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Fandom One Piece the New Era

( TIME SKIP!!!!!!!!! @Drumonkey @Offspring @Church Burning @Death Puppet @shadowdude505 @pbtenchi @National )

Ken kept sailing the ship and soon he squinted his eyes noticing something in the distance. "Penance go get a better look." He said to his hawk that nodded and flew into the air. After a few minutes he returned and screeched at Ken. Ken smirked and turned to wheel a bit. "Guys! Land ahead!" He shouted as he kept steering heading to the side of the island not really sure how welcoming this island would be to a bunch of pirates. "We'll b docking shortly!"
Numo's head shot up, "Land!? Thank god!" Numo stood up from the seat, dropping the extra Jolly Rodger that he was stitching up, just in case the current one gets destroyed

he stretched his neck back, sighing in relief. Numo then walked up to the deck, looking towards the island, "Looks promising.." He said as he stretched out his legs.

Numo grabbed his Caplocks from a barrel and put them in two holsters located under his jacket.
Cornelius smiles as he finishes up a song, taking the guitar and strapping it back on his back. He stands up, his little chest dangling on his belt like normal. He stretches his back, smiling up at the sky. "How nice. We found land in almost no time." He walks over the railing and looks over at the island.
Chase was steady training when he heard Ken call they were reaching land soon to Chase it felt like no time, he finished his set and went to go see the new island, from it's appearance it was just like any other island. The architecture of the island was appealing in the inner city which he liked, he approached the edge of the ship looking down at the water.
Dru was napping in the crows nest when he heard Ken call out and peeked out at the land a small pert of him was glad but he was liking the ship and it's drama.
"In almost no time!?" Numo said as his head shot to Cornelius, "It felt like years!" Numo looked back to the island, then looking behind them, a seemingly endless field of blue

"I wonder what they have there.. maybe a fishing village.." he placed his finger on his chin and thought.
Reggie walked up to the railing and looked at the island they were approaching. Once they were closer he could see what looked like a fishing village. "A fishing village huh...I wonder if they've ever caught a mermaid," he thought aloud. "It would make an amazing story."
A strange image appeared in Numo's mind: an old fisher man, holding a mermaid in his hands, two hearts for eyes as he showed a crowd of people proudly

"Your right.. It would make an amazing story.." He said as he stared at the island questioning his thoughts
Letting out a sigh Ken found a good place to anchor the boat without docking at the main port. Once he placed down the anchor into the sea he looked at everyone that was on deck. "Don't cause unnecessary problems. The log post won't set for two or so days. So don't bug the marines.... I don't care if they are tying to steal Christmas, mind your own business." He said simply before he jumped over the rail landing in the shallow water that went to his knees. Not looking back he headed to the island looking for the town.

@everyone at the ship
Cornelius continues to smile as he jumps off the ship onto a dock. He strums his guitar as he looks around the island. He sees a cafe and walks inside.The man waves at him as Cornelius orders a burger and whiskey. He smiles as he strums his guitar again
Numo rolled his eyes, "Pfft, We won't.." Numo chuckled as he jumped into the knee deep water, instantly faceplanting as the water reached his knees

he bobbed a few times before he rolled over, "Forgot about that rule.. Heh.." Numo said as he tried to back to back stroke, barely kicking his legs as he slowly approached shallower water.

When Numo reached water where he could propperly stand, his placed his hand on a dock, following with the other hand and pulling himself up, onto the dock.

