Omen: Replacement of greek gods and goddesses. {RP}

Jayshabelle nodded to the guard and said with a smile happy she got a answer as it seemed no one else did"thankyou" she thought she heard a guard mutter "Aphrodite is suposed to be bitchy" to another and she put a hand on her waist and cocked her eyebrow at him "exuse me, you want me to be bitchy? I sure can be if you give me a reason" she said. at Jamie' outburst the grabbed his sholders and yelled back "CALM DOWN," once she had his attention, she said in a calmer tone "think rationally if we are needed that much surly we can visit our family or ar least watch over them, yelling for once will get us no where" she said in a smooth voice, she had really thought this out
Maria looked at the ground, curious herself as to why the hell she was doing here. "Hello Rosie. I am Maria. And considering what just happened, I guess I'm supposed to be replacing Hera," she smirked. "Nice, a motherly person that is very vengeful." she cracked her knuckles and cleared her throat. "No, guard. Tell us why we're here, unless you're like that other guard." she manipulated.

The guard didn't want another inevitable death on the way, he was willing to give up and tell them exactly what was going on here, and explain it well when another, more feminine booming voice came. "Guard, would you please hurry up with those Neophytes? We need them quick, and they'd be getting rather restless and stubborn. Thank you." the guard nodded, with a smile on his facing, very much appreciating the voice it seemed. "All will be explain to you if you follow me, trust me, your parents know you're here. And under their on will, signed an agreement form." shifty eyes crossed the guard's face, showing he was up to something suspicious. He opens the door marked in gold italic letters, Head, the sign itself bring added terror to the guard.

"Who is the head?" Maria asked. "You're not exactly the sharpest knife in the drawer, are you Maria?" the guard sighed. "The head is the head of the Greek Gods and Goddesses. The head is Zeus." the guard flinched saying his name.
Ever since Jonah woke up in the odd place he only really only paid attention to the guards after mentioning about him replacing a God. He found himself smirking looking down at his hands and parts of his arm all connecting to a sun on his back hands.. The symbols were sticking out as if everyone was supposed to look at it and know how much he should be respected. After the semester studying Greek mythology he only knew of Apollo to have anything close to that mentality. "So i'm replacing him huh," He said to himself looking up irritably after being told to get in single file. He just glared at the petty guards before staying where he was "I don't have to listen to you" he wanted to snap before giving up the thought thinking he wasn't worth the breath. He finally decided he was stuck to the other people in this room so he thought it wouldn't hurt at least communicating. He looked at the mix match crowd and decided it would be better to befriended who seemed like the most interactive as he turned to Maria keeping his same straight face "So What do you think about all of this" Jonah asked Simply smirking at the Guard who seemed to flinch at anything.
Jamie glared at the woman that had shouted in his face, pushing her hands away from his shoulders.

'You misunderstood my raised tone. I am calm. I'm just trying to work out what is going on. I highly doubt my mother would just sign a form saying I could run off to Olympus. And the fact that they expect me to believe such bull is ridiculous. Look, kidnapped by gods is kinda stretching my imagination-reality filter just a little too far already, but to try and get me to believe my mum agreed to it? Well I'm sorry but that's just way beyond belief. What did you do, tell her we were going on a field trip and would be gone for a few weeks?' He scoffed, turning to the guard as he spoke. He studied the guy, wondering why he would let a bunch of younger people intimidate him so much. He clearly wasn't very good at his job.

'Do take us to Zeus then, I'm sick of the mystery already. I'll even come quietly now.' He offered, standing up from his leaning position and flashing the guard a slightly terrifying smile. After waiting a beat he turned to everyone else. 'Aren't you guys as fed up with dealing with this guy's irritating face as I am? I vote we go. Now.' He let the smile fall away to reveal a slightly dangerous expression.
Jayshabelle shrugged "You don't look calm now. I never said they or I agrred to this. I am saying if they value us being here, they would like o keep us happy, no? not dote on us but at least keep us calm. If they were organised to get us, surley they have a plan, somthing to tell the parents, if we visit assuming we can, or they need to know we are alive." she said remembering her own siblings. Her two older brothers would be sick, and if worried enough tearing the place apart to find her, she had always been the baby girl, never doted though, just protected. She suddered a little "And I want to know what that plan is, before they tear the town apart." she said more to herself than Jamie

