Next Marvel [Inactive]

The Stone Ship broke through the atmosphere with a jolt and Damien gripped the controls hard to stabilize it. This was his first time flying and he absolutely hated it. He was Oldstrong and meant to be with ground beneath his feet. The idea of floating around in space bothered him even though his mother assured him that exposure couldn't kill him. A small holographic message appeared on the console next to him directing him from S.H.E.I.L.D. HQ to Stark Tower. Stark. The name he knew very well; one of the members of Illuminati that had exiled his father to Sakaar. I guess I should be happy to meet him, I wouldn't be alive if he hadn't exiled my father.

He punched in the new heading and his ship adjusted for it. When the tower loomed into view he shook his head slightly. It served as a clear indication of Starks ego. He did a fly-by of the tower once then maneuvered to settle down on one of the helipads. He landed with a jolt then shoved himself out of the chair. He grabbed his pack and secured his cloak around him. He stepped off the ship and hopped down onto the floor of the pad. Wind whipped at his cloak at his took in the view and he entered a large room filled with technological marvels.
"Ok well don't break anything. About 7 of the floors require a STARK Industries ID to enter. 21st floor is mine. Don't touch anything that you know you shouldn't touch." Caspian said. "The track is on the 11th floor and the shooting range is on the 4th floor as well as the gym. All your rooms should be on the second floor."
"Or, you can ask the girl who lives here." Evan said out loud. "It's nice to have machines, but human interaction is just as good." He said, heading for the kitchen. "If anyone needs me, I'll be in the kitchen. And, I know where everything is, Casper." he said, waving as he walked by.
"Yes!" Aria said, grabbing her bag and heading to the air duct. She opened the hatch and closed it after her. She slid down the shoot and landed on the second floor. She opened the hatch into the hallway. She walked to her room and opened the door. The room was luxurious, as expected. Almost everything in her room was blue. She loved it. She set her bag on the ground and opened up the largest pouch. She brought out her weapons bag and headed to the elevator. She did not want to have to be Spiderman today.
"I am heading up to my room. Don't do anything stupid while I am gone. JARVIS will take care of all your questions for now. I will be back in 10min" ((I'm going to edit the map))
Brooklyn grinned, heading to the elevator to work on her strength training as well as her knife throwing. She hadn't gotten to throw one in a while, but having a sweet facility like this made things much easier. It had been forever since Brooklyn had gotten to use her telekinesis to a greater extent, as well. She was eager to see what the Stark Tower gym and training facilities had in store.
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Marcus wasn't sure what to think of his team. They seemed.. unpredictable, and worse, unreliable. He sighed, watching each of them head their separate ways. He liked each of them individually, but they didn't seem likely to cooperate, which would endanger them. He thought it was something of an irony that he, the completely normal one amongst them, was supposed to be in charge of this freak show.

Without another word, he headed for the nearest stairwell and began the descent to his quarters.
Damien wandered around the tower floor looking around at the different glass doors and walls. He could hear the voices of other people and he could sense that they were superhuman. He gripped his pack tight and decided he would just look around to see if he could find anyone. As he enters the room he notices someone heading down a stairwell and Damien rushes to catch up to him.