A swarm of fishermen surrounded him, all of them holding varoius fish yelling at him "I'LL GIVE YA' 20 BERI FOR THIS ONE!" and so on, bidding fish prices

Numo stood up, pushing the fishermen away and kindly saying, "No thankyou.." he continued walking, while walking by the market numo grabbed a towel, checking the price tag and slapping however much beri was in his pocket, probably half the intended price. The saleswoman looked at him, he stared back, then she smiled and said, "Have a nice day!" He sighed in relief and walked to the town center, drying off his legs.
Back at the town square a commotion was happening. At one side, a man with a wild look howled furiously at Father Iscariot. "KEHEHEHEHEEHEHE, I heard about this town being home to a church! You wouldn't mind if I took some of the donations, now would you?" Father Iscariot stood at the church's door, looking at the man as casually as he could. "Excuse me, but the donation box is off limits, only those who are devote to the Lord are to open it." "KEHEHEHEHEHEEHEHEHEHEHE!" The wild man laughed "Do you know who I am!? I am a famous man in these parts! Does the sound of 65 million berries ring you any bells?" Iscariot looked startled "Ring? Bell?" He suddenly remembered " It's almost mid day!" The priest nodded at one of the church assistants who rushed to the bell tower. "You won't need to direct than kid! I'll be taking the bell for myself too!" The bandit began boasting about his past crimes to Iscariot who stood quiet to listen.

(@Someone at the crew)
Garret walked casually into the fishing village. He doubted that there was a place to get spare parts in this town, but he wasn't just going to sit on the ship and wait for everyone. As he reached the town square, he heard an annoying noise. After listening closer, he realized that it was someone's voice. It was coming from the center of a small crowd of people. Moving into the circle, he saw some thug harassing a priest and assistant. Even this close, the noises that came out of the thug's mouth were no more intelligible than before. "65 million... huh?" he said to himself before directing his speech to the thug, "Hey, it's common for dangerous people with high bounties to have titles, correct? What's yours?"

Ken heard a lot of racket somewhere near him and due to his boredom he decided to check it out. Climbing to a rough on a building that was near the entrance of the church he watched. 'He has a 65 million bounty...and he wants to rob a.......church.... He has to be lying about his bounty...right?" He wondered as he watched Garret approach the pirate. However his attention left his crewmate and fell to the priest or whatever. 'Something isn't right... Why is he standing there so calmly and not getting any help? Even if the man is lying about his actual bounty a pirate is still dangerous...' At this he narrowed his eyes at the priest.

@Tellmeastory @Thesmashbro
"KEHEHE! A smart one, eh? Very well, My name is..." Without the thug noticing, Iscariot was already standing near him and touChed the noisy man's shoulder


A huge burst of pain ran around the criminal's body, He didn't take to much time to fall on his knees while Iscariot looked down at him.

"This heathen's name is Archibald Black, the reward for his head is none more than 3 million beri...Wearing a wig won't help you..."

Black passed out of the immense pain and was laying down Bleeding on the floor.

"This city is a Present from the lord to weary travellers, And filthy heathens like stain the glory of the miracle that we are standing here!"

The bloOd from blacks mouth suddenly touched the floor and Iscariot got even more pissed at the sight. He began stomping the already defeated man with a manic expression.


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Stepped into the small crowd of people watching the event as it went on, Numo pushed through it looking to the priest, Why isn't he doing anything, why is he so calm.. This isn't right.. No, not one bit.. he thought to himself, watching nervously

Suddenly it happened, Numo was shell shocked, "Wa- what the hell.." Numo dove behind a wagon selling watermellons, as he placed his hand on one of his flintlocks, ready, just incase..
Ken remained silent as he watched the priest brutal attack the pirate. 'The guy fell on the floor for what looks like no reason...... That priest has a devil fruit... But more importantly... Fuck... That look in his eye...' "Ixie, Penance looks like we found who to avoid...." He mumbled as he backed away a bit but still watched quietly.
Tristan, hearing Iscariot yell at the man, bolted outside his house and looked around at where the noise was coming from. What he witnessed was Iscariot stomp on a beaten man, repeatedly. Whoah whoah, has Father Iscariot gone insane?!

In the spur of the moment, Tristan turned his fingertip into a pen but realized he forgot his notebook inside. "No matter", he thought, writing the word ICE BARRIER on the floor. He swung his hand over the words and pointed to where Iscariot was stomping. The words flew over to where he was stomping, and a small barrier appeared under Iscariot's foot as he was about to stomp on him again, causing Iscariot to fall forward.