and then in agreement at least with his last statement she said "I vote we go as well, I'd rather know everything, rather than stand here and be diffucult." she said
Rosie sat on her knees for quite the time. "Excuse me, lord Zeus... Do you mind if I stand up?" She stood up without permission and thought Why do I need permission to stand up? I'm Hermes!
"Okay, but I was just told the parents signed." the guard smiled slightly as he opened the door to his dangerous master. "Zeus, these are the Neophytes you requested." the gruard mumbled, bowing. "Ah, you've done well with them this time guard, maybe I won't take you to the room I set aside for you," Zeus had a smiling tone to his voice. The guard flushed and stepped back, Maria felt a slight push on her back. While Zeus was agreeing to let the young girl stand up, Maria guessed what she had to say.

"I am Maria," she murmured. "Ah, HERA! We've found your Neophyte!" he exclaimed, his large voice bouncing against the walls, making everyone go near-deaf. Maria recognised the more feminine voice now. "Ah, young Maria." the voice whispered. "You'll make a fine me."

(The gods are APC, all player characters.)
(lol sorry, I'm still learning the terminology despite having been an rper for a few years now)

Jamie jumped slightly when they were greated by Zeus.

'Wait.. You're Zeus? The one that locked the Titans up, god of thunder that kind of thing? No freaking way!' Now he was starting to believe that maybe they had in fact been kidnapped by the gods. The man's mere aura was powerful enough to convince him of that. He smiled for the first time since waking up, an actual, real, warm hearted smile. He suddenly realised that he was being rude and he bowed slightly.

'I'm Jamie.'
"Ah, Jamie. Jamie, Jamie. Our little Poseidon. BROTHER! Neophyte time!" another thundering shake. "Ah, handsome Jamie, you will indeed make an excellent sea god." Poseidon smiled, exactly like Jamie's. "Yes, yes brother, you're Neophyte is perfect now shoo shoo." the impatient God commanded.
Jamie frowned at being shooed away.

'Hold up a sec there. I know you guys are gods and all, but I think we need an explanation. What are we even doing here?' He exclaimed, folding his arms across his chest. All his life he had been shunted, pushed around and ignored. Now even the gods were doing it and he was not about to let that happen.

'I want to know what is going on. Stop ignoring my questions.'
Jayshabelle watched Maria and Jamie, then waited somewhat patiently, wincng when he yelled but she maintained her posture and caughed slightly. "Exuse me, but can you not yell as loud, no disrespect it's just my ears are ringing." she said politely and she relaxed slightly and said "I'm Jayshabelle, whom am i replacing?" she asked, being overly poilite, she did this to those she respected. She definatly respected Zeus, he was just like some einstein in her eyes.

Jayshabelle had been very into greek mythology at a point and had read so many stories that depicted him as a hero.
Hera sighed, thinking she'd be the best person to explain. "Young man, we've been watching over all of Earth, waiting for the right people to take our place for a little while. You have been chosen. as you have the right personality and such, OMEN stands for Obviously Mentored Earth Neophyte." she smiled warmly, placing a shimmering hand on his shoulder. "Take it as a compliment," she explained as best she could.

Maria butted in. "And our parents signed a release form thing and let us go?" Hera nodded in response. "After a bit of brain-washing and such," Zeus murmured.
Jamie didn't like the fact that they had still, technically, been kidnapped.

'Look I mean no offense but why do we have to take your place? I mean seriously, you guys are the gods, not us. Most of us are just kids.' He said in a slightly confused tone. Poseidon fixed him with a slightly amused look.

'You should feel honoured to have been chosen at all. I've been searching for you for a long time, so don't be so quick to disregard that chance.' He said in a slightly menacing tone, just enough to warn him. Jamie fixed him with the same slightly frustrated glare.

