Omen: Replacement of greek gods and goddesses. {RP}

Maria rolled her eyes. "Stupid prick, idiot, Zeus. Always ruining my fun."

She blushed when he said that he likes me. "Yes. Indeed." she said simply. "I like you a lot too Jamie." she replied.

(Sorry for short post, going to bed, bye bye)
After that night he lay in bed with her until she got up, he watched her walk into the bathroom and he shuved his face in the pillow "Not bad could do some fun things with her." and rolled over staring up at the ceiling 'When do I get to see Eros himself?' he questioned himself and watched as Bella walked out of the bathroom "You really know how to move those hips girl."
Jayshabelle smiled and said "I sure do" she sliped on the bra and t shirt and sat on the bed beside him and said "last night was fun thqnks" she winked at him and she got up again. Bella managed to pul of the short and t shirt making them look elegent and sexy even if they were plain
He stood up out of the bed and walked into the bathroom. He put on a pair of blue jeans with two holes in the knees and a nice plaid button up. He walked back out to her and sat on the bed with her putting on black socks. "Of course it was fun its me." he smiled at her with his glimmering white teeth and started fixing his hair "So what do you want to do today."
Jayshabelle shrugged and laughed "I sence a secong meaning to that." she giggled and then though for a moment "Hmm, Wll, I assume we will have training, that is what we are here for. Other than that I don't mind" she said, winking at him. She streched and rubbed her eyes a little. "Right now though, I want to find a kitchen, I need to wake up." she said
"A second meaning like what?" he looked over at her smiling"Training I don't need training unless I'd be able to give even more pleasure." he smiled at her and stood up offering her a hand "Okay let's go look for some food them."
Jayshabelle laughed, him of all people would be able to get the sexual joke in that, well hopefully. She giggled and said "A sexual joke, babe." after his comment about not needing training she raised her eyebrows, and asked "So you know how to be a god already, impressive." she was being sarcastic. She took his hands and stood up, on the bed. she looked down at him and asked "Carry me?" before he could reply she wrapeed her arms around his neck and wraped her legs around his waist, looking now up at him innocently.
"Sexuall joke you made a joke about sex for shame." he laughed and rolled his eyes when she asked him to carry her not allowing him to answer. "Fine I'll carry you but I'm expecting some pretty big payback tonight then." he started walking with her on his back and attempted to follow the smell of food.
She laughed and whispered in his ear "It wasn't for shame." at his next comment she merly giggled and kissed his cheek "Of course, Babe." She smiled and wondered whether that had to cook themsleves or whether it was done ofr them.
Jamie gently rested his brow against hers, looking into her eyes with a smile.

'Well he is Zeus. He wasn't famous for his abilities of letting people have fun.' He joked, shifting so the she could lean against the edge of her bed.

'What i do wonder though, is why he is so determined to know everything. And why he put us in the same cabin. I mean, it makes no sense. We were already attracted to each other, but we didn't need to be shoved into a cabin together to know that. Or maybe we did? I don't know anymore. What do you think?' He asked, his hands resting lightly and easily on her hips as he held her. He didn't intend to take advantage of Maria, and he hoped she knew that.

Maria shrugged. "In the old legend of the Greek gods and such, Poseidon and Hades would not bow down to Zeus, as they were his brothers, they thought they should have as much power over the kingdom as Zeus. I guess Zeus feels like he needed to prove he was all knowing in order to eventually get them to accept him as the rightful all powerful God. Hey, plus side. Technically Zeus is jealous of you." she smiled, ruffling his hair. As she did, an announcement came. "Attention all Neo's," Hades said, "Zeus is no longer watching over you, you are free to do whatever you want," the announcement went off with a static sound. "Must've heard us." she said awkwardly. "And I know you get a kick out of thinking Zeus is jealous, don't you?"
Jamie raised an eyebrow. 'I don't buy it. He's still watching, I just know he is. I don't think he'd just stop simply because i said anything. i've been saying stuff since yesterday. Maybe he just doesn't wanna strike me with lightning.' He shrugged before moving back slightly and letting her slide to the floor.

'Well, I suppose I'd best get dressed and ready for these training things. We're bound to be called soon right?' He said, letting out a slight sigh. The denim creaked in protest as he shuffled back, leaning in to give her a quick kiss and then standing up.
"Now I have to change my jeans thanks to you and your swimming." she rolled under her bed, still rummaging through her suitcase. "Whoo, I can only find dresses!" she said sarcastically, grabbing one and changing under the bed, putting a blue belt on with the white dress she found.

She slicked her fringe to the side and put on shoes, and waited to be called upon for training. She picked up her guitar and started singing, ♫When I was younger I watched. my daddy cry, and curse at the wind. He broke his own heart and I watched, as he tried to re-assemble it, and my mama swore that she'd never let her, self forget, and that was the day that I promised, I'd never sing of love, if it does not exist, but darling, you are the only exception, you are the only exception, you are the only exception, you are the only exception♫ she stopped as she forgot the lyrics to the next verse.
Jamie raised an eyebrow at her.

'you know, I was about to leave so you could have waited a few moments to get dressed.' He said, flashing her a grin. She obviously hadn't thought about that. He was tempted to kiss her again but he knew he'd probably get her dress wet again and so he just smiled and walked out of the room, adjusting the jeans so that they sat on his hips comfortably.

Moments later he emerged from his room, the damp clothes replaced with a new pair of looser cargo pants and a plain black t-shirt. He wandered back into Maria's side of the cabin, his hair damp and hanging limply around his face, the normal auburn colour a darker colour now. He sat down beside her, kissing the top of her head as he did so.

