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Fantasy No Longer Human?

((Will do, @Wick))

Adrian looked around the room.

"I remember you..." he said, looking at Kilgrave.

"I think you suggested the morphine treatment. It's hard to remember things... you seemed decent. I'll try to remember that, at least."

((is he your character or..?))
Graves looked up at Adrian slowly.

"Hmph, of all the failed experiments that we had created, you were always the most sane." He stood up and walked over to a glass  table with a bottle of scotch, and a shot glass on it. He picked the bottle up and inspected it for a moment, before pouring some into the glass. "Unlike the others, you were at least treatable." He stood there, recollecting the experiment and how he had decided to treat it. "Yes, the morphine. You have run out is that it? Which would also explain how you escaped I suppose." He pressed the shot glass up to his lips and poured the beer down in one gulp, grunting at the newfound burning sensation entering his throat.

He turned again and faced Adrian solemnly. He knew the whole reason the facility was coming down was because the experiment had gotten loose, but he felt no anger toward him. Instead he felt anger to himself. He should have been more careful with Adrian and the others. He had been so focused on finishing up on the final tests for the successful subjects that he had had no time to even consider heading down to check up on the failed ones. He moved over and sat on a chair next to the table, sighing quietly as he did.

"What is it you need Adrian?" He began to pour another glass, but continued watching the subject. He felt the need to show care to his experiments, and what better way to finish it, then to perhaps help one that genuinely did still have problems with their splicing?

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Adrian gritted his teeth.


He began to point his gun at Graves, then lowered it.

"I know my memory isn't exactly... reliable. I'll give you the benefit of the doubt, just this once."

The mutant sighed.

"The way I see it, I can shoot you, leave this place, and someday, I'm going to run out of any sort of painkiller, or build up a resistance. Then, I'll be shot by the cops, or the military, and nobody will ever connect the swamp monster's death to Adrian Tassoni's disappearance. Or, I put my misgivings aside and seek out your help. I doubt I'll be human again... I'm not sure I would want to, actually. This body does have its perks. But you can find a way to fix this... fix me, right?"

Adrian's hands shook, he looked at the doctor in desperation.

"Help me, Graves."


@Deadly Darkness
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Breonna snickered quietly to herself. "He's taking the fact that he's surrounded by a bunch of cute girls for granted. Get your shit together, Mr. Ape." She tucked her tail behind her and her ears twitched slightly. Simply trying to get attention and to make Bjorn feel uncomfortable, she started to flap her wings a small bit. She started to crack up laughing and almost fell over.

@Slothtastic @mewbot5408

Mia pouted a little looking at him. "You sounded so serious though...I know you think I'm cute but geez..björn. " She teased a little still blushing and giggles. She really fell for that.

Breonna huffed in annoyance, her face still a bright pink. "Suuuuure.." She simply rolled her eyes and smiled.

@Slothtastic @mewbot5408

"Well... maybeh Aeh wasn' jokin'." He looked to them both, obviously still joking. As they said the parts about them being cute he blushed, "Hey! Aeh err... well tha's kinda true...."
"Well... maybeh Aeh wasn' jokin'." He looked to them both, obviously still joking. As they said the parts about them being cute he blushed, "Hey! Aeh err... well tha's kinda true...."

"Well... maybeh Aeh wasn' jokin'." He looked to them both, obviously still joking. As they said the parts about them being cute he blushed, "Hey! Aeh err... well tha's kinda true...."

mia blushed again looking away. "H-hey..D-Don't tease me like that! only I can tease you.." she pouted a little with a beat red face. she crossed her hands protecting her boobs looking a little embarrassed. she looked up at him then looked at the other female. breonna was a grade A weirdo. how was this whole thing so hilarious?! was she just dumb or something? mia blushed beet red then remembering the other day. "...he actually said I was cute to my face before....the other day actually...." she blurted out looking away still.
Breonna got up, still smiling. "Wait-wait. What?" 

mia blushed again looking away. "H-hey..D-Don't tease me like that! only I can tease you.." she pouted a little with a beat red face. she crossed her hands protecting her boobs looking a little embarrassed. she looked up at him then looked at the other female. breonna was a grade A weirdo. how was this whole thing so hilarious?! was she just dumb or something? mia blushed beet red then remembering the other day. "...he actually said I was cute to my face before....the other day actually...." she blurted out looking away still.

