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Fantasy No Longer Human?

Björn finally finished his exam. He had spent a total of about an hour on it. He had to lift two times his weight, which was very hard. Not to mention he had to do it 30 times. There were many breaks which made it take too long, but at last he was able to go home. Upon reaching the outside world it was so beautiful, fresh air and the sun and the sky with no fences or dome surrounding him. For the first time in forever he was finally outside outside. He looked back to the lab, he wondered how the others were doing. As the scientist motioned him towards a vehicle he explained to him, "Nae, Aeh can' do tha' ye'. Aeh wan' tuh see th' others befer Aeh go. Unless we're all goin' on the same vehicle tha' is." The scientist nodded, unsure himself they sat down and waited for the others. 

@Deadly Darkness @Wick @mewbot5408 @HikaruxKaoru @BrokenLyrics @coold00d12

After a bit mia was taken to do some testing. It was a few physical and mental tests before she was let out go. They had let her off easy due to her dad. She ended up passing and was guided out down the hallway  with her bag. She came over  finding herself standing before björn only to look up giving a small wave. "Hey...you mind a traveling companion?" She asked.
After a bit mia was taken to do some testing. It was a few physical and mental tests before she was let out go. They had let her off easy due to her dad. She ended up passing and was guided out down the hallway  with her bag. She came over  finding herself standing before björn only to look up giving a small wave. "Hey...you mind a traveling companion?" She asked.

Breonna followed the ape slowly, unsure of what to do and sat down. ((o-o))

@Slothtastic @Wick @Deadly Darkness @Other people

"Aeh don' mind. Do yeh?" He asked the dragon girl. "Also, if they le' us, who 'ere wan's tub travel tuh Icelan' when we can?" He was anxious to see his hometown again but he didn't want to leave his friends behind. Just in case his parents weren't... fond of how he looked now. 
Blinking, Breonna smiled. "Mind what?" Her thoughts traveled for a moment. "Iceland's freezing! Why on earth would you want to go there of all places!" Her stupidity was sticking out like a sore thumb. Realizing her mistake she quickly shut her mouth and stared directly at her cleavage- mistake number two. She couldn't figure out why she was so out of it today. Another sign of her stupidity showing. "Er.. sorry.." she said in a quiet voice. She refused to look at the gorilla and just kept staring at her breasts.

Blinking, Breonna smiled. "Mind what?" Her thoughts traveled for a moment. "Iceland's freezing! Why on earth would you want to go there of all places!" Her stupidity was sticking out like a sore thumb. Realizing her mistake she quickly shut her mouth and stared directly at her cleavage- mistake number two. She couldn't figure out why she was so out of it today. Another sign of her stupidity showing. "Er.. sorry.." she said in a quiet voice. She refused to look at the gorilla and just kept staring at her breasts.


"I''s alrigh'. An' Aeh 'eard i''s pre''eh nice t'ss time o' year. Aeh used tuh live there when Aeh was li''le, mah Mum an' Da are probableh still there. Now is there ah reason yer starin' a' yer breas's?" He was trying to lighten the mood. 
Breonna's face shot up, completely flushed with pink. "I-I-I.. eruh.." Her thoughts completely shut down until she though of an excuse. "SCIENCE!" She stopped right there and stared at Bjorn for a few moments. "Sorry. I get Greenland and Iceland mixed up sometimes." She tried to spark up a conversation and she got that chance when he said something about living there. "Did you?"

"Aeh don' mind. Do yeh?" He asked the dragon girl. "Also, if they le' us, who 'ere wan's tub travel tuh Icelan' when we can?" He was anxious to see his hometown again but he didn't want to leave his friends behind. Just in case his parents weren't... fond of how he looked now. 

Breonna's face shot up, completely flushed with pink. "I-I-I.. eruh.." Her thoughts completely shut down until she though of an excuse. "SCIENCE!" She stopped right there and stared at Bjorn for a few moments. "Sorry. I get Greenland and Iceland mixed up sometimes." She tried to spark up a conversation and she got that chance when he said something about living there. "Did you?"


