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Fantasy On The Run (Always Open!)

Vladimor mocked an offended look. "What do you mean, pull something like that! I don't know where they are!" He crosses his arms in sticks out his tongue before he shrugs. "I'm not sure. Come look around with me." He sees an elevator in the house, smiling. What's better than walking up the stairs? Not walking up the stairs. He grins, once again pulling Matthew along, opening the elevator and trying the second floor. Sure they take a little longer, but no walking! Three floor is a lot. When the door chimes and opens, he continues around, noticing the second floor was mainly rooms and...an office? Nice. Too bad he wasn't here on business. (Odd ball.) The last room on this floor was a small theater, three chairs and a bed positioned infront of a white screen. "Wanna watch something with me?" He asks, letting go of Matthew's hand as he walks over to a shelf that held tons of movies.

Derrick shakes his head. "Maybe later. I'd let you tag along with me, but I'm also buying clothes, as you can see." He smiles sheepishly, holding up all the bags he was carrying. "Plus I gotta get food for the house..." He wonders how he's going to get all of this home in one trip...No worries, he'll find a way. "...If you have nothing else to do, maybe want to help me out a little? Not to be a burden or anything..."

Orious nodded with a smirk."I'll help. But as payment you have to go out with me and have some good old fun,deal?" Orious responded,offering to carry the bags which would be easy for Ori considering his strength as the vampire.

"I'll walk on my own now, thanks." Tabitha finally told Leo, and without waiting for him to respond the girl jumped out of his arms. For a second or two she stayed still, having fallen over and scraped her knees, but the second she got up again she started to run. She didn't know for how much time she actually ran. All she knew was that she didn't stop until she collapsed. She looked around. She was in an alleyway, and Leo was nowhere in sight. "Thank God!" Tabitha thought, but her relief was soon replaced with worry when she realized that she didn't know where she was, and that she was too tired to run now. She tried to get up, only to collapse again. Her legs burned like they had been scorched, and the rest of her body already reached feverish temperatures. She wrapped her arms around her knees and rested her head on them, trying to shield her thinly-dressed body from the cold which, with the fever, tortured her with a constant war of on and off. If she could walk now, she'd actually try to walk back to Leo, but she had no such luck. She was stuck in an alleyway sick and traumatized by what she had seen earlier that day. So far, her first day in Vegas sucked.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/57a8c6c27b49a_AnimeGothicWoman.jpg.35583e929e2a0fb212bb60ac913dc75b.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="95865" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/57a8c6c27b49a_AnimeGothicWoman.jpg.35583e929e2a0fb212bb60ac913dc75b.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

"There are plenty of raven-haired girls around here sir. I'm afraid you'll need to be more specific." Rin Sato told the strange boy flatly. He dealt the cards again without even glancing at him. Rin already knew what Cicero was thinking, more specifically who he was thinking of, but Rin didn't care. Experiment or not, the "Tabitha" girl wasn't his concern. Cold, sleek, and emotionless were all great words to describe the transgender male, at least that's what everyone who talked to him thought. In truth, he was just a no-nonsense sort of person. Instead of laughing at a joke somebody made, he'd just wrap an arm around his sister and continue about his business. He didn't even seemed to notice the drunkards that would either flirt or harass him. All he did was remind his sister not to get close to those sort of people.

"Hey, what are y-" Matt's protests were short-lived as he quickly got dragged along by Vladimor all throughout the house. He winced every time the taller male pulled him with excessive force, but he didn't complain. The last thing Matt wanted to worry about right now were stitches. When he wasn't being dragged, the boy found he actually enjoyed himself. "It's beautiful." or "Wow, how can you live like this?" were some of Matthew's quiet compliments. He had given up on hiding his admiration by now: What sort of person would he be if he wasn't impressed by this? Even Vladimor seemed excited about some of this stuff, and it belonged to him! The final room they visited was Matthew's favorite, and for a second he was so distracted that he just gave Vlad a brief "Uh-huh" while he looked around. The room wasn't the largest, but it certainly wasn't small. Nearly everything in there was black, except for the white screen at the front of the room. Matt found it a little odd there was a bed in a theatre-themed room however... Snapping back into reality, Matthew just now processed what Vlad had been saying. "Oh, what do you want to watch?" he asked, but that thought from earlier of not belonging crept back into his head. He tried to ignore the feeling, but it persisted quite sternly, cursing at Matthew to leave. Instead of doing that, he sat down in one of the three chairs, forcing himself to relax a little and enjoy the moment.

