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Fantasy No Longer Human?

grand stood there silent at the latest announcement letting it sink in. "i need more work?! don't you mean more brainwashing? as soon as you're done playing god, you need to come down here and see me face to face so i could tear you to shreds!" he yelled to the invisible man,he then went back to being silent and looking a the ground like he couldn't believe he would have to spend another day in his personal hell, while others got away free. he was currently feeling more than anger and sadness, he wanted to kill them all but knew he shouldn't.
Pippy Looked Up From His Lap And A Smile Began To Form On His Face, This Was Probably The Best News He Had Heard Since He First Entered The Place. "I Cant Belive Its Only One More Test And I'll Be Free From This Place" He Looked Around To See A Mix Of Emotion There Was: Happiness, Sadness And Anger, He Didn't Remember Much Of The Outside So To Really Be Back Out There Could Trigger Some Memories Maybe He Could Even Find That Girl Who Was In The Photo. In All The Excitement He Had No Idea When They Would Do The Final Test, He Looked Around Until He Saw Kath, She Seemed Like The Leader Of This Group Since He Had Got Here So He Went To Ask Her. "Um.. Sorry For Interrupting But Did That Person Say When The Final Test Would Be?"

@Deadly Darkness
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Kath's attention shifted as Pippy spoke up. She looked at him and thought for a moment. "I'm not sure. I'd imagine he would set up individual times for everyone, even those who are being released, just to go over everything. Don't worry, they won't keep you waiting for too long. They're good people." She offered him a kind smile. 

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Pippy gave a smile "I hope so... I can't wait to get out of here, anyways well done for being able to leave enjoy your freedom maybe I'll see you out there?" He then walked back to the chair and read his file once more

@Deadly Darkness
"There are three lists; those guaranteed to leave, those with one final exam to determine, and those who still need more work."

Kath felt like she was shaking uncontrollably, but on the outside she appeared calm. Gently, without removing her gaze from the tv screen, she took a hold of Occultus' hand. It gave her a small sense of comfort as anxiety continued to boil up inside her.

"For guaranteed we have Chayton, Kathleen Bovidae, Miko, and Occultus." Mr. Graves allowed for a moment of chatter, sighs of relief and whatever other reactions to take place. Kath's grip on Occultus' clawed hand tightened as she smiled, but it quickly faded as she looked over to Bjorn.

"Those who require one last exam are Bjorn, Jack Magil, Miasako Shugabear, and Pippy Strand." Again he paused. 

Kath simply stared at born with an anxious smile as if to say, "at least it's not a no." 

"And finally, those of you who still need more work: Adrian Tassoni, Grand Jones, and Kino Sparkz. You three will be taken in to an examination room to be told what you can do to reach the level required. That is all."

The tv then turned itself off, leaving the room in silence.

A frown flitted across Chayton's youthful features as he eyed the snake-man, every nerve in his body tingling as he spotted the sharp fangs that protruded from the mutant's jaws. Not good. The teenager flinched somewhat at the 'joke', but he would quickly shove his hands into the big pockets of his parka as he offered his name, begrudgingly of course. "They call me Chayton." The blond inhabitant mused just as the intercom crackled again, and he fell quiet to listen as the doctor came back on. He couldn't help but arch a brow as the man spoke of the cameras that lay everywhere, which was no surprise, but as he spoke of someone breaking into the filing cabinets and the fact that some may be released back into society, a bit of alarm went through Chay. Ruffled his feathers, so to speak. Having grown up in this place all his life, Chayton didn't know anything about the outside world. Did it intrigue him? Of course. It frightened him, though. As his name was called to be one of those released into the world, however, the boy's jaw dropped and so did his heart, it felt like. "Me?" He nearly squeaked, fear and unease replacing his usual guise of being irritated and cold. He'd never been outside in his life; why would they think he could be let go? This was... his home, right? 

@Deadly Darkness @Wick

"Wai' wo'." He stared wide-eyed at the screen, he was going to be released. He was going to be able to go home! "Okeh, okeh, befer yeh continue, wo' will 'appen once we're released? 'ow will we ge' by?" He looked to the screen questioningly, he wanted to get home but he couldn't without an airplane ticket and some money. "Because Aeh'm sure tha' Icelan' isn' nearby where we curren'leh are." He said.

As Kath looked at him he turned back to her, he gave one last nod before turning back to the screen. @Deadly Darkness

grand stood there silent at the latest announcement letting it sink in. "i need more work?! don't you mean more brainwashing? as soon as you're done playing god, you need to come down here and see me face to face so i could tear you to shreds!" he yelled to the invisible man,he then went back to being silent and looking a the ground like he couldn't believe he would have to spend another day in his personal hell, while others got away free. he was currently feeling more than anger and sadness, he wanted to kill them all but knew he shouldn't.

Miko looked really terrified once they said he was going to leave. He started shaking trembling. He hugged himself tight freezing up. He wasn't all too excited about leaving knowing he'd be by himself. "So I'm going to be alone....I don't wanna be alone.... I'm better off dead like this.." He mumured.

Mia seemed torn. She moved a hand on grand's shoulder. "Just do what you can to pass...I'll be waiting for you as long as it takes. " she told him kissing his cheek.

