineering status report)

more on the mercs thing, it's not uncommon for a government to contract PMCs (private military contractors) for special jobs, so it could be completely reasonable that mystik's characters were put nearby in case just such an event occurred.
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OK guys, we've got a lot of eager people waiting to start up here.

Let's get to the first order of business: Motives for interaction. We need some reason for why some of us would interact with each other on such a huge ship (EX: The captain chatting up a specific soldier or technician during free time). 

We also have two mercenary characters played by @MystikGalaxy, meaning they aren't pre-established members of the crew.

My idea for having the mercenaries join up might have something to with them catching a runaway bounty somewhere on Skyria. Thoughts, Mystik?

As for the rest of us, some incident, perhaps a huge accident of some sort where everyone is at least a witness, might have to happen to cause all of the characters to know each other from that point. That, or we could just say "because it works" and just start talking to the other characters.

Let's discuss how we can get this worked out!

@Mossino @Trust (no longer online) @Wixard @Fenris @Cynthiera @Thane Korino @Sludgemouth @Sigismund @revior@Legend:D @Huey @Vanguard10

Well... Lambda is kinda made to make others feel more comfortable on the ship as one of her duties, so that's my reasoning ^_^  
Just thought this may be a bit helpful to order things up and keep track of people:

Lieutenant Commander: Cynthiera Moreau
Captain: Leo Greene
Quartermaster: Razel
First Mate: Maya Fusaki
Tactical officer: Nines
Infantryman & Mech Pilot: Lt. John Holloway
Trooper Pilot:  Caliban Avaro
Power systems Engineer: Omar, Bauldra
Engineering and system repair: Cyrus
Electricity & Computer Technician: Alisa Zonde
Systems & Personnel Check: Lambda No. 11
Medic: Aubrey Richter
Mercenary: Delastarh Nagahoshi
Mercenary: Metaralis Outteridge
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Guess we could also have the people generally work a certain smaller sector, relatively near or close to each other to bring about more encounters if any should occur.
let's take this beast critical, what good is a power systems engineer when there's no power to generate

@Thane Korino their berthings could be near one another (minus the officers, they'd have staterooms)
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Oo! I get to work with some of the robots and cyborgs with my characters job! Yay!
If the ship is big enough (probably is), Metaralis has his own combat spaceship: The Stardust. It's pretty small, kinda like an Arwing in Star Fox. Pretty advanced model coming from Nagahoshi Tech Inc. Could be useful just in case? I don't know, haha. @Captain Gensokyo
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..Oh, Well I'm not gonna argue for peoples will. *Whimpering begging sounds of a puppy*

Right-o, So @Captain Gensokyo

So I'm on the thought train.. While the roleplay will start whenever you say, of course, Just wanted to know if we were hoping to get some more people for specific roles, otherwise I'll gladly set up that Bug-Pilot I have in reserve.. (Mainly just seems like an Helmsman/Navigator would be semi-important for any ship.
May we try and start tomorrow? We do have a bit of a crew massed or put together. It may help to simply post something up and get the ball rolling and later bring in the larger events. I'm assuming that there isn't going to be a post order since none was mentioned. In the case of such a large group, I hope that things flow together well enough..
May we try and start tomorrow? We do have a bit of a crew massed or put together. It may help to simply post something up and get the ball rolling and later bring in the larger events. I'm assuming that there isn't going to be a post order since none was mentioned. In the case of such a large group, I hope that things flow together well enough..

    That's what I'm worried about...heheh. 

    [SIZE= 12px]I don't know what I'm doing yet.[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 16px]     I'd hate to make you guys wait any longer, though![/SIZE]

[SIZE= 12px]     [/SIZE]
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Hum, maybe if there's not post order we could like, do a limit? That's what another RP I was in with a lot of people did. Example, two characters are interacting with each other. At some point, it went a bit out of control with those two people just posting over and over, filling two pages of the topic in 10 minutes. So the moderator decided that we could just post two response each (player 1 > player 2 > Player 1 > Player 2) before waiting for the others to do something. It helped a lot for those who couldn't there all the time since they didn't have to read two pages of two characters talking to each other and it left room for someone else to just jump into the action too. The flow of the RP was much better afterward. But that's just an idea. Do it like how you feel is right. I think we have a nice group going on and we'll all do our best.
And still no rush, Some of us may be getting excited and all, but it's better to wait and let you read up on other hosted projects/a guide?.. I guess. Than start and not really have anything prepared, That's.. Honestly a quick way for any roleplay to end, when it just boils down to nothing but beating around the bushes.
Thanks for the advice, guys. Thanks for being patient, too (for those of you will that will end up waiting).

