Omen: Replacement of greek gods and goddesses. {RP}

Jamie shrugged. 'I dunno, maybe Poseidon wanted more water around or something.' he suggested, studying the veiw. 'This place is tons better than that stuffy mountain. Why can't we live here?' He asked rhetorically, smiling as she began to pet the animals. 'Careful, you might scare them. They might think you want to eat them.' He joked, flashing her a grin.
"Ha ha Jamie." she smiled. "I wouldn't eat you," she pet a doe. "Jamie," she turned to him. "Why did you bother with me? Most people see how nice I am... and they think it's an act! Because apparently no one truly cares about anyone anymore to be nice just out of the goodness of their heart." her smile faded. "So tell me, why did you bother with me?"

Apollo smiled at Jonah. "If you're really bent on getting revenge, try to win over Maria. Serenade her at the showcase tonight. Try to get her on your side..."
Jamie looked over at her, surprised. 'Well it depends. Why do YOU bother with ME? i'm a total jerk, yet you went out of your way to follow me around and make yourself a nuisance. I mean, it would totally piss anyone off, and you had to know that it would, yet you followed me anyway. But it worked out in the end. I like you because you're honest, and you're down to earth.' He shrugged, picking up a stoned and sending it skidding across the edge of one of the ponds. 'And it's easy to make you nervous.' He joked.
"I bothered with you because I knew something would amount if I annoyed you enough." she explained. "Look what happened?" she smirked. "And thank you." she flashed him a grin. "And just because it 'affects you immensely' doesn't mean I'll do it anymore." she put her hand in the water. "So don't try it," she smiled to herself, knowing she could've possibly tempted him.
He laughed softly, walking over to her and splashing water over the pale dress, watching the material become soaked in clear droplets. 'Have I made you nervous yet?' He asked with a grin, before sitting beside her and wrapping his arms around her, swooping her into a low kiss, his hands resting softly on her back. 'How about now?' He asked with a wicked smile. He was enjoying himself, trying to find her weak points. He then gently touched her face, brushing back the ivory hair. 'Or now?' He breathed, captivated by her beauty once more. 'I'm going to apologise in advance for the way I might act sometimes. it's only because I can't control my emotions that I act like a total jerk sometimes.'
She wiped off her droplets. She smirked. "You're actually trying?" she joked. "You already make me nervous just by being you, in a good way of course." she smiled. She got a bit nervous when he apologised. "What do you want? You only apologised because you wanted something out of it before," she pointed to herself. "And you may have got it, but what do you want this time?" she said with his eyes boring into hers, she could say the stupidest things. "And I didn't mean it like that, now," she grabbed a pillow, "Punch the pillow! Bring back mermories, much? Oh yeah, that's right you called me mental!" she smiled. "I got annoyed, stormed out, went back out into a garden, you fell through a wall and you made me nervous for the first time. If you remember that, it'll give you as much as a thrill as me being nervous now would bring. I think. I don't know how dude's work, what their hormones may tell them to do, like your unique punishments were obviously part of the hormonal thing you were going through at that point, either that or you were just too captivated by my beauty and you needed to let all the emotions you got from that out." she smirked, ruffling his hair.
He put a finger lightly on her lips, shaking his head at her. 'Maria, love, you're rambling.' He murmured, kissing her softly and flashing her a smile. She was always full of such surprises, but sometimes she just went on and on for no reason. 'You're the only reminder I need, I assure you.' He said with a wink, moving his hand lightly to her thigh, picking her up and settling her comfortably in his lap. 'Maria Maria Maria.. I love how your name rolls off my tongue.' He murmured with a smile. 'If you were to ask, you know I'd probably go in that showcase.'
"If it makes you feel uncmfortable, then you don't have to do it." she smiled softly. "But would you do the showcase?" Maria asked innocently. He really did make her nervous. But in a good way, a way that kept her waiting to see what comes next wiith him. He doesn't always do the most rational things and she loved that about Jamie. "Jamie Jamie Jamie, I loved the way your name rolls off my... lips," she said cheekily, kissing him passionately. She loved him. That was all that mattered. Nothing would change that. And NOTHING would tear Maria and Jamie apart.
Jamie chuckled, returning her kiss tenfold, his hands holding her close. 'Sure, but I'll have to find something decent to play.' He told her with a grin. 'You didn't expect me to agree, did you? I bet you thought I'd refuse constantly. Well, don't hold your breath love, I could change my mind at any time. Particularly if Zeus decides to get on my nerves. I'm not a huge one for crowds.' He warned her, before tickling her randomly. 'Nervous yet?'