Ooc: Can we say @Cicero was wearing a hat this whole time? Because being a cat-boy is a pretty big giveaway to his identity. Also, sorry for the late reply- computer acted up really badly. X_X​



  • Anime Gothic Woman.jpg
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Ooc:Yea sure him and Nick are wearing a hat they always yea one when out in public

"Uhh....she was here I say about an hour ago or some time ago I don't really know I was behind her until I went to talk to someone she has beautiful green eyes."He said while ignoring the fact that male was dealing the game right now his only concern was finding Tab 'They have to have at least noticed when she left hopefully this place is pretty pack.' He thought trying to reassure himself
mewbot5408 said:
Mew walked down the sidewalk and looked up stopping at the bookstore and went inside his tail twitching as he went in. He noticed lia and smirked making his way over.Mew's seen her before and even remembered her."Hello,lia right?" He asked with a smirk.
Reluctantly, Lia looked up from her book, "Yes..." she said, "Can I help you?" she flipped the book over to save her page, then stood up. She recognized this guy, but couldn't put a name on his face. Lia put on a friendly smile, but she was really annoyed. She really wanted to get back to the book she was reading, so she hoped the smile didn't look forced or fake.

Derrick, nods. A night out wouldn't be so bad. He might have seemed like the type to not go out and do anything, but in reality, he loved going out, he loved doing new things! "Sounds like a plan! Help me with grocery shopping. Lots of people, lots of stuff! Can you start heading there now, while I drop off all these clothes?" He asks of him, keeping his eye on the idle taxi parked by.

Vladimor shrugs, fingers gliding along the multitudes of titles, humming in thought. "Eragon," He says, pulling it out of its spot. "In his homeland of Alagaesia, a farm boy happens upon a dragon's egg, a discovery that leads him on a predestined journey where he realizes he's the one person who can defend his home against an evil king." He reads off the back with a cute little half-smile on his face. Of course, he'd be drawn to dragons if you'd recall his previous mention for the love of fantasy. "If not, you can choose. I have bad taste in stuff like this." He laughs, looking over the back with an interested look.


((OOC: You put your picture, so I put mine. I put a spoiler instead though becaUSE IT'S HUGE FOR NO REASON))

"Thanks for being so specific, lover boy," Rei asks with sarcasm rolling her eyes. Unlike her brother, she was oblivious to whom the boy was talking about. Otherwise, she ignored such a kid. Paying more mind to her brother. "Rin-Riinnn," She whined, fanning herself in such a needless way, "I'm so bored, I'm tired of winning all these poor sucker's life savings away," She said it in such a way that it was obvious that it was a joke. They were the best at what they did, with or without cheating. Rei especially loved the tips they got from the players, usually from the attractive young men who gawked at her and her sibling, or the true players who loved a good game.
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Cicero sighed in frustration "So if I'm guessing by your sarcastic voice you haven't seen her so you can shut up now."He stated to the girl placing his hands on the table hoping to ruin the game so they would have to listen "Just tell me if you seen her leave or not her name is Tabitha she has raven black hair, green eyes, porcelain skin, and she is 5'9 is that better know."He said with his head down looking at the table growing aggravated with the two dealers in front of him when he looked up to see them his face was impatience same with his eyes but they held many more emotions that were hidden under the anger he was feeling right know