"When did Aeh say tha'!?"
Kath had been kept in a separate room for quite some time. She trusted the doctors, but this seemed ridiculous. Quietly she paced around the room until someone finally entered. The man was tall and thin. His hair was a dark brown, but the signs of aging showed in the occasional grey hair. He wore a serious expression, but it broke as he smiled. "Hello, Kathleen, my name is Mr. Graves. It's a pleasure to finally meet you." She stared, somewhat stunned. 

"Are you going around and talking to all the subjects who are being released?" She asked quietly, a sudden feeling of anxiety running through her. He shook his head and took a step closer to her. 

"Pardon me, my years of solitude have left me rather... inept, if you will." He leaned against one of the counters and took a moment examining the room almost affectionately."We did our best didn't we?" He looked at her with a smile worn with age. The sudden blaring of the alarms made Kath jump. She heard the jiggling of the door knob and went to open it, but was stopped by Mr. Graves grip on her wrist. "I wouldn't do that. It's quite deadly out there. Everything's falling apart right now. Anyone who was affiliated with this place will be slaughtered by the unstable." He released her wrist as she turned back to the door in horror. 

"Is everyone.. Occultus.. are they ok?" 

"Those who were to be freed have hopefully made it out safely by now. And I suggest you do the same. You can leave now, but please be careful, and don't follow me." 

Her heart beat loudly within her head; the sound of rushing blood was almost deafening. She gave a slight nod. Graves disappeared out the door as Kath stood there for what felt like a small eternity. Eventually she swung the door open and entered the hallway. 


(Graves heads to the room to help and talk with Adrian. @Stormyface I suggest you go back and make an edit to your post once Wick ha changed his)
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The halls, were they spinning? It felt like the whole world Occultus knew was collapsing, which was suddenly ironically confirmed when the ceiling collapsed in front of him before he could turn into the corridor that led to the exit. The failed subjects were tearing the place apart! he had to find another way out as quickly as possible; He could hear the screeching and the shouting of the lost finally arriving on the upper floor. Panic flowed through him like a stormy ocean.

He turned but only to be greeted by a defect. The room seemed to become a lot colder. Why was it that all the unstable patients had been spliced with lethal animals? The mutant was covered in spikes; Puffer-fish DNA, which meant he was venomous as well. He had an insane look in his eyes as he walked nearer, his needle-covered arms pulsing, causing the spikes to rise and fall along his skin. He had Occultus pinned, and it was only a matter of time before he was given a rather unpleasant hug from the worlds worst pincushion. Occultus had to think quick, no, he had to focus.

One of his eyes was kept on the man, while the other watched how close he was to the ceiling rubble as he backed away. He inhaled deeply, and exhaled, allowing his scales to flicker briefly, before he had disappeared. It had clearly worked since the man's eyes flashed open wide and he glance around, unsure of where Occultus was.  Slowly, he crept by the mutant, one eye still on him, while the other now scanned the ground for anything he might step or trip on.

The puffer-fish was was left behind in the corridor, and Occultus ran forward, turning another corner and ramming into another mutant. His scales immediately returned to their normal light green color and he backed away along the ground, only just noticing who it was he had hit.


@Deadly Darkness


Dr. Graves continued staring at Adrian and then blinked softly, placing down the bottle and the shot glass back onto the table. Guilt smacked him across the face. There was no time for anything. The mutants were already on the current floor, he could hear that now; If they still had time he would have considered splicing other types of DNA with Adrian in order to neutralize the negative effects from the tests, but even that might not help him.

