Next Marvel [Inactive]

When he got to the designated floor, JARVIS tried to stop him. This led to Evan blowing the doors off the thing entirely. "Marcus?" He yelled out, stepping over the now useless parts of an elevator that the Starks could easily replace.
Oh what the hell does he want now?

"In here!" Marcus called back, slowly shifting himself into a position that wouldn't be as questionable if anyone saw it.
Casper started thinking that this might very well be her last night on earth so she randomly asked Peter the one question that has been on her mind since Marcus and Evan started teasing Casper about him and her hooking up "Peter, do you love me?" Casper blurted out. "What?" Peter stuttered. "You heard me Peter Parker. Do you love me?" She asked again. "I guess I do Casper..." he replied nervously scratching his head. "Casper Juniper Stark, will you be my girlfriend? Officially?" Peter asked bending down on one knee as if her were about to propose to her. Casper stood completely still out of shock and confusion.
Evan wasted no time getting to Marcus' room. He stormed in, walked over to where the man was sitting, grabbed him by the shirt, and kissed him. All the fire and emotion he felt was laced into that one act. He let Marcus in, showing him everything he felt from the first time they spoke. The anger, the frustration--and all of the moments where he wished Marc was his. When he wished he could just take away the constant pain. 'I always heard it's time you heard me. You might die tomorrow...but you'll always live within me. I won't ever let go, not even for a second.' He released the man, then took a step back.
Marcus lay still, in a near-paralytic shock. "Evan." He whispered, slowly pushing himself to his feet. "I can't. I can't do this. I am going to die tomorrow, Evan. I can't do this to you. Please, don't make me put you through so much pain later by doing this now. Please." He pleaded, tightly embracing Evan. "Don't do this to yourself. Don't."
"I have to." Evan whispered, close as humanly possible. "It's the only way to accept that you'll be gone. The only way I won't just be selfish and keep you. I'd let the world burn if only just to see you smile one more time."
Once reality smacked Casper back to normal and she realized the word that came out of Peters mouth were not just her imagination she said "Yes Peter Parker. I might die tomorrow. I know I'm hella drunk right now. But hey, let's get married before I die! I will be Casper Juniper Parker-Stark" Peter laughed at her and kissed her. "Love, you are drunk right now but I don't care. I'm probably drunk too. WE ARE GETTING MARRIED!" Peter hiccuped/screamed and picked Caster up and spun her around.
"If everyone dies because you make me lose the will to hit that button tomorrow, it's your fault and even I can't forgive that." He said quietly, then reluctantly drew his arms back and took a small step away. "I can't, Evan. For the billions of other people on this planet, I can't."
Casper ran down back to the main room tripping over her own two feet and dragging Peter by the wrist behind her and said to the two boys "Guess what?! I'm getting married!" With a hiccup and a grin on her face.
"Evan, please. I.. Can't." Marcus sputtered, putting a few feet of distance between them, just as Casper burst into the room. Purely by instinct, his hand flew to the gun at his hip, which he managed to fire three times into the wall next to the door before he realized who it was. "F******-A! Casper! What the flying f*** has gotten into you? Knock first! God damn!" He shouted, throwing the gun to the side. "Jesus."
Evan stared at Marcus, then at Casper, then at Marcus again. "F*** this, I need ice cream and Firefly." he said, pushing past the couple.

'At least I know now.' he thought to Marcus, keeping that belief close to his heart.

"Congrats. If you need anything, I'll be here." he said, walking toward the stairs.
"Gosh Marcus! Are you sad not that you can't make any more mean comments that really stung about Peter and I?! I'm night die tomorrow too so is rather spend my last day happy and stuff then mope around. I don't give a flying f**k anymore about trying to make you laugh or be happy." Casper said releasing her build up anger and tripping just by standing still.
"You don't get it, do you, Casper?" Marcus shouted, glaring back at her. "I am not going to let you die tomorrow. I refuse to let that happen. I care too much about everyone to let that happen. You are going to look up tomorrow, and you are going to see the sky flash red as the invasion fleet is destroyed." He continued, standing up and walking towards her. He stopped, with barely any space between them, and gripped her shoulders. "You are going to live, Casper. Because I am going to be the one who makes that ship explode, and fuck it, you are going to survive to make that sacrifice worth something. Get your head out of your ass, sober up, and realize that the last thing you should be worried about now is getting married. Do it afterwards, when you have time and can plan it to be meaningful, something worth remembering. Not a shotgun wedding to celebrate a death that isn't coming."
Tears started peeking out of Casper's eyes. "I'm not even going to try to say anything else to you because every time I say something you always have to twist it into a mean comment. I would tell you that you can't die but you will call me stupid or something even though I'm trying to be nice. I liked you a whole lot better when you were just that shy quirky boy without supernatural powers who couldn't even speak a whole sentence to me without stuttering back at HQ. now you are just mean and you push away anyone who wants to help you, even Evan. I may be drunk but I mean everything I just said! My birth name is Caspian Juniper, not Casper, and I approve this message!" She said strongly.
"You asked for this, Casper. You asked for control and leadership. Here it fucking is. This is what happens when you put a shy, quirky boy without powers in charge. He tries desperately to do the job well, even though he doesn't know how. He sacrifices everything he has to keep his people safe. Do you know what it is like living with a grim reaper inside your head? I do. I do, because I needed to be better, and I took his offer. I gave up my entire life for you, for Evan, and for all the others. Sometimes, Caspian, the hero makes all the wrong decisions, but he always meant well. I just wanted to save us. That's all I ever wanted." He said quietly, barely above a whisper.
"Don't call me Caspian ever again" Casper said crossing her arms and remembering what her life was like when she was Caspian Juniper.
"Then figure your shit out, Casper. As of earlier today, I have already given up my immortality. The contract is over. I am essentially powerless, and I will actually die tomorrow. I'm sorry we didn't get along Casper, because you seem like a decent person, although somewhat misguided. But I have an old friend to visit, so if I may be excused." He replied, brushing past her and heading out for the elevator.
Crispin was silent. He'd been exploring STARK Tower and was currently in the air vents above the main room. He hadn't meant to invade a rather personal conversation, but now that he was here, he wasn't leaving. He watched Evan and Marcus as they silently stared at each other, then Casper and her boyfriend come bounding in, followed by Evan's departure, and shortly after, Marcus. He wondered what they were talking about. That was when the realization hit him. Someone had to die? Like a sacrifice? Geeze, working for SHIELD was intense. He wondered if he was the one who would be sacrificed. That wouldn't be so bad. He hadn't done much in his young life, and really had nothing to live for, if he was honest. No parents, no siblings, no other relatives, not even any friends, unless you counted these guys, but that was the point. No one else would miss him. If he died, only these people would miss him. Tears pricked at the corners of his eyes, and he wiped them away with his sleeve before they could fall. He was strong. He could do this. He then crawled back down the vent, trying to push everything about death from his mind. It hurt too much to think about.


