Omen: Replacement of greek gods and goddesses. {RP}

Zeus laughed. "Yes. Indeed. We wouldn't dare tell Maria, but why was kissing the punishment?" he asked evilly. "You could have chosen from many more, but why kissing?" he smiled again. Of course, when she was awake, they'd tell her why. The question was already stirring through her head anyway. Might as well get an answer. "And don't say I don't know. You know we could see you. Your aura's her bright red. We could see through the cockey mask of yours. And then complimenting her on the fact she looked good in pale clothing" Zeus pressed. "If you give us an answer now, you can go back to sleep."

Meanwhile, Maria was sound asleep in bed, the movie thing finally faded and she was dreaming about bunnies.
Jayshabelle smiled and giggled when she was picked up her hair, flowed in the air and she crossed her legs, one over the other so no one could se up her skirt. She smiled and looked around the hom "I think it is our home." she said smiling at it, she loved it and how private it was. When placed on the bed and he was next to her, flat on his back she proped herself on one elbow and lent over him, so she could see him and bend down and whispered in his ear "Happy?" Her li[s brished the skin my his ear, barely
Jamie fixed Zeus with a querying look.

'What's it matter to you? Honestly, it's none of your business. My actions are my own. As are my reasons. You have no need to know any of it.' he retorted, displeased that they were trying to pry into something that didn't concern them. It wasn't like it was any of their business at all. He folded his arms across his chest, narrowing his eyes.

'So what if I kissed her? Big deal? It's not like you lot care, I mean you put us in the same freaking cabin. At least we don't get our kicks from kidnapping teens and watching them from a distance. You're a real perve you know that?' He stood up.

'I'm going back to bed. feel free to watch me sleep.' He said in an annoyed tone, walking out of the room and returning to his own, kicking his shoes off again and climbing back into bed.
As he laid in the bed, she got really close to her he smiled. "Of course I'm happy." he grabbed both of her shoulders and rolled over with her till he was on top. He kissed her smoothly a flipped the blankets over them. (Fade to Black?)
Zeus glared as he walked out. "Well Poseidon, at least your Neo is as annoying as you." Zeus said, sighing. He shuffled to his HQ , aka his bedroom and flexed his muscles. "Now, no need to be rude to the child, Maria or Jamie. Why did you even put them in the same cabin, Brother?" Hades cackled out of nowhere. "Trying to cause mischief?" he pressed. "They obviously hate each other, why put them together? Are you trying to get them to apologise to each other?" Hades questioned. "They've already done so," Zeus admitted. "Then why keep them together?" "Something is going to happen between them, I know it."

Maria yawned. She decided to go out to the garden again. She closed the quietly, knowing that Jamie was probably asleep. She walked past the tree quickly and saw the ocean. "Maybe I could swim back to Australia!" she squealed. She'd feel kind of bad for leaving Jamie here alone though, wait she didn't care for him. She sat on a rock next to the deep blue body of water.
(Yup, I'll do the next morning post in a minute)

Jayshabelle woke up to a heavy weight on her chest and saw herself and Brady were wraped around eachother, she slowly untangled herself and steped out into the bathroon, running a shower andwashing herself of, washing her hair, she steped out and looked in the cupboard labeled "ShaBelle" and found a nice outfit to wear. She didn't want to wear a dress today, she didn't feel like it do she found a pair of booty shorts and a t-shirt with "I get away with everything becasue i'm adorable." Writen on it in bold leters
Jamie woke early the next morning, still slightly peeved. He yawned and stretched, blinking at the unfamiliar sight of his new room. That was when he remembered the new 'arrangement' he'd been forced into. He muttered darkly under his breath, remembering Zeus' annoying persistance yesterday. He got up, wandering into the kitchen of the strange house they shared and searched the fidge for something to eat. He found a bunch of fruit and sighed, deciding that would have to do for now. He pulled a banana off the bunch and wandered out of the cabin, wondering where he could go. He wanted water, and wondered why on earth they couldn't have given him a cabin with a view of the ocean at the very least. He sighed.

'I hate this place...'
Maria sighed, the cold hair blowing her hair everywhere. She shivered, but let it slide. She didn't care right now. She was happy to believe there was some place she could be herself, the beach. She dipped her foot in the water. "Bit cold, but I've felt colder," she shrugged. She found another rock in the water and sat on it. "I feel like a mermaid," she started humming. She thought about her dad. Turning 37 and she wasn't there. This time she'd brought a towel, so she propped her legs up on the rock and wrapped them in it. "Wow, from afar you really think I am a mermaid. Well, Mount Olympus illusions can happen." she smiled to herself, looking out to the ocean, her hair flying everywhere.

