Next Marvel [Inactive]

Spencer watched some security cameras from his computer when an ad popped up. "I thought I had the ad blocker up?" he muttered as he closed the ad and went back to watching. (First and last post. Gotta sleep nao, I'll have someone catch me up later)
Scott opened his eyes and was ready for the new day. He has no real need for sleep, but does appreciate the silence and calm that night time usually invoked in others. He slowly made his way down to the kitchen area, where he saw Evan. "Mornin, David Blaine" he grinned at his own joke, not sure if Evan got the joke.

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"Hey there." Crispin grinned, appearing from practically nowhere. "JARVIS is awesome; I wish I had him at my house. What's for breakfast? I'm real hungry." He rubbed his stomach as it let out a feeble growl.
Evan flipped a pancake, smirking quietly to himself.

"I am not a magician, Scott. Magicians can't pin you to the wall for an entire day and eat pancakes while doing it." he rebutted, not even turning around. The brute man always treated him like a weakling, even though Evan could crush him thoroughly. 'Egos run rampant among this group.' he thought as he poured more batter into the pan.

"What's the word on training?" he asked out loud. "I wanna stretch my legs today." He then, placing the coffee pot, a mug, sugar, cram, and a spoon on the table with little effort.

Evan almost jumped six feet in the air at the sound of the child's voice. He'd almost forgotten that there was a kid on-board, which he felt bad about.

"Hey there, Curly-Q. I bet I can add your favorite ingredient to your pancakes without you saying it out loud." he said with a big grin on his face.
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No one else had come down into the gym, thank god for that. He, for the second time since his arrival at the tower, looked like hell. His hair was matted down with sweat and he smelled like the inside of a gym locker. Marcus grunted as he pushed himself up off the floor to a standing position. Every muscle in his body was screaming at him to lie down again, but he could do that later.

With all the grace of a drunk man on stilts, Marcus got up to his room and cleaned up before heading down to the kitchen, looking just as professional as usual.

He arrived just as Evan asked his question, and answered as he headed to the fridge. "As for training, you guys are allowed to hammer on each other all you want as long as no one is injured. If you wanna just throw a table around with your mind or something, that's your choice not mine." He commented, then pulled an apple from the fridge and devoured it in seconds.
"Oh yeah?" Crispin challenged, raising an eyebrow. "Guess then." He smirked. "Betcha can't. A dollar even." He fished said dollar from his pocket, crumpled, and placed it on the counter.
Scott smirked. "As soon as you finish I'm good to go!" Scott was fired up. He loved a good exercise, and this time he'd be able to be a little rougher.

He went to the fridge to see what they had to drink and poured himself a glass of OJ. "Wanna make me some." He asked as he watched Evan cook.

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"You'll have to find somebody else, Scott. I'm not up for having a few of my soft, normal human bones broken." Marcus said, laughing a little. He tossed the apple core down the garbage disposal, then set about finding more food. He hadn't been hungry like this for days.
Evan grinned to himself, sprinkling cinnamon and chocolate chips into the batter on the pan.

"You know what little dude? I'll bet you twenty." he laughed out loud, placing the bill on-top of his dollar. It was refreshing to have a kid on-board, even though Evan was alarmed at the youth in question. 'How would he hold up in battle?' he asked himself, suddenly feeling the urge to protect this child with all of his strength. It was his duty, after all.

He heard Scott's challenge and smiled. He turned to the guy, letting the pan flip the batter itself.

"Hey Scott, I'll take you on. No holding back, we fight like we wanna hurt each other." he stated. He'd wanted to test their skills for a long time. The Juggernaut was a threat to the X-Men at one point. Evan wanted to see if that same potential was in his son.
"Maybe not, but if you are psychic or whatever, you definitely deserve a dollar. That's so cool!" he was practically bouncing with excitement, and climbed into a chair, resting his elbows onto the surface before him.
Scott almost couldn't contain himself. He couldn't remember the last time he let loose. He had almost a maniacal grin on his face. "You got yourself a deal." He looked over to Marcus, "you sure you don't want a warm up round with me." He jested at his earlier comment. Scott knew that his father had been a major problem for the X-men and he wanted badly to reach that level, and what better way then to go up against an opponent like Evan. He didn't even care about the damage that would ensue to the training room. He knew Marcus wouldn't like it, but what would he really be able to do about it.

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Evan placed several sets of pancakes on the kitchen counter, accompanied with forks, pure maple syrup, and other toppings.

"JARVIS, can you keep these plates warm?" He asked, hoping Mr. Stark had gotten around to programming such a seemingly useless detail into his home. The temperature of the surface increased enough to serve its purpose, further impressing him. 'I'm glad I've got a Stark helping me rebuild Celebro.' he thought while floating over everyone.

