Next Marvel [Inactive]

Brooklyn eyed Scott warily as he kept a firm grim on her ankle. "That's why I didn't get too close. If I weren't a mutant, you'd be creaming me right now. I'm pretty strong, I got that part from my dad, but I wouldn't be able to beat you in an arm wrestle that's for sure. Speed is my thing," she mused, smiling at Scott. Having gotten Evan's message, Brooklyn glanced over at him with a suspicious eye.
Casper turned back to Marcus sighed and said "Marcus, you shouldn't do something that stupid if you are angry!" Casper examined his bloody knuckles "Promise me you won't do something that pathetic like hurting yourself on purpose again?! We now have to set a good example for Crispin" Casper added putting a hand on Marcus's shoulder.
Scott released her. "You're definitely good. I haven't been caught off guard like that in a while." He moved outside of the ring. "Clearly I've got some things to work on." He looked up to where that voice had come from. "Indeed, he was no World Breaker..." he said under his breath.
"He's a smart looking kid. Probably already knew he doesn't need to hurt himself to feel better." He replied, smirking. "I on the other hand, well.. No one ever said I was a genius, or took good care of myself. But thanks for the concern."
"Yeah, your agility might need some improvement. Maybe I can help you out with that," she replied to Scott with a grin. Brooklyn quickly left the ring and walked over to Evan. "You said you wanted to talk to me?" She ran a hand through her hair, brushing it out of her face.
"Yes. It's about your gifts." smiled, finally getting to do something fun. "I'm gonna teach you how to expand your telekinetic abilities. But in order to do so, we are gonna need to duel. Think you can handle it, Mini 'Murica?" he asked jokingly.
Casper sighed because her words of hopeful encouragement for Marcus once again failed to reach him positively "Well Marcus, I guess you can go back to doing whatever it was that you were doing before I called you down here instead of staying here with Crispin and I. I'm going to show Crispin around the Tower because he seems intrigued by it" Casper says smiling at the cute little happy boy.
"I wore myself out already. I think I'll just go clean up. And.. again. I'm sorry for, well, coming off as a thin-skinned jerk. It's been a long week." He replied, then patted Crispin's shoulder before heading down to his room. He was in desperate need of a shower and some clean clothes.
Damien gripped his pack and decided he'd seen enough for the time being. Sparring had no meaning where he was from. Every fight, even a friendly one between comrades was a true battle where they pushed themselves to the limit. He definitely wanted to pitch himself against the Scott as it was clear that he was very strong but it wouldn't be a fair fight after he'd already been sparring for a while. Besides, a simple ring would not do them justice and would most likely get destroyed in the process. No...they needed a real fight in order to truly test themselves against each other..... There'll be time for that later I'm sure, he thought to himself as he walked out of the room.

He'd overhead someone saying that their quarters would be on the 10th floor and so he found the elevator and proceeded to head down there.
Aria got tired of watching people spar and retired to her cabin. She took a long bath to soothe the tension in her muscles and headed to bed under the silky sheets.
"If you need anything just ask JARVIS. If you need me have JARVIS alert me. It's ok. I would apologize for any smart ass comment I've made but we all know with be being a Stark there are plenty more to come." Casper said winking at Marcus. She then turned her attention back over to Crispian and said "Sorry about him. So what do you want to do? I could give you a little tour of the tower and introduce you to the others or would you rather me just show you to your room and leave you alone?" Casper asked the boy.
Brooklyn pursed her lips at the America joke, but shrugged at Evan. "I could use some practice, but first I want a bite to eat. Sparring makes me hungry," she replied, twisting her hair into a braid. "You guys wanna come with?"
Damien found his room with ease and smiled when he opened the door. It had been made to resemble Sakaaran architecture even down to a stone bed. This was not necessary but he appreciated the gesture. He dropped his bag and ducked into the room. He removed a pouch from his bag and placed it on the table next to the bed. It contained soil from his home city.

He looked around and found the shower and enjoyed a long hot one before retiring to his bed. It was only when he finally laid down that he realized he'd been awake for days by now. He said a quick prayer to his mother and immediately slipped into unconsciousness.
Marcus didn't know just how tired he was. It was almost certainly due to the prior sleepless night, the exhausting workout, and the general stress of the day, but he very nearly fell asleep standing up in the shower. Coupled with the hunger he was feeling, he was ravenous and simultaneously too tired to get food upon drying off and getting dressed.

