Omen: Replacement of greek gods and goddesses. {RP}

Maria screamed at the sudden yet familiar voice. "Oh. Hi." she said, avoiding his question. "Uh. I was just wandering around and I came to this pond. This time you found me." she said.

She sighed and laughed awkwardly, turning back around to the swans and the ducks, feeding them flowers she knew weren't poisonous.
Jamie narrowed his eyes before walking past her.

'Yeah well it wasn't intentional. I was chilling against a wall and it disappeared beneath me. This place is like a fecking maze. It's full of tricks and corridors and all sorts of things.' He glanced at her, half daring her to accuse him of having been lost.
She stifled a laugh. "You got lost." she was literally rolling on the floor laughing. "Wow, how could you get lost?!" she wiped a happy tear off her cheek.

"It's happening." Said Zeus. "There's a connection going on already," he watched over the Garden.
He glared at her, turning his back on the girl.

'I did not. I was EXPLORING! Trying to get as far away from you and the other pathetic excuses of lifeforms as possible.' he snapped, his eyes flashing. He wondered if she would be hurt by his words and had to remind himself that he didn't care. Although.. She is very pre- No. No don't think like that. No they're all the enemy here. They hate you! He reminded himself, shaking his head and clenching his fists tightly. you will not ever harbour feelings for any of them. They are the ENEMY!
Maria stopped laughing and got up, dusting off the dust on her clothing. "Welp, I'll get going. I'm pretty sure training starts soon. I'm going back inside." she stalked off, pushing back the tears, muttering, "Calling my a pathetic lifeform? I was only trying to help," she slammed the door behind her, locking it.

"Who the hell does he think he is?" she fumed to herself.
Instantly Jamie felt bad. He had been harsh, he knew that, but had she really deserved it? He jogged to the door, trying to follow her but it was locked. Letting out a frustrated yell and kicked the door once before going out the way he had come in, following the corridor a while before he caught sight of her before she disappeared around a corner. He forced himself into a run, catching up to her and grabbing hold of her shoulder.

'Maria! I'm sorry.. I took my anger out on you and I shouldn't have.' he looked her in the eyes, pleading with his eyes for her to forgive him. 'I'm sorry.'
Maria saw the pleading look in his eyes. She blushed. He was deeply and sincerely sorry. And it was because he'd been mean to her. Her eyes widened. It was silent. Her breaths were slow as she placed a hand on his. "J-jamie. Jonah was trying to use me to use my vengefulness on you!" she blurted out and ran again. "I can't believe I just said that!" she squealed to herself.
Jamie stood in dumbfounded confusion. What had she just said? That annoying leach had tried to use her to get revenge? Well that was pathetic. He vowed silently that he would not let that twat get the better of him. But the fact that he tried to use Maria was low. It was beyond low. He wondered if he might have a word with Apollo about how his Neophyte acted. He smirked. In Jonah's case, the word worked perfectly. He really was just a pathetic lower lifeform.
Maria stopped with tears streaming down her face, she leaned against a wall and it disappeared from under her. "AH! Oh so I guess walls do disappear from under you." she nodded. A large splash greeted her.

"Seriously? This pond again?" Jamie's words repeated in her mind, but she shook them off. She allowed herself to float on the water's top. "Weird how much this place..." she couldn't describe it.
Jamie sighed, not sure whether he should go after Maria or just go back to the pond. it had been quite nice there. And he'd just get lost again. He turned back the way he'd come. The pond was very pretty. he could sit there a while until someone found him. And it would be a good place to plot Jonah's demise. He trudged along the corridor and reached the door, unlocking it and wandering inside. He was surprised to see Maria floating in the pond.

'Didn't you just go the other way?'
"Turns out you were right about walls," Maria said, still floating, like a giant star among a shimmering pool of blue. She got out of the water and shook her hair slightly. "Got anything I can use as a towel?" she asked not looking at him. "Listen, I didn't mean to give you a reason to hate Jonah even more. I just blurted it out, I was just so surprised when you ran after me and all.

She found herself blushing and happy she wasn't turning around.
Jamie looked around to fill her request but there was nothing so he pulled off his jacket, walking over and draping it over her shoulders. He avoided looking at her as the lilac coloured clothing had gone slightly see through. He immediately walked away afterwards, standing on the other side of the tree.

'I'm not going to do anything for him trying to find a way to get petty revenge. He is weak minded and can't fight his own battles.' He said, But for trying to use you.. well he'll be paying for that. He thought darkly.
"Thank you Jamie," his jacket felt warm. She laughed slightly, "He tried flattery, y'know. He called me pretty and such. But I said I wouldn't betray you. Weird when I look back on it," she chuckled to herself, wrapped in Jamie's oversized jacket. Well oversized her her.
He laughed darkly.

