OOC Chatroom

..Oh.. No, that isn't good.. Errrrrrrh.

Did you have any plans apart from that the Albion was going from Skyria and to it's moon for a test flight?

do have some sort of skeleton. However...

I've been put off by the sheer amount of people that I've let in. Couple that with my uncertainty towards vision and inexperience as the rp's "leader" (if you can call this "leading" right now), and you leave one confused GM in the process. I've got this sense of pressure knowing that others could be impatient, too.

I try not to let it stress me all too much, though.
do have some sort of skeleton. However...

I've been put off by the sheer amount of people that I've let in. Couple that with my uncertainty towards vision and inexperience as the rp's "leader" (if you can call this "leading" right now), and you leave one confused GM in the process. I've got this sense of pressure knowing that others could be impatient, too.

I try not to let it stress me all too much, though.

If need be, you can assign one or two co-GM's to try and help manage things. 

And if you get lost, you can always ask us for ideas like where we might want to go, wht plot hooks we want to follow, whether or not we want to move on from a scene we've been stuck in for too long, etc etc. Player input outside of IC can matter just as much as player input IC.
Mmh.. We are quite a few that hopped on board, that is true.

Well, Can hardly say that sci-fi are as barred in possibility as Fantasy (After all, a universe compared to a planet is quite a difference.)
But yeah, I'd say, don't let it stress you out, people will be patient, those who aren't.. Either will complain a little and still be here, or they'd leave, or thirdly they'll already be in some other rps and can go on with that, while this gets on its own two legs.
I'd rather have you flesh things out than launch the skeleton.. Even if that saying makes no sense.

If it's a bit too stressful in thinking that expanded.

How about making it episodic/chapter like? So Episode one is, Albion getting ready, the crew members are moving everything, talking to each other, people get to know each other, and we set off, some events here and there, eventually we'll reach the moon which is the end-goal for episode 1, Things happens, maybe you'll leave it on a cliff-hanger just to spite us (I'm watching you!) And then work on the next episode..

Heck with hosted projects you could do it like that, have a Main area that you segment with episodes, then have a secondary topic where on-board things happen, which are less dramatic.

And of course, everything @Doobert have said counts in too, we're here of course to follow your story, but we are happy to add in with our own ideas if it helps! =D
Another thing to remember is that not everything needs to be 100% fleshed out at launch.

It's fine to launch a skeleton and then, as we explore and get to know each other, flesh it all out IC. Essentially, we can build and introduce the universe as we explore. I tend to prefer this approach, since it's a much more organic way to explore settings and characters. 

Given, we do need a little bit of meat at launch, but just enough to keep us going until we start exploring and filling out our own respective parts of the universe. As we explore our character's species, backstories, visited locations, and possessed knowledge, the act of doing so will fill in the universe for us.
f it's a bit too stressful in thinking that expanded.

How about making it episodic/chapter like? So Episode one is, Albion getting ready, the crew members are moving everything, talking to each other, people get to know each other, and we set off, some events here and there, eventually we'll reach the moon which is the end-goal for episode 1, Things happens, maybe you'll leave it on a cliff-hanger just to spite us (I'm watching you!) And then work on the next episode..

Heck with hosted projects you could do it like that, have a Main area that you segment with episodes, then have a secondary topic where on-board things happen, which are less dramatic.

 Those are some good suggestions. I think we should adopt them.

After all, considering all the people we have on board, if we dont make this organized the whole story will probably just fall apart.

Another thing to remember is that not everything needs to be 100% fleshed out at launch.

It's fine to launch a skeleton and then, as we explore and get to know each other, flesh it all out IC. Essentially, we can build and introduce the universe as we explore. I tend to prefer this approach, since it's a much more organic way to explore settings and characters. 

Given, we do need a little bit of meat at launch, but just enough to keep us going until we start exploring and filling out our own respective parts of the universe. As we explore our character's species, backstories, visited locations, and possessed knowledge, the act of doing so will fill in the universe for us.

Most definitely. I actualy think we should keep some details occluded, for now at least. I've found that, in the long run, it's more immersive when a rp starts with only the general premise of the story, and the defining elements get introduced bundled with the narrative. I do however advise that we still discuss the elements that we will introduce (OOC, of course). If we just make it up as we go along we run the risk of turning this into the Star Wars Extended Universe. We should make sure what we're inserting into the world (in the broad sense of the word) is going to fit in with the gereral feel of the adventure. No overexplaining tough, just exposing how and what would be affected by the new idea, or what it might represent in the grand scheme of things.

Well, speaking of patience, would you all mind If I took the rest of the week to post my own character? I like to take my sweet time to design my character, and that may or may not involve compiling all the other bios to plot how my OC could complement the crew, and making a full art sketch of it.
Let's just try not to take too long. Time will let us set more things up (something I've been trying to take advantage of), but waiting for too long often stagnates activity and puts the RP at risk. Sometimes people wait and then don't come back; leaving the RP to die. Haven't seen that here, but I have on other sites and it is killer. Stagnating activity might just be the number one cause of death for RP's. 

But, since we're gonna wait for some time anyhow, we should all try to make use of it. If you've got a species that isn't human, post as much as you want about them in the Species Thread. If you've got a group you want to talk about, Organizations Thread is there. Even for weapons and tech you want to talk about, there's Tech Thread. Anything you wanna give info on, but probably wouldn't come up during IC. Like if you want to talk about where a particular piece of tech comes from, but realize it's unlikely anyone will ask or talk about it IC, go ahead and use the threads.

