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Fantasy No Longer Human?

After a short passage of time, a few workers came in. One of them was Dr. Kilgrave. Occultus smiled; this was perhaps the last time he was going to be at the facility, and he was glad he got to see the test coordinating doctor once more before he left. The doctor explained that he was to be given some money, a small room in an apartment complex, some food to take with, and some other useful stuff that would help to start him off. He felt like he was graduating from high school again. The doctor had suggested that him and the other three being released should stay together. He wasn't very discrete about the fact that the world was a lonely one, and with Occultus and the others being nearly fully different from everyone else, it would be even more difficult than for most.

@Deadly Darkness @mewbot5408 @HikaruxKaoru

A frown flitted across Chay's features as the men entered the room, only to herd each mutant to their own individual rooms that branched off from the commons area that they'd been corralled in up until now. Mm, he didn't like this. As he too was ushered into a room, the boy would almost immediately go to hop onto the highest surface that he could reach without having to climb. In this case, it was an examination table mounted against the wall, and the 5'3 teenager would immediately perch upon the balls of his feet on the stainless steel surface, his arms going to wrap around his bent knees as he warily surveyed the area. As angry and nonchalant as Chayton always tried to make himself seem, he was legitimately terrified right now. There was a small tremble going through his small frame, which only seemed thicker due to his large parka. 

( @coold00d12 don't bother. He is an ignorant, impatient jerk. I figured he was ignoring me after I nicely told him like 3-4 times to take his OOC to the OOC chat, but he didn't listen. So when I messaged him about it, (still not being even remotely rude I might add) He simply told me to stfu and that he didn't need to have a reason to hate me, like some toddler. I am sorry, but I am sick and tired of his smug attitude. It's like talking to a f***ing wall.)
(Because we are all simply waiting, and being patient while @Deadly Darkness sorts more important stuff out in her real life. She isn't alive just so she can make you happy, and she certainly didn't make the group for jags like you. o,o)
(Well if you are going to be (yes indeed) a jag about everything, then go make yourself happy somewhere else. Perhaps the reason you find this RP to be "dead" is because you helped ruin it, and nobody wants to bother interacting with your character if he has random mood swings and eats important documents. I am sorry to say this behind his back, but that is Lance logic.)
(since you seem unable to check the ooc I said do what you want. I don't really care anymore. I don't know where to go with this anymore so you do you. @Aaron775)
((Welp. I for one want to move the story forward. And what better way to do so than an insane man inclined to spit acid in other's faces?))

Adrian squirmed as the pain in his blood vessels grew worse and worse. He shrieked and seized a rock, smashing at the observation window with inhuman strength until it smashed. He quickly wriggled through the hole and grabbed a passing researcher.


The researcher stuttered out half of his answer before Adrian spewed acidic blood all over his face and ran off, leaving the man to his agony.

((let's assume alarms are blaring at this point))
After a short passage of time, a few workers came in. One of them was Dr. Kilgrave. Occultus smiled; this was perhaps the last time he was going to be at the facility, and he was glad he got to see the test coordinating doctor once more before he left. The doctor explained that he was to be given some money, a small room in an apartment complex, some food to take with, and some other useful stuff that would help to start him off. He felt like he was graduating from high school again. The doctor had suggested that him and the other three being released should stay together. He wasn't very discrete about the fact that the world was a lonely one, and with Occultus and the others being nearly fully different from everyone else, it would be even more difficult than for most.

@Deadly Darkness @mewbot5408 @HikaruxKaoru

@Deadly Darkness



Miko heard everything and jumped nearly pissing himself. His body started sparking electricity harshly around him as he quickly got over the door. His room lights flickered only to shatter going out. The jellyfish's breath hitched and he was starting to freak out. He couldn't breathe as he was shaking and his heart was pounding hard deep within his chest. The electricity was rising in his body violently to the point his own shocks started to hurt. He wanted out! He wanted to leave now!

Miko banged on the door a bit before sinking down with tears clutching his chest. He was having a panic attack thanks to Adrian setting off the alarms.
The escapee scrambled around the corner of a hallway. A security guard started and began to pull out a tranquilizer gun, but was reduced to a quivering mess of flesh and acid moments later. Picking up the guard's sidearm, Adrian recalled something from a distant past. MIT days. Went to the firing range... yes, that's familiar.

Adrian held onto the gun and began making his way toward the main office. He had a score to settle.

The hallways echoed with the sound of crazed, phlegmy laughter.
(Alright @Aaron775, you've made your half-ass point. Now if you would kindly make like the horse shit you are and hit the trail.)
Björn finally finished his exam. He had spent a total of about an hour on it. He had to lift two times his weight, which was very hard. Not to mention he had to do it 30 times. There were many breaks which made it take too long, but at last he was able to go home. Upon reaching the outside world it was so beautiful, fresh air and the sun and the sky with no fences or dome surrounding him. For the first time in forever he was finally outside outside. He looked back to the lab, he wondered how the others were doing. As the scientist motioned him towards a vehicle he explained to him, "Nae, Aeh can' do tha' ye'. Aeh wan' tuh see th' others befer Aeh go. Unless we're all goin' on the same vehicle tha' is." The scientist nodded, unsure himself they sat down and waited for the others. 

@Deadly Darkness @Wick @mewbot5408 @HikaruxKaoru @BrokenLyrics @coold00d12
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