"You seem to ignore what I'm saying," she smiled at him. "I'm always nervous when it comes to you. I never know what you're gonna say or do next. That's good on my behalf, trust me." she grabbed a lock of his hair and twirled it around her finger. "I know I never make you nervous, as I am just a small ivory haired girl that you happened to find attractive in some way!"
He shook his head at her. 'You make me incredibly nervous, and frustrated. Just being around you is difficult. You are what makes me unpredictable.' He confessed, taking hold of the hand that was playing with his hair, gently pulling it away from his hair and bringing it to his lips. 'I don't normally even have a care for what others do or think, but you matter to me.'
She blushed. "Well, I'm sorry for the frustrated part." Maria rubbed her neck with her free hand ruefully. "I really don't intend to make you frustrated, but sorry anyway." she smiled slightly. "And you were unpredictable before when you yelled up a storm about your... guitar. You never even knew I existed at that point in time." she shrugged. Silence. It scared her. Maria always thought silence met someone was thinking about and they were too scared or embarrassed to say it aloud. But Jamie would be able to voice it if he had something he had to say about her, whether it be good or bad.
'yeah well, my guitar is my lover ya know? She can sooth me when no one else can just by letting me play a little.' He winked, deliberately making it sound worse than it actually was. 'It was like waking up without my girlfriend or something.' He said in a slightly teasing tone before leaning down to kiss her neck. 'She's my lady.' He gently slid his hand up her thigh again, winking at her again. 'She's amazing but not quite the kind of woman I need these days. I prefer one with a mouth to kiss.'
"Well, unless she's an electric, she always has the sound hole." she winked. She found her hand on his arm. "You work out don't ya?" she smiled. "If you do, it shows, if you don't how, you lucky dude, how?" she flashed him a lop-sided grin. "Because out of the," she quickly counted on her fingers to make it look like she'd had a lot of boyfriends. "3 I've had in my life, none of them have had muscles like yours."
'Well now I'm not gonna tell you. You'll have to live with the mystery I'm afraid. Besides, my Lady understands that she's not exactly what I'm looking for. I prefer something with a little flesh.' His hand finished its journey over her thigh, staying over the material, and travelled up her side, resting on her ribcage. 'Something that is slightly more human, you know?' He said, turning her in his lap so that she was facing him, putting her legs lightly either side of his torso.
"Oh, I get it." she nodded. Maria smiled and stared into his amber eyes. "Damn your eyes are cool. Just so... amber and shimmer-y." she said simply. "And.. well... you just cast a glow on your surroundings when you're happy or even just amused. When you're angry, upset or annoyed on the other hand, you seem to start a dark shadow over the people and objects around you." she tilted her head, "Sorry, I'm rambling again, aren't I?" she said awkwardly.
He smirked. 'Its been like two days and already you're analysing me perfectly. Maria, the intelligent, non girly, girly girl, who plays guitar and who is both goth and not goth.' He flashed her a smile. 'You may possibly be too brilliant for your own good.' He teased, kissing her cheek lightly.
Maria smiled and slid some hair out of his eyes. "Jamie, the aggro young adult who has a nice side and only shows it to some people, that has a guitar as a lover and knows how to make a girl nervous. Hmm, what else?" she joked. "Here we go, practically perfect in every way... that makes any girl swoon, or should." She whispered the last part in his ear in a soft voice, "That has made me feel as if I'm falling in love with him over and over again every time I see his face." She kissed his neck and then his cheek. "Because I have fallen so deeply in love with him, it makes all the other girls jealous and they possibly couldn't fathom what real love is," she hugged him and gripped his shirt. "And Jamie is a guy that I hope I'll never lose."

Apollo smiled slightly, "Do you still want your petty revenge? I have an idea." he said deviously. "Get Maria on your side; you said you're musical. Serenade her at the showcase. Make her think you want her for more than the revenge." he explained. "That's as far as I go with revenge I'm afraid."

P.S. [MENTION=2753]IndubidablyAli[/MENTION], if you don't reply this week, I'm gonna have to take Jamie out of this roleplay. :3 (Neither of us want that. :P And I would never take him out of the roleplay. I don't think I could bring myself to."

*Clears throat* Omen- Replacement of Greek Gods and Goddesses is officially closed. Frankly no one was really in it but thank you IndubidablyAli for sticking through as Jamie for these past months.

But once I get bored, I'll probably make one of Egyptian Gods/Goddesses or Roman ones so - Watch out.

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