One Piece [Inactive]

Kiba laughed and then clapped "well done you stopped my attack" he grinned.

Kazuma prepared an attack and charged at Kiba he jumped and use Busoshoku Haki to punch Kiba but Kiba grabbed his fist and punched him in the stomach throwing him into the sails.
shade thought for a moment feeling she needed to help she looked over to them. "combining powers may help use beat him.." she said softly thinking aloud.
Kiba laughed "not just that, i am smart and also my new friend here is very strong too and we work well as a team" Kiba said grinning
"let my crew go and ill stay doing whatever you want even if that means me dying." shade placed her hand on her hip, waiting for a no to come from his mouth.
" i figured as much" shade laughed knowing that would happen, she lightly whispered ''Higan" she charged it for a second and let it fly just to try, as it shot it was abit weaker than hoped due to lack of training.
Kiba moved away from the shot it was to no affect for her. Kib just laughed "this must be new for you huh? he said
shade growled and thought for a moment trying to focus. "yeah it is... that obvious." she sunk down and thought 'stupid me i knew it wouldnt work'
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Kazuma couched as he stood up "Almighty air bubble" he said capturing Kiba in a bubble, blood started to pour from his nose "everyone run i can't hold it for long" he said coughing.

Kiba laughed and sat down inside the bubble waiting for it to burst ' i could just destroy the bubble, but when they run it makes it more fun' he thought
Kazuma smiled slightly "i will find..a way to escape" he lied, he knew this was't going to end very well for him.

Kiba sighed
Kazuma breathed deeply "seal" he said and the air bubble shortened trapping Kiba in a pocket of air.

Kiba yawned, and black smoked filled the bubble
Kazuma's bubble filled with dark gas until Kiba couldn't be seen, Kazuma dropped to one knee 'i must keep going' he thought.

Kiba smiled, he opened his hand and created a ball of darkness "Dark Matter" his voice boomed
Starfire was out walking when she turned and saw a dark gas bubble. "Well wonder what's going on there." She smiled and ran toward it.
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