'Enjoy your song?' He asked, teasingly.
She nodded. "First song that came to my head." she smiled awkwardly. "It actually did happen though. Weird how Paramore gets you." she looked out the window, at the sea-side view. "Well the verse anyway. The chorus didn't have any special meaning until today." she didn't notice she was blushing slightly. She looked at what he was wearing. "Oh, so you're allowed to where black?" she questioned. "Hypocrite," she coughed, flashing him a grin. She let he ivory hair go wild, lashing all over the place, accidentally hitting Jamie. "Sorry." she laughed.
Jamie chuckled, pushing her hair out of the way with a smile.

'Did I forget to mention that I'm hypocritical? Because I am. But I never said you couldn't wear black, i just said that pale colours suit you better, due to your pale complexion and ivory coloured hair.' He informed her, kissing her lightly. 'What say you to skipping training and coming with me for a while?' He asked, his eyes twinkling slightly. 'I want to explore this place for a while. We can catch up later.' He suggested, moving closer to her to see the effect it would have. He enjoyed making her nervous, as he liked the power it gave him, but he also liked that she was so terrible at hiding her reactions. It made her easy to read.
Her heart thumped and she tried to hide it, unsuccessfully. "Uh, sure," she hopped off the bed. "And wouldn't black suit me better as it would contrast?" she asked cheekily, still not tying her hair up. Her blue eyes shimmered. She saw something in his face. "You're enjoying something about this situation." she said bluntly. "Most of the time you can disguise your emotions, but this time you are quite easy to read. I'm probably giving your already massive ego a boost in some way." she said, smoothing out her skirt, waiting by the door. "Might as well lean against a wall and see where it takes us." she joked to herself.
Jamie shook his head, taking her hand and gently pulling her close.

'No, no it wouldn't. You'd look too much like a snowball in a jacket. The pale colours bring out the blush in your cheeks.' He said, kissing her cheek as he did so. 'See, the blush adds colour.' He pointed out, his hands holding her by the waist as he leant in to kiss her properly.

'And yes, you would be right in assuming that I get a massive ego boost in being around you. I can read you like a book and to know that I make you feel nervous...' He trailed off, winking at her before leaning close to whisper in her ear. ' affects me immensely.' He said with a teasing grin, touching her waist lightly before releasing her and taking her hand again.

'Hmm I don't feel like falling through walls, So maybe we'll head somewhere different today? How about the very top?'
She smiled at the snowball in a jacket comment. Her eyes widened and her heart thumped when he said her being nervous affected him immensely, almost as if she was being nervous to make him happy.

"Where's the top exactly? Like the top of the building, or what?" she asked. "I am afraid of heights, y'know. I would feel quite queasy if it's too high above ground." she closed her eyes nodding. "Oh no," she muttered. I've just given him an idea.... again. "And if you even think about testing it, I swear I will punch you in the face." she said, smiling warmly. "Because. I. Can. OR would you have to hand out another punishment?" she liked teasing him.
'The top of the mountain of course. You know how they say that Zeus' court is at the top of Mount Olympus right? Well lets go see. I promise I won't let anthing happen to you. I do care about you Maria, i'm not going to put you in danger.' He pulled her close, turning her so that he was hugging her from behind this time, his arms creeping around her waist.

'It's alright to be scared, but I'm not going to let anything harm you.' He assured her, pressing his lips to her neck lightly. 'As for my unique 'punshments', well i'll save them for later, when you do intend to punch me.' He said with a playful smile.
He continued to walk into a large building when the intercom kind of thing came on he looked up at the sky "He was watching us last night?" and carried her into a large building with granite tables filled with breakfast foods. He sat her down on a seat and said "I'll make your plate for you what would you like?"
"Depends whether you do something punch-worthy or not. And when you do said punch-worthy thing." she smiled devilishly. "And how do you hope to get to the top of Mount Olympus? Are we gonna climb?" she said, automatically becoming scared. "You still haven't answered the question I've asked so many time though... WHY ARE YOU SO TALL?!" she huffed like a 6 year old. "Is it hereditary or something?! Normally I'm the tall one!" she sulked, folded her arms over her chest. "But then again, the dude being tall makes me feel more protected."
Jayshabelle kissed his chdek and said "dint think im weird or anything but bacon and egg toast and sausage." dispite her tiny figure she could eat quite allot of food, of course she ate it politly she just ate alot of food fr a girl her size.
Jamie flashed her another brilliant smile, kissing her collarbone.

'Relax, We're not going to climb. I think this maze runs the entire inside of the mountain, so we'll just follow the hallway. And we might even ask for directions.' He joked, gently squeezing her stomach before releasing her. 'Honestly, your lack of faith wounds me Maria.' he said before finally answering her question with a serious expression.

'I'm this height simply so that I can indimidate beautiful women such as yourself into climbing mountains with me.' He was joking but neither his voice nor expression gave it away. It was simply his eyes, which glowed with amusement as he kissed her neck lightly.
"Oh." she nodded, blushing slightly. "Well. Anyway, where's the maze again?" she said, gazing over in his direction. She smiled. This was the best... days, of her life. Even if be default she'd gotten kidnapped. Static over-came the awkward silence. "Training will start tonight, as most of you have some gift from your gods, you shall showcase them. You are also to showcase your human talents such as possible dancing and stuff." she smiled, "Better show your guitar playing prowess," she told him.

Wingal[/MENTION]"]*[MENTION=2590]Wingal[/MENTION], we must bring Jonah in at some point again*

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