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"You're judging your prospects on a group of teenagers who don't know each other, Agent Scrub." Evan grumbled. He didn't exactly find himself warming up to Gavin. He was rather rude, and the more he talked, the more Evan wanted to hurl him out of a window--with his bare hands.
Aria decided to move to a punching bag, considering her archery skills were pretty good. She walked into the area with the boxing ring a picked up a punching bag an hung it up. She prepared herself, starting with a few slow punches, gradually getting into a rhythm. Her system calculated when to increase speed. Soon, it calculated her fist going at 20 mph.
"I don't have regenerating powers, recovery abilities, or a supernatural god watching over me. Don't forget, I am just as human as you are. I think our group has the ability to overcome the Skrull and Kree. Evan is right, you haven't even given us a chance to prove ourselves! SHIELD wouldn't of picked us to do this if they didn't think we were strong or powerful enough to do this. So don't you dar just assume things about us like that!" Caspian said raising her voice a bit.
Scott had eyed Brooklyn throwing and once she was done, he paused. "Wanna try out some close-quarter sparring." He smiled and winked as he gestured her up into the ring. "Practicing alone can be quite dull, ya know."
Evan glared at the man associated with SHIELD. He really wasn't the type to get into petty arguments, but today was really annoying him for some reason. "Cas, you got anything I can just...DESTROY?" he asked, pushing his red hair back with his free hand.
"Why not? I was looking for a dummy to practice on anyways," Brooklyn teased as she set the knives down and stepped into the ring. She flexed her fingers at her sides and grinned at Scott, already beginning to calculate her strategy.
Marcus sighed. The others clearly didn't understand his situation. "Listen, please. I have no doubt that each of you is capable. But I haven't seen you in action. If we're going to pull this off, we need to get along as a team. So far, all of you, with the exclusion of Damien, have made a conscious effort to not like each other. Sorry that my prediction isn't fortunate when I'm left in charge of a pack of emotionally volatile children." The words poured forth, with no control. He wouldn't have ever said that if he had been in control of himself, but he had already reached his limit before entering the conference room. The fact that they were all pushing his buttons wasn't helping his case.

"I'm. I'm sorry. Forgive me. And.. excuse me." He whispered, then pushed through the crowd around him and walked down the stairs, headed for his room.
Aria stopped for a second and looked over to the ring. "I call next!" Aria shouted cracking her knuckles.
Scott smirked at her comment. "Don't let the physical ability fool ya," he began to bounce on the balls of his feet, "Let's see what you got!" He stepped in, throwing a few right handed jabs just to get a feel for her movements.
"Well that went lovely" Casper said to Evan as Marcus walked away from them. "I wonder what his problem is with us? I mean he hasn't even know us for over 24 hours!"
"If he can cool his britches, it'd be lovely. Doesn't help that he is upset, nor that I can hear his thoughts louder than anyone else's." Evan sighed. Then, he remembered his query. "Hey you know what Celebro is?" he asked, hoping she didn't need a lesson on brain functions of a Telepath.
"Ive heard of them, I know the basics of how it functions, and what they are used for. Though I have never dealt with one in person. Why?" Casper said raising an eyebrow at Evan wondering why he was interested in celebros all of a sudden.
Brooklyn dodged his hands with ease, her keen ability to detect his movements and avoid his strikes giving her the opportunity to pivot and evaluate his weak spots. She kept it simple at first like he did and jabbed back. She didn't want to use her more strategic moves until he actually started trying.
Damien watched the confrontation unfold in silence. This is my team? My Warbound? They don't even like each other....we'd be defeated easily. He said nothing and decided to explore the rest of the Tower. He walked off a wandered around. Save for the room he was just in the rest of the place was had those annoying short doorways.

"These were clearly not made for a Sakaaran.", Damien thought to himself out loud. He found himself in what seemed to be a training room. He was on the upper ring and a girl was looking down at two others who seemed to be ready to fight. Ah....a chance to see their combat skills in person...this will be useful. He leaned on the rail a bit ways away from the girl and watched the two fight.
"We need one. I figured you had the capacity and know how. " Evan stated frankly. "And technically, we don't have to ask Agent Barney and Friends if we can. And I know we can." he stated confidently.
A small grin appeared as he watched her gracefully dodge his hands. He was impressed by how easy she made it look, and as she threw out her jabs he bobbed and weave them. "Okay, Okay. You've got some skill. Let's see about that speed of yours." He quickly stepped in and threw 2 left jabs, a right cross, and then a left left hook combination.
God d*** it. Or Odin, or the Beyonder, or the Celestials, or whatever omnipotent beings were out there. He cursed silently to himself for the rest of his short walk down the stairwell. He went into the room designated as his, and found it to be far too large for just him. It was practically a pent house unto itself, and he knew he would end up being lonely in there. But between Evan and the others bickering back and forth, he wasn't entirely sure he wanted to be around them anyway. He knew sooner or later he would have to get them together and make them play nicely, but after the week he had had, he just wasn't ready for that.
Crispin was practically bouncing out of his seat as the car pulled up to Stark Towers. He dashed out of the door as soon as it halted and gazed in awe at the luminous logo high above. "Whoa..." he breathed, a smile slowly forming. "This is awesome!" He sped up to the door, almost tripping.


Sorry I'm so late! DX And for the shortness gah I suck =P
"So... what? You want me to build you one here?" Casper asked Evan raising an eyebrow. 
"Approaching human Miss." JARVIS stated on the intercom.
Evan chuckled--partially from Cas' question, partially from Gavin's plea to celestial wonders like his Mother. "Yes, we can build one. I've got the blueprints and manpower, you've got the material and technique. I wouldn't be surprised if we improved the old thing." he laughed.
As Scott began his second wave of attacks, Brooklyn felt her body maneuver to avoid the first set, and then blocked the hook move with her forearm. She recognized this strategy; her father had taught her to move against one similar to Scott's.
Damien watched the two with keen eyes. Year's of battle and training helped him to become quite proficient in reading others through fighting. The male seemed to be holding back, he could sense the arrogance in him. This is someone who isn't accustomed to losing. The girl was the opposite; he could see that she had no ego in the fight. Calculating and cautious....yes....she can be quite deadly if she wants to.
"Of corse I can make the old thing better, you are talking to the queen of engineering here" Casper chuckled and smirked. "Show me those blue prints. Best no to tell anyone about this for now. Ok?" Casper asked.
"Um..." the curly haired boy trailed. "Hi! I'm Crispin...Miss Agent Hill said to come here...? This is so awesome by the way!"
This wouldn't do. This wouldn't work at all. Marcus sighed and got up from the couch he had half-heartedly slumped himself across. He had to do something to work past this latest wave of stress.

He reluctantly got up and changed into his workout clothes, then found his way down to the gym. He passed by the others silently, finding his way to a punching bag. After some warm up stretches, he laid into it with all his pent-up anger and annoyance. It was a flurry of pounding blows, each one steadily beating away at the bag. As he punched away, his knuckles began to crack and bleed. He took note of it, but continued for another five minutes before stopping. When he finished, the floor around him was stained with blood droplets and sweat, and the bag was in no better shape.

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