"JARVIS." He called out lazily. "Can you get me a meal or is that too much for your processing power?"
Evan raised an eyebrow and sighed in defeat. 'Agent Castrato had a point after all.' he thought to himself while silently flying out of a window. He returned to the story he was on previously, walking in non-nonchalantly. They would have to train at some point...otherwise, he'd have nothing to keep himself distracted.

And he couldn't afford another accident.
"Actually you know what, I'm exhausted. I've had a busy day. We will continue the tour tomorrow. If you need anything my room in on the 19th floor. Your room is on the 2nd floor along with everyone else's. Due to the fact this tower is partly mine I get two floors to myself. JARVIS will take care of you. Night kiddo" Casper said messing up his hair with her hand and she walked to the elevator to go to her private floor. One Casper got there she collapsed on her bed and groaned "What am I getting myself into. And why can Marcus just have a little bit of belief and self confidence?!" out loud.
Peyton sat in the back of the car as it pulled up, her mind a mess. Some dudes in suits had shown up at the home randomly and told her some weird mumbo jumbo that she was pretty sure only happened in movies or books and this was neither, just her stupid life. They'd then proceeded to load her into a car and take off with her dragging her to America of all places when she'd never even been out of the country before...

Now they'd stopped she was told to get out and get inside 'Stark Tower' and she guessed that must be where she was? wherever it was... With a sigh Peyton headed inside and if she wasn't already in shock, she damn well was now. This place was massive! Staring around she felt totally lost here, way too big for her liking and she seemed to see no one else around either making her completely alone which sucked ass and just left her even more confused.
"Agent Gavin, I don't mean to wake you from your nap, but Ms. Peyton has arrived." JARVIS' voice announced, waking Marcus from his rest. He had fallen asleep in the Chinese food platter that had been delivered to his room, and he wasn't happy about being awoken. He found a napkin, cleaned himself off, and began to head downstairs. He hoped someone else had found her and briefed her already, but he doubted he could ever be so lucky.
Scott gathered his things and stood staring in the full body mirror for a minute, his technical skills weren't up to par for ring sparring against other mutants and that didn't sit well with him. He needed something more sturdy than that, some place he could really cut loose and show just how powerful and how destructive he could be. He recalled that guy's comment from earlier. He was well of The Hulk's power, which was the only power aside from his father's that he respected. He needed an opponent of that caliber so that he could go all out.

He left the gym and went to find his room. It didn't take long for him to locate it, and once inside he placed his things down, quickly showered, changed and laid in the bed to rest his eyes.
Astrid got out her mums rusty pick up truck and said goodbye as she drove off. She looked at her texts again, yep she was at the right place. It had been about an hours journey to get here from her small house on the outskirts of New York. She walked up to the entrance to stark tower which looked even bigger close up.Astrid followed another girl into the building and up to the second floor, she wondered what there mission was, fury hadn't said much. she walked into a room full of beds and sleeping kids all a lot older than her, found a bed and went to sleep she'd find out what was going on in the morning.
Evan found a spot within the expansive living room and crossed his legs. As he prepared to meditate, he made sure no one else was in the room. Centering his mind to get there would was the only part he had trouble with. After he made sure he was entirely alone, he began to concentrate--making a bridge into the center of existence. As he did so, his form began to levitate, into the vast amount of air above him. His mind zeroed in on the location, entering the White Hot Room. "Jean..." He called out. Evan never knew where she was until she revealed herself to him.

"I'm over here."

He turned around and there she was, sitting at a white Marbled Oak table.

"Welcome back, Evan. A little birdie told me you had an exciting day." she smiled. Evan pushed his hair back and grabbed a seat with Jean.

"Everyone is okay, I suppose," he said, picking the lint off his white sweater, "Except for Agent Gavin. He's pushy. And sarcastic. He says all the weirdest things and when I respond, he treats me like some sort of nuisance rather than some one that can help." He looked down at the table and drummed his fingers next to the cup of tea that appeared.

"I just wanna help." he said, a hint of melancholy in his voice.

