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Fantasy No Longer Human?

"Aeh'm fine," He tried to change the subject, "Aeh 'aven' seen yeh befer, wo's yer name? Aeh'm Bjorn."

"It's Miasako or just Mia for short. "  She introduced  herself  and gave a small smile. she ate another pocky stick. "My dad actually works for the labs and  I've just recently transferred. They thought it would be good to stay with everyone else." She explained offering him a pocky stick.
"It's Miasako or just Mia for short. "  She introduced  herself  and gave a small smile. she ate another pocky stick. "My dad actually works for the labs and  I've just recently transferred. They thought it would be good to stay with everyone else." She explained offering him a pocky stick.

"Aeh see." He took a pocky stick, "Quick question, bu' wo' are these? Aeh've never seen one befer...." He seemed foreign to the candy.
"Aeh see." He took a pocky stick, "Quick question, bu' wo' are these? Aeh've never seen one befer...." He seemed foreign to the candy.

"Pocky sticks, it's a Japanese candy. It comes in tons of flavors. "

She anwsered with a cute giggle. She tilted her head a little waiting  for him to try it. 
"Pocky sticks, it's a Japanese candy. It comes in tons of flavors. "

She anwsered with a cute giggle. She tilted her head a little waiting  for him to try it. 

"Pockeh sticks? Aeh 'eard o' ah game abou' 'em. 'Ow did i' go again?" He asked her, turning to Grand. "Aeh believe Aeh know yeh. Yeh wan' tuh kill th' 'umans an' all righ'? Well we don' need aneh trouble makers a' th' momen'. Especially no' now..." @mewbot5408 @Aaron775
" yes i can understand that and i can see it's better if i just keep my peace, which i will do. i can see that we need to support each other it moments like these, im only here to help us hybrids." he said convincingly. @Slothtastic @mewbot5408 
"Uh-huh..." He didn't trust Grand one bit. Mainly because Bjorn's a filthy metagamer he just hated snakes growing up. They scared him most of the time. 

"Anehweh, wasn' there ah game made for 'em? Aeh swear Aeh saw somethin' abou' i'." @mewbot5408 @Aaron775
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( i dont know what metagamer is but i assume its negative, i can leave if im making this experience worse for anyone even a little, i won't feel right making it worse for you all, because of my lack of knowledge and skill)
( i dont know what metagamer is but i assume its negative, i can leave if im making this experience worse for anyone even a little, i won't feel right making it worse for you all, because of my lack of knowledge and skill)

(Oh no dude I wasn't talking about you I was making a joke for myself lol. As for the definition google it. What I meant was I was metagaming your personality for your character lol)
"what do you mean you won't use it? that's ridiculous your'e like superman.........like the gorilla version. i bet those human scientist fucked with you real bad didn't they primate?" he asked already knowing the answer, but he wanted to see if the gorilla was worth talking to @Slothtastic 

(no worries amigo)
"what do you mean you won't use it? that's ridiculous your'e like superman.........like the gorilla version. i bet those human scientist fucked with you real bad didn't they primate?" he asked already knowing the answer, but he wanted to see if the gorilla was worth talking to @Slothtastic 

(no worries amigo)

"Aeh don' wan' tuh talk abou' i' a' th' momen'." Like he said he appeared like he didn't want to talk about it. 
grand chuckled then sighed. "sure i get it, they beat and tortured you so bad it's painful to even talk about out loud........ we can stop talking about it, but know this, humans are forever evil. so what do you plan to so with your new body, and i must say wasting that unnatural strength of yours should be out of the question." @Slothtastic
"Uh-huh..." He didn't trust Grand one bit. Mainly because he's a filthy metagamer he just hated snakes growing up. They scared him most of the time. 

