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Fantasy No Longer Human?

grand ripped it in pieces and ate it. "no one disrespects me twice and gets away with, no file for you king kong." he smiled menacingly @Slothtastic 

"Aeh couldn' care less in all 'onesteh. Bu' lemme tell yeh somethin'," At first his tone was nonchalant, but then it turned to a deadly seriousness, "Threa'en one more person or touch anyone 'ere in ah 'armful way an' yer fockin' dead. Yeh go' tha' garden snake?" @Aaron775 @mewbot5408 @Deadly Darkness
"yes your file, i was trying to be nice and let you know your history that the scientists stripped from you." he snatched the file back from mia and gave her a deadly. "don't EVER snatch anything from me again, understand?" @mewbot5408 @Slothtastic

"Aeh couldn' care less in all 'onesteh. Bu' lemme tell yeh somethin'," At first his tone was nonchalant, but then it turned to a deadly seriousness, "Threa'en one more person or touch anyone 'ere in ah 'armful way an' yer fockin' dead. Yeh go' tha' garden snake?" @Aaron775 @mewbot5408 @Deadly Darkness

Mia tilted her head a little looking at him. "I was trying to help so hush,grand." She told him pursing her lips. She exhaled deeply.  "You're doing it again...geez.." She stated. She then noticed that it was starting to get serious. she looked kinda upset that grand had spoke to her like that.
Bjorn glanced at Mia, she was still his friend despite being with Grand, but if this was how he treated her then there were going to be some problems. Major problems. "Yer no' so grand, snake. Jus' remember tha'." He looked at him, a deadly expression set upon his face.
Kath's pale face turned a dark red, but she was quickly able to regain her composure. She glared at Grand. He was an absolute dick to everyone, including Mia, the only person who even remotely liked him. How could he snap at her like that? If he truly cared about her he wouldn't have been such an asshole. She watched as he tore up the file. He seemed to do everything she hated. All she wanted to do was punch him in the throat to shut him up.

@Slothtastic @mewbot5408 @Aaron775
Bjorn glanced at Mia, she was still his friend despite being with Grand, but if this was how he treated her then there were going to be some problems. Major problems. "Yer no' so grand, snake. Jus' remember tha'." He looked at him, a deadly expression set upon his face.

Kath's pale face turned a dark red, but she was quickly able to regain her composure. She glared at Grand. He was an absolute dick to everyone, including Mia, the only person who even remotely liked him. How could he snap at her like that? If he truly cared about her he wouldn't have been such an asshole. She watched as he tore up the file. He seemed to do everything she hated. All she wanted to do was punch him in the throat to shut him up.

@Slothtastic @mewbot5408 @Aaron775

She looked up at björn noticing the anger. "Don't. Please... don't hurt or kill each other. I'd rather not lose anyone right now. " She said moving in-between the two as her face became red. 
"Fock off Snakeh. Yer in mah territoreh." He gestured to the area around his room. Which of course all of the people gathered would be standing in. "An' like yeh said, Aeh 'ave ah Gorilla's brain righ'? So yeh be''er ge' goin' befer Aeh ge' angreh." He snarled the last bit out for extra effect. @Deadly Darkness @Aaron775 @mewbot5408
grand laughed. "now i am the only one that knows your past, you'd be even dumber than i thought if you even try and lay a hand on me, besides i'm sure you wouldn't be too much of a challenege to swallow whole." he said licking his lips. @mewbot5408 @Deadly Darkness @Slothtastic

Björn is 8'10 and 1k pounds. He's going to be pretty difficult to swallow whole. "An' yeh don' thin' Aeh remember i'? Unlike some others mah memory wasn' los'. Now, fock off Snake. An' remember wo' Aeh said abou' threa's an' shi'." @Aaron775 @Deadly Darkness @mewbot5408

She looked at her mate sharply. "Grand...just please stop. Please, for my sake and yours! I don't think I'd be able to handle things if you get killed,stupid!" She snapped. Mia was genuinely starting to get pissed off and worried. Usually Mia wasn't the type to get too angry or worried even but it seemed even she had her limits. She even looked ready to cry for the first time. 
She looked at her mate sharply. "Grand...just please stop. Please, for my sake and yours! I don't think I'd be able to handle things if you get killed,stupid!" She snapped. Mia was genuinely starting to get pissed off and worried. Usually Mia wasn't the type to get too angry or worried even but it seemed even she had her limits. She even looked ready to cry for the first time. 

Bjorn could see how she wanted to cry, immediately he backed down, "Aeh'll be in mah room." He grumbled, going to close the door. He hated seeing girls cry, he especially hated it when he made them cry.
She remained back out of the way, unsure if she's be able to stop or help Bjorn if shit went down, but if course she would've given her all to keep him safe, just like any of her friends. Once he closed the door to his room Kath gently set a hand on his shoulder. "I've got your back, you know that right?"

She remained back out of the way, unsure if she's be able to stop or help Bjorn if shit went down, but if course she would've given her all to keep him safe, just like any of her friends. Once he closed the door to his room Kath gently set a hand on his shoulder. "I've got your back, you know that right?"


Björn looked to her, "Aeh know yeh do, Kath. An' Aeh thank yeh fer tha'."
"Didn't think gorillas were pussy" he said to mia but loud enough that Bjorn and kath could hear through his door. "Remember what I said earlier, this relationship is based off of loyalty, you told me you'd be loyal but your actions said different you were more on their side than mine. You know who I am and you know what I do. These things I do because I'm desperate to leave this place and it angers me how you all just comfortably sit in here like it's a five star hotel, look either your'e with me or against me its  your choice. @mewbot5408
A loud tone echoed throughout the building, signaling a message over the intercom. A robotic voice relayed its message; "all residents please report to the commons area immediately." The tone then sounded again as the intercom turned off. 

@Wick @Aaron775 @mewbot5408 @Seraph @coold00d12 @PippyOmega @HikaruxKaoru 

Kath looked at Bjorn curiously. They hadn't had an announcement like that in quite sometime. "What do you think it is?" Of course she wasn't worried, the facility had always treated her and those who followed the rules with utmost respect. After all they had volunteered.

Björn had no clue what they had wanted, "Aeh don' know, le's go find ou'." He said, opening his door and gesturing for her to follow. 

@Deadly Darkness
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   Jack would stand up, having fallen asleep in the common room. " I uh... I'm here?" He would then move to a wall and lean on it, rubbing his eyes.
Occultus walked into the common area, almost stumbling. He had been sleeping. The whole event involving the crow, and his, "sedation" had thrown him off. After his walk with Kath, he had wondered off to his room, hoping he could sleep it off, but he had no such luck. Shit, he had just walked away from Kath. He vaguely remembered her asking where he was going. He was in such a daze, he just went to his room, like a mindless zombie, and stayed there for a while.

He looked around, hoping to find her, or Bjorn, or somebody. He saw that snake he had heard making up conspiracy theories earlier, along with the wolf that he had momentarily spoken to, Jack he said his name was, but it looked like nobody else had arrived yet. He could hear people bustling around in the halls, making their way over as well.

@Deadly Darkness @Slothtastic @Aaron775 @coold00d12
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Kath nodded and made her way out through the hall into the commons area. A smile pulled onto her face as she spotted Occultus. She made her way over to him and  spoke softly as to not startle him. "Hey," She watched as his eyes rotated to focus on her, like they did when anything grabbed his attention. Her gaze jumped to the large monitor that hung against the back. It flipped through channels before resting on one. The screen hummed softly with static; there was no image being projected.

"What do you think's happening?" She asked softly like a frightened child.

@Wick @everybody else

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