Omen: Replacement of greek gods and goddesses. {RP}

[[Assuming you'll also tell us about the other living arrangements, correct? Like the other people in the RP .-.]]
Jayshabelle laughed slightly and smiled brightly at the boy, if he could flirt, she could to. She smiled flirtily, flashing her straight white teeth and said "Well, your a little slow, we are here to replace the gods or godesses, may i know your name" she got a little closer to him, so there was barely any space between them and looked up at him, as he was a little taller than her "I'm Jayshabelle." she said in a more hushed tone. "I'm replacing Aphrodite."

Dita saw her flirting and smiled, shaking her head a little and turned away, to give them peace.
(No, that's completely up to you, if Alayna can persuade Zeus into sharing a cabin with a girl/ not sharing a cabin at all then yeah.)

"Well well Jamie, your one of those boys, are you? The ones that kiss a girl and run away?" he sensed he was feeling slightly intimidated. "It's not like you'll be sharing a bed or anything, in fact, it's more like a duplex. She had her own house basically, you have yours. Walls and a single door separate you and Maria." he explained, smiling warmly.

Maria shuffled, just over-hearing the last part. "Hooray," she muttered. "I won't have to face him." she smiled to herself, she knew she was still obviously red in the face. "I don't care if he tries to punish me anymore. I'm not gonna even talk to him with him having that bloody smirk on his face," she vowed to herself, walking past Jamie with new confidence restored.
**[MENTION=2753]IndubidablyAli[/MENTION], I know school gets in the way and all, but please reply as soon as you get on! I've been craving for a Jamie fix and that sounds wrong, XP**

Jamie stared at Zeus. how did he know about the kiss? He fought back the red that was colouring his cheeks. 'No, it isn't that. I just don't see why we have to share rooms all of a sudden when we had out own compartments already.' He said, keeping his voice calm as he met the god's gaze steadily with a cool one of his own. He chose not to look over at Maria, not wanting to see her reaction. He honestly didn't care to see whatever expression she bore. In fact, he was hoping she didn't have the same oppinion of him as Zeus. He didn't know why he cared so much, all he knew was that he did. After a moment he sighed.

'If I must share a cabin with her, then I will. But I won't be pleased.' He said.
"Yeah, okay." Zeus rolled his eyes slightly. "Off you go then." Zeus pressed. Maria smirked to herself, already at her/Jamie's cabin. She opened the door and picked a side to go on. She pick the left side. She was left-handed so that's why she chose that side. She flopped onto the bed and saw her belongings were already there. "Finally, I can change. into my normal clothes!" she squealed, changing into an all black ensemble,untying her hair so her ivory glossiness of it went down to her hips with her fringe sweeping over one eye. "I can finally be myself." she was filled with glee.
When Jamie entered he was scowling, surveying the place with a vicious glare at the small building. He then spotted Maria through the open door and leaned casually against the doorframe.

'Black doesn't suit you.' He said, studying her carefully. She was quite lovely, but he would never tell her that, not if he valued his life. He studied her side of the building, taking in the sight of her own personal things and wondering if his were in his side. He flashed her a slightly sarcastic smile before going over to his side of the room to see that his own belongings were indeed there. He noticed his guitar a sense of rellief flooded through him. Finally, something that wouldn't yell at him for lack of attention, he thought with a bitter smile. That was why he'd never tried to make friends. They'd always made up their mind about him themselves and so he'd felt better of keeping himself away from all the stress and demands of relationships. His guitar was his best friend. She loved him and he loved her. Their relationship was perfect.

Leaving the door open, Jamie sat on his new bed, pulling off his shirt as he felt last night's sweat beginning to stick to him, and picked up the guitar, strumming out the melody to one of his favourite classics. He loved the feel of the wood beneath his hands, the strings taut and ready beneath his hovering fingers. She was the only love he needed, he thought with a smile, relaxed and in his element again.
"Sorry, I'm goth." she said sarcastically. She closed the door and relaxed on her bed, just hearing the beautiful melody of the guitar. It was almost making her cry. "It's what you can call music, eh?" she sighed to herself, wishing she had her guitar with her now. She was packing stuff away in her walk-in robe when she saw it. "Oh my gosh." she covered her mouth when she saw her. "Lady, my beauty," she hugged it. The black paint wasn't withered at all, and the inscription on the side she felt, she couldn't understand it as it was covered in black paint and in cursive. The hummingbird scratch-board hadn't been knocked, the neck still in perfect condition.