"Hey, Scott," Evan called out to the muscle-bound man, "When you're done, meet me in the training room." He then flew off, hoping Gavin would notice the plate of apple cinnamon flavored breakfast items.
"Just don't kill him when you get down there Scott. We need the pretty boy alive." He said, smirking.
Scott looked at the kid. "I break anyone and anything that stands against me...could also be used as a human-shield, I guess," he chuckled, "so feel free to dick behind me if necessary." He grabbed a plate and fork and began stuffing his face. "Evan will be just fine...the room on the other hand," he kept eating. He knew that his greatest weapon against someone like Evan would be his nearly unstoppable momentum...but since he wasn't near the level of his dad that didn't necessarily apply here and depending on how strong Evan was, he knew he was in for a good match. So far he had a battle that tested his precision, which he had lost, no surprise, and this would test his ability to move against a force that was capable of stopping him dead in his tracks. He smiled as he ate, but he kept thinking how he wanted a fight that was a straight brawl. Nothing but pure unadulterated violence...that was his favorite kind of fight. Evan didn't have the ability to trade blows with him but he knew this was still going to be a tough fight regardless.

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"That's awesome!" Crispin stared, open-mouthed. "I wish I could do that." He snatched a pancake with his hand and almost dropped it because of the warmth. "Shoot," he breathed, holding it in his teeth as he wiped his now hot hands on his jeans. He took a bite and bounced the pancake between his hands regularly now, chewing.
"Thank you JARVIS." Evan replied to the tower's program. He was in the Training Room, which was nothing like the Danger Room at the Institute. Prior to arriving, he changed into green sweats with a gold trim and a white tank top. He now stood in front of a punching bag, calculating his strategy.

As soon as the idea presented itself to him, he immediately applied it. Using his TK, he punched the instrument as hard as he could. The object flew off its hinges, skidding across the floor. The technique wasn't perfect or even tactile. But it packed a punch, and Evan knew he could use that in a bind. It would only slow the man down, but Evan was sure he wouldn't have to use this gritty form of fighting anyway.

"If Scott wants a real fight, he just got one." he said to himself, cracking his knuckles and stretching.
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Crispin groaned loudly. "I'm boooored. Hey, when do we get like a mission or whatever, anyway?" he asked Scott. "'Cause I reeeeaally wanna stretch my legs, if you know what I mean. It's been a while since I've had a real good run."
"welcome home, Mr. Stark"

Jarvis said as Tony Stark himself walking through the door. There's someone else walking behind him. He just came back from California and he looks quite tired.

"Where is my spoiled little princess?"

Tony asked Jarvis and is showed that Casper is in the dining room with the others. He then turn to the man behind him and ask "Do you want to join them for breakfast?"

The man shakes his head.

"very well then, I'll see you this afternoon." Tony said, turning his back about to leave "and Tri, don't cause any trouble"

Tri just stood there watching Tony leaving the hall, then pull out a cigarette, then suddenly he see a familiar face.

"Hulk Jr." Tri said as he biting through the cigarette
"Yknow Crispin, they've got a track downstairs. You should time yourself, see how long it takes you to run a marathon. 26.2 miles." Marcus suggested, nudging the boy's shoulder.

The smell of cinnamon and apples hit Marcus like a truck. He hadn't experienced that smell since.. his parents. The telepath was inside his head.

"Evan. I appreciate the attempt, but.. please, try to not dig around inside my head. You won't find a lot of good in there." He thought, wondering if making his head-voice louder made it clearer to the telepath. Or maybe he wasn't being heard at all.

He stared at the food for a while longer, torn between wanting to eat and wanting to leave the room to control himself. Hunger won out, and he went through four pancakes before stopping.
Brooklyn strode into the kitchen, seeing some of the guys eating pancakes. She saw a few remaining on a plate, and used her telekinesis to bring it over where she sat at the table. "Who made pancakes?" she asked curiously, taking some syrup and drowning her pancakes with it.
Scott looked at the kid. "No idea little guy," restating Marcus's point, "the track might be a good idea...I'd chase you but I'd be no competition." He laughed at himself. "The star-spangled goddess has risen." He made his best soldier salute pose and held it. "Your delicious breakfast was made by none other than Evan, mam!" He screamed it as if answering a drill sergeant. He held that pose for another 6 seconds before bursting into laughter and making his way out of the room. "I'm heading to the gym right now to thank him." He heard a guy refer to someone as Hulk Jr. "Who's Hulk Jr? I haven't seen a bi-polar nerd around here." He headed off to the elevator to meet up with Evan.

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Brooklyn rolled her eyes at the America joke made by Scott, and followed him to the gym as she finished her last pancake. "I told him earlier I would spar with him, apparently he says he can improve my telekinetic skills. Wonder what he means by that," she ended with a shrug.
Evan stood next to the elevator, waiting for Scott to waltz on through. He was ready, mind set for every scenario he could come up with. 'He's gonna wish he said not.' Evan thought to himself, tying his laces and making sure every article of clothing was secure.

He was also amused by the primitive mindset, known as Tri, entering the building not long before.

"So they let the dog in the house? Great." he scoffed, wondering where Wolverine was at this moment.
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"Great. Now we have Juggernaut Jr. here too?"

Tri thought as he watching Scott going up the elevator. "When did they allow criminals into SHIELD? And that mofo didn't even recognize me..."

Tri intent to follow Scott, but he still having an unfinished business with Damien. 
Tri knew about the existence of Evan. But he doesn't care. He knew Evan doesn't like him as much as he doesn't like Wolverine. Hell, that little brat is just like Quentin Quire. The only thing Tri worry about is that Phoenix Force Evan got inside him. He doesn't know when Evan is gonna turn into Dark Phoenix.

But it's not important right now

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