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Fantasy No Longer Human?

Kath did as he said and made a left, headed towards the elevator in the distance. "Do you think it'll be functional, or safe?" She looked back at Occultus in panic. With a nervous bite of her lip she pressed the elevator button. It slowly screeched down along the metal cables until arriving at their level. There was an off-tone ding before the doors opened up. The elevator had obviously taken some hits: the light flickered in and out, and part of the wall was dented. Giving the chameleon's hand a gentle squeeze she entered the sketchy elevator and waited for him to follow. She suddenly stopped at the sudden sound of another mutant's voice. She looked to Occultus, uncertain if they should wait or not.

@Wick @Stormyface
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Occultus had never actually enjoyed taking the elevator. The stairs were a struggle to have to climb up all the time, but at least they provided a nice alternative to a controlled free-fall carnival ride. When Kath mentioned that the elevator may be unstable, which was soon proven by the screeching and even clanking of the elevator coming to a stop on their floor, Occultus was sure his scales turned white. She stepped on cautiously, the elevator squeaking beneath her. She then stopped, waiting for him to follow.

"Eh, perhaps we can find an alternative rou-" He was cut short when a voice came from behind him. Kath heard it to, and glanced past his shoulder. When Occultus turned to see who had called, his heart sank even more; It was Adrian, and he was making a b-line for them. He turned and joined Kath in the elevator, continually jamming his thumb on the button for the second floor, creating a rapid clikclikclik sound. He kept one eye on Adrian, while the other focused on the button, as though trying to pressure it to start closing the doors quicker. "Come on, com-"

The elevator shivered and dropped un-restrained until only half of the doorway was open to the floor Adrian was on. The doors had decided to stay open, rather than closing successfully, so Occultus could still see Adrian rushing for them.

=Notgoodnotgoodnotgoodnotgood= He tried to keep himself steady. It was either the elevator fell to the very bottom of the shaft, or Adrian arrived, most certainly with the intention to literally melt their faces, with his acid.

@Deadly Darkness @Stormyface
(I have no words. I for the first time in weeks just began to consider remaking this and inviting people :P  with credit given to @Deadly Darkness of course)
I have no problem with @Wick remaking this, but now I'm severely agitated.

@PippyOmega Not once did I ever give you permission. Obviously not a damn thing I can do now, but I'm beyond livid. I haven't been on in a while, sure, but is being patient for me to respond to your request too much to ask for?
@PippyOmega wat the flip?? >,>

Am sorry @Deadly Darkness. I had already made it. I just went for it. I can get rid of it if you wish o,o or rather shut it down i should say. My goal is certainly not to upset you.

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