"There is nothing I can do I'm afraid." He stood back up off the chair and walked up to Adrian. Graves was a blunt man, who didn't normally get so emotional, but with the given circumstances, not only was he afraid, he was terribly distraught by the labs failed work. Besides the successful subjects, they had ruined the lives, and even sanity, of the majority of the people they had tested on.

He gently took Adrian's hand and placed a small metal device in it. The facility had always agreed that they would need to keep tabs on every subject, even if they had been released into the world. There was always the risk of one of them going rouge due to their DNA becoming unstable like the others. "This device is a tracker. This one will lead you to Occultus. No doubt he will be leaving with a few others as well, so you will have the help of them all. Occultus studied DNA Splicing and Genetic Infusion in between his daily tests. Find him, and he will help you."

He staggered back to the table. Due to the situation, and his stress, the small dose of alcohol was having a much more profound effect on him than it would have if he had simply been drinking for the hell of it. He turned quickly, one last thought stabbing him with guilt.

"And Adrian.. I'm, sorry..."

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Kath landed on her butt hard as she squeezed her eyes shut. "Kath?!" The sudden familiar voice filled her with relief. She looked up to see Occultus standing in front of her, a worried look on his face.

"What are you doing in here?!" She yelped. "Graves send you guys would be out of here by now!" She slowly stood up and rubbed at her bruised hip. Though that was the least of her problems at the moment. There was a light hissing sound emanating from where the ceiling once was. Slowly Kath looked up to see a person covered in dark hair with multiple limbs. She swore under her breath as the tarantula mutant dropped down from the ceiling. Kath grabbed Occultus' hand and dragged him down the hall.

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Mia looked up at him blushing. "You did...but you then tried to get out of talking to me after that.." She said. She looked over  to see what was going on. "That doesn't look good..."

Breonna casually looked over to see what Bjorn had seen. And he was correct. There were, in fact, a bunch of mutants coming from the lab. "No, I don't think so.." she replied unsteadily.

@Slothtastic @mewbot5408

As the mutants saw them they suddenly began sprinting at them. "Tha' definitely doesn' look good." Björn added. He had dealt with Lance before but a large group of mutants? Well that's a bit out of the question. He moved forward a bit, "'ey! Were yeh le' ou' too?" The mutants stopped and looked at the group, as if they were foreigners. "I guess you could say that," the what Björn guessed was the head of that group. "What about you? Are you with us?" One asked. "Depen's on who 'us' is."
Adrian nodded and took the tracker.

"Thank you, doctor."

He handed him his pistol.

"You should take this. Someone who was on the team should get out and make sure nothing like this happens again."

He winced and twisted his morphine valve.

"Until we meet again."

Adrian walked out into the hall and, after a moment of hesitation, picked up a fallen guard's shotgun. He looked down at the tracker and began chasing Occultus's signal...

Occultus stared at Kath with almost disbelief. Even with what Graves had to say, something deep down in Occultus figured she was gone, and that idea killed him, but here she was.

<What are you doing in here?!> She screamed. Occultus was taken off guard for a moment. He had seen her serious side before, but this time it was far more intense, which made sense actually.  He was going to respond to her when she looked up and grabbed him, nearly dragging him along until he regained his composure. He was so focused on the idea that she was alive that he hadn't even noticed the massive, evil, spider mutant above them. He kept running, following Kath. He wasn't sure how much she knew about the facility and it's corridors, but he trusted she was leading them in the right direction; He had completely lost his ability to understand where they currently were in the area.

"What about the other mutants?! Do you think they got out alright?"

@Deadly Darkness
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After a long conversation of what Björn thought was the leader they had finally left. Björn was glad too in the middle of it he thought they were going to end up fighting. He sat back down and gestured for the others to follow his lead. 

"So, wo' shoul' we do now?"

