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10:50:11 remaining

Evan woke up in chains, garbed in a tailored white suit. He was about to question how he was brought here when none other than Quentin stood before him, hands in his pockets. Before Evan could say a word, he was kicked unconscious again.
Suddenly in the middle of the party Casper's phone buzzed in her pocket with an alert. Her phone reported 'The Black Bird is several kilometers away from New York City and is currently in flight'. "Excuse me for a moment" Casper said to the girls and Peter before she went to the communication room.

Once she got there, Casper hacked her way into the Black Bird's system and sent a message to whoever was controlling it. "This is Stark. State your identity and your business flying the aircraft without sending out an alert of?".
Marcus watched the message flare up on screen. "Don't worry your pretty little head sweetheart, Agent Tight-Ass is piloting the Bird. Not like it's your property anyway." He replied, rolling his eyes. "Now, being a big responsible adult, I've got some business to do while you drown your petty sorrows in alcohol and music."
"MARCUS?!?! What the hell are you doing in the Black Bird?!?! And by the way I am having a party to celebrate my last day of life now that I am officially the only one in the group that isn't special! So I'm sorry if I want to enjoy myself." Casper said getting a tad bit angry and annoyed.
"Casper, you're special. You're better than the average human in literally every meaning of the word. You've got an Iron Man hand blaster. You're skilled. You're.. you. Nothing to be ashamed of there." He replied, a small frown on his lips. "As for what I'm doing, I'm about to embark on a vengeance fueled crusade, as I am hell-bent on recovering our friend Evan."
"Ok.... So while Ive been stuck here wondering where the hell you guys could have possibly gone, you are in the middle of a goddamn crusade!? Give me a moment to let this sink in" Casper sighed "PS, get me a postcard!" Casper said sarcastically. "And as for the power thing, I just wish I was a little more special that a ex terrorist and hacked" Casper said. "But thanks, that means a lot I guess." she added.
Evan awoke once more, in the same place. "Quentin, what the f*** are you doing?" he asked, trying to break out of the hold of the manacles. "You know Evan, Quentin started, "Even the strongest psychic in the world can be subdued with enough power." A number of lights switched on, revealing a number of people--all focused on him. Evan watched as he raised his hand, invoking the images of Jean and Charles, dying before him. "It isn't real, it isn't real. You can't fool me." he said out loud. The older man smirked, flicking his wrist to add a third visual.

It didn't take long for Evan to realize who the broken and battered person was. "No! Stop!!! STOP IT! GODPLEASENO!" he screamed in agony as the illusion of Marcus Gavin bled out before him.
"You're not alone, Casper. I can't.. voluntarily be special. Anything that isn't normal isn't really me." Marcus muttered, shaking his head. "Keep your chin up. But now I've got some business to do, which involves crashing this Bird."

Marcus angled down towards the Massachusetts Academy, then slammed the accelerator down. "And Casper. I --"

The transmission cut off, as the Black Bird burst through the outer wall of the building. It rammed through several more walls, screeching to a halt with the tip hanging out the side of the building. Marcus was jolted by the crash, and very likely had a minor concussion, but he had a job to do. He lowered the exit ramp and stepped outside, into the Academy. "Sorry for not just using the doorbell." He called out, then drew his pistols.
"Hello? Hello? Marcus do you copy?" Casper said into the communication radio but the line went dead. "Damn it!" Casper said out loud to herself.
After Casper's departure, Brooklyn smiled at Peter and Ari before launching herself back into the party. She kept dancing and drinking until she was interrupted by a severe headache. Even though Brooklyn tried to ignore it, the pounding in her head was beginning to become overwhelming. Rather than passing out from all of the alcohol she had downed throughout the night, Brooklyn opted to leave the party and seek reprieve.
A big roar came from inside Black Bird, Tri jumped out and rip the arms of two guys guarding the front entrance. He continues into the hallway as Marcus shooting other guys, an army of masked men came out and shooting at Tri. He still rushing in, slashing his way through the hall following Evan's scent. Evan's scream is more and more cleared. It makes Tri's head hurts. He's grinding his teeth, his eyes nearly become black as he continue slashing/hacking/stabbing everyone coming his way, leaving a trail of corpses and blood behind him.

"RED!!!" He roars, smashing one masked man's head into the wall it makes his head exploded. Another roar, but this time, it's not coming from Tri. He turns around, his eyes has turned completely dark. He's grunting inside his throat.


In front of him, standing a savage figure, the arch enemy of Wolverine.
Tri's head rolled along the ground, stopping at the dismembered body of Casper Stark. At that point, all Evan could do was whimper pathetically. He didn't think it could get any worse...until a woman he didn't know appeared. She was red headed, with the same green eyes as he. She look like Jean, but wasn't her. She looked as if she had seen many things and defeated them all.

"Do you know who this is?" Quentin asked, as her form was bound in chains like Evan's own.

"Here's a hint...she gave birth to a little boy. She knew that one day, he'd have to face being the next proxy of the Phoenix Force. So, to have him avoid that fate, she gave up the most precious thing in her life. Want to take a guess?" he asked, pulling the woman's head back. She was real.
"Handle him, Tri! I'll get Evan!" Marcus yelled, leaving Tri to deal with Sabretooth. He hoped he could handle it, at least for long enough to let Marcus free Evan.