Zeus thought he'd might as well give Jamie an apology present. He's replacing Poseidon, might give him an ocean to look at. He smiled and zapped something in the distance, making his cabin see the liquid body.
Jamie frowned as the ocean came into veiw from the window of the cabin. What was with that? He let out a 'hmph' sound, not impressed with what could only be the gods' attempt to get his favour. He folded his arms across his chest and turned his back on the sight, padding back into his room to get dressed. He pulled on a new pair of jeans and a plain white t-shirt, before pulling on socks and his trademark converse. He had hung his hoodie up to dry the night before and now he checked it, scowling when it was still damp.

'Stupid women..' He muttered, finding a leather jacket instead and pulling it on. He had no idea what he planned to do, but it didn't involve sitting around in a stuffy cabin all day.
Maria gazed back and saw their cabins. "Huh? I swear there were other cabins there before," she shrugged and jumped successfully onto the shore, drying her legs one last time. She walked back to the now sea-side cabin and got dressed into yet another pastel dress. This one baby blue, but at the bottom, she saw jeans and a... pastel shirt, but still, jeans! "Yes," she said quietly. She slipped on the jeans and t-shirt, found out it had a troll face on it. "Oh memories of home." she sighed, getting Lady out again. She overheard Jamie say "Stupid Women," and she shook her head. Sexist idiot, she thought. She found a big pink puffy jacket and slid it on. She started playing 'Happy birthday' but changed the lyrics to it was, " ♫Happy delayed birthday to you, happy delayed birthday to you. Happy delayed birthday dear Dad, happy delayed birthday to you♫" she sang extra quietly, as if singing to a mouse. She opened her window and let the new sea breeze rush in.
Jamie ended up finding his way down to the beach, the sand getting into his shoes after a few minutes. He sighed, crinkling up his nose in irritation. 'Damn sand. it always gets in the way.' He muttered moodily. He felt just like he did yesterday, all angry and full of bitterness. Was it always going to be like this? Would he always wake up furious and bitter? He didn't know if he could handle that. It was a sure fire way to make people hate him. As he stood feeling the sand in his shoes, the urge to swim consumed him and before he knew what he was doing he had stripped off and was wading into the ocean, in clear view of their cabin. He didn't care. he just wanted to swim, to escape the troubles. A feeling of calm had taken over and all his frustration disappeared.
Maria layed on her bed again. It was very comfortable. "Guess if you're gonna be replacing a god, might as well get a godly Manor." she smiled, looking into the garden below, sitting in a tree she'd just jumped on from their, mental correction HER cabin. She slid down the tree trunk and fed some ducks, patting one on the head, "Nice to have animals that don't hate me," she sighed, remembering the dogs chasing after her, the magpies swooping her. All the bad things now replaced with feeding ducks by hand, petting a cygnet and smiling.
Jamie stayed in the ocean for a while, lazing about and hoping no one came along to steal his clothes, or else he'd be kind of screwed. He wondered what maria was doing. She probably hated him by now. He ought to make it up to her, he thought to himself. After a few moments he swam back to shore, pulling on his jeans with difficulty over his wet skin and leaving his shirt and jacket off as he traipsed up to the cabin again. He passed by Maria and instead of walking past her with a snide comment like he would have earlier, he dropped his other things on the ground and walked over to her. He pulled her to her feet, pulling her close to him, gently cupping her chin with his hand and crushing his mouth against hers again. This time he didn't pull away, waiting for her to respond. His moments in the water had helped clear his head and he knew why he was so frustrated by her. Now he wanted to know if she felt the same.
Maria was taken by surprise when he'd just come up to her like that. She panicked slightly for a minute, wondering why. Then she started to kiss back. At least I know how he feels about me, she thought nervously. She put her arms around his neck. How did this happen? she questioned herself. I was seriously just feeding ducks then he came along and this happens. Maybe this place is better than home, she smiled, taking her lips off his. "Well... that was... interesting." she said, blushing the deepest shade of red you could imagine. She looked up at him. "Been swimming lately?" she laughed.
He flashed her a smile, gently touching her face with a light hand.

'I couldn't figure out why I was so damn annoyed by you, by everything you did. It frustrated me. I've only been here a day and you wouldn't get out of my head.' He murmured, brushing her hair out of her eyes.

'And yes, I have been. I only feel normal there. It must be something to do with the whole Poseidon thing.' he shrugged, wanting to kiss her again but not sure how to go about it.

'I'm sorry.. for being forceful.' He murmured.
"With what? Yesterday or now?" she asked smiling back, "And you were annoyed with me? Never you'd have guessed." she looked up again and felt small. "Why are you so tall?" she said, blushing. "It makes me feel so small. Like I represent the lollipop guild."

She hiccuped. "Almost the most awkward thing you can do is hiccup during an awkward silence, just like the worst pain in the world is stepping on legos." she giggled nervously and hiccuped again. Her only thing that wasn't girly girl was damp now. "Please put on a shirt." she said, looking away nervously, only just noticing.
Jamie chuckled. He now knew that he made her nervous and it gave him a thrill.

