Omen: Replacement of greek gods and goddesses. {RP}

Jamie smiled, climbing the tree to join her. 'A girl that doesn't care about her looks? And a fellow Australian at that, wow my luck just struck out.' He joked, more truthfully than he had meant to be. He grinned at her, taking a seat next to her with a careful glance to make sure she didn't mind. 'I wish I could say being here is any different to being at home. But in truth, it's not. People hate me here just like they do there.' He shrugged as he sat, holding a branch for support and having to duck his head due to his height.

'Don't laugh if I fall from here, I swear to god if you do I'll teckle you right outta this tree.' He warned, smiling warmly. He liked her.. that was dangerous territory.
"I'll probably still laugh. I don't care if you tackle me. I've been tackled before, no biggy. It's what I'll do if you tackle me that you should be worried about though. Not if I laugh or not," she warned, smiling warmly back. "Remember, if I act like a guy, guys become my friends, I played with them, like sports play. It hurt at first, then I started tackling back, ah, good times, anyway. Where in Australia are you from? Aren't you afraid of the drop bears?" she said sarcasticly. "Y'know, the ones that like in pineapple trees?" she laughed.
'Nah, You've probably never heard of the town I'm from. We're not even worth mentioning.' He said with a laugh, shrugging casually and leaning backwards against the trunk. He smirked at her words, wondering if she had meant them to sound so ambiguous or if it was just accidental. He supposed it didn't matter.

'I would warn you that I wouldn't try and treat you like anything you weren't, so if I were to tackle you, it would be as an equal, nothign less.' He flashed her a grin, wondering if she was deliberately trying to tempt him. He cursed himself mentally. Jeeze one hour with this girl and already he was becoming your typical hormone driven teenager. Damn, time to bail, he thought with a sigh. If he left now, would she be offended? It wasn't like she hadn't run off on him multiple times already.
"Jamie, that's so sweet." she pushed him out of the tree, "So vulnerable. Like a little kitten," she laughed. A gong rang. "Seems it's time for training or we're being summoned for something." she stood there waiting. An hour and I'm waiting for this guy? God I'm like one of the girly girls. She blushed slightly.
Jamie cursed multiple times as she pushed him out and he landed painfully on his side, unsure how he'd ended up there for a moment. When he was able to, he stood up, shooting her a whithering glare.

'Now that wasn't very nice. I was being all friendly and stuff and you push me out of a tree? How ungrateful.' He flashed a brief smile before approaching her, limping slightly as he did so. She had pushed him out of the tree. He wanted revenge. He only knew one way to exact it. As he neared her he began to herd Maria towards the trunk of the tree, blocking her body with his as he had done previously. He leaned close to her, his lips close to her ear and his copper hair falling into his face as he did so.

'I want an apology.' He murmured, his voice low, and slightly seductive. He wondered if his words would make her nervous. He smiled wickedly, this would be a good test in any case.
"I'm not being ungrateful, I'm being playful." she said, her voice also slightly seductive, she covered her mouth. She didn't exactly want that. "You want an apology? You're kidding right?" she got a bit nervous. "Why would I give a boy I've known for an hour, an apology, for trying to be his friend?" her eyes boring into his, His eyes are so... she thought to herself. She coughed, still nervous.
He laughed softly, his eyes meeting hers.

'Why would you apologise for pushing me out of a tree and nearly crippling me? Hmm... I don't know, perhaps because I will exact my revenge if you refuse to apologise, and there's a high garuantee that you will not like it one bit.' He said with a smirk, his face dauntingly close to hers. What would she do? would she try to run? Would she call for help? He didn't know, but the idea made him look forward to her reaction, whatever it would be. He had heard the gong but he wasn't letting her go until she'd apologised. To make this point clear he pressed a hand either side of her head.
Maria's heart thumped. She stepped back a bit. "That's like saying you almost died from falling from the bloody monkey bars at school. You're an adult, build a bridge and get over it." she teased. She didn't care what he was about to do, she wasn't giving in. "And you can try with all your might to get me to apologise, but I'm not gonna. What are you gonna do? Tackle me?" she had a feeling she was tempting him in a way she didn't mean to. She smirked. "The tree was only a couple of metres off the ground, and I survived jumping from it. Aren't boys supposed to be tougher than girls?" she grinned this time.
'Not when we land on our arses.' He sighed, shifting slightly to look at her.

'You're being impossibly stubborn about this. I don't want to have to torture you.' He flashed her a slightly sadistic smile. 'Until you apologise, you're not leaving. Why not save yourself from your terrible fate?' He asked, mockign her slightly. She was tempting him in many ways, playing on his advances easily. Did she have any idea of what he planned to do if she didn't apologise? He was giving her a way out, but secretly he hoped she wouldn't take it. he was conflicted between his emotions and didn't like it. If she apologised, she could possibly save him, and herself, from embarrassment, but if she did that he would regret his decision later, he just knew it. He waited patiently for her reply, smirking so she couldn't see the conflict that was occuring inside.
"Just think of me as a cat when it comes to tree then. And that's the whole point. I'm stubborn. I don't give in no matter how hard people try." she smirked, having a faint idea of what the so called 'punishment' is. "I know pressure point I can get you to get your grasp off me by either kicking you, poking you or punching you. In the nicest ways to get you to let me go." she felt a bit cliche`. Like a fairytale, she's the princess stuck in the tower, trying to get out. Her heart thumping harder, she was pulled up slightly, like someone was pulling a string. Damn why is he so tall?! she thought to herself again.

