Next Marvel [Inactive]

"Damn, the way you said that last part made it sound like something really nasty" Casper joked. "So Marcus what exactly are these 'things' you have to attend to?" Casper asked smirking.
"I'm a guy, Casper. I have needs. Very, very, specific needs." Marcus started, laughing a little. "Like, fixing my hair and whatnot."
"Oh yes cause fixing your hair and whatnot sounds very guy like. So... I have to ask but I need to know everything about you and Evan!" Casper said winking. "Oh and on a more serious note, you said you would stop the comments on Peter and my relationship. But since the fist time you promised you would stop, you have broken that promise twice already" Casper said a bit more quiet;y.
Evan shuffled past the two quietly. Behind him floated books on various different topics, SHIELD reports, and a piece of chocolate cake. He sat down on the couch and started reading into them.
"Insult my masculinity all you want, but I'm the one with the attractive, likable people chasing him." Marcus replied, rolling his eyes a bit. "And, as I've said before, there's nothing to know. I'm not.. available, now. Nothing's going on." He said, sitting down again and sinking into the cushions. Unavailable, and also the worst possible time for this sort of thing.
"Hey...We can weaken the defense of their tech with an Electromagnetic pulse blast, right?" Evan asked from the couch. "That would also disrupt the integrity of their ships and equipment." he added.
"Pretty sure that'd work, Evan." Marcus answered quickly, desperate for a way out of a relationship discussion. He wasn't in the mood for it, especially with Evan sitting right there.
"Evan, don't ask questions you already know the answer to. I'll weaken their defense in no time at all. I can either hijack their system or launch a STARK missile at them." Casper said smirking.
Marcus frowned and looked around the room, glazing over the two other people completely. "I could use a vacation. Like, right now." He muttered, closing his eyes.
"I had to run it by the leader before actually applying it to the situation itself. And, with the force fields that are probably going to be running, we'll need more than your precious missiles." Evan said lowly, turning pages. "We'll need something to disrupt the system from the inside." He closed the book and looked at the two. "We need a martyr."
"A martyr. Think Jesus Christ, except this one will be strapped with explosives and go down with the ship." Marcus muttered, glancing over at Evan. He hoped the telepath was listening to his head, at the moment.

If it comes to that, I volunteer. No debating it. The rest of you matter, I'm a nobody with a badge.
"Ok yeah. I'll just give Jesus a call and say 'Hey what up bud its your old friend Cas, the one who you let get kidnapped, rapped, and forced to be a terrorist. So we need you to strap a nuke to your chest and explode a ship. Thanks, love ya'" Casper said sarcastically.
""The person who volunteers will most likely not come back." Evan said, his voice grave and lifeless.

'I'd argue, but you wouldn't listen anyway. I know you, Marc. I have no one but you. Please don't do this...'

"If necessary, we can find another way." Evan sighed.
"Don't you worry your pretty little head about it, Cas. We'll blow that bridge up when we get to it, with someone still on it." Marcus chuckled, trying to appear as calm as possible about it in front of Cas.

Someone has to do it, Evan. Someone who.. won't be missed by the world. And, lets face it, I'd look better as a statue then anyone else in this room.
'If you die, I'm not coming back to Earth. If you die, then I will search for your soul, if it takes forever.' Evan thought, hoping it would convince the agent not to go through with it. That someone would miss him.

"If you'll excuse me." Evan said, walking past the two. As he did, a number of light bulbs in the room began to sporadically 'pop'. Evan walked through the shower of glass, unable to feel anything but the void forming in his chest.
Marcus jumped from his seat the moment he heard glass breaking. When he realized where it was coming from, he sighed and slowly lowered his sore, aching body back to the seat.

You won't find it, Evan. I know exactly where it's going, and She will never let you in. Just.. let go. There's a world out there, Evan. A world that's still going to need people like you when this is all over.
"Riggghhhtttt... Ummm I think now is that moment I should say something like 'I need to go find Peter'" Casper said due to the awkward silence and Evan randomly storming off because we was obviously having a mind reading conversation with Evan.
"I'm sorry." Marcus whispered, doubting that either of them could hear him. It was intended for both of them, but he couldn't bring himself to say it any louder. At least this way, his conscience was eased.
Casper rolled her eyes and yelled "PETER I'M COMING!" even though he wouldn't be able to hear her at all. With that Casper got off the bar stool and began slowly making her way to the elevator.
"FUCK!" Evan yelled as he trashed his room. "No! I gave up everything! Why?!" He threw the bed against the wall, multiple items flying and breaking around him.
Marcus groaned and went to bed. "You've got a day left, Marcus. One more day until you actually die, because you're going to fucking kill yourself. And here you are, spending it alone in your room. Genius, you are." He said quietly to himself.
Peter was sitting up on Casper's bed shirtless and putting his pants back indie to the fact he had just woken up. "Hey there girly" he said walking up to her and pressing a light kiss on her forehead.
After finishing successfully destroying everything in his room, he made his way to the elevator. He had no clue what to say or how to say it. But hew knew he had to say something.
Marcus twisted and turned, searching for any comfortable position. Eventually, he found one, with his legs resting on a pillow, his head dangling off the side of the bed, and his arms sprawled lazily across the mattress. He felt the blood rushing to his had, but he eagerly traded his loneliness, guilt, and self-loathing for dizziness.

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