'Well I don't exactly take kindly to being called a Neophyte.' He retorted.
"Fine, you frustrating boy." Poseidon said annoyed. "I shall call you Jamie. All neophyte means is person. You don't like being called a person? What ARE you then? You are obviously some kind of... GOD?" Poseidon pointed out. "As I said, very lucky to have been chosen in the first place young Jamie. Maria seems to be okay with being called a Neophyte, right Maria?"

Maria was just staring into Poseidon's eyes. So hypnotising. "Uh, yeah, I don't care." she nodded.
Jamie let out a frustrated sigh.

'No, look I really think you ought to look in a dictionary some time. Neophyte is a more literate way to say someone who is insuperior to the one saying the word. And yeah I get it, you guys are gods, but clearly we are good enough to be chosen by you so we deserve a little respect.' He responded in a rather irritated tone. He was not going to be disrespected by a bunch of gods just because he was a human. It wasn't his fault that he was born like that. He folded his arms across his chest.

'I know I said I'd cooperate and all but if you really want me to play understudy for you, then you can at least try being nice to me.'
Rosie stood in the corner covering her mouth so she wouldn't laugh. That kid was Poseidon? What a shame! she thought watching the bunch socialize.
Jonah was using a lot of willpower to stop himself from snapping at the frustrating boy with Poseidon "What was his name" he thought to himself before remembering them keep repeating the name Jamie. "So that's the idiots name" he said quietly before growing impatient as he walked around the group of people who refused to move until he was standing beside Maria. "Zeus ,is it," He asked still not entirely sure about everything. "Whatever I am I want to know for sure who my god is supposed to be" he said looking back at the whiny boy. "And can you shut up already" he snarled at him finally annoyed to his limit.
Jamie spun around to glare at the other guy. He did not take kindly to his tone. He knew he was probably irritating people but he just wanted answers. Was that so wrong?

'No. I can't shut up already. I'm trying to discuss our situation because unlike some people I actually give a damn about what's going to happen. We're not all high and mighty pricks here.' He snapped, glaring at Jonah. He had a feeling he wasn't going to get along with many people here.
Jonah found himself glaring back even more " Then discuss whatever the Hell you want to yourself because everyone else here isn't looking for a way to go back home to Mommy now are we" he asked before calming himself and smirking at him deviously turning back to Zeus.
Jamie let out a furious hiss and slammed the other guy into a wall, pushing his forearm firmly against his windpipe. 'At least I give a damn about my family. You're just a wussy little prat that thinks he can suck up to everyone else. You disgust me.' He snarled, spitting in his face before releasing Jonah and turning away. 'I won't let you insult me or my family.' He said simply, his tone dangerous.
Jonah had finally lost his version of self -control after being spit in the face. As he was released he snarled jumping on him from behind putting a tight headlock on and taking a knee causing Jamie to bend back awkwardly and painfully. "I don't know who the hell you think I am but it's not someone to mess with" he snarled tightening his own grip slowly cutting off his air. "I don't know who your family is since that's not my problem but I'm not about to let myself be insulted "he said putting enough pressure to cut of oxygen for a few seconds and letting go to let him fall.
Jamie laughed darkly even as he was attacked, tortured slightly and then released. He picked himself up, lightly rubbing his back and grinning at Jonah.

'It was you that insulted me first. I merely reciprocated. And I'll do it ten times over if you so much as touch me again.' He hissed, his eyes glinting darkly. Poseidon had been watching this and now he stepped between the two teens, shaking his head.

'That will do. We need you to cooperate, not slaughter each other.' He turned to Zeus. 'Brother, would you please introduce the rest of our siblings to their Neophytes before a war breaks out?'
Rosie rolled her eyes and Hermes entered, a windy fast enterance. "Father, who is Rosie?" he turned quietly to see a girl covering her mouth in the corner. Rosie stood up quickly and raised her hand. "Right here sir." she smiled briefly and shook his hand. "It's a pleasure to meet you. I also have a request." She pointed to the 'no cellphones sign' and said, "Take that away right this instant please."

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