Omen: Replacement of greek gods and goddesses. {RP}

"If it must be done," Zeus said with a small zap, the sign disintergrated. Zeus let the two on the floor fight. "Guard, please give Rosie her phone back," Zeus said a strangely nice tone.

Poseidon grinned. "Nice a feisty one." he was please for now.

Maria had reached her limit. "ALRIGHT YOU TWO! YOU BETTER STOP THIS OR YOU CAN GOBACK TO YOUR CELLS! GET OFF EACH OTHER BEFORE I GET ZEUS!" Maria bellowed at them, clearing her throat. "Uh, Hera, was I supposed to do that?" Hera nodded in response. "Yes my child, you've done well."
Jayshabelle watched Jamie and possidon, then waited somewhat patiently, wincng when he yelled but she maintained her posture and caughed slightly. "Exuse me, but can you not yell as loud, no disrespect it's just my ears are ringing." she said politely to Maria and she relaxed slightly and said "I'm Jayshabelle, whom am i replacing?" she asked, being overly polite for now, no one haqd given her a reason to be bitchy, yey
Rosie looked at her cellphone and bowed to Hermes, then Zeus. "Thank you lord Zeus and lord Hermes." She grinned as she exitted the room and saw that her contacts were filled with the Greek gods and goddesses numbers. "Wow these gods are hip." she mumbled leaning agaisnt a wall.
Jonah was already off of the Jamie but turned to Maria hearing her threat still smirking "I don't know who you are but don't boss me around and we can get along as best freinds until this whole ordeal is over" he said hinesly and then turning back to Zeus growing more and more impatient. "When am I going to be introduced to whoever is with me" he called upto Zeus.
Maria sighed and nodded. She liked being Hera and all, but it got annoying with all her motherly impulses.

Zeus laughed, "You're replacing Aphrodite, Jayshabelle," he smiled. "AFRO!" which Maria thought was the nickname for Aphrodite, "Your replacement is here!" Aphrodite came out, graceful and elegant. "Hmm? And stop calling Afro, please." she was polite.
Jayshablle ws shocked, Aphrodite? Her? she shook her head and bowed it. "Hello, I'm Jayshabelle." she introduced herself to Aphrodite "In cas you didn't know." she added, she wasn't sure if the gods knew who was replacing them or not, but she was going to be polite.
Alayna heard a lot of speaking outside of her room and she felt herself drawn to the door on one side. Emerging in a vast hallway, walked with her bow close at hand. Without realizing it, the small fox had trotted out with her, walking at her side better than some dogs even had in the past. Seeing the first of what she assumed was guards, she stepped to the opposite side of the hall, refusing to make eye contact with them. Men. Always such disgusting thoughts and horrifying attitudes. The voices lead her down the hall and to a room that read 'Head'. Cautiously, she stepped into the room, her little fox friend thrilled to see a glowing man who was clearly the center of this affair. Meekly, she stood in the back of the group, looking around. Two of the males were red cheeked, clearly still flustered from what she assumed was a disagreement. Typical men.

She listened to the others' conversations, not having her own. From what was discussed, she discovered she had been brought to this foreign place to be taught the duties of the deities. A peculiar thought, but interesting one nonetheless. The little fox batted at her leg until Alayna bent over and scooped him up where he nestled in her arm. "Alepou," she smiled at the creature, not sure how she knew it's name, however the fox seemed thrilled, chirping a response. Looking up, she stepped further into the room. "I am Alayna," she said in a confident tone, her eye moving from face to face. "What will you have me do, Zeus?" Although she had many more questions, she knew better than to appear too weak. Appearing weak made yourself a target.
Jamie sat in sullen silence, leaning against the wall. He didn't like it here. The people pissed him off, the place felt eerily cold and he had no reason to even like being there. He muttered something under his breath about stabbing them all in the eye. He cringed as Maria raised her voice. Everyone was so loud today. Not that he could talk, but he hadn't been able to help that. He had been totally riled up. He wondered what his parents were doing at that moment. Had his parents told his sisters some excuse as to why he wasn't there? Where they missing him? Did they even know that he wasn't there?
"Apollo, I believe we have your replacement," Zeus said. "Apollo. meet, Jonah, your replacement." Apollo came down, shimmering more than any other gods. "Hello young Jonah," Apollo bowed. He smiled.

