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Fantasy No Longer Human?

Occultus looked at Kath as she came over to him. She didn't appear to be upset with him which made him sigh with relief internally. One of his eyes rolled over and looked toward the monitor. He was surprised he hadn't noticed it when he came in. He normally noticed every object in the room before most others did.

"I'm no sure." He responded to Kath's thoughts. "Perhaps it is some sort of new test they are implementing?"

@Deadly Darkness
Adrian quietly swam through the murky waters in his cell. Swimming, especially with flippers, was preferable to walking, as it didn't accelerate blood flow as much. He snatched a worm from the depths and stuck it in his digestive intake valve, than reluctantly climbed out of the lake and walked over to the nearest observation window, cackling as his acidic blood flowed faster.

He placed a fist on the window and pushed several times, then took a sharp rock and began scratching something on the wall.

"Strong glass. Bulletproof? Possibly... could find weak point, cause fracture? M-maybe... aah!"

Adrian fumbled with one of his life support devices, injecting morphine into his bloodstream. He sighed in relief and turned back to the wall, muttering and scratching.

((Hi, everyone!))
Bjorn could see how she wanted to cry, immediately he backed down, "Aeh'll be in mah room." He grumbled, going to close the door. He hated seeing girls cry, he especially hated it when he made them cry.

"Didn't think gorillas were pussy" he said to mia but loud enough that Bjorn and kath could hear through his door. "Remember what I said earlier, this relationship is based off of loyalty, you told me you'd be loyal but your actions said different you were more on their side than mine. You know who I am and you know what I do. These things I do because I'm desperate to leave this place and it angers me how you all just comfortably sit in here like it's a five star hotel, look either your'e with me or against me its  your choice. @mewbot5408

A loud tone echoed throughout the building, signaling a message over the intercom. A robotic voice relayed its message; "all residents please report to the commons area immediately." The tone then sounded again as the intercom turned off. 

@Wick @Aaron775 @mewbot5408 @Seraph @coold00d12 @PippyOmega @HikaruxKaoru 

Kath looked at Bjorn curiously. They hadn't had an announcement like that in quite sometime. "What do you think it is?" Of course she wasn't worried, the facility had always treated her and those who followed the rules with utmost respect. After all they had volunteered.


"Grand I'm not on their side...I'm on yours. I was trying to protect you,idoit! You always almost get yourself into fights and you make bad choices just digging yourself deeper. I know you're frustrated but we'll get out sooner than you think." She told him and continued to speak. She leaned over."I've been nothing but loyal to you.  how can't I be? I'm in love with you. " She told him as she walked with him. She went to the common room. She was quiet.

Miko had came in quietly and just stayed still watching. Kino came in too.
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(patience, I was in a parade and my phone didn't work on the bus ride back)

the static subsided, but the image remained black as a stern voice came through the speaker. "Good afternoon everyone, my name is Clyde Graves and I am the founder and owner of this program." There was a moment of silence before he continued. "I try not to intervene in your daily lives, but it's come to my attention that some of you have become rather restless, and so I'm here to address that."
Occultus shifted uncomfortably. The scientist, Clyde; he could faintly recall him. Occultus, no, Jackson, had shook his hand. He was the one who told Jackson he wasn't of any use in their studies. Jackson had wanted to prove him wrong so badly. He felt no anger toward the man, but it still made him a little upset to hear him.

@Deadly Darkness
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"Yes..." the light sound of papers rustling could be hear. "Pippy! I can hear all of you. Pardon me, I'm not familiar with all your names. Wait, Is that you Jackson? So nice to see you again, though my papers show that you go by Occultus now." He paused to clear his throat. "I can hear and see you all, and Adrian there's no need to be so hostile." There was another pause. No one could see the so called Mr. Graves, but from his side he was looking over each and everyone of them with his steady gaze. "I recognize some of you, but there a few who appear to be new. I'll have to read up on your files."
"Yes..." the light sound of papers rustling could be hear. "Pippy! I can hear all of you. Pardon me, I'm not familiar with all your names. Wait, Is that you Jackson? So nice to see you again, though my papers show that you go by Occultus now." He paused to clear his throat. "I can hear and see you all, and Adrian there's no need to be so hostile." There was another pause. No one could see the so called Mr. Graves, but from his side he was looking over each and everyone of them with his steady gaze. "I recognize some of you, but there a few who appear to be new. I'll have to read up on your files."