Rin let out a frustrated sigh and closed his eyes. Did this guy ever shut up?! "If you don't know where your own girlfriend is, I can't help you." Rin said harshly, before turning to his sister. The change in his personality was astounding! He may have acted like a cold bastard toward the stranger, but when he turned toward his twin sister he gave such a soft, warm smile but it could possibly melt ice. "If you're so bored, go find something else to do." Rin retorted, but he didn't lost his smile. Both he and his sister knew when they were and weren't joking with each other. This precious sibling bonding moment was soon interrupted however, thanks to the annoying cat-boy in front of them, who had slammed his hands on the table. Gamblers yelled, but Rin shushed them with the raising of his hand. "We. Don't. Know." he told Cicero sternly. It was true: Even with his ability to communicate with other minds, it was impossible for Rin to know where this "Tabitha" woman was if Cicero himself didn't know. He didn't so much as glance at his sister, but instead starting talking to her from within the safety of their own minds. "Should we help? I vote no." Rin said telepathically, still glaring at the boy who dared to interrupt their game.

Ooc: Posting Matt's reponse in a sec ugh.​

"It's fine- I haven't seen a movie since I was twelve, so I'm sure you're a better judge than me." Matthew told him, leaning back slightly in his chair and totally not staring at Vladimor when he wasn't looking. When Vlad put the dvd in Matthew patted the seat next to him, implying the other boy should sit by him. Matt wouldn't admit it, but he was actually semi-interested in watching the movie. It had been so many years since he had seen one that it felt like a new experience.

Orious nodded with a smile."its settled. It's a date.ok,will do."he answered and with that turning,heading off walking. Though it seemed like he had nearly disappeared due to using his incredible speed,the vampire already have gone pretty far without any problems. Orious never had need for transportation normally even with being in public,people didn't pay him much mind even if he had the occasional moments where women whom would swoon over his looks even if he typically seemed the elegant but deadly type. Orious made his way into the store and went ahead going through the list of things to get quietly hitting each aisle as he went down the list putting things in the cart.

Rei scoffs at him, narrowing her eyes and crossing her arms. "Rude." When Rin connected with her she responds to him with a short, "I second that vote." How dare he mess up their game, and then demand an answer? Rei wasn't having it. She apologized to all the players, before once again addressing the disturbance. "Now, you're gonna have to leave. We don't want to see you around here again. Disrupting somebody's game, the nerve you've got, kid!" She waves him off. "If you come around here again, I'll call security on you." She glares at him, waiting until he left.

Vladimor feels glad when they could watch the movie he picked. He hadn't seen it himself, but maybe it'd be interesting! He plays the movie, skipping the intro before he goes to sit next to Matthew, happy that he was welcomed right next to him. "Twelve? That's a..really long time. Then again, I didn't watch a lot of movies as a kid at all. Books were what I made use of in the little spare time I had." Soon enough, he quiets himself for the movie, playing with the ends of his hair as he watched.

Derrick goes by taxi to drop the bags off, looking for the master bedroom. When he finds the biggest room, he begins hanging up the clothing he bought up, Putting the accessories on display and such before going to a lesser room to claim as his own and putting up to few things he got for himself. This time, he went to go search for this house's car to avoid having to take yet another taxi. When he found it, he sees all the dust on it and cringes. He leaves the garage, coming back with a towel to remove the thick layer of dust. (He could tell someone recently been here by the clearing in the window, but it didn't matter)He begins wiping down the car, soon returning it to it's former gleaming white color. "Now where are the keys..." In the dryer, of course. An odd place, but no house robber usually looks in the dryer! It's where they keep all the car keys in their many houses. He rushes to get it, coming back and starting the car, reveling in its roar during it's ignition. He went to go to the grocery store to find Orious, searching along the isles until h found the vampire. "Orious!" He calls out, running down to him, grinning as he stands in front of the violet-eyed male.​
Cicero started laughing "You really are stupid I'm not leaving until he give me answers on if you seen Tab leave or not."He said while jumping on the table and kicking anything he could "Also that's ruining the game trust me I could a lot worse."He stated while glaring down at the two all emotion gone in his face but his eyes held nothing but fury towards the two ignore the fact that the people that were playing the game yelled at him "Also if you call security its going to suck from them and a waste of time when you can just tell me if you seen her leave."He told the them crouching down so he was at eye level with both of them still furious but not showing it in his face only in his eyes

