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Fantasy No Longer Human?

"Funneh li''le crow. Though' yeh were onleh strong in packs. Wai'... yer no' 'cause they still 'ave a lo' o' preda'ors." He wasn't good at making fun of people but it didn't stop him from trying. 

Lance still chuckled "yeh but I learned I changed I'm not much for packs I survive perfectly fine. " said lance charging with great unexpected speed gut punching bjorn against the arena wall and backing away in case of counter. @Slothtastic
Kath exited her room and stood in the doorway of the arena. A soft sigh escaped her lips as she crossed her arms over her chest. An uneasy feeling settled in her as she watched the two square off. She would've smiled at Bjorn's attempt if this wasn't a fight. But it was. She never liked seeing others get hurt, but maybe that was the only way. Would Lance learn? Maybe he wasn't capable of learning. Her gaze moved around the area, hoping someone else was around to watch with her so she wouldn't have to experience it alone.

She flinched as the first punch was thrown.

@Slothtastic @LuckyLucifer @Jefferson
Björn was hoping he would attack first, he knew he was fast so when he took off he automatically moved to punch the ground, since Lance was flying at great speeds it probably hit him before Lance could hit Bjorn's gut. 

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Occultus stood by Frank, looking down into the arena. His cloaked scales shimmered nervously. He put his claw up to his lips and watched. That place had always been a bad addition to the facility. Kath once told her of it's initial purpose, and how she had never liked it either. He caught movement in the corner of his eye and gasped softly when he noticed Kath enter and look down into the pit. His scales flickered and returned to their normal color, and he rushed over to her. He spoke quickly.

"Kath you should leave. This isn't something you should see." A saddened look crossed his face. He had helped orchestrate this fight, and she had to know it. "If we let defective experiments loose to roam freely around this facility, well, you've already seen what they do." He looked back down at the dry blood all around on the walls and floor of the pit.

@Deadly Darkness
grand stepped back, a little thrown off by the boy. "no thankyou i don't eat sushi, why do you seem to be in such a good mood all of a sudden." grand said wondering to himself. @mewbot5408

"Okay then I'll eat it." The jellyfish man exhaled popping the sushi in his own mouth swallowing it. He tilted his head. He then turned around continuing to make sushi. "I dunno...oh by the way, you know snakes and eels are very similar." He told.
Lance looked down at bjorn and at the mark from his fist. Lance snickered and held bjorn by the throst and kept him to the ground  and threw faster and hard punches every time it got faster and more painful"learn that I don't care primate or little dog I'll kill it if it gets in my way so die before I have to care" said lance huffing after every punch. @Slothtastic
Kath stood silently, turning to look at Occultus with an equally sad expression. "I know," she stated softly. "I want to stay though. I need to see this. I'm not going to turn away and pretend that this isn't happening." She looked solemnly down at the two. "You'll make sure Bjorn is safe, right?" She looked back up at him. Her voice was a soft whisper. She felt like she was betraying Lance, but with all the things he had done it was the best thing for the facility. She could see a similar look on Occultus' face. Her attention was drawn back to the fight as she saw Lance wailing down on the gorilla. She squeezed her eyes shut tightly. She couldn't bare to watch him getting hurt.

@Wick @Slothtastic @LuckyLucifer
Frank stood crossarmed on the sidelines with a seeming scowl on his face, in reality he was studying the fight closely. Watching each Subjects fighting style, subconsciously analyzing them. He didn't what to have an altercation with bjorn, but s**t happens. As for the crow, well he didn't have anything to say about that. 

He saw movement on the ceiling from occultus and followed his movement to Kath, seeing them he walked slowly around the two fighters over to them. 

"I'm sure she can handle it occultus. Stand behind me, wouldn't want one of them getting launched into you.And don't worry I'm not gonna let it get too bad" He chuckled just a bit. "Who are you two betting on?"

@Wick @Deadly Darkness @LuckyLucifer

Occultus turned to look back at the fight. Bjorn was under heavy pressure, but he didn't seem to be in any serious danger at the given time. He risked another short glance at Kath, on eye remaining in the arena.

"I will help if I must.." He spoke in a soft whisper.

The moment of silence was broken when Frank came over.

"Right. Kath, you should also stand behind him.." He brought Kath a bit closer to him, and peered around the elephant, watching the fight rage on.

@Deadly Darkness @Jefferson @Slothtastic
(( @LuckyLucifer Yeah, can you respond to me trying to hit you? Because if it did hit it's going to do a lot more than leave a mark. Depending on where it hit which would most likely be the back Lance's spine would go in. You have about a 1k pound Gorilla slamming his fist into your back.)) As Bjorn was hit and saw how good his endurance was he moved his fists outward, going to slam them into the Raven's sides while he was punching at him. "Aeh ain' playin' anymore crow."
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Cuban clicked his way over to the arena as he heard the ruckus and sound of a elephants trumpet. He looked down at the bird man and Bjorn as they were fighting and had a sneer on his face. He stood next to Frank and looked up at him and back down at the arena. "Why are they doing this?" He questioned aloud.
grand chuckled. " perhaps they are young hybrid, but are you similar to me?" grand asked simply @mewbot5408

"Stop calling me young...I'm 21.."   he told grand with a giggle turning around and sat on the counter. He popped a sushi roll in his mouth swallowing it whole. "In plenty of ways if you mean by comparison of a snake and eel.  But as people we could be completely different but I can tell I attract you for some reason but what is it. I hope you're not trying to look at my eyes."
"yes you do interest me, you may be 21 physically but you are young mentally and in the heart, im 27, but really im 327 because of the knowledge and wisdom I've gathered in this world, you are special on the inside but you hold it in, i can see within you." @mewbot5408
"yes you do interest me, you may be 21 physically but you are young mentally and in the heart, im 27, but really im 327 because of the knowledge and wisdom I've gathered in this world, you are special on the inside but you hold it in, i can see within you." @mewbot5408

"Well, for starters I completely lost my memories when I woke up...so I can't help being like this." He told him. he then stood up and leaned over  grinning. He smirked running a finger under grand's chin.

" Special, Huh?  What's that supposed to mean?" He asked.
grand thought this the perfect oppurtunity to get the boy under his wing. " it means you need to be by my side, it means you need to unleash whats inside and i can show you how. i see you have interest in me as well, join me and follow me and accept all benefits that come with it." @mewbot5408
grand thought this the perfect oppurtunity to get the boy under his wing. " it means you need to be by my side, it means you need to unleash whats inside and i can show you how. i see you have interest in me as well, join me and follow me and accept all benefits that come with it." @mewbot5408

He shook his head a little. "Quite contrary, I don't have to do anything. " Miko told him nipping his nose. He turned away popping another piece of sushi in his mouth. "But I would like to know ..what you mean by benefits?"
" what you desire, i can and will give to you, you can reign alongside me once the day comes that us hybrids rebel against the humans. like i said whatever you ddesire you can have, i just need your commitment." @mewbot5408

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