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Fantasy On The Run (Always Open!)

When Cicero let go of Nagato he fell to the ground unconscious. His whole body was weak from the battle and when woke he would need to gather energy to heal himself, and if Cicero needed it Nagato could try to heal him. He didn't have any dreams all he saw was the same thing he also saw while he slept which was blackness.

Matthew obediently followed after Vladimor, but he really had to protest before the taller boy got too excited. "I don't belong here, a-and more importantly..." He paused a bit, not knowing how true or untrue the next thing he was going to say was. "I'd rather not stay here, so I think I'll go to a hotel." The words slid off his tongue easily, but once he was done saying them he felt guilty. He knew everything he just said was rude, considering how nice Vladimor had been to him, so he couldn't just leave it at that. "I am grateful for your generosity, but it'll be better for me to stay somewhere more... private." Matt put his left hand on the back of his neck, feeling like a kid reading off a speech their parents wrote for them. Still, it was better than just letting himself be dragged along, right?

Tabitha winced when she felt the sharp edges of his hands graze her skin, but she didn't complain. Instead, she just clung to the metal monster of a boy until she found she could speak again. "I... was going to find Cicero." she whispered weakly. It wasn't just her yelling, but the shock of what she had witnessed had really taken a toll on her. She closed her eyes, just trying to calm her heart. She was a gentle sort of creature, so the idea of all those people dying just because of her ignorance... she could barely stand it!​
Vladimor stops and frowns, looking at Vladimor with a look that was similar to that of a lost puppy. "What?" He whined breathlessly stepping forward to the boy. "Please...can you stay? With me?" His fingers twitched lightly as he takes Matthew's hand in his own with a pleading look on his face. "I'm...I'm tired of you leaving me...I keep trying to do things that'll make you want to be around me, but nothing I do seems to be working." He tries to smile as he pushes his fingers between the fingers of the smaller boy taking yet another step closer to him. "You want private, but I just want you." Upon admitting this, he's finally able to smile correctly. After taking a moment just to look at Matthew, he distances himself once again. He laughs in a sheepish way, shrugging off all his words. "Whatever, I'm not gonna force you to stay here. "I'm sure enough that there's a car in the garage, I can drop you off at one since we're kinda far off." He already begins to leave in search for the garage.

Matthew unthinkingly took a step back when Vladimor stepped forward. He listened silently to Vlad's words, and for a second he expected something to happen between them, but the second after he thought that Vladimor stepped away, mentioning something about driving Matt to the hotel. His heart felt heavy, but he did his best to hide his disappointment. "I- I might come back here if something happens, but I doubt anything will... You'd let me come back here right?" Matthew asked, but he didn't wait for an answer. He didn't want to hear Vlad telling him that "he'd always be welcomed here" or worse, that he wouldn't be allowed to come back if he left. There was something so tragic about the way Matthew dodged Vlad's questions, or tried to forget things that happened between them. He had heard Vladimor's words loud and clear, but it didn't change the fact that Matt was too much of a coward to respond to them. "Vlad's not brave either." he reminded himself, but the logical side of his mind disagreed with him. Sure, Vlad always backed off after saying something serious, but wasn't that just him being uncertain? If Matt was in his position, he'd try everything to stick close to his- well, whatever Vlad was to him- without them running off. "So, we should go." Matthew finally muttered, breaking the silence. His heart felt heavy, as if instead of blood pumping through his brains it was the black tar he had been injected with so many times while in captivity. He was tempted to reach out and touch Vlad, possible reassure him or just do so for the sake of it, but Matt didn't dare. He felt that every second he was here was only going to bring Vlad more pain.

Walking alone quietly Mew looked around at the shops with curiosity and stopped spying a cute little store blinking with a sigh. He liked cute little things but he wouldn't admit it honestly. The cat eared male shook his head and turned to continue walking when he smelled something like fish and blushed."....ah..uh Sorry."He ended up bumping into someone.
Izabell ran down the sidewalk giggling and tugged the vampire along with her. Orious sighed annoyed and yet he did as told because of her powers. Izabell stopped at a place and went in leaving Orious outside who wipped out a cigarette and lit it,putting it in his mouth then blew a puff. He then noticing derrick waved making his way over. Orious had still been wearing the gothic style vested suit izabell put him in which was quite attractive on him. He smiled and dropped the cigarette and stepped on it. "Hey,derrick. What's up?" He asked cheerfully and glad to see him.
Ooc:Guess it time to wake up Cicero

