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"Oh my gosh! Peter and I came here to make sure you all didn't get yourselves killed, not to bring a goddamn picnic!" Casper said glaring at Evan.
Marcus' eyes blinked open for a moment. He looked around him foggily, taking in the blurred images of those around him.

Nope. Nope. Not ready for consciousness yet. Lets just hide in your head and sing along to Lonely Island or something. Pounding on brewskis, banging chicks right there in the sand, bros before hoes and chicks with no clothes and slamming shots and marry a man!

Marcus' semi-limp form let out a quiet chuckle.
yawns and cracks neck "I wonder..." teleports to stark tower "Is Stark still alive?" i think out loud to my self
"Ummmm... Who is this?" Peter asks turning to Casper. "That's Evan" she replied. "Well Evan what 'bendy' thing are you talking about exactly . Wait what, no! This is not the time to be having a friendly conversation!" Peter said reminding himself of the current situation at hand.
Hey. Evan. You can hear me, I know you can. I am sort of full of glass at the moment. There is this thing called a hospital, and it is awesome for fixing this type of problem. Just saying. Or.. thinking.

'Do you want me to use the 'My Little Pony" trick, love?' Evan responded mentally. "Let me get you to a vehicle so we can get you help, okay babe?" Evan said sweetly, gesturing they move quickly with his hands.
Evan, if you bring those d*** ponies in again, I will brutally kill every last one of them. And I'll do it so fast you can't stop watching. Not cool, man. Not cool at all. I crashed a plane for you, the least you could do is fill my brain with alcohol and strippers or something.
"I'll fly my jet. Peter is my co pilot. And you two love birds can sit in the back" Casper said walking towards her jet next to Peter.
"Okie dokie champ." Evan filled his head with just what he asked for...stripperized versions of himself in various shades of underwear and very fine liquor. 'Gotta play hardball.' he thought to himself. "Can we have friendly conversation at that party?" Evan asked.
"Peter! Locate the nearest hospital so we can get Marcus medical attention. And Peter, you can take the stupid mask off now" Casper said starting the engine of her jet.
I'd punch you if I could feel my arms you jagoff. Honestly, is this what you think a strip club looks like? All these lights are way off, the music is wrong, and my wallet isn't even full of singles. Also, I retract my earlier request. Ponies it is, please.
Evan sighed and changed the scene for him...

His old house in New York. With Evan making apple cinnamon pancakes in the kitchen.
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"I found a hospital we can go to in Boston. It's about a 5-10min flight from here" Peter said taking off his Spiderman mask and turning to Casper. "Ok. Parker. Prepare for take off" and with that the jet zoomed into the air.
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Oh hip hoor-f******-ay, a hospital.

This place.. It's.. home. Evan.. I. I haven't seen this place in years.

.. Thank you.
"So what happened to the dazed and confused lifeless boy back there?" Peter asked. "Well gee Peter, how am I supposed to know! I may be smarter than you at science and most things in general but just a reminder, I Do Not Read Minds!" Casper replied to Peter rolling her eyes at him. "Damn Miss hot shot. Fine I'll ask the other boy what happened if you are going to be you're usual rude self" Peter said giving her a sarcastic smile. "So um, Evan right? What happened before Miss Stark and I came here?" He asked and Casper gave Peter an annoyed glare.
Marcus explored the dreamworld Evan had given him. It was his childhood home. He knew it was in ruins, and had likely been replaced by now, but here it all was. He wandered around slowly, taking in every last detail. He'd never see it like this again. It was just like he remembered it, down to the small collected dust on the living room mantle. Thank you Evan. This means more to me than you could possibly imagine.

With a start, Marcus awoke. He sat upright, then let out a loud grunt as he felt just how sore he was. "H-hey everyone." He said quietly, slowly rotating his head to look at the others.
"Hey look, he isn't dead" Peter said smirking. "Shut the hell up Peter! Oh my gosh Marcus what happened to you?! Why did you crash the Black Bird when I was talking to you. And you where in the middle of saying something to me before the line went dead. Oh my gosh I'm just so thankful you are not dead" Casper said hugging him.
"I died." Evan replied flatly, making a face. Now, If you'll excuse me, I'm trying to subdue the guy I'm mad for, go subdue the woman you should be mad for as well." He replied, brushing the hair out of Marc's unconscious face. 'I'll tell you when everything is okay." he added, trying not to be a complete prick.

He jumped when Marc sat upright. "Holy crap! You can't just be all scary and pop up like a jack in the box, dude!" he yelled. He then frowned when Cas hugged him. "Okay, enough..." he said, "The guy is hurting as it is."
Marcus groaned and looked up at Evan. "Sorry, I'm not great at recovering from near death experiences." He joked. The next noise he made was somewhere between a hacking cough and a laugh.

"It. It was nothing Casper. Doesn't matter." He added, glancing back to her. What was I going to say to her anyway? Must not have been important if you didn't say it earlier.
"Peter! Be useful by getting a doctor" Casper said to him. "And for god sakes Peter Parker, you can walk around a hospital in a spiderman suit. Here, wear my trench coat" Casper said slipping off her trench coat and throwing it to him. "You both have quite a bit of explaining to do." Casper said putting her hands on her hips and tapping her foot to the ground once Peter left the room.
"Okay, New MJ, I really don't feel like talking." Evan said, pressing his fingertips to her forehead. The memories of the events flowed into her mind rapidly. When he was done, he smirked. "By the way, I can do that now." he added.
"You want an explanation, Cas?" Marcus sputtered, caught off guard and simultaneously offended. "We just did our job while you got hammered and then nailed by Parker. I think you owe US the explanation."

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