Mia sighed softly  blushing. "Because that's where he's from." She stated crossing her arms and looked up at Bjorn. "Any who I want to go where ever you go long as you don't mind me.." She told him blushing. The panda girl looked at the other female tilting her head. "Also Who is the other woman?" She asked raising a brow confused about the strange female.
Breonna's face shot up, completely flushed with pink. "I-I-I.. eruh.." Her thoughts completely shut down until she though of an excuse. "SCIENCE!" She stopped right there and stared at Bjorn for a few moments. "Sorry. I get Greenland and Iceland mixed up sometimes." She tried to spark up a conversation and she got that chance when he said something about living there. "Did you?"


Mia sighed softly  blushing. "Because that's where he's from." She stated crossing her arms and looked up at Bjorn. "Any who I want to go where ever you go long as you don't mind me.." She told him blushing. The panda girl looked at the other female tilting her head. "Also Who is the other woman?" She asked raising a brow confused about the strange female.

"Aeh don' understan' 'ow yeh would learn somethin' abou' science by starin' a' yer breas's. An' Mia, this is Breonna Aeh thin'? Breonna, Mia." He tried to introduce them. "An' yah Aeh did. Perfect li''le town. People there were so nice. An' everyone knew each other, so i' was pre''eh good."
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Looking a bit off guard, Breonna tried to smile through her embarrassment and held out her hand, expecting the panda to shake hers. She flashed a bit of an angry glare at Bjorn, but her anger quickly faded. "Nice to meet you."

@Slothtastic @mewbot5408

((Ima head off now.))
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Looking a bit off guard, Breonna tried to smile through her embarrassment and held out her hand, expecting the panda to shake hers. She flashed a bit of an angry glare at Bjorn, but her anger quickly faded. "Nice to meet you."

@Slothtastic @mewbot5408

As Björn caught the glimpse of anger he stopped. He knew that if you ticked off a girl there was no turning back. Especially if that girl looked like a dragon. 
"Aeh don' understan' 'ow yeh would learn somethin' abou' science by starin' a' yer breas's. An' Mia, this is Breonna Aeh thin'? Breonna, Mia." He tried to introduce them. 

Looking a bit off guard, Breonna tried to smile through her embarrassment and held out her hand, expecting the panda to shake hers. She flashed a bit of an angry glare at Bjorn, but her anger quickly faded. "Nice to meet you."

@Slothtastic @mewbot5408

"Nice to meet you. " Mia nodded and grinned. She took breonna's hand giving a small handshake. She looked up at björn sticking out her tongue playfully. "It's Boob science..you're not a girl so of course you wouldn't understand." She teased jokingly.
"Nice to meet you. " Mia nodded and grinned. She took breonna's hand giving a small handshake. She looked up at björn sticking out her tongue playfully. "It's Boob science..you're not a girl so of course you wouldn't understand." She teased jokingly.

"Boob science? Aeh may need tuh google tha' or find ou' wo' i' is. Maybeh Aeh'all even studeh i' a' one poin'." He lookef to them both. @BrokenLyrics @mewbot5408
Adrian absentmindedly strolled down the hall, looking somewhat confused. He smiled as he saw the other occupants having a meeting.

"Er... hello. Doctor's office, which way?"

He shrugged, then instinctively reached for his morphine valve...

Oh, right. The numb-liquid was gone. Strange, how the pain flows and ebbs.



After the scientists finished briefing Occultus for life outside, he was sent out of the room an into the hall. Kath had to be nearing the end of her briefing as well. Excitement rushed through him, making him almost shiver. He figured life was going to be rough, but alongside her, and not to mention Miko, and Chayton even; It should be a breeze. He decided to wait in the hall for her, while more thought's came to mind. Bjorn and a few more might even get to leave as well. He wondered how their tests were going? Perhaps they had already finished?

