Next Marvel [Inactive]

"Yeah. I guess facing death in the face is scarier than I thought." Ari said, looking down at her guitar. "Plus, I came to the realization that if I died, only my parents would miss me. I have no one else to hold on to."
"Oh, you heard about the whole 'sacrifice' thing too?" he said, looking up. "At least you have your parents who would miss you. My dad's...gone, I don't know where. And my mom...she's gone too. But I was there when she left." He brang his knees to his chest and wrapped his arms around them, drawing them even closer. "Everyone else doesn't really seem to matter, you know?" He didn't look up.
Ari looked at the boy. She saw his sadness an wrapped him in a hug. Everyone liked hugs, and apparently she was the source of the most hugs ever.
Crispin almost gave a cry when she enveloped him in her arms, but fought against it. It was nice, being hugged. He hadn't been in a while. He hugged her back, and a single tear pricked his eyes. "Ari?"
He contemplated telling her. No. It was stupid. "What are your parents like?" he asked, hoping to change the subject to a happier topic.
"They love you though, right? Even though they're strict and...terrifying?" he trailed, a smile barely touching his lips at 'terrifying'.
"That's cool. I always thought being a spy would be cool. Fun, exciting. You know, like a superhero. But...this isn't fun or exciting. I hate being a superhero. I hate it! It's all death and sadness and fighting...and not like ninja awesome spy kind of social drama fighting, and everyone hates each other. It's all terrible and I hate it! I wish I didn't have powers! I just want to be normal!" He buried his face in his arms. "I just want to be happy again..."
"Well think. The grass is always greener on the other side. So just live in the weeds with people who like you for who you are. A super hero." Ari said.
He looked up at her. "But they don't. That's just it. They just see me as a burden, just the annoying kid they need to protect. I'm not a hero. Much less a super hero." He stared out into the city, and his head hurt.
" Well then prove that you are. If someone bullies you, you punch them back twice as hard. That's my motto at the least." Ari said.
(sorry, I'm back)

Tri woke up after a long day of sleeping. He scratches his head and thinks about what happened. Then he walks out of his room.
"You think Marcus is gonna do it? Or Casper?" he asked, turning to Ari. The silence had been awkward for too long, so he tried to make small talk. ...Unhappy...small talk, he noted.
"Me neither." the boy replied, looking away again. well, THAT obviously didn't work. Obviously. He figured she was done with talking. He got up and started to leave. "Well, see ya.." he trailed, unsure of what else to say.


Is this roleplay still going?? There hasn't been a post for 4 days!! =/

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