One Piece [Inactive]

shade hit the deck of the ship and couldnt move but had woken up seeing them all in the same situation all over again. "pirates honor my boot!" she threw the daggers she landed on at him not caring that he would stop them, she was cut down her back and couldnt speak that well ether
Kazuma laughed " so your going to kill me huh? He asked, "to bad it will fail" he said, he then sensed some daggers coming towards him unfortunately they hit several of the swords knocking them out of the air. Kazuma smiled " air bubble" a giant bubble formed around him and all the swords fell down to the floor. he breathed heavily "your very powerful"he sighed.

However now you will feel the power of my attack "5% power" he whispered before waving his arm across his body throwing a whirl wind attack at his foe.

(like so)
Kazuma used haki quickly dodging the attacks "indeed, this is getting fun" he replied. Kazuma thought of several different strategies for defeating him "it seems like my air bubble doesn't affect you or your little girlfriend" he said. "However... Air cage! Kazuma made some symbols and trapped his opponent in it "and now air compressor! the cage slowly got smaller ready to crush anything inside. "try and escape that" he replied
Shade still uncoincious wasnt steering and the boat had leaned to a side slinging barrels their way, along with nets bowling balls and cannons
"I already have" his defensive tactic was still active so it just sliced the air apart he then smiled and moving towards a large amount of cannon balls and touched them all and sent them all flying towards his opponent from different directions but didn't aim for him but just randomly so his haki won't be able to pick up his attack and making it harder to dodge and he also sent half of his swords to attack randomly only focused on his defence.
Kazuma laughed "fine then 25% power" he said grinning a black aura surrounded his body he used his whirlwind attack again however his attack completely missed and cut the boat in half, the boat started to split length ways "this can't be good for any of us" he said scratching his head.
"wrong bad for you not me" Noctis smiled as he levitated himself "HEY YUI GET UP!!" Noctis then shouted

"Hmm what i wasn't sleeping AHH WHEN DID THE SHIP GET CUT IN HALF!!" Yui said quickly using her speed to pick up Shade and quickly flying into the air.
Kazuma frowned and looked up "well lets think, my last words. you light girl! what is your name? Kazuma asked as the ship started to sink slowly. 'maybe i can escape soon' he smiled
shade had heard a shout and tried no wake up to weak she just listened as she tried to relax to stop the bleeding "i can hear but cant see or move.."
"Yui and yours?" she asked back"

Noctis then used all his levitated swords and attempted to pin the man he was just fighting to the ship using his sea prism stone swords.
"Yui? huh a beautiful name for a beautiful woman" he winked "however i don't think your boyfriend likes me much" he said dodging the sea prism stone swords. "My name is Kazuma, Sebastian Kazuma" he winked before vanishing into thin air...
"boyfriend that's a first being called that" Noctis said laughing before he levitated the two ship parts in the air.

Yui just blushed when he called Noctis her boyfriend but was disgusted at the same time by Kazuma comment.
Kazuma reappeared on the nearest island "i like her" he smiled "she's good, but that guy he is meh, at full power i could crush him" he said before walking into a tavern to get a drink and something to eat.
"your ship a fight" Yui said to shade smiling

"i wanted a longer fight i barely broke a sweat in fact i think don't think i did, what a shame he ran again" Noctis said laughing thinking 'the next time we fight Kazuma i will show you my full power'

Yui smiled "why didn't you go all out you were holding back way too much don't do that it scares me"she said too Noctis.

"because it would be too easy o yeah fix this will you" Noctis said putting the two parts of the ship together.

"Yeah yeah yeah" Yui concentrated a beam of light and used it like a welding tool to burn the two parts of the ship together "Done" she said smiling.

They both go down to the deck of the ship Yui and Noctis sit leaning against one side of the ship next to each other.
Kazuma yawned "i better go train" he said, as he walked outside he looked around for a ship but sadly he couldn't find one. Kazuma walked towards the docks hoping there would be one however there was only a small paddle boat "this will have to do" he said to himself...
Shade looked at the ruin of the ship. "what happened to my ship?!" she Squirmed angered and tried to get down but she landed deep below the surface of the water
"it wont be easy. but i think we can make it." shade said abit unsure as she climbed up onto a piece of the ship that wasnt sunk

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