Kath was taking a long time to finish up, and for a moment, Occultus felt worried. He pushed himself off the wall and walked over to the door leading into her room. Before he could even touch the handle however, he heard a sort of hissing noise. He was too afraid to turn around; He knew what was behind him, and it was not good. He couldn't even bring himself to cloak his scales. It was a surprise this hybrid hadn't been sent immediately to the defective ward; then again, they hadn't done it with the crow either.

Finally, Occultus gathered himself and turned, face to face with the snake. It's golden eyes gleamed within the light from above. He said nothing, simply stood their, giving off a low hissing sound. What did he want with Occultus? Besides challenging him on his views to rule over humans, he hadn't made any interaction with him. Perhaps his rage was pulled from the fact that he was to stay in the facility longer, and perhaps he was even jealous, so what better person to let your anger out on, than one of the mutants who got to go free?

The snake opened his mouth partly, revealing his elongated fangs, like massive needles. Occultus shivered; He had never liked needles, let alone large, venomous ones. Before the snake could do anything however, both were caught off guard by the sound of alarms. Occultus' eyes both flicked up to the flashing red light. There wasn't an alarm test scheduled today, which meant only one thing. The facilities workers had prepared mutants for this event on multiple occasions; A defective hybrid had got loose. When he looked back down, the snake had gone. He was quick, just another terrifying attribute for him to have.

Occultus quickly reached for the door leading into Kath's room again, but it was locked. Surely she had heard the doorknob shaking. He waited a moment, but nobody came, which only made him more concerned. He wasn't capable of bashing down the door with his shoulder; They were reinforced to withstand heavy blows, even that of a gorilla. He had to get help. He hesitated for a moment, looking at the door, then turning to run down the hall.

When he reached the end, he made a sharp left and stopped immediately. Another life-threatening situation. Occultus had no doubt in his mind that this was the failed experiment that had gotten loose. He had only been allowed to go down to that ward once, to see what they looked like, and get a little info on how they were created. Now stood in front of him Adrian. This mutant was supposedly half ant, and wore a heavy looking suit, that kept him not only alive, but partly sedated. Clearly the special liquid they had continually refreshed in his valves was out. They were empty, and it would also explain how he had enough strength to escape.

@Deadly Darkness @mewbot5408 @HikaruxKaoru @Slothtastic @Stormyface
Adrian cocked his head to the side.

"Hm? Can speak?"

Maybe this one had gotten his vocal cords removed.

Adrian glanced down at the gun he had taken. Where did he..?

"Aha. Guard!" he exclaimed joyfully. He was remembering things better now. Yes, the nice guard handed him this dart gun. Was he supposed to play with the others?

After the scientists finished briefing Occultus for life outside, he was sent out of the room an into the hall. Kath had to be nearing the end of her briefing as well. Excitement rushed through him, making him almost shiver. He figured life was going to be rough, but alongside her, and not to mention Miko, and Chayton even; It should be a breeze. He decided to wait in the hall for her, while more thought's came to mind. Bjorn and a few more might even get to leave as well. He wondered how their tests were going? Perhaps they had already finished?

Kath was taking a long time to finish up, and for a moment, Occultus felt worried. He pushed himself off the wall and walked over to the door leading into her room. Before he could even touch the handle however, he heard a sort of hissing noise. He was too afraid to turn around; He knew what was behind him, and it was not good. He couldn't even bring himself to cloak his scales. It was a surprise this hybrid hadn't been sent immediately to the defective ward; then again, they hadn't done it with the crow either.

Finally, Occultus gathered himself and turned, face to face with the snake. It's golden eyes gleamed within the light from above. He said nothing, simply stood their, giving off a low hissing sound. What did he want with Occultus? Besides challenging him on his views to rule over humans, he hadn't made any interaction with him. Perhaps his rage was pulled from the fact that he was to stay in the facility longer, and perhaps he was even jealous, so what better person to let your anger out on, than one of the mutants who got to go free?