Bic:Cicero's eyes fluttered open as he looked around the room to see it in a blur 'Oh yea I was fighting Nagato and passed out.' He told himself getting up on is shoulders a little to see the room better He seen Nagato and nudged him with his foot blood trickling down his face and his mouth "Hey Nagato you awake?" He asked the boy before getting up and retrieving his hat and walking down stairs and looking out the door hoping no one heard any of the fighting when he made sure no one was near by he walked back in sitting on the steps still in a lot of pain from the fight and surprised he could still actually walk without falling on his face "Well I guess I have to wait for him to wake up and then find Tab."He told himself while putting his hands on his knees bored
Sighing, Lia walked outside and decided she wanted to read another book. She made her way back to the bookstore, inhaling deeply when she got there. She absolutely loved the smell of books, especially old ones. Later, she would go to the casino and meet up with John, but for now, she would sit down and just read for a little while. Hylia was grateful to the lady behind the desk, as she let her read at the table at the back of the store without having to actually buy the book. She didn't really want to buy any books because she's only ever read a book once, and it would just be a waste of the money she had left. She went back over to the mystery section, picked up another book, and started to read it.
Nagato slowly woke up and looked around find Cicero looking at him. "Don't think that you won." He said sitting up, "are you okay or do you think you need medical attention?" He quickly gather enough energy to heal himself and then moved the cloth from over his right eye to his left eye.
"I think we should call it a draw considering I almost went completely insane plus we both passed out as for medical attention I should be fine."He said standing up "Well I guess we should find Tab so we don't have to sleep on the streets."He stated while heading for the door saying her name he didn't know if when he heard her voice if it was reality or the dream but it was worth a shot while he spit on the ground most of it red due to the blood in his mouth and he wiped his forehead with the back of his hand "Where could she be?"he asked himself looking down every ally way while spitting blood on the ground occasionally
Cookie8272 said:
Sighing, Lia walked outside and decided she wanted to read another book. She made her way back to the bookstore, inhaling deeply when she got there. She absolutely loved the smell of books, especially old ones. Later, she would go to the casino and meet up with John, but for now, she would sit down and just read for a little while. Hylia was grateful to the lady behind the desk, as she let her read at the table at the back of the store without having to actually buy the book. She didn't really want to buy any books because she's only ever read a book once, and it would just be a waste of the money she had left. She went back over to the mystery section, picked up another book, and started to read it.
Mew walked down the sidewalk and looked up stopping at the bookstore and went inside his tail twitching as he went in. He noticed lia and smirked making his way over.Mew's seen her before and even remembered her."Hello,lia right?" He asked with a smirk.
Nagato just followed behind Cicero, "ya that sounds good. She was back at the casino right?" Nagato was still worn out from the fight and the pain of having electricity flow through his body was still fresh in his mind. "although as I was passing out I thought I heard her yelling."
"Yea I heard that too but I don't know where it came from also were going to have to spar again so we can decide the victor deal."He said turning around and offering his hand out for the guy to shake to make the agreement 'If I can hurt this guy when he uses his eye that must mean I'm getting stronger...that's why I have to keep fighting him until I beat him.' He told himself his face losing its smile and his face turning more serious then necessary
"Always." He tells him, still searching for the garage. It takes him a little, but eventually he finds one looking at the car in it. It was nice but it had a thick layer of dust over it. "Gross." He mutters, flicking on the light. In the light, good Lord! He begins searching around for the keys, but to no avail. He even wipes through the dust on the windows to check inside of the Chevy Camaro SS(2014 :) )

Still nothing. He huffs, and dust flies everywhere, causing him to cough as he begins swatting away the filthy particles. He shuts off the lights, closing the door behind him. "Can't find the damn keys." He tells him straight, clearing his throat. In all honesty, he was relieved, but only slightly in case he finds another way around it. "Plus it's dark out, what if you get hurt on the way out?" He continues his convincing words, "Stay at least for a little bit? I'm sure this house has some fun stuff we can do together, hm?" Vladimor bats his thick lashes, and grins at him.