Miko spoke up. "Geez pips..." He said crossing his arms. He seemed so calm. Kino jumped up and looked ticked off. "No duh. of course we're restless, we are caged up animals and half of us is predatory...or easy tempered.  We all are stuck in a small place and I wouldn't be surprised  if we all went crazy at this rate." The shark growled. Mia exhaled. "Not to mention there was some incidents..."
Pippy Looked At Miko With A Confused Look "What Do You Mean By 'Geez Pips', I Need To Know Who She Is Or I'll Truly Go Crazy" He Crossed His Arms And Moved Back To The Screen, He Looked At It "So?" Pippy Was Becoming Restless (This Is Not Meant As I'm Getting Bored Of Waiting For @Deadly Darkness To Respond) @mewbot5408
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"No need to be hostile!? You have NO IDEA--"

Adrian winced and fiddled with his morphine valve again.

"I'm running low on painkillers, Graves! And bring me some paper and pens, how am I supposed to escape like this? While you're at it, bring me a satchel charge, a gun, and the key to your office! AAGH!"

Adrian banged his head on the wall.

"STUPID STUPID STUPID STUPID STUPID HCKKK!! If you don't want to be interrupted, contact us individually!"

Adrian collapsed against the wall, growling and muttering profanities under his breath.

@Deadly Darkness
Chayton had just been about to fall back asleep when the intercom crackled and disturbed his sensitive ears once again. "No." The boy groaned once, though even he had to admit the calling piqued some of his interest. It wasn't often they were all called to the same place. So, grumbling softly all the while, Chayton slid his way down his hammock, bare feet hitting the ground as he adjusted his parka around himself. He was cold, as usual, but if he moved around usually it would aid in warming him up somewhat. With that in mind, Chayton left the comfort of his room and made his way toward the commons area, like many of the residents of this facility were doing. It didnt take him long to arrive at the big, bustling room that did a number on his senses and only made his headache deepen somewhat. Pulling his hood a little closer to his head and letting his eyelids close halfway, Chay found himself a spot a little ways away from the rest of the mutants and tried to figure out what was happening. It didn't seem as if much had happened yet, but there was a continuous crackling on the intercom that told him one of the scientists were speaking. 

@Deadly Darkness @Wick

(sorry if I missed something DB also, if someone wants to come interact with Chay please do LOL) 
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grand heard the intercom and instantly start plotting a way through this. he then saw chayton. " what are you mixed with hybrid? haven't seen you before in my time being here." @HikaruxKaoru
As he heard a voice being directed at him,  Chayton turned his head to fix his oddly golden eyes on the speaker. The boy let himself arch a brow at the other mutant, and let his own fingers link together and nervously tug at one another. Well, that was a very straightforward question. "Eagle." He answered as he quirked his mouth a little off to the side. Even though he'd spent his entire life in this place, a grand total of six years, there were still mutants he had yet to meet and many also did not know who he was, since he was usual cooped up somewhere by his lonesome. The apparent teenager let his eyes scan the other inhabitant, taking in details that the normal human eye would probably never pick up unless they were looking very closely. "What are you? A snake?" He frowned as he tilted his head to the side, much like a bird would. The other mutation was a tad intimidating to Chayton, as he was huge and had a head like a cobra. Eagles could be killed by snakes, or they could kill them, so he couldn't help but have a mixed reaction to what he was seeing here. The fact that this guy was giant, however, made Chayton shrink back a little bit.

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" yes i am a man mixed with a snake, this is what the mad scientists did to me." grand could tell that the hybrid was afraid of him. "no need to be afraid of me, you've done me no wrong so i will do you no wrong, besides i'm not in the mood for eagle right now..........that was a joke by the way. my name is grand, what is yours.? @HikaruxKaoru
"Now, now Pippy, in due time. And you're right Bjorn, there's no point in me continuing this little conversation so I'll just get to the point." It cleared his throat. "Every room in this facility is equipped with cameras and microphones, with exception of bedrooms and bathrooms. Nonetheless it's come to my attention that a pair has broken into the filing room. To start off I'd like to let you know that those files were public, so there was no need to destroy my facility, you could have simply asked for them. Those were simply the drawers we kept every base line on the off chance that the computer system failed, but don't think I don't have paper copies of everyone's information.