@BrokenLyrics @mewbot5408
After a long conversation of what Björn thought was the leader they had finally left. Björn was glad too in the middle of it he thought they were going to end up fighting. He sat back down and gestured for the others to follow his lead. 

"So, wo' shoul' we do now?"

@BrokenLyrics @mewbot5408

[COLOR= rgb(238, 130, 238)][SIZE= 14px]Breonna shrugged, sighing. "Dunno."[/COLOR][/SIZE]

@Slothtastic @mewbot5408

mia thought for a moment crossing her arms observing the conversation between bjorn and the supposed leader of the mutants. she looked up to the gorilla  before glancing at the door with a soft hum. "we should leave before things get worse...." she told him softly.
mia thought for a moment crossing her arms observing the conversation between bjorn and the supposed leader of the mutants. she looked up to the gorilla  before glancing at the door with a soft hum. "we should leave before things get worse...." she told him softly.

Breonna shrugged, sighing. "Dunno."

@Slothtastic @mewbot5408

"Aeh agree. Bu' we 'ave tuh wai' until th' others come out. We can' leave 'em behin'. O' course tha' doesn' apply to some." He fake coughed, "Grand." He faked coughed again. 
"Graves said they should all be out by now. Let's hope they didn't come running back like you." Her voice was harsh, but tears streamed down her face. She remained in front of him so he couldn't see as she quickly wiped them away. "I was just worried, that's all." Her voice tapered off as she continued to pull him through the halls. She wasn't exactly sure where the exit was, but she knew where everything else was. So wouldn't the exit be where it all wasn't?

Adrian muttered equations under his breath as he followed the signal. He looked up, and saw Occultus and some other mutant disappear around a corner.

"Hey, w--"

He was interrupted by a spider mutant dropping from the ceiling and trying to eat him.

Adrian swore loudly and unloaded three rounds of buckshot into the thing before finally calming down. He wiped cold sweat off his face and shuddered.

"Uuugh. I should've been more careful. I could've died. I think I'm going into shock... Occultus first."

Adrian shakily looked back down at the tracker and continued moving.


@Deadly Darkness
The flashing light caused by the alarms was somewhat disorienting. Everything seemed to go by in a blur; Screeching could be heard coming from down the halls, people screaming, even an occasional explosion. These mutants were so damn willing to tear the area down! At one point he heard gunfire, but that was likely to be expected from an event such as this.

Kath pulled him around bend after bend, bringing them closer and closer to one of the elevators. It wasn't one that led out, however, if they were to take it down to the floor below them, there was a staircase a few halls away from it that would lead up to the surface. 

Occultus could tell Kath was upset by the way she spoke. He wasn't sure whether she was angry with him, or sad about the deaths of all the scientists or perhaps both. She had been put under so much stress recently, and although she was tough, Occultus was intrigued by the fact that she was able to hold herself together under so much pressure.

"Take a left here!" Occultus shouted over the alarm and chaos. "There should be an elevator, it will lead us to the next floor, and we can escape from there!"

@Deadly Darkness @Stormyface 

The large snake-like creature awoke from his slumber. He flicked his tongue while his eyes shot open, due to the alarm shocking his ears. His tired eyes adjusted to the vision and a sharp pain was all up his tail. When he finally realized that he was on the floor, with a pile of heavy rubble all around and on top of him. He struggled  to stand up. When he looked to the cell door it was open, so he rushed through it, slithering down the empty hallway with his long tail following behind.


"What in the hell is going on here?"


He spoke to himself in a panicking voice as he turned corners to look for any exit. There had to be a way out of this falling death-zone.
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"Now they're getting faster! Screw this."

Adrian picked up his speed, only taking glances at the tracker and making educated guesses as to which turns he should be making. His efforts were rewarded when he finally spied Occultus and Kath again.

"Wait up! Graves sent me!" he shouted over the alarms.


@Deadly Darkness

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