Next Marvel [Inactive]

"We can start tomorrow. I've got a telekinetic to confront. And you've got a kid on your hands." He flew downward toward the elevator. "We'll talk more about it later." he yelled before pressing a button, closing the door. "Level Four, here we come." he said to himself as the elevator started to move.
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Scott grinned. He was beginning to like this least from a sparring standpoint anyway. "You've got really good movement." he jumped back away from her. He wanted to attack her for real but he felt that it would probably only end up destroying the ring and possibly the room. He'd stick to the basics and if the he could he catch her with a blow that had a little more behind it than usual. He figured that since she was going to be faster than him if he could catch her either off guard or in back her into the corner would be his only chance to connect...or if she slipped up, but he could tell from her movement that she was able to see what was coming fairly easily. "Alright, Alright. I give you props. You're definitely good. How about this!" He dashed in with 2 left jabs again, right cross, low hook feint to high hook, and then stepped in a bit closer to try to drive a right uppercut into her mid-section, giving a little extra power to his last attack.
Casper jumped turning around towards the new voice. She couldn't believe what she saw, a boy who couldn't be any older than 13 looking up at her. Unsure what to do she said "Uhhh... JARVIS alert Marcus to get down here right away!" to the robot. "Uhhhh Hi... Whats your name?" Casper said to the adorable kid who had just walked into the tower out of nowhere.
The elevator jarred just a little and Evan held the walls in alarm. "JARVIS, what's wrong?" he asked.

"Miss Stark has asked for Agent Gavin's assistance. It is Priority, Mr. Grey." the program responded.

"Great." Evan huffed, blowing his bangs in reluctance.
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"Agent Gavin, Miss Stark has requested your presence." Jarvis' voice boomed throughout the gym. He sighed, looking at the floor around him. His hands were covered in small scarlet trails, and he had sweated so much he might as well have just been in a pool. Of course, the first time he was needed also happened to be the time he was completely unready for it. He hadn't even finished his intended workout, either.

He took a moment to compose himself, then found a bathroom to wash his hands off in. The skin on his hands was still sore and sensitive to the touch, and they were practically glowing red with irritation, but at least the blood was gone. He wiped the sweat off his face with his shirt, then hustled back out into the hallway. He found his way to the elevator, only to see that it was coming down already.
"I'm Crispin." he answered simply. "You're Casper Stark, huh? That's so awesome!" He began rattling on about something, though his lips moved too quickly to follow. Finally, he stopped. "So yeah." He sighed.
Brooklyn could tell that his attacks were beginning to get more aggressive. He was moving faster too, attempting to catch her at a moment of weakness. With a determined grin, Brooklyn reacted swiftly to his swings. Unlike her previous strategies, Brooklyn allowed herself to block his attacks more than she dodged them. She gave him the satisfaction of one hard jab to her stomach, even though she saw it coming. Then, Brooklyn decided that it time to go on the offensive. She twisted around him, and as she did so, landed a hard jab into a pressure point by his shoulder. She knew that this wouldn't be too effective due to his muscle, but it hopefully distracted him enough for her to slide around and kick her heel hard in to the back of his knee. Brooklyn hoped the pressure would be enough to affect his balance.
The elevator hit Level 10, opening quietly. Evan was impressed with the design--right before remembering it was going to trap him with the Agent. He stared forward, unwilling to look at the man who was so difficult to listen to, or be around for that matter.
"Yeah.. Casper Stark, thats me. So Crispin Agent Hill sent you here?...." Once Casper say Marcus approaching she said to him "Uhhhh Marcu- I mean Agent Gavin we have a... ummm child with us now that was sent by Maria Hill here" she turned back to Crispin and said "This is Agent Gavin. He will explain everything to you nicely. Right Agent Gavin...?!" Casper said the last part through gritted teeth.
Marcus got in the elevator with Evan, without saying a word to him. He figured it would have been a waste of time.

Shortly after he got out, he found his way to Casper and.. a child?

Right. He had been told about this. Crispin, or something. He runs really fast, he thought.

Marcus still looked horrible. He was clearly disheveled and still recovering. Hopefully he didn't scare the kid.

He figured he'd make it a bit easier for him, use a few tricks he had learned in a psychology course. Marcus approached the pair, looking at Casper first. "Couldn't have caught me at a worse time, Cas." He said jokingly, then turned toward Crispin. He bent at the knees, bringing himself down to eye level with the child.