"I know," Jean stated, leaning her face on one of her yellow gloved hands, "You're on the right track. I can tell you that much. But,--and hear me out on this one-- you need to let your teammates in. Stop blowing your top off every chance you get. Because this power will do that to you." She stood, remembering the havoc she wreaked as the Dark Phoenix. Evan sipped the tea, chamomile and mint, as she spoke.

"Being attuned with all of existence can corrupt you. I know that better than anyone else. You need to go back, apologize, and relax a little. It won't get you if you don't let it." she smiled.

Evan stood up, but Jean motioned for him to sit down. "Evan, I'm not done. There is still the matter of you yelling at the Professor, young man..." she said, quite sternly.


After 5 hours**, Evan fell back to the floor with a "thump".

"OW! Were you waiting a lifetime just to use that speech?!" He asked, using his pinky-finger to soothe his eardrum.

**time flows differently in the WHR
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Marcus attempted sleep that night. But, as per usual of the last week, he was either plagued by nightmares or unable to sleep at all. He figured the others would all be asleep, which at least meant no one would see him become a wreck again. Casper had gotten a bit worried the last time she had seen him bloodied by one of his own workouts.

But it was around 2 am, and no one was awake but JARVIS. He rolled out of bed, found his way to the fridge for some water, and took the stairs down to the gym.

"You should know exercise isn't conducive to falling asleep faster, Agent Gavin." JARVIS' voice called out from the gym entrance.

"Yes Jarvis, I know." He muttered in reply. He wasn't going to sleep no matter what he did, and this would be the third night with less than four hours of sleep. He hoped Stark had some especially high caffeine coffee beans, because he was going to need something to keep him awake that day.

But he could find the coffee later. He was in the gym by now, and that meant he could do something with himself, at least. He hit the track, planning to literally run himself into unconsciousness.
Left, right, left, right, left, right, left, right, left, right, left, right. One leg in front of the other. Just don't stop.

He ran, and completely lost track of the time. The next time he was awake, he was lying down on the floor of the gym. The others were probably awake by now.
Evan had not slept that night. In fact, he hadn't slept since he was resurrected. It didn't bother him much, running on energy that could devour galaxies. He'd sat on the luxurious couch all night, crocheting while watching HBO. "Wow....this True Blood stuff is really cruddy." He said as he added another stitch to the row of his green, gold, and white beanie. He hadn't been exposed to much media in the Institute, leaving him behind on many trends. Evan turned the television off and floated to the kitchen, opening the refrigerator. He figured he could make pancakes for everyone else who was going to wake up.

"JARVIS, can you provide some organic ingredients for me?" he asked aloud, feeling ridiculous talking to mere air.

"Yes, Mr. Grey. I can have everything you need delivered within fifteen minutes and charged to the SHIELD expense accounts." The program responded.

"Please, call me Evan. And have the charges billed to the Institute. I insist." Evan responded, not wanting to have to answer to Fury when he'd see eggs on his expense receipts. He started grinding coffee beans after typing what he needed into the computer's interface. He hoped today would go smoother than yesterday did.
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Maria hid herself away an abandoned building for the night, however there was no time for any sleep not that she could if she wanted to. She sat in one of the smaller rooms reading the material she could under the light generated by a lightning ball running through her hand. The same sort of stories run through the magazines and newspapers: powerful beings swooping out of nowhere and saving the day from other powerful being. She was surprised to see how many. Flying men in suits of armor, green hulking beast, groups which best identifying feature is a number and one who has based its entire persona on a miss-colored insect. Actually more than one of the latter.

One article particularly interesting, she recalled being called being called a mutant in her operation at the convenience store. Apparently many of the beings she has read about belong to a group, or species as the article put it, of these mutants, a man mentioned in this article seemed to be the so called leader of this group. In his picture the man didnt look like anything special, a bald old man in a wheelchair. A teacher no less running a "School of the Gifted."Gifted...The word struck a chord with her somehow.

"She is gifted but dangerous...Our school will train her make her powers safer and of use to society." A voice echoed through a head, gone before she could place it in her memory. Damn this head, she though rubbing her forehead, what did it mean? Is this xavier fella involved in what happened to her? It was a sorry lead but even if he wasn't, it is a sympathetic figure to her kind and source of information, having a contact like him wouldnt hurt.
Casper I merged from her private room and came back down to the deck with a head full of messy hair. "Good morning" she grumbled stretching ((I'm at school so I won't post much till I get home))

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