Omen: Replacement of greek gods and goddesses. {RP}

He chuckled.

'That's just what I was thinking. Not the magical animals part, but the bit about the swans and ducks, yeah. I suppose these gods are just traditionalists.' He shrugged, smiling softly. She kept looking at him. Ack.. stop looking at me like that! She was putting thoughts into his mind, he just knew it. He shook his head. Stupid idiot, he thought with frustration, she doesn't like you, she'd never like someone like you. He bit his lip again, the chapped skin rough against his teeth. Her gaze tormented him and he turned away. It was wrong. So very wrong. How old was she even? he knew nothing about her. Knowing his luck she'd be like fourteen or something. It was stupid. He should walk away now. Instead he turned back to her.

'Maria.. thank you.. for giving me a chance when you've only known me for less than an hour.' He said, his amber eyes boring into hers.
"No problem. Everyone deserves some kind of chance in life. I mean, trust me your first impression was pretty bad. Yelling." she joked. "But no matter what I give people second chances. But I guess my first impression wasn't any better." she smiled as that thing in his eyes came boring back. Why do his eyes have to be so pretty?! Maria looked away slightly, hoping not to faint.

"Anyway. So... you play guitar?" she brought up, remembering him yelling out where's my guitar. Ah memories. How old was he? Like 15? He look slightly older, but seriously. She wanted to get to know him better.
He smiled slightly. She remembered from his waking moments. Interesting. He grinned, flashing her a smile.

'Yeah, something like that. Well I kike to pretend that the sound that comes out is music in any case.' He shrugged, tossing the flower in his hands onto the surface of the water, causing it to float merrily near the ducks. He picked another, doing the same thing again. He did this until the water's surface was dotted with the lilac flowers.

'I have something that's been irritating me.. Something at the back of my mind but I can't work out what it is. It's like.. when I try to focus.. it disappears.'

"Hmm, wonder what it is. I'm hearing these weird voice type things in the back of my mind," she sat down near he edge of the pond. "It's rather annoying. It does the same thing as yours does." she smiled. "By the way, your teeth are shiny." she said out of the blue after an awkward silence. "Very, very shiny"
He shot her a strange look.

'You're definately mental.' He said again, only this time he was smiling slightly. She was quite odd, but also entertaining. He liked that about her. besides he couldn't argue, he was odder than her. His gaze fell on the small form of her in his jumper and he smiled. Even if he couldn't have her, he still had one up on Jonah.
"I know, but that's what makes me, me." Maria smiled. The urge just to hold his hand remained. She patted him lightly on the back. Warm. "You're not so normal yourself, y'know?"


Zeus smiled at Alayna. "I would like you to meet Artemis," he smiled. "Arti, your person is here!" Artemis came out slowly, quiver in hand. "Nice to meet you Alayna,"
He laughed, shrugging.

'I'm aware of that. But I've never been much of anything else. Not many people liked me as a kid and even less like me now. I could be what I wanted.' He glanced at the pond again, watching the flowers drift lazily. He's always liked the water, now it made more sense why he would. He sat down beside the pond, stretching out his denim clad legs to get comfortable. 'I wonder why they need us here.. They probably all want to go on some big rave party or something.' He said with a slight roll of the eyes.
"Or, maybe they mean it. They need us to protect the Earth and such. Take over from them," Maria's thought in the back of her mind of what she'd be doing were gruesome. Would she be making someone go insane and forcing them to kill their family, just as she did to Hercules? A burning urge to kiss him was still there. He's not gonna like it if you kiss him, she face-palmed mentally.
Alayna's legs folded beneath her as she met her Goddess. Artemis, goddess of the hunt, childbirth, the moon, wilderness, and virginity. Although she had never taken any subject on the Greek deities, or even a History Channel documentary, Alayna knew this was her and knew this about her. The tall woman was beautiful in a sense that was scarcely seen. Her skin was tone from the rays of the sun she loved to frolic in. Her bow was larger than Alayna's made of gold that glistened in the light, a reading engraved that she could not read. A crown of golden leaves nestled in her hair, soft veins emerging off and blending in with her dark locks. Her eyes were the shade of green that only the newly sprouted grass seemed to have and her eyes sparkled with purity. A long flowing brown gown fell to the floor, seeming to shimmer with gold. Perched on her shoulder, a white dove cooed softly, completely content with it's perch.

