One Piece [Inactive]

"attack you what makes you think i care about other people" Tarou said in a sadistic way "we should team up well that is if you survive this attack" Tarou added he noticed the attacks but saw no need to dodge or even move for that matter he would rather die than run 'this should get rid of them' he thought to himself the bubble is now compact enough to fit within his hands, he released the compressed air and sends it toward his opponent. The air quickly decompresses causing a giant explosion ( watch in case you don't understand this is it from start to finish
"It gives you the powers of a devil and you lose the ability to swim " Yui said to shade

Noctis just sat down and slept on the ship.
"well..." Kiba said smiling 'this guy is the only person who can last against me too bad it won't work' he thought as Kiba was devoured by his own black hole as a defence he felt the attack power of his enemy around him.

Kazuma and the boat flew off towards the pirate ship he accidentally cut in half "not here again" he said
The air was hot. She could see the waves of heat in the air. Livia had begun that day by traveling to the other side of the island, but found no useful information. She had began traveling back in the early afternoon, and now regretted not taking any water. In the distance, she could finally glimpse the town and the blue expanse behind it. It was probably time to move on again. She hated staying in one place for too long. The two swords sheathed on either hip clinked in their cases as she came closer to the town. She stopped in her tracks at the sight of the explosion.

"Damn, pirates," she thought. Fights like this weren't uncommon at all in this age. She began running hurriedly towards the town hoping that her boat was still stashed away, safe.
Shade nodded and looked at them. "so could you teach me how to use this?" she asked unexpectedly thinking what she possibly could learn (im thinking aerial fluctuation ((making air attacks to her will)) what do you think?)
Tarou jumped off the building and had a look around 'hmm did he run' he thought to himself.

"depends on the ability i might be able to help you with it" Yui said

Noctis was still asleep.
Livia finally entered the town. A thin blanket of dust lay on some of the wreckage. She could only see a few people around. Her swords still clinked in her sheaths seeing no reason to unsheath them if it wasn't necessary. Pirate fights weren't really her thing, because pirates drew the attention of the government, and the government was a lot of trouble for her. She'd been on their list for years, but she was good at disappearing.
Kauma flew off of the boat and crashed into the boat where Yui and the others were he lifted his head "not here again" he sighed.

Kiba clapped behind Tarou "nice power" he laughed "however... i will take up your offer about us becoming a team, it seems like we could be a strong team if we worked together" he smiled sticking out his hand
Tarou turned around"Ah you lived well i guess we can be a team" Tarou said shocked that he lived and even more shacked that he was behind him.

"again really your here what was your name Kauma wasn't it" Yui said annoyed seeing Kauma

Noctis woke up "i had a terrible dream it was that you ate the devil fruit" pointing towards shade "AHH YOU DID" Noctis said facepalming
Kazuma gulped "we are all dead" he said to everyone

Kiba smiled "well where do we go from here? he asked
Livia had leaned up against one of the walls of the tavern eyeing some of the people by the port. This town was beginning to leave a bad taste in her mouth. It was just full of more dead ends. She wondered if any of the pirates knew anything useful.
"anywhere i got no where i want to go the by the way names Tarou D Takashi" Tarou said

Noctis then calmed down "its fine" he said before going back to sleep

"what do you mean we are all dead Kazuma we clearly are alive" Yui said as much as she wanted to ignore him
Kazuma laughed manically "he's here on the next island" he said "he is too powerful"he said

Kiba smiled "well lets start by following my friend" he smiled evilly "he went that way" he said pointing to a large but damaged ship
"Shall we go then" Tarou asked

"who's too powerful what are you on about" Yui said confused
After the earlier events during which Zero was stood watching everything that transpired and everything had calmed down he collected his thoughts and began to polish his swords thinking to himself.

"I need a better sword, one that could cut one of those Logia type users in half but i'd need a new style, perhaps a larger sword? argh! I need some food can't think with an empty stomach" Zero continued to polish his swords.
"yes" Kiba said as he started to walk towards his destination.

Kazuma frowned "Kiba is coming to kill us" he said as he stood up, "i need to get out of here" he said looking for an escape.
"your involved now" Kazuma said, "anyway we all should either run or fight" he said.

(btw are they at the docks or still near the island?)
Finished with polishing his swords Zero wondered where everyone was so he got up, propped five of his swords up against the mast, picked up his Katana and began to wonder around the ship.
Livia analyzed the two he could see by the docks. They didn't look like the kind to be helpful. They were heading towards on of the ships. She decided that she would head for her own small vessel. It was a glider with just a small sail and some wood that kept it floating and served as a foothold while she held onto a bar for steering. It wasn't ideal for long distances, but it was perfect for island hopping as she was doing now. She passed the two going in the opposite direction, keeping just enough distance to not draw too much attention. She looked them up and down and kept going. They probably wouldn't want to help her and she didn't think they had any kind of information she was looking for. She could spot her glider pulled up on shore in the distance. It was still behind some flora and looked unhurt.
Kazuma frowned "even light girl won't be able to stop him" he said

Kiba looked at his new friend "ready to board? he asked

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