He battled his way through the building, never letting himself get pinned down anywhere too long. He ran out of ammo quickly, and had to resort to avoiding fights completely or getting caught up in the melee.

He was getting tired after what felt like hours of fighting. His watch confirmed a mere fifteen minutes had passed, but he was on his last legs. One of the masked soldiers turned a corner on him, an assault rifle leveled at Marcus' chest.


A crimson spurt filled the air in front of him. He dropped to his knees, swiftly losing consciousness.

Not this way, my little one. You have work to do.

Slowly, he pushed himself back to his feet. He felt empowered, and completely rejuvenated. I guess she IS watching out for me.

Meanwhile, the masked man had turned the other way to seek out Tri. The last act of his life would be a gurgle as his neck snapped. Marcus continued on, following his instinct more than any logical path. Soon, he found a steel door. He put his full force into it, causing the entire frame to shudder. He hoped Evan was on the other side.
When her chain was released, the woman fell to the ground in a heap. Her breathing was ragged, her skin bruised. Quentin reached into his pocket, drawing out a gun. "Tell your mother you lover her!" he laughed, squeezing the trigger. "No!!" Evan yelled out, feeling the Dark Power rise in his body. He deflected the bullet--right toward his own skull.

'I'm sorry.' he thought before it passed through his forehead.
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"So...You're here, that means Kilgore is behind all this. I should've known."

Tri said to Sabretooth.

"Yeah, young blood. But did you know the kid with the pink hair is also here now?" Sabretooth answer, he's in ready stance.

"You're a fucking liar! Kid Omega's dead!"

"You can see it for yourself...Too bad you can't..."

Sabretooth rushing at Tri, push him down on the floor. Tri uses his head and bang into Sabretooth's, then pushes him out. Tri stands up, he slashed Sabretooth's throat, but got kicked in the face after that.

"You're good...But I'm better..." Sabretooth holding his throat while grabbing Tri's face and smashes his head into a wall, then he starts cutting Tri.

"You thought you're like us...Wolverine and I...But you're not! YOU'RE A FUCKING COUNTERFEIT!!" As each word come out from Sabretooth's stinking mouth, a cut got on Tri's body and face. Blood's spilling everywhere.

"What is this feeling?" Tri is nearly unconscious, then he felt something really, really dark is covering the whole might be even larger than that...the Manticore inside him is also feel more aggressive than ever, something's touching his nerves...


Tri grabs Sabretooth's hands, with a dark, blood lust looks in his eyes, he stares right into Sabretooth's very soul.

"You're right, I'm not you, or Wolverine..." He's grunting. His body starts to grow red furs, his face turning to a lion-like face, his fangs grow longer and bigger, his claws are getting sharper and darker...


Tri breaks Sabretooth's arms like they were toothpicks, he grabs Sabretooth's throat and thrusts his right arm right through Sabretooth's stomach.


Tri said, he throws Sabretooth outside a window, into the pool. Then he turns back to normal.

"Red, I'm coming for you..."
Casper got on her computer and began tracking where the Black Bird had crashed. After a few seconds the Black Bird's GPS stated that it had crashed somewhere in the state of Massachusetts. "Why in gods name are they taking the Black Bird to Massachusetts?" Casper mumbled under her breath to herself.
Ari wandered though the crowd of teenagers consuming alcohol and tried to get back to her room. She heard a few "Hey cutie, wana come dance?" on her way there, but she shoved them aside. When she reached her room, she looked at everyone inside it and she lit her hair on fire. "OUT.NOW." She said forcefully pushing everyone out.
Marcus threw himself at the door, perhaps a dozen times. Finally, it burst open with a clang. He scanned the interior of the room, identifying multiple people within. Then he saw Evan, and the bullet arcing towards him. With a hellish shriek, he charged the nearest person. It was a mere henchman, no one special.

"Kill!" She commanded, repeating the order ceaselessly in his head.

He felt power coursing through him, like he had just been connected to a car battery. His skin was enveloped in a layer of thick black smoke, obscuring him from sight. The power was exhilarating, but it wasn't longer before he was no longer the one controlling it.

The Shade manifested itself completely, overcoming Marcus' mortal consciousness. It leaped about the room, from target to target, shredding them to mere fleshy ribbons. It delighted in soul reaving and killing for it's Lady. It's rampage was left unhampered, despite the quantity and strength of the psychic and physical blows launched upon it. It was incapable of words, but it screeched like a banshee as it committed atrocity after atrocity.

A number of those in the room simply fled. After seeing the beginning of the vicious onslaught, they could hardly be blamed. Fear and Death itself had come unto them. Those weak of will fled out of fear, those of any intelligence fled out of self-preservation.

Except for Quentin. He remained, poised and in control. He stood over Evan, watching the chaos. Finally, there was no one left for the monster to cleave in twain. It slipped away in a burst of smoke, leaving Marcus drenched in crimson fluid. "Quentin!" He shouted, charging towards the one person left standing.