The snake opened his mouth partly, revealing his elongated fangs, like massive needles. Occultus shivered; He had never liked needles, let alone large, venomous ones. Before the snake could do anything however, both were caught off guard by the sound of alarms. Occultus' eyes both flicked up to the flashing red light. There wasn't an alarm test scheduled today, which meant only one thing. The facilities workers had prepared mutants for this event on multiple occasions; A defective hybrid had got loose. When he looked back down, the snake had gone. He was quick, just another terrifying attribute for him to have.

Occultus quickly reached for the door leading into Kath's room again, but it was locked. Surely she had heard the doorknob shaking. He waited a moment, but nobody came, which only made him more concerned. He wasn't capable of bashing down the door with his shoulder; They were reinforced to withstand heavy blows, even that of a gorilla. He had to get help. He hesitated for a moment, looking at the door, then turning to run down the hall.

When he reached the end, he made a sharp left and stopped immediately. Another life-threatening situation. Occultus had no doubt in his mind that this was the failed experiment that had gotten loose. He had only been allowed to go down to that ward once, to see what they looked like, and get a little info on how they were created. Now stood in front of him Adrian. This mutant was supposedly half ant, and wore a heavy looking suit, that kept him not only alive, but partly sedated. Clearly the special liquid they had continually refreshed in his valves was out. They were empty, and it would also explain how he had enough strength to escape.

@Deadly Darkness @mewbot5408 @HikaruxKaoru @Slothtastic @Stormyface

Miko was soon enough let out and was taken care of quickly enough. They gave him a sedative to calm him a bit and a bag along with his belongings. They proceeded to explain things to him and let him go.  Miko walked out taking in a deep breath walking down the hall. He saw occultus only to quickly run over to him nearly tripping. "Are you okay?! I saw them...should we get the guards??"
One eye darted to the gun in Adrian's hand, while the other noticed Miko. Standing there would almost certainly get them killed. He quickly completely picked Miko up; easy with his size, somewhat difficult with his muscles, and burst off backward, running down the hall that had been to the right of the one he had exited.

His eyes were analyzing a million different things at a time. Turn left, turn left again, a scientist whose face had been nearly entirely dissolved; which almost threw Occultus off, now turn right. He was normally far quicker, but carrying another person was difficult while turning corners and jumping over broken glass. It seemed like the whole lab had entered a complete stage of chaos, as though they hadn't been prepared for this kind of a situation.

He managed to find his way to one of the doorways that led in and out of the facility. He had seen this one once, before he had volunteered to become a test subject. It was a staircase that went up about seven floors and arrived at a door, that when opened, brought whoever went through it onto the side of the hill that the facility was beneath. He opened the door and started the ascension to the surface, but froze.

"Shit!" He carefully placed Miko down and grabbed him by the shoulders, staring at him. "You need to go up; Go all the way to the top and exit the facility. There should be a road to the right; (Where Bjorn and the others are waiting by the van) you need to go there now. I have to go back."

Before Miko could respond Occultus rushed back through the doorway leading into the facility. He had to get to Kath; She was still back in that room, trapped perhaps. He ran through the corridors as quickly as possible, using his speed to his advantage, even at corners where he simply jumped and slammed against the wall, throwing his momentum toward the next hall he was to run through.

@Stormyface @mewbot5408 @Deadly Darkness
Adrian sighed. Guess they had somewhere to be. Oh well. He did, too. He gleefully ran around the facility, sharing his problems with the staff and security, who all rewarded him with chunky spaghetti sauce! Shame about their heads.

He had just finished sharing with a roomful of scientists when he saw a familiar-looking canister.

"Oh! Numb-juice!"

His body had been getting tired of the burning feeling. Guess we should restock!

Letting a ribbon of morphine into his bloodstream, Adrian sighed, then opened his eyes to a room smeared with gore and acid. He looked down at himself, covered with the same mixture, a gun tightly gripped in his hand. Adrian felt a wave of nausea, but forced it down, gritting his teeth.

"D-did I do this?"

Adrian's grip on his gun tightened.

"I have to get to Graves. He's the only one that can fix me... so I won't hurt anyone else."

