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Fantasy No Longer Human?

"yes we are different in terms of our experience, but i like your energy panda. i never really seen a hybrid so happen to be in the situation we're currently in, it's shocking and a little sad." @mewbot5408

Pippy looked at The Gorilla in disgust and horror as he spoke "Really, Someone Died And Your Glad I Helped You Get Put Of A Conversation What Sort Of Sick Person Would Say That" He grabbed the door handle and looked towards the panda "Hey He Said That He Finds You Cute You Should Go Talk To Him About It". As Pippy walked away he thought about what The Gorilla said and then what he just did he knew it very immature but he didn't really care if that's the what he thought about after being told someone died then he didn't see why he should enjoy his 'peace'



"Aeh though' th' scientis's go' rid o' th' bodeh... anyweh Aeh don' wanna talk abou' i' now. Bu' all in all yeh did make a good distraction fer mah escape tuh tha' sen'ence..." He muttered.

Mia looked up with her  blue eyes at grand tilting her head a little. "My name is miasako or mia for short,not panda..." She told him brushing some of her blonde hair from her face. "You confuse me what is it you want?" She aske the snake. She heard pippy giving a little shake of her head a little snort. "He said you admitted I was cute and wanted to talk about it.... Though in my opinion you seem too shy." She answered.
Mia looked up with her  blue eyes at grand tilting her head a little. "My name is miasako or mia for short,not panda..." She told him brushing some of her blonde hair from her face. "You confuse me what is it you want?" She aske the snake. She heard pippy giving a little shake of her head a little snort. "He said you admitted I was cute and wanted to talk about it.... Though in my opinion you seem too shy." She answered.

"Aeh'm no' shy, Aeh jus' don' wan' tuh talk abou' i'." He answered, at this point he couldn't even control what he was saying. He had given up on it and put it on autopilot.

"nevermind the primate mia, what i want is simple. i want you." @Slothtastic @mewbot5408

Bjorn didn't say anything to this, in fact he didn't say anything at all after that. Bjorn guessed it was something for his evil schemes or whatever he's doing so he just leaned against the wall and didn't do anything.

Mia blinked. "Did I embarrass you? I'm sorry if I upset you, björn. We can be friends though right?" She told him taking a bite out of a pocky stick.  She was a panda so it was normal  that she ate a lot. Mia stared at grand with wide eyes and blushed. "What...why?" 
Mia blinked. "Did I embarrass you? I'm sorry if I upset you, björn. We can be friends though right?" She told him taking a bite out of a pocky stick.  She was a panda so it was normal  that she ate a lot. Mia stared at grand with wide eyes and blushed. "What...why?" 

"We can, an' yeh didn'. Don' worreh abou' meh. Focus on yer life no' mine." He nodded to her, taking a few bites of his own pocky sticks.
"We can, an' yeh didn'. Don' worreh abou' meh. Focus on yer life no' mine." He nodded to her, taking a few bites of his own pocky sticks.

" like i said earlier, i like your energy and you're attractive for a panda hybrid." grand smirked. "i know you want me." @mewbot5408

The panda girl blushed again looked down. She looked kinda nervous. "S-sure..you can have me." Was all she said in response. She glanced up at grand from where she sat. Her hands moved on her knees and she stood up brushing her self off. "That is if you can figure out how to take me." She said with a smirk.
"Wai'.... 'ow woul' fin'in' ah ma'e 'elp th' Panda population? Woul'n' yeh 'ave tuh ma'e with another panda? Because if yeh ma'e with another mu'an' wouldn' i' be a cross between th' two mutations?" He asked questioningly, he didn't know how breeding while being a mutant would work, he simply was confused on the topic.
" there's nothing i can't figure out, like i figured out a while ago u wanted me to take you, i also figured out theirs more to you than just that happy go lucky attitude and beautiful face of yours." grand hissed. "so tell me, what else is there to figure out mia." @mewbot5408
Once back from their walk, Kath smiled at Bjorn. "Hey buddy," she gently punched his arm, an attempt at a friendly action though she was more worried that it now came across awkward. She clasped her hands in front of her at quickly looked for out in her awkward gesture. "I haven't seen you around here before. My name's Kath." Kathleen smiled at the young panda. She exchanged a quick glance with Grand, but nothing more than that.

