Next Marvel [Inactive]

"Y-you could hang em in your car. And, and t-then, then you'd have a.. a Toyo-sticle." Marcus said, grinning. Heh. That was funny. Because balls.

Casper woke up and mumbled "What the hell?" while scratching her messy hair. Then she remembered her and Peter slept in the jet over night. Casper look over to her left to see that Peter was still sound asleep with his long arms and legs sprawled out like a starfish.
By the time Casper arrived, Marcus was slowly starting to come down off his morphine induced trip. Still, he was a bit disoriented and foolish.

He grinned when he saw her enter the room, then ran his hands over each of his several, still raw, new scars. "Think these are a good look, Cas? I hear chicks dig scars." He joked, looking down at his ruined skin. Most of his torso was marked, and his arms and legs were a mess.
"Maybe If you were Harry Potter" Casper smirked. "So how are you feeling Marcus?" Casper said and sat on the edge of the hospital bed.
"Less like a church window, more like a person." Marcus replied, nodding slightly. He was dreadfully sore, something he attributed to the drugs wearing off.

"And Harry's only got one. I've got like, forty, so I'm probably way hotter than him now. That's science."
"Well that's good to hear. So you never explained to me how you got so banged up when I found you. Honestly last night you looked like you went inside a paper shredder. But you are looking a lot better than Harry Potter I guess" Casper said smiling.
Marcus took a deep breath before launching into his explanation. "Well.. First of all, plane crashes hurt, but that speaks for itself." He began, nodding a little. "The Hellfire Club.. mutant guys, opuesto del X-Men, etc. , captured Evan. They were trying to give the Phoenix Force to one of their members. They shot him, but as you can see, he's quite alive and well." He continued, unable to hold back a small smile at that. "Thanks to me and Tri. I got shot a few times in the process, and then one of the mutants threw me around the room like a ragdoll. I'd guess a solid five minutes of being slammed against steel walls and broken glass."
"Looks like I missed out on a hell of a time" Casper said smirking. "Are you beginning to regain consciousness because last night when Peter and I found you, you were out cold. When are you planning on coming back to the STARK Tower? Also do you plan on telling SHIELD all of this?"
"I'll.. be back at the tower soon. By the end of the day. Hopefully the Skrull take longer than expected." Marcus said quietly. "And.. SHIELD doesn't need to know that I was involved in any of this. They wouldn't be happy to know I ran off without telling them, with an imminent threat on the horizon. Our little secret?"
"Trust me, I have no interest in sharing any source of info with SHIELD. By now Tony and I are masters of keeping things from SHIELD. So your secret is safe with me and also Peter. Well for the time being why don't we develop a sort of game plan tactic for when the invasion does come to earth." Casper replied still sitting at the end of the bed.
"I.. I suggest.." Marcus started, then drew a blank. You're not awake enough for this crap, man. You've probably got brain damage, give yourself a break.

"Save people, Cas. That's the plan. Civilians come first. They're why we're doing this, because they matter." He finished, then shook his head. "I expect the entire team to let me die if it means saving one more person."
Ari sat on the roof with her guitar, trying to escape the noise downstairs. She just wanted to be in quiet peace for now. She started to sing again. This time say something was the song of choice.
"Ok. Well the evacuation plan is still in order and I got the NYPD to build barricades in the underground subway stations. Let's keep damage as far away from the STARK Tower as possible, and no not because I'm being selfish, the tower is loaded with some of the most deadly weapons known to man kind so if something crashes into the tower it could blow up and destroy over half of the east coast including parts of Canada. I'll manage the ground and conduct weapon attacks." Casper said.
"Just.. Do whatever SHIELD orders. It's our job to handle stuff like this. It's what we plan for. We're the authority on planetary defense tactics." Marcus said, looking over at her. "I mean.. Feel free to act within our team. But if SHIELD rings you up, I want you to listen very, very closely to what they say."
"As you already know, us Starks are not very good at taking orders from SHIELD but I will try my best to be a good girl" Casper said rolling her eyes and smiling.
"Thanks Cas." Marcus murmured. He almost said and don't be a hero, but this was a time for heroes more than any other. It was something he had told the other agents when they were about to go on a mission.
"There is a thing called 'closed doors' that tend to block out people from hearing us. Something a mind reader like you wouldn't understand" Casper said smirking.
Marcus rolled his eyes at the two of them. "Quit your bickering, children. Evan's probably right though, I'd rather not start a global panic quite yet in case someone is listening."
Casper rolled her eyes and said "Fine. If you want I will leave the two of you alone so I don't do anything else to make you guys mad at me. Just my very prescience aggravates the two of you."
"It doesn't bother me. Just him, because he's still under the impression that you've got a thing for me." Marcus said, smirking at Evan. "He gets jealous." He adds in a whisper, knowing full well that Evan can hear him.
"Oh please. I have Peter wrapped around my finger Evan. I'm all set. You two can go run towards the sunset holding hands for all I care" Casper said sarcastically and sighing a bit under her breath.

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