"Jamie," Maria put a comforting hand on his shoulder. "I'm really sorry, for yelling, for all the things you're missing at home, but believe me, you're not the only one. My father's birthday is today. I'm supposed to be at school tomorrow. They're all gonna wonder where I am, and if I tell them, they'll still think that I skipped school for however long we're going to be here," something sad yet comforting shimmered in Maria eyes, "And I get how sad you must be. Just letting you know, you're not the only one how's missing out on something." she turned away.
Jonah smiled up at the god he was supposed to be replacing. "Finally this is the first thing Iv'e seen all day with a realistic attitude" he said finding himself bowing with the same smirk. "Same to you" Jonah Replied standing up straight taking a glance to The Boy Jamie. "Still whining his head off just because he can't see the fact his parents gave him up" he said quietly to himself before turning back letting out a huff of air. There was so many things he would love to do just to torture him but if he was going to strike he knew the situation had to favor him. "When the time comes I guess" he mumbled looking up at Apollo. "I'm happy to see your as magnificent as your story says you are" he said Clearly interested.
( xD )

Hermes smiled at his replacement. "Rosie, oh my god, you don't have my number in there." he zapped the phone slightly. "There you go, nice and programmed." he winked at her and sat next to her. "Anyway, how are you, Rosie? Still confused?" he asked sincerely.

Apollo smirked. "Yes, but did you also know I'm one of the most musical gods? In fact, I am partially the god of music, are you good at any instruments?" Apollo asked, shrinking down to Jonah's size. "Or haven't you tried?" he pushed.
"I'm quite Musical myself though I'm sure maybe not as much as you are" Jonah replied thinking for a second. "Iv'e Mastered the piano the violin and is currently learning the Harp and Viola" he answered Smiling back at his attempt to disturb him.
"That's an impressive Feat itself" Jonah said impressed. "Maybe you could teach me if we have time from whatever were doing" he half said and half asked.
(haha I was doing more research on Poseidon and found this 'He was widely worshiped by seamen' hehehehe I'm so immature, i laughed for ten minutes)

Jamie heard Jonah's comment about his parents and was going to get up and punch him again but he calmed himself, simply vowing to get his revenge later. Perhaps when they were training or something. he assumed they'd be training, to learn their tasks. Instead he turned to Maria.

'I'm just worried about them.'
"And you think I'm not worried about my little sister?" she was unbeknownst to the fact she was using guilt. "She's turning 6 in two weeks, most likely I won't be there, my parents, especially my dad, are probably worried sick!" she exploded, with a much calmer tone she went on, "but I understand how you're feeling right now, just," she shook her head, "I won't go on," she said.

"Yes," Apollo said, "Indeed I'll teach you," he agreed.

Aphrodite smiled. "Why, you're almost as pretty as me! You'll never be as pretty as me, but you're close!" she said, taking out a mirror and glimmered, shimmered and glowed.
Jayshabelle raised her eyebrows and chuckled "I didn't think I was almost as pretty as a godess, especially Aphrodite" she told the truth, she knew she had a good body and pretty loks but she didn't think she was that pretty.
Jamie narrowed his eyes, clenching his fists. No, calm yourself. It will not do to lose your temper again. He breathed out, exhaling heavily before standing up.

'If you guys have no need for me, i'm going for a walk. I can't take much more of this.' He said, turning and walking out, wanting to be sick as he overheard Jayshabelle's compliment fest with Aphrodite. God this place sucked.
"Well, why don't you take a look for yourself young Jayshabelle," she passed her the glimmering mirror, that highlighted every pretty thing about a persons face and can also transport you to different parts of the Olympus Kingdom. "Mind if I call you Belle?" she asked.
Jayshabelle smiled and took the mirror, it seemed to highlight her features and she thought it was cool. She shook her head and said "No, I assume you don't like any of the nicknames they give you, may I call you Dita?" she asked
"No Jamie, ugh!" Maria flopped on the floor like a child. "I don't like it here, Hera! Send me back!" Hera shook her head and looked longingly. "So sorry My child. I can't once you're chosen you must stay until you've fulfilled your mission," Maria glared, fine I might as well go for a walk too then. Tell me when training starts." she ran out after Jamie. "Jamie," she grabbed a cushion, because for some reason there was a lounge in the garden with pillow and such on it, and placed it in front of her chest. "Punch this cushion, just do it, don't fight, just let all your anger out on the cushion." she didn't smile externally. "Don't worry about hurting me, just pretend this pillow is floating,"

"I like Dita, just not Afro, gosh, one bad hair day and it scars you for life!" she scoffed.
Jamie gave her a weird look and kept walking.

'You're mental, you know that right?' He said in a slightly amused and bewildered tone. The moment he had left the room he'd managed to calm himself. Perhaps it was just the tension of having that many people in a room at one time that had kept him riled up, or maybe it was just because that stupid Jonah kid was probably still saying things about his family and he wanted to slaughter him. Something about the way she was pleading with him made him want to laugh. No one ever bothered with him, so why was she? He asked her as much.
Jayshabelle laughed and said "I know, it can be horrible." she remembered her brothers relentless teasing and she shook her head "Um, i don't mean to be rude, but is there a way to make sure my brothers don't tear the town appart?" she asked
Jonah was always keeping close Tabs on That Jamie Boy. Once he was completely Out of Earshot he turned back to his God" Apollo Do you know how to get rid of a nuisance he asked a little coldly and quietly keeping it between the two.

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