"Hey, you!", he says as he reaches the top of it.
Evan chugged the glass of water he had gotten for himself in one gulp. He thought about where he should train. Stark Tower did not have Celebro, which bothered him. 'I'll have to ask Casper if she could help me build one.' he thought as he floated into the living room.
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Marcus was caught completely off guard. He hadn't been paying attention to his surroundings, and now a giant of a man was coming towards him. His hands instinctively jumped to the pistols at his sides, but he stopped himself. JARVIS wouldn't let a threat into the tower, certainly. And he had been informed that one of their members would be showing up at the tower itself, so this was probably him. "Hello, you must be.. Damien, correct?" He asked, stepping towards him and reaching one hand out. "I'm Agent Marcus Gavin. I'm the SHIELD handler for this operation." He said, giving a polite smile.
Scott stood at the elevator waiting and as it did he stepped aside. "After you," he motioned her in with his hands and followed, pressing 10 after she hit her designated floor.
Brooklyn tapped her toe impatiently on the floor as they descended to the 10th floor. Once the doors opened, Brooklyn left Scott in the dust to get a head start and see the gym. She walked over to the knife throwing targets, and held one of the heavy, sharp knives in her hand. She twisted it in her fingers absent-mindedly as she looked around the rest of the gym.
Casper came back down from her room back to the deck where everyone was before. She saw Marcus and walked up to him.
Aria walked into the training room, past the heavy machinery and Scott to the door that said TARGET PRACTICE. She opened the door, setting down the weapons bag and pulling out her bow and quiver. "Jarvis, start archery practice." As she said that the archery targets appeared out of the ground. She Aimed and hit a bull's-eye. This happened over and over again until she ran out of arrows. She stopped firing and went to pick up her arrows. She had almost split another metal one.
Marcus saw Casper approach out the corner of his eye and turned to face her just as she came close. "Hey, Cas." He said, tilting his head curiously. "Something to say?"
"Nope. Just still getting used to having a bunch of other people invading my home. So how does it feel to be leader of this group of Misfits? You know if you actually pull this off your name with be big in SHIELD." Casper said looking at Marcus smiling.
Damien caught up to the man and saw that a woman had joined him, he called her "Cas". Damien stood in front of them and introduced himself.

"Hey, I'm Damien Banner"
"We're not invading your home. It's more like a lease, with your father's approval. You got an issue with SHIELD you wanna talk about?" He asked, quirking one eyebrow. "And, to be quite honest, I'm expecting this to fail miserably, but hoping for success. Keep in mind, I've been attached to operations that were designed to fail by the higher ups, and those appeared to have a better chance than this one."

"As for you, Damien, welcome to the team. I suppose we'll be needing a clever name for ourselves.." He commented, losing focus for a moment. "We'll be getting more information from SHIELD soon, but for now, I suggest you get comfortable Damien. I have some calls to make and whatnot, so if I may be excused..?" He said, glancing to him, then Casper.
"Banner! I could recognize that name anywhere! You must be Bruce's kid! Well you obviously know who I am but its nice to meet you! Ive heard so many wonderful things about Bruce from Tony!"
Evan noticed the crowd growing upstairs and and flew up there to see what was going on. "Hi everybody, what's going on?" He said, sipping on his water innocently.
Scott slowly made his way in and lit up when he saw that Tony had a boxing ring in there. "This is great!" He ran and jumped in the ring. "I get get some good practice in here," he took of his back pack and dropped it outside the ring before he began working on shadow-boxing and footwork techniques.
Damien shook her hand. "Yes and I've heard a lot about your father also, even though some of it....may not have even exactly the best." Damien looked around at the Tower, "Am I to understand that this will be our home?"
"Geeze it was just a joke Mr Agent. As long as you guys don't break anything important or set off a bomb and stay out of my room we should be good. Out team is sort of like that movie The Breakfast Club, we are all extremely different. But hey, if I can escape a Middle Eastern terrorist group alive you can successfully complete this mission. I for one have complete faith in you." Casper said turning back to Marcus.
Brooklyn began throwing some knives at a rapid pace at the target boards. She moved from figure to figure, each time hitting exactly where she meant each knife to go. Once she had thrown them all, Brooklyn retrieved them from the boards and began working on her body movement along with the throws. She fell into a solid rhythm, and spent a couple more minutes doing this before moving into the gym to work on her hand-to-hand combat.
"Except the Breakfast Club was a movie, the happy ending was guaranteed. Our lives are on the line, not our school record. And I actually have to be worried. If any of the others mess up, they can probably recover. I, on the other hand, do not regenerate, am not supernatural, and don't have a god watching over me." He said, frowning slightly. "And, I hate to piss on your parade, but from what I've been told, any single Krull could have done the same thing you did. I'm not too excited about our prospects, here."

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