One Piece [Inactive]

Kazuma frowned "it's so slow" he groaned, Kazuma thought he was never going to catch them up however the ship was going faster than he thought, he slowly caught the up in no time at all, the ship was only a few centimetres in front until Kazuma turned into air and went inside the ship without anyone noticing,
Shade sped up unaware of Kazuma using a giant motor she made along time ago speeding the trip up before he could slip aboard making them a good mile or so away with a light smile she opened her eyes. " still works, we will be there in no time!'' she shouted
Xishi was still in the corner, and he reached into his pocket and grabbed a piece of paper with a marking on it, a outline of a weapon he was going to make, he grabbed his quill and continued to make adjustments to his projects.
Noctis gets bored and decided to try something new "sorry about this everyone" Noctis said with a giant devilish smile on his face as he raised his hands in the air

"NO NOCTIS DON'T EVEN TRY IT" Yui shouted but it was too late

Noctis managed to levitate the ship into the air "HA well look at that it worked a flying ship"Noctis said very proudly
Xishi was working away then noticed that the ship started to levitate, as it went up he quickly put his quill and paper away before he started to make a mess, "Nice trick, Now stop it" Xishi said not so impressed.
Shade climbed up the rope ladder to the sails steering to starboard with the rope tied to the wheel positive that she wouldnt need help on the first day with a crew as if showing them the jobs they must learn. "hey!'' she looked over at him sorta impressed. "thats pretty cool, even though boats are made for water " she steered the boat that was flying getting a useful aerial view. " if you keep it up we can be there even faster."
Kazuma felt the ship being lifted from the waves "nice" He grinned "another devil fruit user" he said to himself. Kazuma then climbed the stairs towards the deck he put his head against the door listening to every word that was being said. "i could steal the ship" he smirked evilly.
Xishi heard that Shade was talking and he knew that the boat wasn't going to stop levitating, "Well i should just get back to work on my little beauty" Xishi mumbled to himself, whilst getting his paper and quill out, again and continuing to work on the project.
Zero, feeling the shudder, opened his eyes and looked around unwilling to lift his head over the edge of the crows nest he dismissed it and shouted "Keep the ship steady i'm trying to sleep up here!" he then fell back asleep.
Shade heard a noise and looked to see who was talking."odd.." she shook her head and remained silent glaring at them as a sign to keep watch, she climbed up to Zero. "keep look out from here okay?" jumping down and checking once more then looking at the duo. "okay drop it into the water, trust me." she looked at everyone and went to the wheel steering into the wind speeding them up alot.
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"Don't say that he will take it literally" Yui said but yet again she was too late

"Drop it ok then" Noctis put his hands down and the ship went falling faster than a bullet out o f gun.
Once the ship crashed back Into the water Kazuma opened the door and walked out smiling "hello all" he grinned. " Air bubble" he said and a giant bubble formed around everyone " now since you can't move what do you guys want to do? He asked smiling evilly
Zero once again woke up but this time he in the crows nest he was several feet above the crows nest.

"What the heck's going on?!" he shouted "Why are we falling?!"

He grabbed all his swords and tried to reach the top of the mast only just managing to pull himself to wards it, he took some loose rope and tied his swords to the mast and began to climb down the rigging.
Shade growled angered and did nothing but pull the rope she had in her hand the engine popped and she covered her face and eyes as she done so she knew they had copied her and when it exploded he flew off she looked around seeing noone was hurt but more shocked. "perfect" she turned. "raise the other sails!" she let down 3 more sails and pulled at the last one which was stuck.
Xishi signed and looked at the weird kid who just put a bubble around the ship "Well this is..Hummm... Interesting" Xishi said not really caring about what was going on.
"1% attack power" Kazuma said as he used an almighty gust of wind to blow a hole into the side of the boat, he climbed inside "air bubble" Kazuma frowned as a bubble surrounded a part of the ship to bad it wasn't large enough to reach someone, he then clicked his fingers and that part of the ship was crushed into dust.
"NOT YOU AGAIN" Yui and Noctis shouted,

Yui then said "you really think you can hold the speed of light do you your more dumb than you look if think you can" she also said "Yata no Kagami" to name her attack then light bounced around the boat she then transformed into the light in order to get to her desired location which was behind the man they fought before she attempted to kick him at the same time as she transformed into the light slightly impressed by the damage he caused. ((basically she did this ))

"i don't need to move to kick your butt" Noctis said soon after Yui as his sword is already being touched by him he just sends his sword straight towards the person he fought before not even slightly impressed by the damage he caused.
shade watched knowing she could nothing silently cheering them on. "my ship." she furiously growled and continued steering the remains away from the sharp jagged rocks up ahead.
"What the!? Why can't i move!?" Zero said as he struggled he then looked at his feet and noticed he had gotten himself tangled in the rigging. "Damn it!" Zero continued to struggle...
Kazuma slowly picked himself up laughing, blood dripped from his head, "nice power you have got there, however no one can see you because your fast, we'll no one can see me because I'm no longer here" he grinned before disappearing into thin air.
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Yui continued to use Yata no Kagami too stop herself from being able to be attacked because if she was attacked she could move in time hopefully anyway.

Noctis just stood their rapidly spinning his sword around him using his devil fruit as like a defense mechanism in case the person attacking them tried to attack him.
"Stay still! Kazuma shouted trying to look around from Yui, he breathed a deep breath and shouted " Giant air bubble" and a huge bubble covered the ship, Kazuma reappeared " yes now I've got you... He said but suddenly blood slowly poured from his mouth, he put his hand onto his heart before callapsing onto the floor and all the air bubbles vanished...
"Great congratulations you beat up a kid" Zero shouted from his position upside down in the rigging "NOW GET ME DOWN FROM HERE!" Zero struggled more...
"Ah so my kick did about as much damage as i thought it would" Yui said proud knowing she wan't as weak as she was just thinking

"The waiting game doesn't count" Noctis said annoyed that yet again she finished the fight without him doing anything just like she normally does "i don't know it looks fun up there" Noctis added laughing after.
shade managed to somehow unknowingly escape and when she stood up she heard zero and climbed up a rope. "grab the rope and hold on tight." she placed his hands on the rope and swung down and when she got down she waited for him to get down from the swaying rope. "the ships in abit of wreckage. " she huffed alot of air and starting fixing it with make due pieces.

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