Matthew rolled his eyes at Vladimor's shocked reaction. "I was sent to the facility a few days after I turned thirteen." he explained. He would have said more, but he didn't want to ruin the pleasant and even somewhat relaxing mood. The movie played, and Matt found himself getting intrigued, mostly by the fighting scenes that had been acted out with so much passion. Sure, the special efforts could've been better and the actors seemed rather inexperienced, but there was something raw and hypnotizing about the way they spoke and strutted around the set, saying lines that sounded like they were straight from the book- a book Matt never had the opportunity to read. Still, nothing could last forever, and that included the boy's attention span. He yawned, blinked a few times, and finally set his head down on Vladimor's lap, closing his eyes and not even paying attention as the last battle scene began between Eragon and his brother.

Rin had never wanted to hit somebody so much, but he restrained himself. "Get down off the table. You're making a fool out of yourself." the boy hissed at him, pointing a finger down to the ground to indicate for him to follow the order. If this idiot by the name of Cicero did that, maybe he'd bite and give the boy what information he knew, but not before that.​
Orious had already grabbed a lot of what was listed,he looked at the list again only to hear derrick calling his name. He looked up and down to the smaller male with a smile."hey, I got most of it except a few things..."he greeted with a slight laugh at the human's enthusiasm as he handed the list to derrick,each item he had collected been crossed of in ink.
"I'm always a fool in fact I'm a complete idiot and I'll get off this stupid table on one condition."He said walking across it kicking down someone's pile of chips and walked back to the two dealers "So do we have a deal or do I just have to keep ruining this so called fun game?"He asked the two sitting on the table and tilting his head a little smiling at how mad hes most likely making the two but at this point he couldn't care less he just wanted answers and if he has to make a fool of himself he will gladly do it 'Why can't these two just tell me I would leave in an instant if they told me.' he thought while laying down on the table and looking at the ceiling

Vladimor was deep into the movie, deeply intrigued by it, even though it wasn't even able to be described as 'the best' but really, bad taste. He barely was conscious of Matthew laying down in his lap, but without looking away from the screen, he runs his fingers through his hair, still in trance as the movie went on. Nerd. When the movie ends, he yawns. Movies made him sleepy for some reason, a reason he'd never know why. Anyways it's been forever since he'd seen a movie and it was a great thing after so long. Except Matthew was...asleep, he thinks? "Matthew?" He calls, stopping his petting and resting his hand on his head for a second.

Rei just about had it with this buffoon. "I want him out!" She tells Rin, her fingers trembling in anger. "Tell him whatever so he can go, because he's not taking no for an answer...!" She'd already hit the man if she wouldn't be fired for hitting a 'valued gambler'. Times like this she wished she hadn't worked here, but if she didn't they wouldn't be in the situation in the first place. Men like this, she couldn't stand.

"Oh?" Derrick was pleased with how fast he had gotten everything. "These rest of things aren't so important, we can just go now and get them later when they're actually needed. C'mon, let's go pay for all this." Derrick says, making his way to one of the check out lanes. Going out to drink? What if Vladimor needed him? Well he has been independent for quite some time, maybe one night wouldn't hurt.​
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Ooc:Your welcome Rei glad to know I can put another name in the book of people that hate me
Orious followed derrick quietly a bit happy he had been useful for him,pushing the cart to the checkout. The clerk scanning everything and bagging it up.after everything was paid for and such the vampire helped put everything in the car. He then looked the human with his with a slight smile having a idea on what he was thinking from his face. "You shouldn't worry about him too much, he knows how to take care of himself, he's grown...Plus in my opinion you deserve a nice break once in a while. Not to mention we're in Vegas,you show worry more about having a little fun...I'll have you back when he needs you anyways..."Orious murmured and looked at him trying to comfort him with his words.

