Omen: Replacement of greek gods and goddesses. {RP}

"I'm not mental, I'm caring I can't help that, just punch the bloody cushion," she glared. "And I'm 'bothering' with you because you and I are both going through the same thing pretty much, you need to go to your family, as do I." she somewhat explained. "This always helped me when I was feeling angry or sad, as did playing the guitar," she pointed out, "And apparently you play the guitar too, considering the outburst of where's my guitar earlier," she remembered that pretty much waking her up. "Anyway, just punch the pillow already, pretend I'm not even behind it,"

Aphrodite nodded, "We can keep an eye on them, make them brother proof pretty much."

"Yes, why?" he said wondering what he was going to ask next.
Jayshabelle smiled and sighed in relief. "Thankyou, They are much to protective." she said remembering their antics. If someone upset her, even as a little girl, they would have her brothers to deal with, and then usually a black eye.
"I really just want to know how you do it" he answered back simply glaring in the direction he saw Jamie walking off. "There's just someone here who Think he could Strike me and think I'll be through with him after one fight" he said turning back to Apollo.
Jamie laughed slightly sarcastically.

'Yes, you're definately mental. I'm not going to punch the pillow.' He told her firmly, still walking straight ahead. He didn't quite know where he was going, but he didn't care, as long as it took him further away from the group. 'If I were to punch anything it would be that stupid A-hole Jonah. But I'll get him later. He won't know what hits him when I do.' He muttered under his breath, laughing darkly.
"Well you surely at least Know something about fighting Especially after your great victory" Jonah said complementing him. "Any hints to fight a bigger enemy other then taking out the legs" he asked still talking low enough for those only them too hear.
"Why are you so impossible?" Maria asked. "You know how Hera is supposed to be vengeful?" she drawled. "I'm replacing her, I could help you." Maria asked evilly. "Personally, I don't like the kid either, he's just stupid."
Jonah nodded already scheming thanks for the help then" he said going over to the corner of the wall to think. The God Of Vengeance huh" he thought looking for Maria when Jamie wasnt around and confronted her offering a handshake" Hello" he said smiling.
"Okay, so. Take them from behind, catch them unexpectedly, that's all my advice." Apollo said.

"Listen, Jamie I'm going back inside, sort your stuff out," she ran back into the room, immediately being confronted by Jonah. "Uh, hi..? I'm Maria." she said awkwardly.
Jamie watched as Maria left, slightly surprised to feel suddenly alone. it was what he'd wanted but still.. he sighed, wondering where he even was. He kept walking, turning corners at random times until he came out into a large open space, gazing out on an ocean in the distance. He had a strange longing to be there, but shook it off, turning away. What was he doing there? No one wanted to know him here either. First he'd pissed people off by being himself, then again because he tried to punch someone, and again when he refused to punch something? This place was more confusing than high school.
Aphrodite smiled. "I hate over protective guys in general. I mean, Titan keeps threatening anyone who comes near me pretty much!" she scoffed and smiled.
Jayshabelle smiled an said "Well, I dont mnds as much because theyare my brothers, and quite frankly i can get re enge but if it was just guy. . . " she trailed of thinking of it
"No, duh, the chick I'm replacing sent serpents down to strangle someone. Of course I know a thing or two about revenge." Maria rolled her eyes. "Let me guess. Something to do with Jamie?"
"Well your as smart as you are beautiful" he said charming warmly and out of his context. "Would you mind assisting me with Something with Jamie" he asked next.
"One thing, flattery won't get you anywhere and it depends what it is you want me to do." Maria was blushing at the compliment none the less. She hated how fragile she was around boys.
Jonah saw his opening when he saw Maria Blush "Well Why else Would I go to an angel Like yourself is it wasn't to request your talents in the only task you surpass anyone in" he said smiling warmly. "I want revenge of course my goddess" he said slowly and Happily.
"You do realise you're a God. There's no need to call me 'My Goddess,' now." she said. "And Jamie's an alright kid. Why do you want revenge exactly?" she asked him out of pure and utter curiousity.

Maria kept blushing she didn't want to, but she did.
"Well honestly he doesn't want this great honor given to him, No instead he wants to whine about ti" he aid. "And when I speak my mind freely he wants to attack me" he said sighing. "You might not know but I don't let people Attack me without repercussions" he said.
(ragefacing on the inside [MENTION=2590]Wingal[/MENTION] lol)

Jamie soon became bored with his own company, muttering under his breath. Everyone had left. They always left.. Why did they do that? He wondered, picking up a rock and throwing it off the roof. Why was it that no one liked him? Did he just give off one of those auras? Was he that much of a prick? He shook his head. He'd always been a loner, but he'd never felt more alone than right now. Why did he have to come here? It was like being stuck on a field trip and being put in a group where everyone hates you. Or being cabin mates with the school bullies. He thought this last thoguht bitterly, rubbing his shoulder. He hadn't survived that incident well. His shoulder had never fully healed. Sighing he decided he'd better try and find his way back to the others. There was only one problem. he couldn't remember how to get there.

'Hello?.. Is anyone around?'
"That's worthy, although. I'm pretty much having the same issues he is. And personally, I want to go home too. It's my Dad's birthday." she explained.
"I can understand that but wouldn't it make your father have a happier birthday to see his daughter grow up to be as successful as the gods" he asked Wisely.
"Touche`, but Jamie is my acquaintance. It just wouldn't feel right betraying him." she still had red in her cheeks, seeming to get hotter hotter by the minute. Was it Jonah or Jamie doing this? she asked herself. "Anyway, I'm going for a walk," she ran back out to where Jamie was, leaping towards a small lake with ducks and swans. "Oh, what should I do?" she asked herself, sitting down like a Neanderthal.
Jonah Smirked as she was out of sight "Maybe too easy" he thought to himself sitting down in a corner to rest.
Jamie wandered around, lost and very confused. Where was he going again? He couldn't remember anymore. Where was he now? He looked for any sign of change but it was all the same. What was he going to do now? Should he keep walking? Or should he just stay there? He leant against a wall and found himself falling backwards, right through it and landing heavily. The sound of running water caused him to turn around as he found himself in yet ANOTHER garden. This one had a water feature and a duckpond. And seated beside the pond was Maria. Jamie felt both relieved and annoyed.

'How the hell do you manage to find me?' he demanded in an irritated and slightly sulky tone.

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