She closed the walk in and tuned it. Obviously the tuning pegs had been fiddled with by her big brother. "I hate you Thomas," she said to herself, pick strumming Grenade quietly so it wouldn't collide with Jamie's. She also found her piano in the corner. "How'd they get all of this here?" she smiled.
Jamie smirked, ceasing his playing after a moment.

'Yeah well goth doesn't suit you. Pale colours, they suit you. Dark colours make you look washed out.' he said, following her into the room, his guitar in his hands.

'And yes, i do know something about style. I have two younger sisters. Just 'cause they're seven doesn't mean they haven't started yet.' He flashed her a smile, a genuine one this time. He then continued. 'Plus I have a twenty two year old brother who happens to lean slightly more towards the men and is highly fashion conscious.' He chuckled slightly before moving to sit beside her.

'I feel like I ought to apologise for earlier.'
Maria blushed a bit. "No, no. It's fine. I was being stubborn. I was only expecting a trip or something. But then again, at least I know what you mean by punishment now." she smiled awkwardly and continued playing 'Lady' almost silently. "I'm the one who should apologise. My fault, probably shouldn't have pushed you in the first place." she avoided eye contact with him. "And about the dark clothes remark, this is who I am. The pale dress is something I wore to a party. It was for my mum's friends and she thought I should look pretty. By the time I got back I was too tired to change so I ended up here in the lilac number I was wearing. I'm a gothic girl who many people think of as a guy. People should learn to live with it." she opened up her suitcase and saw all pastel things. "What happened to my old clothes?" she whispered to herself. "I swear there was more black in here when I changed earlier."
Jamie chuckled softly.

'i guess they heard my comment and altered your wardrobe accordingly.' he said, studying the clothes dubiously. He reached in without permission, pulling out a strange dress of a pale blue colour. it was one of those wrap-around attires with a v-neck cut.

'Do you girls really wear this kind of stuff? It's kind of weird.' he said, letting it drop. He was trying to avoid the urge to kiss her again, and he was having a lot of difficulty with it. He set aside his guitar, studying her black attire and frowning.

'I still maintain that bright colours suit you far better.'
"One, sadly, most girls do. And two, I don't care, but these are my pajamas you know. I don't wear this. I was sarcastic when I said I was goth and stuff. Black absorbs heat, I like being warm in the night, just a second. She grabbed a random dress and closed the door and put it on instead. She flounced back into the room like a girly girl. "Happy?" she said. The dress was pastel yellow with a brown bow around her waist. She flopped onto the bed. "I'm keeping my hair like this though." she said making sure it covered her entire eye. "I like it like this, it acts as a temporary eye-patch." she laughed. "And by the way. Your guitar playing is awesome. It IS what I'd call music. The music of my generation is so bad, it's nice to hear something classical again."

"Your guitar itself is nice too. Nice shine, everything is nice and not wrecked. Your sisters probably don't mess up your tuning though." she smiled slightly. Why was she like this around him? Was it the fact that they shared common interests? She hoped that was it.
He raised an eyebrow at her when she went to get changed, smirking slightly.

'So you're not trying to act like your typical teenage girl in the hopes to impress me? Because your story changed pretty quickly there.' he said, grinning at her, his amber eyes studying her properly. She looked quite lovely in the dress, but he wasn't going to say anything that might freak her out.

'And the 'your generation' comment, kinda a low blow to the self esteem. i'm only two years older than you, ya know.' he pointed out, standing up. 'Well, now that I've officially been offended I think i might go elsewhere. I have stuff I gotta do.' He said, stretching and turning to leave the room. 'Oh, and I want my hoodie back eventually, so no doing anything creepy and like smelling it or something alright?' he joked, wondering how she'd react.
"I'm not a pervert," she picked it up from the floor and gave it to him. "You can have it back now. I'm not swimming anymore. Although you might want to dry that before you wear it again," she smiled, "And I would never try to impress you, I'm just a good actress." she smirked and closed the door behind him, picking up Lady. "Easy come, easy go, that's just how you live oh, oh." she played as it reminded her of home. The first song she learnt on guitar was Grenade. "Take take take it all, but you never give." she sighed, putting down the guitar.
Brady looked down at her,starring into her eyes dreamily "My name is Brady but you can call me whatever you want. Again what did you say your name is...Bella(German for beautiful)." he stood even closer to her so there was no room between them. "What's wrong with being slow it increaseses the sensation."
Jayshabelle smiled and giggled, she smiled at him again and wraped her arms around his neck and whispered, softly into his ear "My name is Jayshbelle, yes, a nickname could be Bella." she looked up and into his light pink eyes, enchanted. A small smile pulled at her lips as he asked what was wrong with being slow and she said 'If your slow, you might not be able to keep up." She said winking. She got Dita's attention, scilently and mouthed "Who am i rooming with?" She mouthed back "Him" pointing to the boy who she had her arms wraped around, Jayshabelle mouthed a thanks and Dita smiled, turning away. "Well, Brady, It seems like we are rooming together." she smiled flirtily.
Jamie raised an eyebrow.