@Slothtastic @mewbot5408
Once back from their walk, Kath smiled at Bjorn. "Hey buddy," she gently punched his arm, an attempt at a friendly action though she was more worried that it now came across awkward. She clasped her hands in front of her at quickly looked for out in her awkward gesture. "I haven't seen you around here before. My name's Kath." Kathleen smiled at the young panda. She exchanged a quick glance with Grand, but nothing more than that.

@Slothtastic @mewbot5408

"'ello.." He said awkwardly, he saw her there at the fight and it didn't make him feel any better. He mainly regretted it now... but he had to do it. He would've been the demise of them. Lance's anger was out of control, he could've actually killed someone...
"Wai'.... 'ow woul' fin'in' ah ma'e 'elp th' Panda population? Woul'n' yeh 'ave tuh ma'e with another panda? Because if yeh ma'e with another mu'an' wouldn' i' be a cross between th' two mutations?" He asked questioningly, he didn't know how breeding while being a mutant would work, he simply was confused on the topic.

" there's nothing i can't figure out, like i figured out a while ago u wanted me to take you, i also figured out theirs more to you than just that happy go lucky attitude and beautiful face of yours." grand hissed. "so tell me, what else is there to figure out mia." @mewbot5408

She looked up at björn."apparently, it doesn't matter what species the  male is...they made it so my mutation is a more dominant gene or that's what daddy told me.." She explained simply. She didn't know if it was a lie or not but she believed it.  She smirked looking at grand."it's no fun if I tell you now is it?" She told him flipping her bangs away from her face and crossed her arms under her boobs. She stuck her tongue out at him playfully. Noticing kath she gave a little wave. "I'm Miasako call me mia for short, I just transferred over." She greeted. It also explained why a room had been prepared.
She looked up at björn."apparently, it doesn't matter what species the  male is...they made it so my mutation is a more dominant gene or that's what daddy told me.." She explained simply. She didn't know if it was a lie or not but she believed it.  She smirked looking at grand."it's no fun if I tell you now is it?" She told him flipping her bangs away from her face and crossed her arms under her boobs. She stuck her tongue out at him playfully. Noticing kath she gave a little wave. "I'm Miasako call me mia for short, I just transferred over." She greeted. It also explained why a room had been prepared.

"Huh, well tha's somethin' new." He said as she explained the dominant gene part.
" yeah that's true, i can tell you like your fun and games." he thought to himself a little."we can have a lot of fun together, we can play whatever games you want, if you agree to play by my rules." he grinned. @mewbot5408
Bjorn continued eating his pocky stick, the innuendoes here were very noticeable, so he just shuffled out of their way a bit.
" what are you still doing here ape, can't you see me and this fine young lady are having a conversation your'e just taking up room, don't you have anything better to? or are you done killing birds for now." grand said, purposely trying to get bjorn mad.

She looked up to see the small glimpse of sadness in Bjorn's expression. He then turned his attention back to Mia. Kath figured he was thinking about Lance. A frown pulled at her lips, but she was quick to hide. She didn't want him to feel any worse. "So what do you like to do, Bjorn? If you don't mind me asking of course." She looked up at him curiously. Kathleen wasn't used to being this outgoing. It was certainly a little nerve racking. 

Kath turned at Grand's words and before she could even think, her hand flew across his face. The skin of her palm stung from the slap, but it felt good. He deserved for such a comment. What right did this garden snake have?

@Slothtastic @Aaron775 @mewbot5408
" what are you still doing here ape, can't you see me and this fine young lady are having a conversation your'e just taking up room, don't you have anything better to? or are you done killing birds for now." grand said, purposely trying to get bjorn mad.