Kino just looked generally pissed off.
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As soon as the annoyance of the cobra-man became evident, Chayton would quickly dart some ways away, pulling his heavy parka a little tighter around his frame as he huffed to himself. Nope, he wasn't about to get caught up in another mutant's rage-fest today. In any case, he was more concerned with the fact that they had just said he was on the list of mutants being free to go. No, no. He didn't even knew what lay outside of these walls, much less how to survive outside of them. The thought sent a shudder of fear through the partial-mutant, and the young boy lifted his hands to push them back through his hair in aggravation, in the process knocking his hood from his head but not bothering to fix it right away as he squeezed his eyes shut. This was all so confusing, and he didn't know where to start. 
A grew up five large men entered the area, all wearing the same stern expression. The tv then turned itself back on. "There's seems to be some sort of misunderstanding. If you fail your last test, you don't leave. Good luck." The men then stepped forward and escorted every resident into a examination room, including those who were being let go and those who weren't. Kath was forced to let go of Occultus as she was taken into a back room. She gave a small wave to him before she was closed off into the room.

Occultus squeezed Kath's hand before letting go. He could barely believe it was happening after so long. And to think they were the first experiments to be released into the world. He waved back to Kath before being shut off into his own room. His tail curled and he looked around. He had never been in this room before. The area was a plain white, not custom-made to suit the certain hybrid that had been set within it. There was a chair in one of the corners, so he decided it would be best to simply sit down, and wait for what was to come.

@Deadly Darkness
grand looked at mia. "shut up panda! you don't have to stay in this prison, you were never loyal to me. go and live witth the humans as they torment you for being a freak!" @mewbot5408
grand looked at mia. "shut up panda! you don't have to stay in this prison, you were never loyal to me. go and live witth the humans as they torment you for being a freak!" @mewbot5408

Mia's blue eyes widened when he yelled at her. Tears starting sliding down her cheeks. "...I understand...fine be that way, I can't believe I was stupid enough to fall for you." She told him wiping away the tears. she was then forced  and pulled away.
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Bjorn watched as Grand said that to her, "Shu' up yeh focker. Aeh've 'ad enuff o' yeh. Aeh can see why yeh need more work! Yer ah fockin' ass'ole!" He said to him, he was pissed. But before he could say anymore the scientists took him into one of the testing chambers. He was going to pass this, he is going to leave and get back home. He will see his family and friends again. Well mostly his family, maybe sometimes he'll visit the other mutants and see what they're up to.

@mewbot5408 @Aaron775 @Deadly Darkness @Wick @everyone else
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Adrian punched the wall.

"Can't they see I'm fine? If they would just let me out, everything would be fine!"

He fiddled with his morphine valve, then let out a disgusted sigh upon realizing his store had run dry.

"Saltpeter, charcoal, sulphur. Three naturally occurring elements away from escape..."

Adrian clutched his head, then began hyperventilating. He picked up a large rock and began smashing at the observation window.


@whoever might be hearing him
  Jack would begrudgingly allow the men to take him to a room. Once inside, he would look around, then shrug. " Well, you said there were mics and cameras in every room... So, what is it I have to do? Because, I'm not sure if you've noticed, but I'm ready to get out of here." @Deadly Darkness
((Friends, I must indicate the flag button above his post. I say we don't need the likes of him here. Ban this scumbag))
He slowly started to wake for the first time in a while. Looking around before dropping from the bed he had been placed in. Along with starting to move for the door. Checking it in an attempt to open. Along with looking for a calendar, due to the fact that he knew for a fact that he wasn't asleep for just a day or two. As both sets of his wings started to flare in a stretch as well.
( @Aaron775, first off, please, for the 4th or 5th time, use the OOC thread for Out Of Character chat. Also you need to be patient with people, they aren't always going to RP with your character. sometimes you can do some of the RP by yourself, maybe build your character, or in my case, since I am not sure what I should be waiting for with @Deadly Darkness I'll simply be patient and wait for her to put something up. Another thing you can do while waiting is search for other role plays that interest you. Joining multiple allows for more frequent RP, which you clearly do want.)

No Longer Human? OOC
The panda sunk down against a wall slowly. Mia sat on the floor of the room pulling her knees to her chest. she felt torn apart and her chest hurt. She felt entirely stupid. Why did she even think for a damn second that snake would remotely care about her?! He was just using her wasn't he?  He was a terrible man. She had been nothing but loyal to him and even loved him but he failed to see any of it. He didn't want her and she bet he lied about everything. Mia moved her arms around herself. The others probably would see her as pathetic. She felt disgusting remembering she had done it with him. Then again she didn't exactly regret it remembering how he had been actually gentle. She flopped over looking really scared realizing she was probably pregnant. Her eyes widened and she face palmed only to feel even more like a idiot. What had she gotten herself into. She gave a low groan of annoyance to the whole idea. She knew she wasn't ready for that much. "Stupid grand!!!" 
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After a short passage of time, a few workers came in. One of them was Dr. Kilgrave. Occultus smiled; this was perhaps the last time he was going to be at the facility, and he was glad he got to see the test coordinating doctor once more before he left. The doctor explained that he was to be given some money, a small room in an apartment complex, some food to take with, and some other useful stuff that would help to start him off. He felt like he was graduating from high school again. The doctor had suggested that him and the other three being released should stay together. He wasn't very discrete about the fact that the world was a lonely one, and with Occultus and the others being nearly fully different from everyone else, it would be even more difficult than for most.

@Deadly Darkness @mewbot5408 @HikaruxKaoru
Björn was taken to a temporary room. He knew that it probably wasn't temporary but when he's in it it is. As the scientists came in he waited for them to tell him his final test. "Jus' tell me wo' Aeh 'ave tuh do tuh leave."

@Deadly Darkness

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