I'm a rather vulnerable GM right now who hasn't done much in the way of planning ahead, and if I started the rp now, I'd effectively kill it like that.

The problem is...

I don't really know who to turn to get help on something like this.

@MystikGalaxy @Sigismund
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Thanks for the advice, guys. Thanks for being patient, too (for those of you will that will end up waiting).

I'm a rather vulnerable GM right now who hasn't done much in the way of planning ahead, and if I started the rp now, I'd effectively kill it like that.

The problem is...

I don't really know who to turn to get help on something like this.

@MystikGalaxy @Sigismund

*nudge nudge*

I'm just gonna... Be here...
@Captain Gensokyo

At the least, you've said it, better than fooling yourself and going on with an rp and it would end up crashing.

As for help! I'm sure you can ask all of us! Just remember.. You're the Game Master, it is always, no matter what, your final decision for anything.

As for help, Well I know quite a bit with the sci-fi genre.. (Which been a reason why I mostly played fantasy, years ago here..)

Anyway, my point of view. I'm currently seeing a bit lack of details.. Now I don't know much about how Hosted Projects works, they being a new thing since I got back, but as far as I've read, you can make topics/threads.

Now I of course don't know you Cap'n.. But you've gotten the interest of people by writing about Albion, how about writing the interior of it too? What is the purpose of the ship and it's crew, how many crew in total can there be? A max before it becomes too crowded/resources would not work for a certain long trip distance.. And how many crew members are required for it to function optimally, at half power, skeleton power (When it's just able to move around but not really anything else.) 

One problem I see some do is make things Too big.. The bigger the ship, the more you'd have to roleplay as.. Or you could always take the easier (But a lot more confusing.) Path, that everyone can control the npcs.. Which... I've only seen in a few rps? So I can't really say if that is good or bad..

But to sum it up.

How big is Albion, in reality.. The crew size.

Let's Build a Spaceship, Or what rooms are there in the ship? https://forum.gateworld.net/threads/66980-Let-s-Build-A-Spaceship! This link gives a few names, most which is easy to figure out how are. (Bonus point to those that can draw a ship.)

Plan the events, It's a hard killer of roleplay when we suddenly have nothing to do apart from sipping tea and painting the robots. (Please don't paint on Cyrus. It was a joke.) Currently we have one major event, the test run to the moon.. Apart from that, There is plenty of ideas to go with.. Heck you could probably steal ideas from some books or movies.. Or, I'm half-sure there is even some generator for plot. So we are part of Skyria.. Which faction does that belong too? Cause I'm sure after the test run, we'd be given some other field tests, and later on.. Missions! And heck knows.. Maybe we break apart from that Faction for some reason and Albion becomes it's own ship and crew, lead by Pirate Captain Greene! Or we become heroes of the faction.. (IOUS or GAP? I think) For ending the war in their favor..Such story-lines are of course far-ahead.

And finally, possibly the biggest killer of roleplaying games.. The Flow, Mystik already came with an idea.. And there are plenty of ideas.. The one I'm more familiar with is the.. If two people are going to talk to each other for longer than 4 posts in total? They should take it to private message, and then end it there, with the last being from whoever post the private message. (Person A and B talks, They go to private message, talk some more, then Person B posts the private message log, ending it with their character going away or taking their focus away from Person A, Person A can then proceed to post and leave for something else.)  *Roughly like that*

And like dear Trust above me, I'm all up to help, I'd love to see this flourish, and it is always better to ask.. Be patient and help each other, that is how we all get the most enjoyable experience out of this..

Oh and one more thing, you don't have to work and think of everything, I'll link some websites that can help the thinking box like the one above.


http://www.projectrho.com/public_html/rocket/ (This one is a bit more complicated but VERY well written website, just scroll down to the bottom and you'll get through a lot of their stuff, I've used this for tabletop rpgs.) 

http://chaoticshiny.com/planetgen.php This is one of the better generators I've seen, it got a loads of generators, names, places, planets, people.. All up to help shaping Your (@Captain Gensokyo) Universe.

http://www.orionsarm.com/page/310 Is a lot more complex world building site, but it's good.. I haven't used it so much myself.. It's probably the most complex thing, and this one is one you'll have to put a lot of work into with, but I'm sure it can be worth it, once anyone gets a hang of it.

http://www.infernodevelopment.com/45-incredible-futuristic-scifi-3d-city-illustrations Naturally, if you can find art/pictures, that doesn't mind being shared, it's always good to supplement anything with artwork.



http://swn.emichron.com/ And this one is also pretty neat, generating an entire sector, plus worlds, npcs, corps, politics and such.

And if there is anything, I'm always up to try and help, either here or through message!

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