"I'm Marcus Gavin, call me Marcus, or Marc, or Gavin. Whatever floats your boat." He started, nodding a little. It occurred to him, maybe a little too late, that Crispin was probably a bit mature for his age, considering SHIELD considered him a candidate. "I'll be your SHIELD contact during this operation. Everyone else here is a team member, here to help us out. For the time being, just hang out while we wait for more information. Play nicely with the others, all that good stuff." He continued wearily, not exactly in the mood for this. "If you need help with something, just ask the walls. They'll talk back, I swear."
Scott's grin got a little bigger when she decided to block his attacks instead of evading them and then as his jab connected he got a little conceited. He was sure his last hit would land but instead his fist swooshed through air, and as he hit nothing he felt a stinging sensation in his shoulder. He looked at his shoulder and laughed as he thought how her attack wasn't going to work if that's all she ha-, his thought was interrupted as he suddenly felt his leg collapse beneath him. He managed to catch himself but he had already fallen to one knee on the mat and his right hand came down to the mat as well to keep him from falling over. He had lost focus, and she had capitalized on it, and now he was left open for attack from any and all angles. S***! Is all he could think as he realized the predicament he was in.
Damien turned his head from the fight as he sensed another being join them. A very young one. He was surprised that his Oldstrong Force was still sensitive on this planet...he was afraid that he would lose it when he left Sakaar. He turned back to the fight just as the woman got the upper hand.
Aria watched the two spar for a while. She decided to check her system setup for the time being. She pulled out a cord with a sensor attached to the other end. She found a computer on the other end of the room. She plugged the end of the cord into the computer and attached the sensor to her arm. She opened up the usb's software and opened the project check data. She looked at the data, making sure all was in order, then unplugged the usb and un attached the censor and returned to stand next to some tall guy who was watching the fight.
Evan finally got to Level four and walked in on his TK fighting Scott. He smiled, seeing that she was sharp and precise--which is what she would need to handle her power. He stood next to the brute-man, sensing a power ringing in his blood that was almost as strong as the Phoenix Force. He said nothing. They would talk about that sooner or later.
Brooklyn laughed as her kick caused a chain reaction. She was surprised that she had managed to catch him off guard, let alone bring him to his knees and place him in a vulnerable spot. Taking this opportunity to end it, Brooklyn dug her heel into his right wrist, and twisted his left arm behind his back, causing him to fall flat on the mat. She rested her knee on his back and said, "Everything alright down there?"
"God Gavin! You reek!" Casper said looking Marcus's sweaty body up and down. "You make a wonderful first impression don't you?" Casper said smirking at him and biting her lower lip.
Scott gave an angry grunt as he hit the ground. "Just...perfect...down here. Just wanted to work on my ground game a bit. You know," The muscles of his body flexed violently. "My father could go toe-to-toe with the Hulk, I'm sorry but I just needed to get you closer to me," He tore his right hand from under her foot and snatched her right ankle, holding it firmly but not squeezing it too tight. Moving his right hand wider he was able to shift her weight and stand back up, still grasping her ankle. "You're definitely good, but your strength isn't enough to suppress me."
"Hey, at least you caught me after I punched and bled the stress away. I probably would have left you to do it if you had called for me before then. Wasn't in the greatest mood, for.. well, non-work related reasons." He explained, semi-apologetically. He knew he had made an a** of himself earlier, and hoped he could make it up to everyone. He was tired, but in a better mood now.
"So Crispin as you probably have already heard, the STARK Tower has a program called JARVIS installed that is basically like a robot butler. If you have any questions ask me or if I'm not around ask JARVIS."
She had won...though Damien was sure that things would have gone different had the man utilized his full strength. Nonetheless she was effective. When Evan came and stood next to him Damien immediately recognized him for what he was. On a planet with a history as old as Sakaar many knew about the Phoenix Force. There were several individuals throughout Sakaaran history that had been touched by it and here stood one such being now. Damien turned to examine him blatantly. He wasn't much to look at at first but there was no denying the power.

As he went down to the ring Damien assumed that he wanted to spar also and decided that he'd seen enough. Skilled hand to hand combatants were a common sight in his world and he would be bored by anymore of it. When his father was mentioned he shot a look down to the ring.

"Your father was indeed strong.....but he was no world breaker.", he shouted down to the man in the ring.
"Scott, I need to talk to her. Move, or I will move you." Evan stated blatantly. His father may have been strong, but he was able to be stopped. You just had to have the right amount of skill for it. "Please?" he added, not to sound like a jerk.

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