"My lady," Alayna said softly, in sheer awe. "I could never compare to you, nor will I be able to fill your place." She hung her head in shame, golden hair falling before her face. A slender hand appeared in her vision, raising her head back up. A smile that burst with love was on Artemis's face as she shook her head.

"You, will be perfect." Her voice was almost as beautiful as she was, echoing like bell chimes and bringing a smile also to Alayna's lips. Alepou jumped for joy, running in circles around Artemis until he was picked up and given a soft pet. "You must meet with the others, my child. But cautious. Although we may all live together, not all are as pure-hearted as yourself."

Returning the excited kit to Alayna, Artemis gave her a final look before disappearing to speak with Zeus. Sighing, Alayna set her companion on the ground, looking about the room. No one wanted to speak with her. Mount Olympus was no different than home! Trying not to sulk, she walked to the side of the room, trying a door handle that was crystal clear. Leaning into the door, she tumbled into the hedge that was on the other side. Alepou followed suit, immediately stopping to eat a cricket that was in the grass before them. Walking a few steps, she was surprised to see another hedge before her. Turning the corner, a couple of steps and the greenery was in her way again. "Wonderful, a maze," she muttered, turning around only to see a fork and not being able to remember which way she had come from. Faint voices echoed in the distance. Reluctantly, Alayna moved toward them. Perhaps whoever it was could help her find her way back. As she moved, Artemis's words echoed in her mind.
He shook his head.

'But why? Why do they need us to replace them? What could they possibly have to do?' He asked in exasperation, running a hand through the copper coloured hair. he just hated that no one was answering their questions. He just wanted to know what was going on. Was that too much to ask? He looked over ather and felt compelled to at least kiss her cheek. But he couldn't... that would probably be breaking so many rules. He could feel his resolve growing weaker bit by bit but he refused to give in.
Maria smiled. "Maybe, it's because they see something in us." she moved a little closer to Jamie. "Maybe they see something in us that they saw in no other person."
Jamie raised an eyebrow. 'Well whatever they saw it can't have been a charming personality.' He said with a slightly devious grin. He looked down at her, biting the inside of his cheek hesitantly. He had no idea as to why he was so eager to kiss her, nor did he understand what it was that possessed him to do so, but the longing was there and by now he had almost lost control. He bit his lip again, thinking of the repercussions his wanting could possibly have. Sighing, he gave in.

'Maria..' He said her name gently, nervously, waiting for her to turn around.

(probs won't be online tonight, sorry all xx)
Artemis smiled as her father addressed her, lowering her head for a moment out of respect. "She is exactly as I invisioned her her to be," she answered, watching her follower disappear from the room. "But, I worry for her father." Turning to the king of the gods, the concerned was etched on her forehead. "One so pure when all those around her clearly are not, what if she cannot bare to fight temptation? What if she is destroyed?" The bird cooed softly in the Goddess's ear, trying to ease her worries. "The world mortals thrive in is no place for the innocent to lead."

Alayna broke through the hedges to run straight into Jamie, nearly sending them both to the ground. "I'm sorry," she said quickly, eyes immediately falling to the ground, avoiding eye contact with him. Alepou however, seemed thrilled as he pawed at his leg chirping up a storm as he introduced himself. "Bad, Alepou!"
Jamie cursed loudly as a figure broke through the bushes, knocking him straight into Maria. He pushed himself off of her, apologising. It annoyed him that his plan and resolve had been interrupted but he would deal with that in a moment. Gently he touched Maria's cheek, making sure she was alright.

'Are you alright Maria' He asked, gently taking her hand with slight hesitation to pull her to her feet. He looked to see a girl talking to a fox.