"Mm? What is it...?" Matthew barely took notice of Vladimor at first, having fallen part of the way asleep during the last thirty minutes of the movie. He tried to get more comfortable, nuzzling at Vlad's leg- until he realized what he was doing. He opened his eyes and quickly sat back up, only to flinch when he felt the pain of moving pretty much any part of his body close to the stitches. "Sorry." he said before Vladimor could say anything else. It was dark in the room, but not nearly enough to hide the humiliated look on Matt's face. "How long will I continue to embarrass myself?" Matthew wondered. "You should have woken me up." the boy scolded him, giving Vlad a glare that he didn't really mean. He didn't mean for it to seem teasing either of course, but it could very easily be mistaken for it. "Anyway," Matt attempted to change the subject to anything besides himself. "What do you want to do now? I really think I should just walk to the hotel... It's not that far." Here he mentioned leaving again. It was getting so old that even Matthew wanted to slap himself. It wasn't like he was ignorant on the fact he probably hurt Vladimor whenever he mentioned it, but what else could he do? Every second he spent with Vlad always made him feel like their... whatever they had, would go somewhere else, and he wasn't sure if he was ready for whatever that change was. "What are we?" Matt wanted to ask, but he wasn't sure if he would like the answer.

Rei wasn't alone with her desire to punch the lights out of this guy, but Rin was a little more controlled than her. "Play nice, sister." he commanded her. He turned to Cicero with an empty smile. "She was in here, but she left. How does that answer suit you?" His fists were clenched at his sides, but he didn't dare make a move to harm the boy. This was a business, and if he needed to call security he would, but he wouldn't be so unprofessional as to deal with the miscreant himself.​
"FINALLY was that so hard to say anyways have fun with your game....or whats left of it bye."He stated while jumping off the table and walking out "Well shes not in there took them long enough to say it."He told himself while entering the ally way again to see Tab "Tab are you ok?"he ran up to her and crouched down seeing she was cold gave her his jacket "You have a fever don't you."He said to the girl while getting napkins he now kept encase Tab's ears start bleeding cause of him yelling by accident wiping the blood off her ears "There now your ears aren't bleeding anymore."He told the girl smiling while hugging her so she wasn't as cold but also cause he was scared she left and something happened to her but either way she was safe freezing and having a fever but safe never the less

Vladimor was startled when Matthew got up so quickly. He shakes his head. "The house is on the outskirts of the city, it's going to take you a while to get there. Plus you might get hurt out there, this isn't a particularly safe city to be running around. We can..watch the stars together? That sounds a little gay, but it might be nice." He laughs, hoping he'd stay a around for a while longer, if he's lucky maybe even the night.

Rei runs her fingers through her hair in frustration, feeling much more relieved when the boy leaves. "I'm done for the night." She huffs crossing her arms. "I can't handle this kind of bullshit for the rest of the night." Without another word, she storms out of the casino, sitting in the front with an aggrevated look on her face. "Hell, people are so fuckin' stupid." She shaker her head, tugging on her hair.

Derrick frowns. "You think that this is a chore for me?" He says, as if Orious struck a sudden nerve. "I want to help Vladimor when he needs it, it's not about whether or not he needs it, I want to make his life as care-free as he'll let me. I want him to understand what it feel to be treated like a God. I want him to feel important. Do you understand?" His explanation held some sort of desperation as he shuts the trunk filled with groceries. He seemed sort of upset as he got into the car, beginning to drive when Orious gets in with him.​
"Yeah I get it...I know your master important,it's the same for me with mine. I just think you shouldn't stress yourself if you don't have to..." Orious explained with a sigh,blurting out he was practically owned by someone without meaning to. The vampire had gotten and stared to the window. "....The difference is yours is kinder to you than I expected...." he murmured to himself.