Björn only grumbled, moving back to his room. His head hung in shame and regret. 

She looked up to see the small glimpse of sadness in Bjorn's expression. He then turned his attention back to Mia. Kath figured he was thinking about Lance. A frown pulled at her lips, but she was quick to hide. She didn't want him to feel any worse. "So what do you like to do, Bjorn? If you don't mind me asking of course." She looked up at him curiously. Kathleen wasn't used to being this outgoing. It was certainly a little nerve racking. 

Kath turned at Grand's words and before she could even think, her hand flew across his face. The skin of her palm stung from the slap, but it felt good. He deserved for such a comment. What right did this garden snake have?

@Slothtastic @Aaron775 @mewbot5408

At the action Björn was a bit shocked, even surprised at the slap. He never knew she could have it in her to hit someone!
Bjorn continued eating his pocky stick, the innuendoes here were very noticeable, so he just shuffled out of their way a bit.

" what are you still doing here ape, can't you see me and this fine young lady are having a conversation your'e just taking up room, don't you have anything better to? or are you done killing birds for now." grand said, purposely trying to get bjorn mad.


She looked up to see the small glimpse of sadness in Bjorn's expression. He then turned his attention back to Mia. Kath figured he was thinking about Lance. A frown pulled at her lips, but she was quick to hide. She didn't want him to feel any worse. "So what do you like to do, Bjorn? If you don't mind me asking of course." She looked up at him curiously. Kathleen wasn't used to being this outgoing. It was certainly a little nerve racking. 

Kath turned at Grand's words and before she could even think, her hand flew across his face. The skin of her palm stung from the slap, but it felt good. He deserved for such a comment. What right did this garden snake have?

@Slothtastic @Aaron775 @mewbot5408

Mia giggled at the flirting. Everything was fine until he was rude to björn and she frowned putting her hands on her hips. "Don't you think that's rather uncalled for? You don't have to be a asshole!" She growled at him. She was now turned off. That was when kath slapped grand. "Annnddd you deserved that."
grand was genuinely shocked by the cows courage to slap him. " ll let that one go cheeseburger but if i wanted to i could rip you to shreds and eat you for break-" he looked at MIA and remembered his primary goal. he cleared his throat. " i guess but he was distracting me from you, which i didn't like. i know i can be a little harsh but i say what's on my mind." @mewbot5408 @Deadly Darkness @Slothtastic
After Pippy's little 'episode' he felt a bit sorry he never gave the Gorilla a chance to explain his side. He walked back to see that the lady, who he saw when he woke up after the fight with that crow, in the room. Pippy moved closer to the door but stayed out of sight to anyone inside, It looked like he no longer had peace so that was... both good and bad. Pippy wanted to apologise but he could never work up the nerve to do so there was too many people so it would be too akward, He eventually left the door and headed to the table in the middle of the room. There was another person at that table who looked at him as he was about to sit down "is this seat taken?"


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grand was genuinely shocked by the cows courage to slap him. " ll let that one go cheeseburger but if i wanted to i could rip you to shreds and eat you for break-" he looked at MIA and remembered his primary goal. he cleared his throat. " i guess but he was distracting me from you, which i didn't like. i know i can be a little harsh but i say what's on my mind." @mewbot5408 @Deadly Darkness @Slothtastic

Mia gave a small  nod knowing fully well. "Mhm. I'm not dumb." She told him shaking her head disappointed in him.  She then crossed her arms. "If anyone needs me I'll be in my room reading my manga." Mia stated as she began to walk away to her room. A certain snake could easily follow her.
    Jack would look up at the new arrival, " I guess not." He would then offer his hand, " I don't believe we met before. I'm Jack." As he said this, he would cast quick glances around the room, looking for something. Apparently, he would not find it, as his gaze soon returned to Pippy.
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