Next Marvel [Inactive]

"Don't worry, I'll won't let anything happen to lover boy here." Tri said, he then turns to Key and Marcus. ""While Evan helping Charles on Cerebro to find the Hellfire Club, we'll do it on foot. That would help make it faster. I hope you guys like sewers."
"Swear to god Tri, if somebody's s*** ends up on my suit you're paying the cleaner." Marcus said, rolling his eyes. "Lead on then, Doggy-Boy."
"Sure, sure...Agent Emo" Tri laughed.

They're walking on a crowded street, then Tri turns into a valley. There's a small hole for wasted and trash to come out (I don't know what it's called, I'm Vietnamese lol), then Tri turns around and ask Key and Marcus. "How well do you guys know about Morlocks?"
"Mutants, Key. Led by Callisto, I believe. Tend to steal things from the surface world, occasionally kidnapping children." Marcus answers, giving a slight shrug. "We can handle most of them, I imagine."
"yeah, also they have information that we usually don't. Let's go." Tri said, turns to Key. "Stay behind me or Marcus, ok?"

They went into the tunnel, Tri uses his nose to detect the Morlocks. With all that stinks in here, it's kinda difficult for Tri to separate a mutant's scent.
"yeah, easy way or hard way. I hope they'd make it hard."

Tri then suddenly stops. He whisper "Two guys, armed. Left turn."
One of Marcus' hands rested on his holster, the other resting on Key's shoulder, meant to be reassuring. "Noise will echo down here Tri. If I shoot, we wake the whole damn place up. Your move."
Casper wandered around the tower for about an hour looking for people. "Since so body is might as well have an infamous Stark party" she said to herself smirking and calling a ton of people telling them to come to the tower while her team was MIA.
Peyton begrudgingly drove back into the stark garage in the 'borrowed' car. She'd gotten just outside the city before she realised that she actually had no where to go, no way to get back home since she had no money but then, she didn't really have a home to go back to anyways. Now she would just have to brave the freaks and try and work out what the hell she'd walked into.
"Thanks." Tri said. "Please protect Key, and if anyone run to your way, you know what to do."

Tri moves silently like a cat around the corner, in the shadow.

"Why the hell do we have to patrol when there's a party down there?"

One guy talk to another.

"You want to disobey Callisto's order?"

"She's no longer our leader, since Storm defeated her."

"But still there's no one around to lead us, so we had no choice. Just shut up and..."

The guy still haven't finished his sentence, Tri's already knocked him down with a blow from behind. Then he disarmed the other guy and pushed him to the wall. The guy that Tri knocked down get up and start running to Marcus' direction.

"Marc? Incoming." Tri said through the communicator in his ear.
She glance up at Marcus for a moment. Guessing he was a alright guy.

But then she saw the man running over to him, she made a tornado lifting him up to the ceiling which crack his head, feeling the need to protect him.
"Understood Doggy-Boy. And.. La Chica has got it covered, apparently." Marcus replied, laughing a little. "Thanks for the cover. Shall we continue?" He added, glancing down to Key.
"she did? damn..." Tri smiles over the communicator. "Alright, go here. We need to do some interrogation which I think SHIELD already gave you a master degree."
She smile widely, ''hehe.. glad to help!'' she continued following the two men to wherever they was going to go next. but just hoping they would be out soon
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"Can't let the kid watch. Or anyone else, for that matter. Got laws about what I can't do and I'm gonna break some of them." He whispered over the communicator, intending to not let Key hear.

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