Next Marvel [Inactive]

Marcus gripped the arm rests tightly as Evan slammed on the gas, trying to get some stability. "So.. I'm Scott.. And Casper is Emma." Marcus repeated, nodding a little. "So.. you're J---"

Oh. Oh. Oh. S***.

"S*** is right! " Evan said out loud, sounding immensely pissed. "And You know what I've been doing? Sparing my own feelings for the sake of teamwork and all that crap, Ya know what? Screw it! If she thinks everything in the world is just gonna fall in her lap, she's got another thing coming to her. Evan just entered the game, B*****." he said, making a sharp right turn. "Do you wanna eat?" he asked in the same tone.
"Evan.. I.. I." He started, than quickly stopped himself. "I.. don't think now is the time for me to.. get attached to someone." That's right, Marcus. Rationalize. Make this all okay with some logic. "I mean.. Less than a full day ago, I was just a normal guy. Then.. I sort of became.. important. I need to work that out first, for me, you know?" He said softly, looking over at Evan. "I'm.. I'm not ready for anyone's feelings, at the moment. I need.. time."
"You're tying to rationalize to yourself with a telepath in the car!" He let the car drift into the next turn, making other cars swerve to keep out of the way. "You are the sorriest excuse for a man I know of. You are so afraid of letting yourself feel because if you do, it means you'll have to accept that one day you'll lose another person. You know what that makes you? A coward." He pulled to a gas station, stopping and sighing. "I'm not gonna push you....I just thought you deserved to know." he said in a calmer tone of voice, getting out of the car. 'I don't think I can drive...but I will get some snacks." he sulked, walking to the door of the building.
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God.. Could this get any worse? He couldn't do anything right.

Marcus sat alone in the vehicle, waiting for Evan's return with a mixture of apprehension and sadness. He's right though, Marcus. You know he is. You're terrified of losing anyone else. Your parents. Childhood friends. The other Agents. You lost all of them, and now you're not letting another risk in. That's what people are to you, Marcus. Risks. Maybe that's why you're so f***** up. You don't connect to others meaningfully. You've been an a****** to Casper, because you're afraid some part of you cares about her. You've just pushed Evan away because, like Casper, you're afraid you might care about him. Evan's right. You're a coward, Marcus.

The realization hit him like a jet-liner. He slowly unbuckled his seat belt to have some more breathing room. He felt violently ill all of a sudden, and needed to be out of the car. He stumbled outside, leaning against the car for balance.

You're a coward, Marcus.

Then he threw up on the pavement.
"Ummm" she blink, abit confuse on what just happen but she was acting nervous as usual. (Someone tell me what happen. .? xD )
(You are now with me in Kingston, New York, Key. We are waiting for Evan)

"What the hell took him so long?" Tri losing patient, he looks at his watch, blowing smokes from his cigarette.
"I just hope he doesn't get into any trouble on the way here." Tri said, he sighs.

(Sorry for the long wait @RedInkKid , but here is your character Evan)

Casper woke up and noticed she had fallen asleep in the weapon room and was laying sprawled across the floor. She groaned getting up stretching "Where is everyone? I the only one still in the STARK Tower?" She asked herself out loud.

Evan and Marc arrive at the institute, the car screeching to a halt. Evan steps out, looking up at the Mansion, the only home he knows. "Xavier, prepare to be pissed." he said before slamming the door of the vehicle. "Tri! We are here!" he yelled out, cutting through the bustling of the younger kids off learning their talents.
Upon arriving at the Institute, Marcus quickly put his disrupted emotional state behind him. As he usually did in unfamiliar scenarios, he steeled himself and put on a plain face. Behind the shades, he was all but unreadable to anyone except a telepath. He hoped he'd keep interactions with them to a minimum in this process.
"You don't have to yell." Tri said, he looks at Marcus, and then grab Evan.

"You brought Agent Depression?" Tri whispering. "Really?"
Key was about to smile and say hi. but she relise, stareing at Marcus feeling a little more nervous as the last time she saw him he was shooting.
Marcus sighed and looked around the Institute, taking in his surroundings. See Marcus? These are the special people. The ones who mattered before they sold their soul.

"Well.. I suppose there's work to be done. What's the word on the Hellfire Club, Doggy-Boy?"
"I'm a fucking lion." Said Tri to Marcus, then he turns to Evan. "Charles is on the Cerebro working on finding the Hellfire Club. Still waiting for his result, but like I said, they went underground, maybe completely off the grid."
"I'll probably have to do it." Evan sighed to himself. The Professor was powerful, but he wasn't enough. Evan, on the other hand, would find the dysfunctional chest set with ease. He waved hello to some of the students that knew him. He flipped off Quentin Quire, who tried to take the Force for himself in the past. Evan refreshed his mental notes on drinking anything from his hand that fizzled. "Marcus. don't be surprised if Charles knows everything about you." Evan sighed. 'Uncle Charlie, what are you doing out of bed?' he asked the old man via their private connection.
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"Evan, I've found it's safe to assume all you muties know everything about me. No offense." Marcus replied, grinning. "Yeah, yeah Tri. What for?"

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