"Second, everyone was to be released when everyone was fit to go back into society, but that's not quite fair. There are a number of you who have been ready for a long time and we've been waiting for the others to catch up. So instead of punishing you, we will simply hold back the ones who aren't ready. It one moment I'll tell you the list of people who will be prepped for releasing."
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Pippy Sighed Once More And Stepped Back Into A Seat "Fine... But If You Dont Tell Me Soon I Swear I'll... Well Nothing Since I Don't Know Where You Are But You Get What I Mean, Okay?" Pippy Then Began To Tap His Foot On The Ground To A Beat In His Head, He Would Do This When He Was Nervous, He Really Wanted To Get Out Of There, The Chance Were Low And He Knew That But He Didn't Know If He Could Stay There Any Longer
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Occultus' eye glanced down at Kath, who was listening to the voice. He wasn't sure if she was eager, but he knew he was. He had been living in the facility for a few years at that point, and although the idea of being set out into the normal world again made him anxious, he also felt excited. He let out a quiet sigh. He was indeed terribly nervous. What would other people think when they saw him? Would they run in fear? Surely they wouldn't look at him as one to be admired. He thought vaguely about the horns protruding from his head. How would he get a job, or a home for that matter?

@Deadly Darkness
"There are three lists; those guaranteed to leave, those with one final exam to determine, and those who still need more work."

Kath felt like she was shaking uncontrollably, but on the outside she appeared calm. Gently, without removing her gaze from the tv screen, she took a hold of Occultus' hand. It gave her a small sense of comfort as anxiety continued to boil up inside her.

"For guaranteed we have Chayton, Kathleen Bovidae, Miko, and Occultus." Mr. Graves allowed for a moment of chatter, sighs of relief and whatever other reactions to take place. Kath's grip on Occultus' clawed hand tightened as she smiled, but it quickly faded as she looked over to Bjorn.

"Those who require one last exam are Bjorn, Jack Magil, Miasako Shugabear, and Pippy Strand." Again he paused. 

Kath simply stared at born with an anxious smile as if to say, "at least it's not a no." 

"And finally, those of you who still need more work: Adrian Tassoni, Grand Jones, and Kino Sparkz. You three will be taken in to an examination room to be told what you can do to reach the level required. That is all."

The tv then turned itself off, leaving the room in silence.
"Wai' wo'." He stared wide-eyed at the screen, he was going to be released. He was going to be able to go home! "Okeh, okeh, befer yeh continue, wo' will 'appen once we're released? 'ow will we ge' by?" He looked to the screen questioningly, he wanted to get home but he couldn't without an airplane ticket and some money. "Because Aeh'm sure tha' Icelan' isn' nearby where we curren'leh are." He said.

As Kath looked at him he turned back to her, he gave one last nod before turning back to the screen. @Deadly Darkness
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Occultus smiled lightly. He was going to be released, and so was Kath. He wasn't sure who Chayton was, but if Occultus could remember, Miko was the jellyfish. He felt Kath take his hand. Although he figured it would be difficult, the idea of leaving with Kath made it a lot easier to comprehend. She had helped him get through the tests, whether they be incredibly simple, or unbearably difficult. He felt a small twinge of pleasure when he heard that Grand would be staying behind, but at the same time, another thought occurred to him. That snake was hellbent on bringing down the facility, even if it took force. Would he ever even be able to leave at all? What if he was stuck in here forever, and came to the point where he became just like the crow?

@Deadly Darkness @Aaron775 @mewbot5408 @HikaruxKaoru
A frown flitted across Chayton's youthful features as he eyed the snake-man, every nerve in his body tingling as he spotted the sharp fangs that protruded from the mutant's jaws. Not good. The teenager flinched somewhat at the 'joke', but he would quickly shove his hands into the big pockets of his parka as he offered his name, begrudgingly of course. "They call me Chayton." The blond inhabitant mused just as the intercom crackled again, and he fell quiet to listen as the doctor came back on. He couldn't help but arch a brow as the man spoke of the cameras that lay everywhere, which was no surprise, but as he spoke of someone breaking into the filing cabinets and the fact that some may be released back into society, a bit of alarm went through Chay. Ruffled his feathers, so to speak. Having grown up in this place all his life, Chayton didn't know anything about the outside world. Did it intrigue him? Of course. It frightened him, though. As his name was called to be one of those released into the world, however, the boy's jaw dropped and so did his heart, it felt like. "Me?" He nearly squeaked, fear and unease replacing his usual guise of being irritated and cold. He'd never been outside in his life; why would they think he could be let go? This was... his home, right? 

@Deadly Darkness @Wick
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