Next Marvel [Inactive]

"Sounds more like you're using him to fill a hole, considering the words 'wrapped around my finger'. But hey, not my place to say, seeing as I haven't really seen you and Peter together or whatever." Marcus said quietly, not sure if he was going too far with this. He didn't even know what he wanted, he just felt like something needed to be said.
Evan's brow twitched and the tv flickered a bit. "I....we....let's get out of here." he mumbled, standing up. "You can rest at the Tower. We can't very well stay here." he mused.
Casper quickly stood up glaring at Marcus with a face that read 'Oh you did not just say that'. "Fine. Get your asses over to the jet in no more than 10min or Peter and I are leaving!" Casper said with her hands on her hips and anger starting to slowly build up inside her.
"Oh, that's fair. Give the surgically incapacitated hero of the day a time limit because you're sensitive about your pseudo-relationship. That's justice." Marcus said, shaking his head slightly. "The way you react always screams you're not sure about the whole thing, honestly. But hey, I've got ten minutes to pull an IV out by myself, get all these monitors off, and then check out of a hospital. Guess I better get to work."
"Shut up, I'll do it. Cas, on your way out, steal some meds." Evan said calmly as he pulled the needles out of Marc's flesh as slowly as he could. "Tell me when it hurts." he told the man, not wanting to cause more damage than good.
"Everything hurts, Evan. Literally everything hurts. And I hope you know I fully intend to be whacked out on stolen morphine for the next decade, after figuring out what several deaths worth of pain is like." Marcus replied, grimacing as each needle was removed.
((Once you get to the jet just pretend Casper and Peter fly everyone back to New York because I have to go to sleep now so I can't reply once they come to the jet))
"Well seeing as you're pulling pointy things out of me at the moment, you are sort of part of the pain problem." Marcus said, hoping this would be done with soon.
"That's not what I meant, he who avoids flawlessly." Evan sighed, pulling out the last needle and dropping all three into the hazardous waste bin. "That's not what I meant at all."
"You'd think I would quit trying to do that considering you're a telepath." He muttered, slowly pushing himself into a sitting position. "Look, Evan. You can see inside my head. I threw my life on the line for you today. Considering those two things, I think you know that.. I.. I feel... Something, for you. Maybe it's friendship, or plain camaraderie, or love, or maybe I'm just a socially inept kid with a rough past who latches on to people. I can't tell you, because I don't know yet. I need time to think. You pressuring me about it slows down that process."
Marcus sighed and gripped Evan's hand tightly to stabilize himself. He stood up and leaned against him, hobbling awkwardly. "I know. You're annoyed that I can't just figure it out and commit. It doesn't take a telepath to see that one." He said softly. "But... What's the probably-not-actually-Marilyn-Monroe quote all those teenage emo girls love? If you can't handle me blahblahblah. That one."
"Well, it's not fair when I know the entirety of your mind better than anyone ese." Evan replied, bringing the man closer so that he could rest on the telepath's strong arms. "I'm jealous for a reason. I am justified on trying to get into that fortress you call a heart. And I won't stop until I do." Evan said, in a serious tone.

"Enough about it, I will wait like a child." he added with a smirk.
"Fortress? I was thinking closer to a desert. Mostly empty and full of long dead fossils." Marcus said, managing a weak shrug. "And, given what you know is in my head, you must be crazier than I thought to consider me at all likable."
"Loveable." Evan corrected him mid-sentence. "And I know it is true because...I haven't felt anything for anyone since I was reborn the first time. I was wild and reckless. You tempered me, made me a strong individual. It was because of you that I came back again." Evan stated. "So, I will search that desert until the end of days, I suppose."
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"You're not the first. Good luck trying to be the last, though." Marcus said, starting to walk himself out of the hospital. When they were confronted at the desk, he simply flashed his badge at the nurse and kept on walking. "We've got a plane to catch. Hurry up."

Time Skip -----

After the short flight, the group returns to Stark Tower. Marcus gave a short goodbye to each of the others before going to his room, in need of more rest.
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Casper and Marcus walk past the remains of the huge party and up to her bedroom. "Gahhhhh I'm so tired Peter. If you want to leave you can because I'm going to collapse as soon as I get to my bed" Casper said yawning and leaning on top of Peter about to fall on top of him. "I'll stay with you babe" Peter said said wrapping his long arm around her and kissing Casper's forehead.
"Hi," Crispin grinned, running up from nowhere. "You're back! Where were you guys? Who's that? Why was there a party? Are you guys dating?" he chattered excitedly.
"Yeah sure... I guess you could say that..." Peter said scratching his head at looking down at the little boy. "I'm Peter Parker."
Marcus didn't have time to rest, and he knew that. "JARVIS, lock all my doors. No one's allowed in, not even Miss Stark. Understood?" He said as soon as he entered the room. "I.. Suppose, sir. All doors locked. Casper could override my systems manually, if she truly wanted to get in."

"Alright, alright. Good enough for me. If anyone asks, I'm getting more post-op rest. Now patch me in to Fury."

The line rang a few times before he got an answer. "Fury, I need an update."

"Oculus reports a spatial anomaly in between Earth and their fleet. You have a few more hours at best."

"Understood, Sir. And.. Fury."


"Next time you're looking for a guy to run your new Avengers plan, you might want to do a better personality check. I can't get any of these people working together."

"I did check them. Excessively. The point was you'd have to bring them together Marcus. Personalities colliding and learning to work alongside each other. How do you think the original team managed?"

"That's different, Fury. They were adults. They had you giving the orders. You've given me a bunch of kids, no matter what their birth certificate says about age. I was supposed to be in charge of a team, not be a babysitter."

"Well, Marcus, I hate to inform you, but not every d*** thing works out perfectly. As it stands, SHIELD has provided you with the available resources to complete the mission. Do not let us down."

The call ended, unexpectedly. It was probably for the best, as Marcus was out of things to say anyway. And besides, he had other, more personal calls to make.
((Still no idea how to make my entrance, so I'm just going to jump in and walk down the street or something...))

The red haired girl sighed softly as she walked down a random street, lost in her own thoughts and not really paying much attention to what was going on around her. Seven years since she'd come into her 'abilities' and she still couldn't really control them at all. And the random glitching certainly wasn't helping anything... Looking up and glancing around, bright green eyes widened as she realized she was completely and utterly lost. "W-wha...? Where am I...?"

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