A short trek later, and Adrian stood in front of the facility's control room. He slid a dead guard's access card through the slot and opened the door...

@Deadly Darkness

((I mean, he's most likely dead, but if you want to keep playing as Graves, that could be interesting))
Her eyes went wide and her face became bright red. "It was a dirty joke!! Don't look that up! " she squeaked surprised and caught off guard. She didn't know if was serious or playing along with her.

"Aeh know! Aeh was onleh jokin'!" He laughed. 
Breonna snickered quietly to herself. "He's taking the fact that he's surrounded by a bunch of cute girls for granted. Get your shit together, Mr. Ape." She tucked her tail behind her and her ears twitched slightly. Simply trying to get attention and to make Bjorn feel uncomfortable, she started to flap her wings a small bit. She started to crack up laughing and almost fell over.

@Slothtastic @mewbot5408
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Occultus ran through the hallway that held the rooms they had been sent into. He passed the one he had left and stopped once again from his sprint. The door for the room Kath had been in was opened a crack, the light of the red alarm inside the room blinking through the opening. His heart was running a mile a minute. He ran forward and flung open the door, running inside, but nothing was there, except her release papers, and a wad of cash. She couldn't be in to much danger could she? After all, the facility was simply in danger of the rouge hybrid, and of course the snake. The snake; he might figure Kath is another idea for a target to let out his blind rage on.

Occultus quickly stepped out of the doorway and noticed another door down the hall was open. It hadn't been open before, so it was a good place to start checking. He rushed over and opened it, pausing due to a brief wave of confusion.

"Dr. Graves..?" The rather tall, grey-haired man was sitting with his back against the wall. He looked completely defeated, like he had just lost someone close to him. Occultus walked carefully up to him. "Doctor, what's- what's wrong?" He barely moved his head to look at Occultus. For a moment, he stayed silent, the alarm making his body lighten up, then disappear again, in an almost mesmerizing pattern. He spoke up.

'You were meant to be released today... you still can be." Occultus looked at him confused.

"I already knew that, I'm looking for Kath, whe-" 

'She is likely dead.' Graves said bluntly. Occultus stared at him. It was difficult to believe that one defective mutant escaping had such a drastic effect on him.

"What the hell is wrong with you? You can't just say that because one hybrid got out of thei-"

'Twelve, actually.' He interrupted again. 'Due to all the chaos Adrian has caused, twelve more found their opportunity to successfully escape. The whole defective ward has nearly been destroyed. To make matters worse a call just came in from one of the workers down there, his name was Garret. He said they were freeing all the others. Making a small army for themselves if you will.' Occultus shivered at the thought. There were hundreds of them down there, maybe even a thousand. 'You have to leave while you still can. I will make it my goal to shut down the facility, including the exits.' Occultus shook his head lightly.

"No, I'm not leaving without Kath, and what about the others? Where is Frank, or- or Cuban? Have Bjorn or Mia even gotten out yet?" Graves responded to him, growing a little more agitated.

'The successful mutants have been ordered to evacuate. They are no longer in danger. You must go; Kath will likely be waiting.' Occultus frowned but nodded. He had always trusted Graves, and if the others had gotten away, there was no point in staying and dying himself. He looked at the doctor. He was going to bring him with, but the scientist had stated himself; He was going- no, he had to lock down the facility, and the only way to do that was from the inside. He stood slowly, faintly able to hear the rioting of bad experiments down on the lower floor at this point. They were getting closer, much quicker than Occultus had anticipated.

'I'm sorry Doctor.. Thank you for your assistance. Our gifts will not be wasted." He turned hesitantly and made his way out again, heading back for the exit. He hadn't expected it, but tears were forming in his eyes, and he had to blink them out to clear his vision. He had known that doctor since the day he had his genes spliced. Graves had helped to study, and work with him and his abilities; and now, he was simply going to die from the other mutants. He pushed the troubling thoughts aside and kept running.

( @Stormyface Dr. Graves is in that room still if you want to see him with your character :I)
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