"Deal, I think we should look around in the ally way. If she isn't there we can look on the road back to the casino." Nagato took Cicero's hand shacking it in agreement. 'It might be fun to practice using my eye again, I remember when I could look at someone with it and erase them from the earth. Well it might now have been that powerful but it will be fun.' He then thought to himself.
mewbot5408 said:
Izabell ran down the sidewalk giggling and tugged the vampire along with her. Orious sighed annoyed and yet he did as told because of her powers. Izabell stopped at a place and went in leaving Orious outside who wipped out a cigarette and lit it,putting it in his mouth then blew a puff. He then noticing derrick waved making his way over. Orious had still been wearing the gothic style vested suit izabell put him in which was quite attractive on him. He smiled and dropped the cigarette and stepped on it. "Hey,derrick. What's up?" He asked cheerfully and glad to see him.
The young servant was surprised to see him out here and he smiles, bowing in his direction. He beams up at him, big bags in his hands. "What are you doing out here? Having fun in this city?" He asks, excitement still obvious in his voice as he rocks back in forth one his heels, a grin on that pale face of his. He himself had just bought quite the amount of clothing and accessories for himself and Vladimor, but more for the latter. You apparel has to always match the place, he'd say. In Vegas, everyone seemed to dress extravagantly, not close to events back at home, but extravagant none the less.

"Yea ok but where do we start I kinda forgot where the casino was."He stated while he remembered he stole some drinks from the place he checked his pockets to see if they didn't shatter he pulled both of the out and sighed in relief they were still perfectly fine 'Well I guess if she worried about me I can give one of these to her and an apologetic gift.'He thought to himself with a smile growing on his face again "Ok lets try to find her."He said dramatically just for the hell of it while he began to look around rubbing his forehead occasionally to see if it was still bleeding thankfully he spit up all the blood in his mouth he hated the taste of it
Nagato walked in front of him, "here I will lead the way." He then began to lead him away from the abandoned building and away from the ally way. "It was this way." He said pointing to the direction where the casino was.

Ooc: Where is Tabby?

Matthew waited patiently for Vladimor from outside the garage. He may have been naive when he first met Vlad, but he had slowly begun to realize just how devious Vladimor was, and that was why he'd wait inside the house, just in case Vladimor decided he liked the dark garage a little too much. You can imagine Matt's surprise when he wasn't greeted by the devious Vlad and his keys, but rather a dust-covered and sneezing one. As soon as he was close enough Matthew started wiping the remaining dust off him, but he stopped when he heard Vlad's news. "No keys huh? I half-expected you to pull a trick like that." Matt said, but he was relieved. Vladimor didn't know it, but Matthew had been secretly planning to make up an excuse to come back once he spent enough time at the hotel. "Fine. What do you want to do?" Matthew asked, trying to look serious despite the way the sides of his mouth twitched, begging him to show off a smile he refused to reveal.

Ooc: Not sure if I should post for Tabby or wait for @Surprise Meteors because Tabby was currently being carried by Leo in the last post. xD​
Ooc:If he never post just say you gained enough strength to walk or do you want Cicero and Nagato to find you
[QUOTE="King Anthony]

The young servant was surprised to see him out here and he smiles, bowing in his direction. He beams up at him, big bags in his hands. "What are you doing out here? Having fun in this city?" He asks, excitement still obvious in his voice as he rocks back in forth one his heels, a grin on that pale face of his. He himself had just bought quite the amount of clothing and accessories for himself and Vladimor, but more for the latter. You apparel has to always match the place, he'd say. In Vegas, everyone seemed to dress extravagantly, not close to events back at home, but extravagant none the less.

"Izabell dragged me around for some clothes shopping..you should see the bags he has piled In his hotel room, he's even running around in Lolita dress.." He said with annoyance with being forced to play with the cross dresser. "Anyways, I was thinking of ditching him soon and go maybe get a drink...maybe you wanna come with?"

(Ooc: btw Orious can indeed drink alcohol and get drunk but he has to put some sort of blood in it. The method is a bit odd but it works)
Cicero followed Nagato into the ally way and looked to where he was pointing "Ok uhh do you want to check the casino or do you want me too?"He asked the boy while looking at the ally ways to see if she was there so they didn't have to split up but he didn't find her 'Where would she go if she's not in the casino....she did notice I wasn't there didn't she?'He began to wonder if she was still winning or losing at poker but if she wasn't there Cicero was clueless where she was.
"Well, keep an eye out for her as we walk but it would be an bad idea to split up now." He then began to walk to the casino keeping an eye out for Tabby on the way there. "I doubt she could have gotten far. Not unless something bad happened."
"Good point....guess we head to the casino."He said noticing the boy was already walking toward it he followed looking for Tab with hes cat eyes instead of his normal ones hoping it would help sometimes he would yell Tab's name hoping for a response of some kind always getting nothing in return when they got to the casino Tab's cousin let them in thanks to Tab's blackmail he walked up to the poker Tab trying to find Tab but found someone else sitting in her seat instead he looked at the dealers hoping to get their attention somehow to ask them if they seen where the raven haired girl went

Ooc:I think that would be a good point to introduce Rei and Rin

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