'y'know, when i said I wanted it back I meant in a dryer condition? Like I dunno, completely dry?' He said sarcastically, still annoyed by her generation comment. When she simply picked her guitar and started playing he made an irritated noise and stalked out, frustrated. Freaking women, he thought furiously as he made his way to his side of the cabin, they never do anything properly. You can't even lend a jumper to them and get it back dry. He slammed the door shut rather violently, annoyed by his new 'house-mate' i suppose you would call her. He threw the hoodie into a basket in the corner of the room before collapsing on the bed with an exasperated sigh. He hated this place. He just wanted to go home and never have to think of it all again.
Maria rolled her eyes at the comment. I'm not your bloody maid, she scoffed mentally. She placed her guitar in the closet and smiled, slipping under the covers. She was cold. Was there air conditioning in here? Because all of the windows were closed. No Air-Con. She was about to slip into a heavy sleep when an announcement came. "Maria to the Head please," she groaned at got out of bed, it made itself. "Creepy," she said quietly, slipping out her door. She walked to the large hall she was in before. "Yes, Zeus?" she said tiredly. She just wanted to have a nap. "We know about the kiss," he said bluntly. She blushed. "That was nothing. I was being stubborn, I wouldn't apologise when I pushed him out of the tree. And how do you know?" she asked. Zeus ignored the question. "Yeah, blah blah blah. But there was something in your aura's. Both of yours were quite red, much like your cheeks now. But have you wondered WHY he chose that as your so-called punishment?" Zeus queried. MAria shook her head. Now that was stuck in her brain.
Jamie heard her leave but ignored it. He didn't care where she was going. It was her life. Why should he give a damn? He was stuck in this stupid place and now he was stuck with her. God she annoyed him something shocking. He wondered if they'd let him have a pet. he'd need someone to keep him sane. A bat would be cool, he thought with a smile. He could totally have a pet bat. He frowned again. They probably wouldn't let him keep it.
"You may leave." Zeus smiled as she was still blushing crimson. How DID they know about the kiss? Do they have cameras everywhere? Like a shopping centre? Oh yeah duh, they're Gods. They can see all that's happening on Mount Olympus. She closed her door almost silently, slipping under her magically made covers again, falling into a deep sleep. She nearly woke up at another announcement. "Jamie, please go to the Head," she groaned, was he going to get lectured now? Wait, why did she care? She needed sleep. She twisted and turned, trying to get to sleep. She eventually did, but her dreams were just the garden scene all over again. She woke up, sweating. She found it grotesque that she was even dreaming about that.
He smiled at her after talking about how he wouldn't be able to keep up "Well, I guess it will be left up to whomever pounces first." he looked down at her wrapping his hands just above her waist squeezing her closer. "Du bist zein schön." he spoke in a thick German accent "Now where's are lovely little abode going to be, I can't wait until we can get away from those people. Maybe get a little privacy."
Jayshabelle smiled and giggled when he ulled her closer she smiled 'innocently' up at him and said "I don't know, why don't we go find it?" she asked playfully and then said "Translation, please?" and at his last comment, she couldnt agree more. She smiled and leaned up and whispered into his ear "I'd love some privacy," she smiled and leaned forward so their noses touched
Jamie laughed to himself as he too was called to see Zeus. He got out of bed, adjusted his jeans and meandered along the hallway, managing to find his way to the room easier this time, without getting lost at all. he sank down into one of the chairs, flashing Zeus a slightly annoyed look.

'Yeah? What do you want? I was kinda sleeping you know, so if we could get this over with, that would be great.' He said calmly, yawning quietly. He wasn't sure why he was being called but he would have thought it could wait until the morning.
He swept her off her feet carrying her gently "So where are we going Bella?" he walked towards a home with hearts forming a gateway and two statues "Hmmm could that one be ours?" he laughed and carried her into the home it was dimly lit and had a bed with purple sheets and purple pillows. The bed poles where holding up purple drapes that would be surrounding the bed for privacy. He laid her down on the bed and laid down with her.

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