"Anehweh, wasn' there ah game made for 'em? Aeh swear Aeh saw somethin' abou' i'." @mewbot5408 @Aaron775

"your'e a really really big gorilla, i bet your'e incredibly strong aren't you?" grand said while looking the gorilla up and down examining his huge frame. @Slothtastic

"Oh you mean the pocky game? the one where we eat the same stick? " Mia asked blushing a little bit. Her blue eyes then shifted over to the snake. She shook her head. " I'd say he's more of the warrior type.plus Gorillas are the perfect mix of  tough and I want to hug him!" She squeaked starting to fan girl a little in a cute way.
grand chuckled then sighed. "sure i get it, they beat and tortured you so bad it's painful to even talk about out loud........ we can stop talking about it, but know this, humans are forever evil. so what do you plan to so with your new body, and i must say wasting that unnatural strength of yours should be out of the question." @Slothtastic

"Oh you mean the pocky game? the one where we eat the same stick? " Mia asked blushing a little bit. Her blue eyes then shifted over to the snake. She shook her head. " I'd say he's more of the warrior type.plus Gorillas are the perfect mix of  tough and I want to hug him!" She squeaked starting to fan girl a little in a cute way.

Björn looked to Grand, "No' wo' Aeh was talkin' abou'..." he turned to Mia, "Ea' th' same stick? Isn' tha' like ladeh an' th' tramp or wo'ever? An' Aeh always go Warrior in Skyrim... well huggin' Aeh can' blame yeh fer. Aeh never knew Gorilla fur was this sof'..." He was even surprised to have not known that. 
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" yes he certainly looks to be a very able fighter indeed, if u were to go against the humans you could probably take on 100 of them on at once it looks like, but of course you seem to be a human lover, but don't you get sick of this place? don't you want to live in the free world?" @Slothtastic @mewbot5408
" yes he certainly looks to be a very able fighter indeed, if u were to go against the humans you could probably take on 100 of them on at once it looks like, but of course you seem to be a human lover, but don't you get sick of this place? don't you want to live in the free world?" @Slothtastic @mewbot5408

"Aeh do. Bu' Aeh've alrea'eh tes'ed mah strength an' Aeh don' wan' tuh tes' i' anymore than Aeh 'ave to..." Looking to Mia he muttered, "Aeh jus' 'ope they pu' yeh in th' recen'leh opened cell..."
" did you get the brain of a gorilla, when they performed those tests on you?" grand said getting frustrated at the gorillas passiveness. "can't you see the big picture? do you want to be stuck in here your whole life?" @Slothtastic
"Aeh don' bu' from wo' Aeh've heard yeh'll ge' ou' soon enuff an' will be able tuh kill all the 'umans yeh wan'."

" did you get the brain of a gorilla, when they performed those tests on you?" grand said getting frustrated at the gorillas passiveness. "can't you see the big picture? do you want to be stuck in here your whole life?" @Slothtastic
Björn looked to Grand, "No' wo' Aeh was talkin' abou'..." he turned to Mia, "Ea' th' same stick? Isn' tha' like ladeh an' th' tramp or wo'ever? An' Aeh always go Warrior in Skyrim... well huggin' Aeh can' blame yeh fer. Aeh never knew Gorilla fur was this sof'..." He was even surprised to have not known that. 

" yes he certainly looks to be a very able fighter indeed, if u were to go against the humans you could probably take on 100 of them on at once it looks like, but of course you seem to be a human lover, but don't you get sick of this place? don't you want to live in the free world?" @Slothtastic @mewbot5408

Mia tilted her head a little the side. "I'm not exactly bothered... I kinda chose to be a panda. I love pandas and I didn't mind the idea. I even agreed to help with the panda population eventually too. " She explained with a smile. She looked at grand sharply. "What a charmer." She stated in sarcasm then exhaled. 
Mia tilted her head a little the side. "I'm not exactly bothered... I kinda chose to be a panda. I love pandas and I didn't mind the idea. I even agreed to help with the panda population eventually too. " She explained with a smile. She looked at grand sharply. "What a charmer." She stated in sarcasm then exhaled. 

"'Elp with th' Panda population..?" He seemed to think on this before widening his eyes and just looking at her like she was crazy. "Are yeh sure abou' tha'?"

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