"Yes," Zeus said, "I knew there'd be a connection." he smiled.
Jamie sighed, running a hand through his hair momentarily.

'You're forcing my hand on this one, Maria.' he said in a resigned and slightly amused tone. She was either toying with him intentionally now or she had literally no clue what game she was playing. it wasn't like he hadn't given her enough hints. He flashed her a brief smile before pushing her hard against the tree, pressing closer and crushing his lips to hers. He didn't even give her a chance to fight back before he released her again, flashed her another smile and began to walk away.

'There, you've been punished. Now maybe you'll learn to apologise.' he said, walking towards the door. He was grinning slightly, but she couldn't possibly see that, not with his back turned. He was surprised at himself, but glad she'd forced him to do it. The girl had just driven him crazy for an hour, the least he could do was to get revenge for that.
Maria's heart was just about popping out of her chest. She slid down to the bottom of the tree. She hadn't been expecting that... at all. She'd been expecting like a revenge trip or something. "Ow," she rubbed her head slightly. "Trees hurt," she murmured, leaning against it. "That was a bit awkward." she said to herself. She slowly got up, trying to get used her surrounding again and trying to forget what had happened. "Probably should have apologised." she told herself. "Wouldn't have had to do... that." she scolded herself, shuffling towards the doors, head hanging low, trying to hide her embarrassment, shuffling past Jamie and taking a seat in the hall where Zeus was, along with Aphrodite, Artemis, Hera... Poseidon. She shook her head as the slightly enjoyable movie kept replaying.
Jamie smirked slightly as Maria brushed past him, slightly dazed. He liked the thought that he had stunned her. Of course, it wouldn't happen again. No, once was more than enough to make her wish she'd apologised. Besides, she'd probably leave him alone now. He chuckled softly as he followed the girl into the hall. She'd probably be totally horrified by his actions, so he knew it was best to let her recover, but still, he couldn't resist the urge to sit behind her and whisper in her ear.

'I'd suggest you curb that stubborn streak and just apologise next time.' He said with a teasing smile. He then leaned back, satisfied. She was fun to mess with, but at the same time, he knew that it had taken a lot of willpower to pull away from that kiss.
Maria nodded, her head still hanging low, hiding her blush. She moved to another seat, further away from Jamie. She just didn't want to be near him at this point in time. It was still too awkward.

She tried to steady her breathing as Hera came over, worried. "Are you okay young Neo?" Maria nodded even though it was a complete and utter lie.
Jamie felt both delighted and slightly crestfallen as Maria moved away. He had known she wouldn't like him kissing her, yet he had done it anyway. Why? because the stupid random forest girl was right. He had simply wanted her. And now, he'd done exactly what she had said he would. He sighed, sitting back in his chair, watchign with a slight grin as Hera asked if Maria was okay. He glanced over as Poseidon approached him.

'What amuses you so much?' The sea god asked. Jamie smirked again, tapping his fingers together casually.

'Oh nothing really, i'm just causing my usual trouble.'
Alayna had huffed about the garden for a bit longer, still fuming over how stuck up that boy was. She ranted on and on to Alepou about how men just thought they could have what they want and rule the world, and they needed a rude awakening until a gong sounded. Although she shouldn't, she knew this was her cue to return to the hall and meet with the others. As if on their own, her feet directed her to the hall. Entering, she peered around. There was the boy. Stubborn ass that she was, she deliberately too the chair furthest from him, setting her bow and quiver and the ground beside her. Immediately, Alepou jumped into her lap.

Artemis crossed to stand beside her trainee, smiling softly down on her. "You seem slightly upset, my child," she stated, didn't ask. Alayna pursed her lips out in a pouting manner. She wasn't one to complain or talk about her feelings, but felt she could be honest with Artemis.

"Boys are so stupid," she answered, shaking her head and sulking into the chair more. The Goddess laughed, nodding in approval.

"And contrary to what you may believe my dear, this is true no matter where they are, who they are, or what they are," she giggled, "The best we can do is wait for them to...oh how is the expression? Eat their words?" This caused Alayna to giggle as well while Alepou made a questioning chirp.
Okay, Maria had to admit she liked him kissing her. She just wasn't expecting for it to happen so abruptly. She cleared her throat as Hera left. Zeus came up to the podium, smiling a godly smile. "Now, welcome Earthlings. Mount Olympus holds great expectations and also great connections. He looked over at Maria and Jamie and Maria blushed more. "To make more of these happen, we're putting each of you in boy/girl cabins." Maria hung her head lower, knowing she'd be either with Jamie or Jonah. She didn't really want either, the way Jonah had treated her like... she couldn't even think about it. And Jamie. It was still too awkward to cross his path. She just couldn't do it, no matter how hard she might try, until he gets the bloody smirk off his face, she's not talking to him, because now he thinks he's all that, and he thinks that Maria might be whipped. Well, she's not.

Zeus called out the names one by one. "... And finally, Maria with Jamie." she facepalmed. So she couldn't speak to him, and yet she's supposed to share a cabin with him?
Jamie suppressed a slight groan as he was put in a cabin with Maria. He had been hoping he wouldn't be stuck with her. It wasn't that he disliked her, it was just that already he'd spent so much time trying to ignore a strange temptation towards her, to which he had succumed already, and now he had to share a room where she would constantly tempt him? It was not cool. He waited for an opening to speak.

'Uh... Zeus? I'm just wondering why we have to share cabins. I mean, we were all in separate rooms when we got here, so.. why?' He asked, slightly intimidated by the god.

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