One Piece [Inactive]

She stopped. " oh dont worry your reward is coming. besides im not half as weak as youd think." she continued walking and paid him no mind seeing that there was another empty harbor she snuck down a dark alleyway and slipped out of sight, thinking. ' my ship.. the spare!! the docks!!" she made sure she was out of sight and sprinted out of town acting as if she hadnt had a choice but to flee.
Yui and Notics just looked at the destruction of the ship and sighed "you'll pay for that" they both say yet again in sync as Yui moved at the speed of light and used Busoshoku Haki on her foot to attempt to kick him at the speed of light and at the same time Notics touched his weapon and made it levitate and sent it to go round the back of him to try and stab him in the back with his sea prism infused sword.
Xishi saw the ship get destroyed and was stunned about what was happening, but then he just walked off to a tavern in the village, "Just when i thought i was going to join a crew, Meh, well ill just get a drink and think of something to do" Xishi said, whilst his smile went and turned into a frown.
shade jumped aboard the spare she she left as a child that was outside of the town secluded in the the shrubs she Climbed up and set sail back to the dock nearby she then whistled picking up Xishi. "lets go we gotta get the other two." she set down a plank for him to get aboard and pulled off.
'Haki' Kazuma sensed "crap" he said before using kenbunshoku Haki to dodge the two attacks "that was close" he whispered to himself ' i didn't think they were good enough to use haki, i guess i was wrong' he thought to himself. "better get out of here" he said . Kazuma used air bubbled and disappeared.
Xishi attention quickly turned to shade and he sprinted towards the spare ship that she had found and ran onto the plank and jumped onto the ship "You miss me" Xishi said with a smirk on his face and he went to go sit in a corner to relax in.
"Miss you?" Shade had a small grin on her face and had set sail she climbed up to the sight tower with a rope attached to the wheel which she pulled to steer. "this will work out nicely, i missed this ship"she said quickly seeing the dock and jumpin down.
"aw he ran ha no surprise" Noctis said laughing thinking 'he was too cocky'.

Yui stood their and sighed thinking 'why do i always get caught up in fights wait didn't i bring this one on myself but she decided to ignore that thought' scratching her head.
Zero climbed out of the water, grabbed his swords, abandoned his shirt. After seeing the power of the duo he sprinted to them, bowed his head and said,

"That was quite a performance, pitty the guy ran away I was kinda hoping to be entertained ah well"
Xishi sat down and waited for something to do, "So what's the history with you and this ship?" Xishi questioned shade whilst trying to find a comfortable position to sit in.
Kazuma reappeared in an ally way "he noticed the ship was about to leave, he frowned "Air bubble" he said pointing to the ship however it didn't reach "No" he groaned " i need more training" he said to himself "air bubble seems to be the only attack i have" he frowned "I will return" he whispered before walking away.
''hm well this was my first ship i had i made her when i was younger because i had nothing i was an orphan." the ship neared the dock seeing the duo and someone else without a shirt she lowered anchor. "hey! hop aboard!" shade laughed and layed down the plank as she pulled up at the dock. she thought about what was happening.
the two turned to face the shirtless man

"nice body" Yui said in a sarcastic voice before she noticed a ship was docked with the same captain she hopped aboard.

"put some clothing on man" Noctis said doing the same as Yui
Xishi listened to Shade then saw that she turned her attention to the two people from before and some weird guy without his shirt on, but Xishi went back to his normal self and ignored what was happening.
shade raised anchor and got ready to pull off. "What are you doing here anyway shirtless? catch. " she threw an old shirt that she had in her quarters at him waiting on him to put it on (she wears guy shirts because she hates girlylike- clothes) she loosened the sail ropes and kept the older ship at her control
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"A SHIP EXPLODED IN FRONT OF ME!" he shouted "BESIDES, it's not like I wanted to miss the action even though I did anyway" he reached out and grabbed the shirt flinging it over his shoulder instead of putting it on properly he picked up his swords and called out "Thanks kid" he slung them all over his other shoulder.

"Wait did you just say I have a nice body" he added
Yui shouted to him "it was a joke your ugly"

Noctis started laughing at Yui's remark to the shirtless man
Shade busted out laughing. " yeah yeah but why were you near my ship anyway? ..." she looked at him abit angrily " HEY! im not a kid!" she threw a small dagger at his feet as if to give him a rude goodbye and pulled up the plank.
Kazuma saw a small ship dock up, he grinned and walked over to the captain "your ship is mine" he said grinning. The captain shook his head "no it isn't" Kazuma frowned "please do not pick a fight with me" he said. The captain laughed as his crew of four stood behind him. "Fine then" Kazmua smiled "Air bubble" he said. A bubble formed around the crew Kazuma swung his hand into the sky and the crew vanished and reappeared in the middle of the ocean. "told you" he muttered before getting onto the ship and getting ready to set sail.
Zero fell to the floor, curled into the fetal position and began to rock back and forth.

"Words hurt to ya' know" he said in a childish manner. He then stood up and called "I was actually hoping to get a ride to next island i can pay you good money if you accept" at least that's what he would do the day after they got there. He picked up his swords and stood waiting for the answer.
Xishi said to Shade "this guy could be of use, let him on" Xishi looked at shade, waiting for an answer.
Yui face went to a apologetic tone of voice and she bowed and said "I'm sorry" to the shirtless man

Noctis was still laughing even more now he knew that this was a major weakness for her making her feel bad or guilty really hit her hard.
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shade placed the plank, "alright but you may have to work." she waited until he was aboard and pulled off setting sail navigating carefully through the whirlpools that appeared.
As soon as Zero boards the ship he bows to everyone on bored and greets them, he then makes his way up the mast puts his swords in the crows nest then joins them and falls asleep.
"hmph. Everyone ready?" She let the sail down and they continued speeding up until they neared an island the ship slight rocking from the ocean waves. she tightened her grip checking her compass and steering the ship. the ship was abit old and dirty but worked better than ever, shade closed her eyes and felt the sea spray and the wind, she loved the ocean being a pirate and most of all the freedom she felt

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