One Piece [Inactive]

Kiba walked through the town pushing people out of the way. He stretched before walking towards the docks he saw a young boy "no way, Kazuma? he asked...

Kazuma's eyes opened wide 'i know that voice' he thought, he turned around.

"hello" Kiba grinned evilly his pearly white teeth glistened in the sun...

"No it can't be you.... Kazuma took a step back afraid 'he is much stronger than i am' he thought scared for his life...
"yeah probably the next island is organ islands" Noctis said

Yui was just silent.

Tarou D Takashi was on the same island (which is organ islands) as Kazuma and kiba. He heard two people talking and decided to eavesdrop on their conversation because he didn't have anything better to do he was thinking who knows maybe i'll hear something interesting.
Kiba kept grinning "loosen up" he said.

Kazuma breathed heavily as Kiba raised his arm to strike however he did no such thing "someone is listening to our conversation" he whispered to Kazuma. they both looked around without moving there heads, Kazuma looked for a way to escape..

"Hey you! he pointed to Tarou "what are you doing? he asked smiling evilly
"uhhh i wouldn't do that if i were you.... Kazuma didn't get to finish.

"ohh we have got a cocky one" Kiba laughed "i bet you get all the girls" he said sarcastically
shade looked at the odd looking devil fruit. "ive heard of this, its like those twos." she decided that she would figure it out along the way, she reached down and grabbed the previously inflated raft and jumped into the water.
"what are you brain dead or something does it look like i get all the lady's WAIT WHAT THAT SARCASM" Tarou said annoyed now because he didn't understand what he was trying to say.
"looks like we've got an idiot too" Kiba laughed as he took a step forward.

Kazuma was still looking for a way to escape however it would be a futile attempt.
"what you wanna fight I'm all game if you do i need something too pass the time" Tarou said POed now from being insulted.
Kazuma frowned "don't challenge him to a fight" he said "he will destroy the isla... he didn't get chance to finish his sentence before Kiba answered.

"Sure we can fight" Kiba grinned evilly.
"good i have a new attack i want to try out" he said moving closer to the man who wanted to fight he stopped and got into his fighting stance formed by placing his feet shoulder width apart. His toes of the feet turn slightly inward and his knees are bent weight is slightly towards the back leg making the front leg more maneuverable.
Kiba smiled as he just stood there "you can attack first" he said.

Kazuma gulped and moved backwards well out of the fight "this is going to turn ugly" he whispered under his breath.
"hmm and you said i'm cocky" Tarou walked until he was in arms length then unleashed a barrage of punches at high speed but he didn't know he was fighting a logia so they when right through him

"That looks like a devil fruit where did you get it" Yui said

Noctis just stood their in awe 'a devil fruit' he was thinking to himself
Tarou's attack went strait through Kiba, he grinned before grabbing onto Kiba's arm "Black Hole" he whispered and black smoke formed around Tarou's feet and he began to sink.

"goodbye" he waved
"DON'T EAT IT!!" Yui and Noctis shout

"ha don't make me laugh" Tarou's said as he uses the incredible speed of his Devil Fruit power to propel himself out of the black hole it almost looked as if he teleported.
Kiba clapped "well done, but you haven't escaped yet" he said "Kurouzu" he said as a black smoke shaped like an arm surrounded Tarou
Tarou just took his bandages around his hand off and slapped the black smoke and it vanished from sight "the Nikyu Nikyu no Mi is my devil fruit i have the ability to repel anything i touch" Tarou said smiling as he used his devil fruit again on himself to get close to his opponent 'please work' he was thinking as he attempted to use Busoshoku Haki and his barrage of attacks from before. His Haki worked and he attempted to hit his opponent (his speed and number of attacks was like this )
Kiba took all the hits however none of them had any affect on him "Black world" Kiba said as the surrounding area was covered in darkness "so only he could see " black hole" the floor become nothingness and his foe began to sink in the darkness Kiba then used Kurouzu to force his enemy further into the lack hole.
Tarou used his devil fruit to escape the black hole and he repelled himself into the air and on top of a building near by still unable to see "Dam too close" he muttered to himself cracking his neck he then stood not moving and said "Ursus Shock" he then gathers air with his palms and compresses it into a giant bubble which resembles a paw-print. (one post to attempt to stop him since this is his strongest attack it takes time)
(great hehe)

Kiba growled angrily "almighty black hole" he said the floor covered in nothingness and everything and everyone began to sink "what are you going to do? attack me or save everyone" he grinned this had to work the building which Tarou was on began to shake and almost collapse.

"Dark matter" Kiba formed a big ball of darkness and threw it at the building "will he stop it? or will everyone be devoured by darkness" Kiba laughed.

Kazuma jumped into the boat stopping himself from being consumed by Kiba's attack "this guy is over powered" he said

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