Geez, I made this way too sad =/ Frick
Marcus was practically blinded by anger and sadness. Upon finding the elevator broken, he began his long descent down the stairs. Finally reaching the first floor, he left a phone number at the front desk that any of the others could reach him by.

He took his car and headed for the nearest interstate. Maine was a good ride away, and he needed the quiet and solitude of a car, not a plane or helicopter. He left New York behind him, headed north, knowing he would have to return within a day, as much as he didn't want to.
"Peter!" Casper called out to him. "I'm going to Istanbul for the day. I'm taking one of Tony's private jets". Casper had decided she wanted to visit her real home before she and her team had to battle the Skrull. "TURKEY?! Casper please don't tell me you are actually planning on flying to Turkey!" Peter said. "Peter, I am going no matter what you tell me. You can either come with me or stay in New York." Casper replied. Peter rolled his eyes sighed and said "Fine, give me 5 minutes so I can grab my stuff". Casper smiled and headed up to the launching pad.
Marcus drove for hours, the car stereo blaring the latest pop smash hits. Finally, he reached his destination, a lonely marble building by the windswept coast of Maine. Up on the cliff, he understood why SHIELD chose this place to send their wounded heroes; it was peaceful. The building itself was beautiful, a masterwork of architecture that would usually be owned by the world's economic elite. It was practically a mansion, wrought from SHIELD's dedication to their survivors.

The sign above the front door read "The Sheer-Cliff Institute of Recovery" in crisp, black lettering. Marcus approached the front door and tapped the buzzer next to it.

"Hello, Sir. Did you have a visit scheduled?"

"No, but I figured no one would mind if I surprised a friend of mine who lives here."

"Sir, I'll need to see some identification."

Marcus flashed his badge at the camera positioned in the small groove above the door. Moments later, the gateway opened up, allowing him entrance.

He entered hesitantly, almost like a lost child in a large store. He approached the front desk of the sanitary, white-tile lobby, which was being run by a young blond at the time. "I'm.. Here to see Eliza." He said quietly, addressing the secretary.

"Third floor, Room 7, Mister Gavin. Have a nice visit." She replied, not even looking up from her computer.

Here goes. He thought, heading deeper into the building.

The interior was well-decorated and well-maintained, something uncommon for a place like this. But, then again, he didn't find it surprising that SHIELD could hire a large staff to clean the place. He explored the halls for awhile, soaking in the silence. Mortality rates were higher than wounded rates, so there weren't many people left for this place to keep.

Finally, after twenty minutes of exploring the solemn halls, Marcus found the woman he had come to see. She sat in front of a computer, her wheelchair slowly rocking back and forth as she typed away. She was still pretty after all these years, and her black hair still framed her face perfectly. "Hey Marcus." She whispered, her soft voice shattering the silence like a brick through glass.

"Eliza." He replied quietly.

"Been a long time since I've seen your face, hun." She said, her voice tipped by a light southern accent and a barely detectable measure of disappointment.

"I've been busy." The excuse dropped from his mouth, lacking in substance and quality delivery.

"Of course you have. So busy that you couldn't visit the girl you fell for and then left to die."

"I'm.. sorry. For what happened to you."

She wheeled the chair over to him, staring up at him with her big, blue eyes.

"I know that, Marcus. Doesn't mean I've forgiven you for forgetting about me." She said, years of pent-up frustration slowly coming to a boil.

"It was an order, Eliza! You know I would never abandon you like that by choice." He replied, avoiding her steely gaze.

"An order that nearly killed the one person you ever brought yourself to love."

Marcus sighed softly and sat down on the single chair in the room.

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Ari had spent most of the day at the top of the tower, trying to sing away the fear inside her. She hated the thought of near death, yet the only people who would probably miss her would be her parents. She sighed and continued to sing. She chose the song Say something to sing away her worries, not knowing what was to come, she cried her heart out as she sang.

(I missed a ton.)
"Are you okay?" the kid gasped, seeing the tears in her eyes, obviously concerned. "What's the matter?" He came to her side and sat down next to her (not too close, mind you...wouldn't want to be too weird). "Do you not wanna talk about it?" He frowned. Gosh, did he sound cheesy. Whatever. It probably didn't matter to anyone. No one else was around but Ari, and she was probably too busy crying to care. Crud. Now he sounded heartless and insensitive. He mentally facepalmed. He wondered where everyone was. People were disappearing left and right. Maybe being a superhero wasn't everything he had dreamed it would be.

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