'And ruin a perfectly good shirt? Never.' He said with a smile, pulling her closer. 'You talk a lot of random nonsense, you know that? First you try to get me to punch you and now you want me to ruin my shirt? i don't think so.' He joked, kissing her forehead. 'But I think we ought to go indoors, because that Zeus is a creepy perv. I'm thinking alfoil might be able to combat him though.' He joked, taking her hand and leading her back to the cabin, but not before picking up his belongings.
Maria didn't respond verbally, just nodded. She knew he got something out of her being nervous. She nodded at the Zeus comment. "So, was it because I made you frustrated and you had to hand out another punishment, or were you doing it for fun?" she smirked. "You like me, hehehehe he!" she joked, feeling happy knowing that he did. It made her feel safe. Made her feel like something was going to protect her. "Wonder if he's gonna say to us, 'your aura's were bright red, blah blah' again. Stupid prick." she uttered the last part. She opened the door. "Well, thanks for walking me home." she nodded, walking through her door. "Thoroughly appreciated. And take heed with what I said before. I will never try to impress you." she laughed darkly. "Thanks for getting my shirt wet by the way, obviously you're happy to ruin my shirt, just not your own." she rummaged through her suitcase. She found a navy blue shirt. "Aw yeah."
Jamie simply chuckled.

'Why should they be 'bright red' as you put it? today's was highly intentional. that guy is a perverted old guy. He doesn't know how to behave.' He leaned against the doorframe, watching her pull out a shirt.

'So what's with the search for dark clothes? Are you scared of me so much that you think i'll deliberately ruin your pale ones?' He joked, turning around so she could get changed. 'And yes, I do like you. I think you're the most down to earth girl I've ever met, particularly from my country.'
She blushed. "Thanks and I'm not scared of you. I just have to change because you ruined a perfectly good shirt." She stepped into the closet and was out within 5 seconds with a navy blue shirt with a troll face. "As you can see, I'm into memes." she smiled and layed down on her bed, petting Lady as if it was a dog. "So tired and bewildered." she rubbed her head as an announcement came. "To be honest, you're pretty cool too," she looked up slightly. "And this pose seems very uncomfortable, but it relaxes me so no laughing or I shall kill you by smashing in your face with my guitar." she smiled warmly.
Jamie chuckled, turning back to look at her curled around the guitar.

'I still maintain that you're absolutely mental. But it's okay, because any girl that agrees to let me kiss her and doesn't hit me in the face for it has to be.' He said with a grin. He moved to stand near her before shaking himself like a dog and sending water droplets everywhere.

'Now then Hera's Neo. What does your worldly knowledge tell you to do about a guy that is a total arse-hole one minute and trying to get with you the next?' He asked, smiling at her as he knelt on her carpet, the jeans soaking the floor. He grinned at her.

'If you tell me to take the wet clothes off i would be violating too many laws. I'm afraid you'll have to deal with a wet carpet.' He joked, reaching for her hand.
"That Maria Lonnen happens to like him very much and would appreciate it if he didn't soak her in salty water thank you very much," she smiled handing him a towel. She sat up against the bed head, grabbing her guitar and drying it off, "And also not getting her guitar wet," she added jokingly. She plucked a couple strings. "And his name is Jamie." she nodded. "That is my knowledge fest for the day." she smiled, covering herself with the blanket.
He raised an eyebrow, drying himself off with a grin. 'So you like me? Or are you just saying that to get me to move?' He joked, toweling his hair dry before leaning further across the bed to reach her hand.

'Maria Lonnen, if the horse wasn't already invented by my predecessor, I would have invented it for you.' he said, turning the only thing he'd bothered to learn in Ancient history into a semi-lame pick up line. He flashed her a brilliant smile, bringing her hand to his lips lightly.

'Now tell me, as far as flirting goes, how am I doing compared to Jonah?' He asked, smirking. He'd forgotten all about that prick until just now. he wondered if he'd be upset, knowing that Jamie had all but made her his, so that Jonah couldn't touch her. The thought made him smile.
"I could be talking about a completely different Maria and Jamie, you don't know, you're way past pick-up lines and you're way better at flirting than Jonah." she smirked. "But, if you must know, you are okay." she said. "And if you pull my arm any further I'll fall on you." she face-palmed mentally. She had a strange feeling him an idea. "Wow, I'm an idiot," she scolded herself quietly. She blushed. "Get that stupid grin off your face that you always have on. Your superiority complex is way out of hand, young child." she flicked her fringe, looking into his amber eyes.
Jamie chuckled, tugging on her hand so that she rolled into his lap.

'What was that you were saying? I could flirt far better if it weren't for the fact that I'm worried the pervy god is listening in.' He joked, referring to Zeus. He then tilted his head to look at her.

'Do you think if I call him enough names he'll strike me with lightning?' he asked, grinning still. 'That could be kind of cool.' He gently settled her into his lap, laughing as his jeans, still damp from his swim, began to soak her own clothing.

'I like you, a lot, Maria. And it's very unnerving because people are not meant to like each other after a single day.'

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