"That guy was interesting, no? I don't like him, but I have half a mind to see where he and his girlfriend will run off to." Rin said telepathically to his sister, all the while picking up the chips and money, ignoring the yells of angry customers. After everything was set back up, he followed his sister outside. "You need to be more patient. Getting angry so easily will only make life harder for you." he scolded her, tilting his head to the side as he looked at her. In Rin's eyes, his twin was the kindest of girls, but she kept proving him wrong again and again. Sighing, Rin took a cigarette out and after putting it in his mouth, he took out a lighter and struggled to light it.

Tabitha felt nearly dead was Cicero arrived. Her feet, the things she had been hoping she could use if she just let them rest, had gone numb completely, while the rest of her body had simply remained there shivering, unable to just grow another pair of legs and run, despite her desperately wishing it could. "Cee... Cee-ro, thank... you." Tabby spoke her words in a voice barely over a whisper, before collapsing into his arms. She wasn't dead yet, but she certainly didn't look far off from it. Her breathe came out in quick gusts of air, making her sound like she was somewhere between freezing to death and dying of the heat she felt inside her chest.

"Fine, but I refuse to be your pillow." Matthew replied quickly. He kept his tone even, but there was something happy in Matt's eyes. He got up slowly, feeling the way his skin around his stitches seemed to pull. He knew it was supposed to slowly close the wound, but that didn't assure Matt he'd be relieved of the pain he felt from them anytime soon. He couldn't let the pain show on his face though- His pride wouldn't let him. "I don't mind the cold, do you?" he asked Vlad, casually grabbing the boy's hand while he spoke. He pretended like it was nothing, but on his face it was clear he understood what he just did was indeed something. Like Matt had done time and time again, he averted his gaze from the other boy's. It was Matthew's way of escaping: If he didn't look at somebody, he could pretend they didn't exist. That was what it was usually, but it was hard to tell what it was now. After all, he was holding Vlad's hand, so it wasn't like he was doing that... so what was Matthew thinking? It was hard to tell if even he knew what his train of thought was right now, but it definitely involved Vladimor.​
"Shit...Tab stay with me ok were going to get help."He told the girl picking her up and tightening the jacket around her before rounding the corner to the casino almost running into one of the dealers 'Thank god someone's still here.'He thought to himself a smile growing on his face "I need your help I know I was a dick the first time I talked to you guys but Tab has a fever so I need some cold water and some towels please I don't want her to die she doesn't deserve it."He pleaded to the two while he was on his knees tears threatening to appear but he held them back 'These are the only people that can help me I don't think Tab can survive long enough for me to find Vlad's house and I don't think a hospital will treat her unless they call the scientist first.'He though to himself while feeling Tab's forehead to see if her fever gone down any and made sure the jacket has tight enough to warm her up letting Cicero having nothing but a short sleeve shirt but at this point he didn't care about anything other then Tab being ok he kept pleading for her to wake up

"Fine, I'm sort of curious too. Was he one of us?" She asks telepathically, tilting her head, even though Rin wasn't there yet to see the gesture. Rei stands, waiting on her brother. Rei snickers when he can't light his cigarette, snatching the lighter from him and lights it for him. "I understand that, but I also understand that there will be times where I can use such a flaw to my advantage, of course." He tells him, a smile on her face.

Vladimor laughs at the joke that Matthew keeps holding on to. That's the first and biggest landmark of whatever their relationship is so far. Amazing. He was surprised when Matthew took his hand, but he didn't show it. Vladimor didn't want him to make a comment that'd lead to him letting go. "As long as your there I don't care." But instead he couldn't seem to form any words at all and ends up shaking his head. They went to the back again, finding the marble flooring to be much cleaner than sand and rocks. Plus there were already pool chair there for their convenience.

Derrick's facial expression softens at Orious' words, and he gives a questioning look. "Your..master?" He asks him, not ever recalling him mentioning something about being owned. But the difference was Derrick wasn't just a piece of property. He was a companion, a friend -- someone to count and rely on, and he knew it. Though, as of late Vladimor had been finding less and less use for the poor loyal boy...


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