He was thrown to the side, a telekinetic wave slamming him into the wall. "Where is your power now?" Quentin asked, cackling wildly. Marcus was again thrown, this time to the floor. Again and again, he was tossed about like a marionette, haplessly crushed like a child's toy.
It was nice, the afterlife. White, but not extremely hot. The first thing Evan noticed was that he was stark naked. He quickly moved to cover himself and realized he was in the Room again. Standing before him were two versions of himself: One garbed in a pale, vibrant iridescent green; The other in a bold, dark red that blazed against the room.

"So, you didn't give in," he heard Red seethe, sounding almost disappointed, "You instead chose your own demise rather than countless other people."

"That took the Original more than a few times to understand, young one." The green added. Evan stood straight, no longer phased by his nudity.

"Am I correct to assume who you are?" he asked.

"Yes," they answered simultaneously, "We are the Phoenix, now and forever more."
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"JARVIS, please tell Mr Parker to report to level 7 alone" Casper said to JARVIS "Right away Miss" he replied.

In a few minutes Peter came up to the level and asked "Hey whats up Cas, why aren't you down at the party?".

"I tracked down a few of the members of my team who went missing and they were flying in the Black Bird before it crashed. I also got ahold of the group leader who said they were about to partake in some sort of crusade" Casper replied looking at the computer screen.

"Did you locate where the Black Bird crashed?" Peter asked.

"Yeah. Right here. Somewhere in central Massachusetts" she replied pointing to the map on the screen.

"I'm afraid they may be in some sort of trouble" she added.

"Casper, you said yourself that they all have powers so they can handle themselves" Peter argued.

"What if they are in trouble Peter. Maybe we should suit up and go after them." Casper counter argued.

"Fine Casper. You and I will go suit up then we can take one of the jets to Massachusetts. Happy?" Peter said sighing.

-Launch Pad-

"Ready Spiderman?" Casper asked smirking.

"Lets go Sharpshooter" He replied getting into the passengers seat of the jet.

Casper got in the drivers seat, put on the headset, and got the plane off the ground with ease. Her and Peter were flying to Massachusetts fully armed and ready for combat.

"Look at what you have done, Quentin!"

Tri shouts, as he watching Evan's body burning with a great red flame in a shape of a destruction bird. His eyes shine a vengeance gleam. Everything inside the room started to burn into ashes. Quentin watches in horror, he didn't see Tri's coming to his direction.

"You should have stayed dead!"

Quentin suddenly snapped out of his horror as he sees Tri jumping at him. He uses his another hand and lift Tri up near THE DARK PHOENIX OF DESTRUCTION.

"Please, the almighty, please accept this savage as my sacrifice, and give me your power!!" Quentin says, as Tri's flesh keep burning away and healing again.
"Right around here Casper" Peter said looking at the map. "Ok. I'm going to land" Casper said beginning to decelerate the jet.

Once Casper landed the jet her and Peter got out fully prepared to attack. "Hello?" she called out "Marcus?" she yelled. Her and Peter searched for Casper's missing group.
"What do you want? I am dead. Again. Can't a guy get some rest?" Evan asked. The red one snickered.

"Suit yourself, I'm having fun out there." he laughed. Evan squinted, trying to decipher what he meant. When it finally came to him, he was outraged. "That's my body!" he yelled, staying steadfast from his spot. He knew he wouldn't be able to make a dent otherwise.

The green one shook his head at both of them. "That is not the point. There is a reason we look like you now. Jean has opted to become the White Hot Room itself...Don't you feel her?"

Evan calmed down and actually listened. The room wasn't so hot anymore...and if he focused hard enough he could hear singing.

"The time for a new Avatar has come." Red and Green said in unison.

"One who is both the Phoenix.." said Red

"...And whom the Phoenix is." Green finished.
Marcus heard voices around him as he lay crumpled on the floor. This had not been a good day, not at all. As a matter of fact, everything that had happened so far had just sucked. First the conversation with Evan, than the brutal murder, Evan was dead, and he felt like every bone in his body was broken. He turned his gaze up from the floor, and saw Tri lifted in the air. To the left, Quentin stood tall, clearly in control of the situation.

He dragged himself across the floor, almost halfway there. He picked up a glass shard from the floor and held it in his hand, letting the jagged fragment cut into his hand. With what little strength he had remaining, he stood up and jumped forward, plunging the glass shard into Quentin's chest. He twisted it, cutting his hand open as he buried it deeper in his enemy. "Y-you.. t-took him.. f-from me." He whispered, then fell once more. Quentin fell with him, releasing Tri in the process.

The Phoenix continued to burn in the room, where Evan had been seated. This cannot be allowed, Marcus. Deal with it. He grunted unintelligibly and rolled over onto his back, looking up at the Phoenix. He stretched one arm out, reaching up towards the Force. "Evan! If you're in there, somewhere, I need you to listen to me." He started, still coughing and heaving. "We.. need you. Here. With us. I need you. Because tomorrow.. We can't do tomorrow without you. I need you there with me Evan, because you can keep me together."

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