Tristan bolted back indoors, finding his empty book he had, and flung himself out the open window onto the nearby roof, trying to stay out of Iscariot's sight in case he knew it was him.

( @Death Puppet @Peaceswore @Tellmeastory )
Iscariot slide and fell on the hard concrete floor, without having any damage he returned to his senses and looked at the beaten down church thief...

He turned back to his calm self right as a Marine squad appeared. "We've received information that someone was attepting to rob the church" "The Heathen's at the ground. He was worth 3 million Beri, right?" The marine officer looked at the broken body near them and look at Iscariout as he has seen a ghost. "Th-three million? N-n-n-no, father, that man was the 65 Million beri worth Dio the Archangel!" The Father's eyes began to shine with anger at te body on the floor "This heathen took for himself the name of the Lord's holyest creature? You don't have to give me the bounty then..."Said Iscariot with utter disgust. "Men like this one are worth less than nothing." Iscariot walked back into the church and close the door behind him. The bell tower started ringing."BONG, BONG, BONG, BONG"
Ken snickered a bit when he saw the man hit the ice barrier and slip. However he didn't hear anything else as his attention was turned to someone that appeared on a near by roof. With a small sigh he moved over to that roof and stand to the man's side he inspected him quickly before shrugging. "You are the one that made that ice barrier correct? I'm assuming so since you seem to be running... If that's not the case then I have lost interest in you.." Ken said bluntly as Ixie landed on his shoulder and Penance perched on a chimney.

@The Jest
Tristan breathed a sigh of relief when he saw Iscariot go back inside the church, though he noticed a man approach him. "You are the one that made that ice barrier, correct?" he had asked, but before Tristan could respond, the man followed up with "I'm assuming so since you seem to be running, but if that's the case then I have lost interest in you."

Looking at the man, he said "Yep, that was all me." He showed him his fingertip, and wrote the word FLOWER into the rooftop, and pointed his hand right next to where Ken was, and a flower bloomed seemingly from nothing.

"You aren't from around here, are you?" Tristan asked.

( @Peaceswore )
Ken smirked as he watched the man create a flower out of nothing. "Another devil fruit... Haha and I thought those were suppose to be rare." He shook his head at the question keeping his smirk. "No, no I'm not. Though you could probably guess by my looks and what not... Though I have a question for you... You saw what that priest did and surely you knew the other was an supposedly infamous pirate... Why did you interfere? Had the priest seen you, there's a good chance he would have come after you...annnd killed you." Ken crossed his arms and waited for an answer curious as to why someone would do something so bold.

@The Jest
He looks at the man, "Father Iscariot isn't the most calm person, as you've seen. He came up to my room earlier today and tried to convince me not to become a pirate, to which I hold a grudge against. Not only does he hate pirates, it seems like he hunts them, and he isn't bad at it either. I don't think he's up to anything benevolent, I feel like I can sense the evil inside him..."

Returning back to the topic, he states "I don't know why I did it, entirely, I just felt like I needed to help the man. Father Iscariot isn't someone people should mess with, but someone has to stop him."
Ken nodded before he place his hand on his chin. "Interesting.... You want to be a pirate? What can you do besides make flowers bloom?" He asked as he looked at the man. 'He has a devil fruit...and a useful one at that.... If he doesn't want to be a navigator... I wonder....'

@The Jest
"Well," Tristan began to speak, "I can do a lot, though I can only make as much ink I have in my body. The flower took up barely anything, and the small sized ice barrier didn't either but the addition of the adjective 'ice' made it use up more."

To show him, he opened his book and wrote the word BRIDGE in it, waved his hand over it and pointed between the two rooftops. Lo and behold, a bridge came forth allowed a walkway between the two roofs.

( @Peaceswore )
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