'I know you didn't mean to, but next time could you have a little more care? I'm not trying to be rude, but I don't exactly want to be plowed over every time you are walking around.'
Alayna's cheeks flushed dark read, but not out of embarrassment. She was furious with this boy. "Why yes! That's exactly what I was hoping when I stumbled out of the hedges, trying to find my way through a maze," she said, growing feisty with him. "As I was exploring, that was the one thing I was praying I'd run into. A foolish boy trying to seduce a defenseless girl he's just me when there's no one else around." Her hands balled into fists that she set on her hips. "But don't worry, I'll make sure that I don't get lost and fall into you again." Scooping up Alepou she gave him one final glare before a smile to Maria. "Nice to meet you and don't let him trying anything with you." Walking away, she could faintly be heard muttering, "Stupid self-centered boys."
"Uh, Yes. I'm fine." she told Jamie, barely noticing that he'd just touched her twice. She called out to the girl, "Nice to meet you... too?" she was questionable, considering she'd just knocked Jamie into her, leaving Maria on the ground. As she left, Maria had a query. "What were you gonna say, before she came?" she was getting slightly nervous again. He couldn't like her. No not at all. He was probably too young or too old.
(([MENTION=2753]IndubidablyAli[/MENTION] reply next time you're on. >.< Pleeeeease.))

"Arti, she will be perfectly fine. Mount Olympus is practically made for her. She'll thoroughly enjoy it here... I hope." Zeus bit his cheek.
(sorry @TheCreativeUsername school gets in the way somewhat)

The girl's harsh words had offended and upset Jamie, while also throwing his courage out of the window in the process. He looked away, avoiding her gaze and shoving his hands into his pockets.

'Doesn't matter... Don't worry 'bout it.' He muttered, looking sullenly at the ground. Although he was technically an adult, he still felt like a child in so many ways. For one, this ridiculous urge to kiss a girl he'd hardly even met, was highly childish, and two, he kept letting everything get to him. He'd never felt so out of place in his own skin before. And what that girl had said... Well she was right. He was a jerk. Maria wouldn't like anyone like him anyway. But still.. He sighed, taking his hands out of his pockets and sitting beside the pond, dipping a hand into it. Why couldn't he be at home where everyone blissfully ignored his existance and let him live his mundane life?
"Uh, okay." she said, hoping everything was alright. She didn't know why she cared in the first place. She barely knew the guy for gods sake. The burning urge to kiss him was still there. She didn't like it. Maria wanted to comfort him right now. In and way possible. "Something on your mind?" she still hadn't asked how old he was.
He shrugged.

'There's a lot of things on my mind. I was gonna say something before that girl knocked us over, but I don't remember what it was now.' He sighed.

'I don't suppose it matters much anyway. Can't have been important if I forgot about it.' he shrugged, stretching slightly. Glancing at the other teen he frowned slightly.

'I know this might seem a little rude, but how old are you?' He figured he might as well find out for himself. Once she told him, he would be able to decide that she was off limits, certain she was younger than she looked. She had to be, it was his bad luck to always find the younger ones.
"I'm 16 years old. My birthday is in two days. I'm gonna miss it. Whoop-dee-doo." she rolled her eyes slightly. "How old are you?" she asked. He's gotta be like what? 20? 22? He seemed like it. Still wondering what he was going to say... or do earlier before that girl rudely came, then insulting Jamie. It was confusing her so much, so she climbed a tree next to them.
He glanced up at her slightly, shrugging.

'Eighteen.' He said simply, suppressing the strange sense of joy that had filled him. Two years wasn't all that much, he thought to himself but then stopped. That still didn't mean she'd want anything more to do with him. He smiled slightly at her comment about her birthday.

Everyone in your family are just born around the same time aren't they? You've mentioned two other people withing the next two weeks that have birthdays.' He said this goodnaturedly, hoping to get a smile out of her.
She grinned, still up in her tree. "Yup, my father was today, I'm in two days, my little sister turns 7 in a couple weeks and then my mum's is after that. Pretty weird family." she laughed. A strange sense of joy when he said he was 18 swelled in her. Okay, he wasn't as old as she thought in the first place, either way, it didn't mean he liked her in anyway shape or form as anything more than a friend. "I like it better here than in Australia. It's quite relaxing. And none of my friends are trying to get me to go to mani-pedi's that I really don't wanna go to. I mean seriously, they'd oughta just think of me as a guy when it comes to that stuff." her grin remained.
Brady was watching all of the fools bickering among themselves. He stood against a giant obelisk that had a statue placed atop it. It had a smiling archer with angel wings spread out hearts magically floated around the statue whose stone eyes seemed to glow pink. He started to examine all the rest of the people around him when he noticed a girl wearing very short clothes "Well seems inviting enough." he spiked up his bangs and his light pink eyes radiate passionately as he walked over to her "Hey there beautiful what's a girl like you doing in a place like this?" he smiled at her "Not that I know what I'm doing here."

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