'I'm betting he thought he had you in the palm of his hand. Though I am intrigued as to why you would say that. You don't know me any more than you know him.' He glanced in her general direction, fairly sure the jacket shoulde cover at least to her thighs. He hoped so, so that he would be able to look at her properly and not look away. He wasn't the type to look without invitation. he always respected others' privacy and he saw no reason as to why now should be any different.
"You can look, it covers the necessary places, and um." I can't say it, I can't say it, she thought nervously. "Aren't the ducks pretty, as are the swans," she tried to change the subject. Although she was the one who brought it up. She wished she hadn't. I can't say it's because I was starting to like you, I just can't. she scolded herself mentally.
He turned to look at her, raising an eyebrow.

'You avoided the question.' he said, moving closer, noting how the ivory coloured hair framed her face nicely. 'Why did you avoid the question?' He asked, cornering her against the tree. She was so much shorter than him, he thought with a smile, she only came up to his shoulders.
"Uh, I didn't avoid any question," she smiled nervously, Damn it, why does he have to be so tall?! she thought annoyed, trying to sneak under his arm. "I didn't hear any question." her heart was beating fast. Don't make me say it, Jamie. she thought shakily.

She was trapped, she couldn't get out of his box thing.
He leaned closer pining her to the tree with an arm either side of her face.

'Are you sure you didn't hear me?' He asked, his face inches away from hers, the amber eyes seeming to glow. He could tell that he was making her nervous and it sent a slight shiver of delight down his spine.

He held that position for a moment before shrugging and stepping back.

'Okay. it wasn't that important anyway.' He said suddenly, letting the subject drop. He wouldn't tell her why he let it drop, for fear of having to tell her that he was being hit repeatedly with the urge to kiss her. He turned away, grinning slightly, wondering if she was still panicky or if him backing off had calmed her.
When he was inches away, she felt light-headed. Like someone or something had taken her away. When he moved back though, a pang of sadness struck her. Stop it, he's supposed to be the enemy, she scolded herself mentally. She grinned and rubbed her neck nervously. "Hehe, uh good." she was searching the pond ground with her eyes, her heart beat slowed and she stopped shaking a bit. She coughed, and had the sudden urge to run over and kiss him. But, he might push her away. So slowly ever so slowly, she walked over to him. "What's with the grin?" hoping she'd startled him at least a bit.
Now it was his turn to be slightly startled but he hid it well.

'I was just thinking. I may grow to like this place yet.' He said with a sidelong glance at her as he picked a small flower from the garden, lilac, like her dress, and placed it in her hair. 'I'm sorry about earlier. I was an ass, and if anything I should have taken it out on Jonah. Hey, Poseidon's God of the sea right? Maybe I can get a whale to eat him.' He joked, making a biblical reference and hoping she'd get it.
"No, it's absolutely fine, I get it you were in a difficult place, with your family and all." Maria had the urge to hug him, or at least put her arm around him. "And, I get the reference." she smiled slightly, giving him a sidelong glance in return to his. "I might like it here too, if most of the people aren't as stupid as Jonah." she laughed nervously, regretting bringing up his name.
He flashed her a smile, wondering what she would do if he were to kiss her then and there. He shook the thought out of his head. She'd probably slap you or something. No. It's better to remain distanced. But still, the urge was there, like an insistant fly. He sighed, biting the inside of his lips.

'That shouldn't be too difficult. That guy is ridiculous beyond words.' He wanted to reach out a hand, to know what her skin felt like. He stepped closer to her, tilting his head to look at her.

Maria was getting nervous again, she hid it well though, she giggled slightly at the remark about Jonah. Once his eyes flashed toward her though, she smiled. Wow his eyes are pretty she thought sheepishly. Though once she heard her name she froze, she answered, "Yes, Jamie?"
Jamie hesitated. What had he been going to say? He couldn't remember now. He had no idea what he should say. He bit his lip slightly before shrugging.

'I was just gonna say, you can keep the jacket until you can get new clothes.' Phew, nice save. That could have been incredibly awkward. He smiled lightly at her, picking another flower and rolling the stalk in his hands. He watched the swans in the pond, wondering how they got them there. I mean, they were on mount olympus for crying out loud!
"Oh, uh, thanks." she said awkwardly. "How'd they get swans here?" she asked. "And ducks. I'd think they'd have more... magical animals on Mount Olympus." she wanted to hold his hand or something. Something was in his eyes. Something Maria couldn't put her finger on. Gosh, even slouching he's tall, she smiled.

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