Speaking of which, I recently posted a weapon in the Tech thread that my character will probably be using as his primary weapon IC. 
Ayylien gun that shoots pointy things. Order now and I'll throw in a second one, absolutely free.
Should we add A.I./androids to the technology list?

Yeah, although that in itself is a broad category to cover.

@Trust (no longer online)

They are sort of a species since they might be sentient... but they're technology... but they might be a species... but they'r-


(I guess put it wherever it feels like it fits in better.)
Yeah, although that in itself is a broad category to cover.

@Trust (no longer online)

We should just write out the vague idea of it then, otherwise it would be too difficult to come up with.

Something along the lines of :

"The first prototypes of  A.I. were created by (insert engineer's/engineers' name(s) here) and has been since developed to cover a vast array of uses. After a length of time, the idea of cybernetic bodies came through the mind of (other engineer's name) and has since been developed to allow the A.I. to further their utility"
Scratch that.


@Trust (no longer online)

It really just depends on the engineer of the A.I. xD

some would be given the capability of thinking, others... Wouldn't.

We should just write out the vague idea of it then, otherwise it would be too difficult to come up with.

Something along the lines of :

"The first prototypes of  A.I. were created by (insert engineer's/engineers' name(s) here) and has been since developed to cover a vast array of uses. After a length of time, the idea of cybernetic bodies came through the mind of (other engineer's name) and has since been developed to allow the A.I. to further their utility"

You can just let me work on it if you want, I have nothing else to do xD  
~activating sassy_robot.exe~

As long as I feel like it.

(I don't know, probably a couple of paragraphs?)
One question I have.. When writing up a planet.. Sure some of them are empty, barren wastelands, other planet might have Fauna and flora.. While unique flora can be described there, should the alien (Technically native) species be written in the species section or just be added to the planet's description....
One question I have.. When writing up a planet.. Sure some of them are empty, barren wastelands, other planet might have Fauna and flora.. While unique flora can be described there, should the alien (Technically native) species be written in the species section or just be added to the planet's description....

I think it should be referenced in the planet, but the actual species should be in the species tab
So, I've begun compiling the bios. I'll share what I've come up with you guys.

Looks like we have:

For Commanding staff (People responsible for making the main decisions and/or command the ship in battle, I supose.)
-Captain - Leo Greene: Rookie commander; seeking experience

-Second in command: Maya Fusaki - Bossy, perfectionist.

-Third in command: Lieutenant Moreau - Shy, pacifistic, confident.

-Assistant AI: Lambda - Friendly; task-centered when requested ; off-the-shelf AI with advanced software for human emotions.

-Assistant AI: AV-999 "Nines" - Strict, hardworking and focused ; young and unexperienced AI.

For Assistance staff (People who I figure will watch over us while we're either drunk or dying.)

-Medic: Dr. Aubrey Ritcher - Long-lived cyborg; possible grim, criminal background.

-Quartermaster: Rashaz Zal Rokule - Friendly and talkative; seeking recognition and independence.

For Maintenance staff (People working in the entrails of the Albion.)
-Engineering drone: C.I.E.R.U.S - Altruistic, fast-thinking AI ; capable of operating in multiple platforms.

-Powerplant Engineer: Omar Bauldra - Strict during work, not so much during downtime ( I suppose?) ; unnacostumed to formalities ; very experienced powerplant engineer with cybernetic implants.

-Technician: Alisa Zonde - Cheery ; task-centered ; self-employed worker.

For Field staff (The redshirts of the team.)
Reconnaissance Specialist: Seyek Kivist - Hot tempered,  but loyal and friendly to those who earn his trust ; experienced and acomplished V'zikt soldier.

Mech Pilot and Supersoldier: Jack Holloway - Charming and quick-witted ; genetically enhanced human soldier.

Small Crafts Pilot: Caliban Avaro - Irresponsible and reckless, but sociable ; criminal background ; experienced formal (and informal) soldier.

Freelancer: Mettaralis Outteridge - Not enough info.

Freelancer: Delastarh Nagahoshi -  Not enough info.

So, should my analysis of your characters be sound, I think this story could use a small starship pilot: someone to fly the other heavily armed vehicles that dont happen to be the Albion itself ( I'll leave that to someone else). Something along the lines of a fighter pilot, maybe.

What do you guys think?

Looks pretty neat.

From what I can see with the compile you've made, A pilot would be good, I do not doubt that Albion would make orbit on some planets, being a ship of it's size, we'd need some people who can fly the smaller ones, So far we do have Caliban, but another pilot would be good, yeah. Maybe a combi-helmsman/transport-fighter pilot? The way I see it, Nines can function as an auto-pilot, but depending on how we're going with this, someone who can function as main pilot would be useful too, Albion wouldn't have much need of a Secondary Helmsman (The first would be lead Pilot and be mainly the one who controls the flight, while the secondary would be more active during combat.)

A security chief might also be viable? Unless Moreau or Maya might be watching over that?

Again, I do not know how much Nines might be able to do (Quite a lot, I do not doubt.) But a navigator would also be quite useful.

Quite a mouthful, but I'm sure the idea of some Combi-pilot/helmsman would be suitable, I'd guess?
Well, I'm thinking along the lines of an "universal vehicles" type of pilot. Someone with experience who has flown and rode nearly everything that could be used as a ways of transport in battle, but chooses to fly fast attack ships for the most part.

Considering the personality I'm coming up for "her", I doubt working with another pilot would end up well. She likes to fly alone.

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